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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Faerie Lewded, Pregnant

"Mmmmm~" The faerie practically purred as Chloe leaned forward and ran her tongue over her massive shaft, which was still iron hard and twitched against her lingual muscle. The woman's seed, mixed as it was with her honey, lacked the salty bitterness she might have expected despite how thick and evidently potent it felt as she lapped it up. Instead, it possessed an unusually sweet flavor that was immediately intoxicating, like honeyed wine, and as it settled into her stomach the warmth that spread through Chloe's body was like a drug that rapidly reignited her arousal despite her exhausted state.

The faerie woman grinned down at her as she cleaned every portion of her shaft strip by strip, followed by moving to the tip that then sported a fresher glob of pre mixed in with leftovers that were oozing from her freshly used sex. A more intense moan of satisfaction and pleasure left her lips as Chloe lapped at the flat, flared head of her conjured member, and she reached out to delicately lace her fingers through the mage's hair to encourage her to continue.

"You are just incorrigible~ Do you like the taste?" She would say after a few moments, grinning down at Chloe. Insatiable she was, though the human's stamina was rapidly running out, "would you like a... Larger sampling? Or shall I finish inside you again to... Make sure that it takes?" It seemed that she was intent on taking Chloe to her limit and beyond, but with aphrodisiacs spreading through her system and the knowledge of just how good the woman could be fresh in her memory, whether or not Chloe would actually be able to resist was questionable... But still possible, at least for the time being.

Can't she? +______+
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

"It tastes wonderful Mistress.... but.... I cannot go on." Her own voice dipped with sadness but she knew her limit and she was at it, any more might cause her physical harm. Instead Chloe leaved forward and kissed the faye woman before relaxing beside her playing out what sexual energy she had left with teasing the woman's breasts.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Faerie Lewded, Pregnant

The faerie gave a pout, but before she could attempt to do much else to Chloe the door of the house opened, and from the main room Lord Aaron's voice called out; "Chloe? Are you in here?"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Much like a teenager getting caught by their parent Chloe jolted up her mind clearing for a moment form the haze of lust. Scrambling out of the bed Chloe attempted to get dressed in a rushed manner. As she began to slip on her robe she then remembered what exactly had transpired and threw the faye woman a rather annoyed look. But sighed she could not deny she had enjoyed it greatly. The faye woman who Chloe had never gotten a name for or had forgotten as she blasted her mind to the ether with her exception love making would have some questions to answer for if she stayed around.

Calling out to by some time for her to get decent. "I'm here Lord Aaron just.. give me a moment."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Faerie Lewded, Pregnant

"She's in here~" The faerie woman called back mischievously as Chloe bolted up, turning back as the mage desperately tried to dress and giving her a playful wink. She made no effort to make herself more presentable beyond dismissing her summoned cock, leaving her naked and sweltering with blatant arousal while Chloe was still barely decent by the time Lord Aaron barged in.

The older wizard glared at the faerie knowingly for a moment before looking to Chloe, giving her a once over to make sure that she was alright, before rounding his gaze back upon the shameless sidhe who had accosted the healer in the garden. "Gods dammit Arkein! She was here as my guest, for her own protection!" He said thunderously, but the blue skinned woman hardly seemed perturbed for his apparent anger.

"Well, I didn't know that~ I had to be sure that she wasn't an intruder! You should be thanking me for being a good protector!" She replied mirthfully, but her flippancy didn't seem to steal much of Lord Aaron's anger. "And you made sure by raping her!?" He demanded, his face going red, but Arkein merely rolled her eyes and said; "Nooo~ She was perfectly willing... By the time she was in here, especially. I made sure she enjoyed every second of it, didn't I my pet?" She looked to Chloe with an expectant grin, though Chloe was by that point free to respond how she liked.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe blushed her skin almost red as a tomato. "L-lord Aaron... she is right in that regard... she did not rape me. But the Mis....." Chloe shook her head to clear it the game was over she was under no obligation to refer to her as that any longer. "She did influence the outcome to her liking. Do not be too angry Lord Aaron I am unharmed as well as my little one."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron gave the faerie a smouldering glare as Chloe backed her up, but ultimately he simply said; "Put that thing away you depraved cretin... Chloe, once you've cleaned up, come and meet with me in the parlor. We have some planning to do." With that the aging nobleman turned on his heel and left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving the healer on her own with the faerie who had molested her.

Wearing a triumphant grin, she turned and patted Chloe on her rear. "Good pet! I'll be sure to give you lots of treats later... Even though you weren't an intruder, I think I will keep you anyway~"
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Still blushing Chloe finished cleaning up and getting dressed in a less rushed manner ignoring the Faye's comments for the moment till she had finished. "That was the most intense sex I've ever had but... I'm willing to be anyone's pet. Even if the sex is that good. Besides I have my young one to think off." Her hands drifted to her belly before heading down to meet with Lord Aaron.
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 37/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Oh? Already carrying, were you?" The faerie's gaze flicked down to Chloe's stomach, her grin undiminished, though it didn't linger there for long. "Hmmph... Silly kitten~ You will think of me on your most lonely nights... Do you have the talent to make the calling, I wonder? Will I hear you one night and get to remind you of what real passion is, hm? Well... If so, you need only think of me~"

The faerie woman would follow Chloe out, giving her rear another gentle pat once Lord Aaron was in sight and causing the old wizard to glare at her anew. The faerie would be ignored, however, in favor of addressing Chloe from his chair by the empty hearth. "I have made all of the preparations... Every path coming here is being watched, and further efforts to enter the area via magic are being disrupted. They'll be flat footed when they come, will need some time to regroup... And the village has been warned that dangerous things may be in the woods. For now, all we can do is wait for the enemy's move."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Arkien's words gave her a moment's pause though her face didn't hint of the rapid thoughts that rushed threw Chloe's head. No doubt the woman was simply teasing Chloe about the passion she would miss and the young mage had no doubt that the divine faye woman would haunt her dreams for many many weeks to come. Still the words stuck with her. Arkien seemed to hint at something, and Chloe's own curiosity wouldn't let it go.

Heading down to meet with Lord Aaron Chloe couldn't help the scarlet flush that crossed her features as Arkien smacked her butt making it just loud enough for Lord Aaron to hear. The relationship between these two was interesting but more pressing matters than gossip were at hand. "Good I would hate for anymore innocents to suffer because some strange creature decided to devour my soul." Her own thoughts drifted to her friends and then the random people at the bar. She shivered slightly as the tainted dog memory surfaced. "Hopefully the nasty himself will show and we can end this or at least hurt his power base enough that he gets other ideas. I don't want to spend the rest of my life running from unknown horrors."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

"That is the only way that this will end," Lord Aaron replied gravely. "if the summoners are not killed, you will never be free. This is petty vengeance, brought on by the foolishness of youth corrupted by otherworldly madness. That might work in our favor, at least... But we must be careful and aggressive at once if we are to end this now."

He glanced towards the faerie, whom Chloe had mentally dubbed Arkien, and said; "Go and rally your forces... The pixies must be on full alert, but make sure that they don't try to get close." Arkien simply nodded, turning a smirk towards Chloe, and before departing gave the healer another pat upon her rear and said; "Stay safe now, I'll be back for you tonight~"

She took two steps and then simply seemed to vanish, leaving Chloe alone with Lord Aaron. "Go and get some rest, Chloe. I will wake you when they've been sighted."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Thankfully Chloe didn't blush this time though her breath did catch a moment. For a moment she thought about the situation but in turth there was little she could do until the foe appeared. Sighing slightly Chloe nodded and began to turn away before stopping. "Lord Aaron thank you for all this effort. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't taken me under your protection. She wanted to give him hug but she still smelled of sex from her time with Arkien.

Once in the room Chloe lay on the bed in her robes. She wasn't going to risk sleeping nude just in case the attack came while she slept. Sleeping however was difficult. Eventually she did pass into its sweet embrace only for highly erotic dreams plagued her no doubt from the previous encounter. One particularly exquisite one had Chloe slowly grinding down on Arkien's wondrous cock, slight moans escaped her lips. She slowly moved her hips up and down slowly feeling out every inch of it in her. Her left hand brushed back her hair while her right gripped Arkien's left tightly locked in passion. This continued for some time Chloe slowly building up to her climax. In her dream Arkien's hand traced some pattern on her belly completing just as she felt the hot seed burst inside her. Still others mirrored their previous encounter with Chloe servicing the perverted faye's massive tool. But eventually these lurid dreams subsided and Chloe would fall into a deep sleep untill she awoke or was woken.
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Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Though she hadn't opted to sleep in the nude and her amorous dreams kept her from sleeping properly for some time, Chloe would find her deep sleep interrupted not too long after... To Arkien lying behind her, the mage's clothing scattered in a pile on the floor even though she hadn't seemingly disturbed the blankets covering her. It was hard for Chloe to tell whether this was dream or reality, for there were some dreamlike qualities about the situation she found herself in.

Arousal raged through her, but Arkien was doing her very best to satiate the mage's amorous state. Two fingers dove deep into Chloe's sex, working in a well aimed frenzy that hit her every sweet spot that none of her mortal partners had ever compared to, no matter how familiar with her they might have been at the time. A pair of fingers toyed with one of her nipples, squeezing and offering little tugs while the palm gently smoothed back and forth across the lower surface of her breast.

"I could feel you dreaming about me~ Ufufufufu...." She whispered softly into Chloe's ear before giving the lobe the lightest of nips. "I could do it you know... Give you a second... One of mine, to join the little mortal... You'd have one human and one of faerie blood... Would you like that, little pet?" Images of pleasure whirred through her mind, every fantasy played out more intense than the last, and raw pleasure coiling through her entire being like the most treacherous of serpents.

"Chloe!" The healer was awakened, shocked back to the world of the living to find herself still clothed, and Lord Aaron standing above her, retracting his hand from her shoulder. "You were sleeping fitfully," he said solemnly, "and it is time... Something has been spotted in the woods."
Re: Healing the Soul (ranger)

In her dreams or were they dreams Chloe felt the mistress pleasing her. The woman's supernatural skill sending shortwaves threw her. Every touch seemed electric sending the poor mage into dizzying heights or pleasure. It was almost as if Arkien was making love to her soul vibrating her very essence. This had to be a dream. But.. Chloe decided it was a good one.

Arkien whispered sweet temptation into her ear. Two children at once... impossible but in her state of arousal and her mistresses touch she almost begged for it. Thankfully or not she would soon awake to Lord Aaron rousing her. It seemed the enemy was making itself known. Getting to her feet and pinching her arm to wake up she was painfully away of just how aroused she was. Her legs glided with fresh moisture and her nipples thankfully hidden under her robe, rubbed distractedly against the cloth.

Still Lord Aaron brought news of danger allowing Chloe at least for the moment to push the distractions aside. "How many? What did it look like? One of the villagers or something worse?" Following Lord Aaron out she would go over the list of spells at her disposal. Hopefully the creatures would stick to the woods in a stealthy approach, it would be easier than defending from all sides. Her heart raced the final chapter of this nightmare was about to close at least she hopped it would.
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Chloe: HP = 80, PP = 73, EP = 79/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

"Some... We aren't sure what yet, but nothing good. The local villagers have been instructed to keep indoors, keep fire close to hand, and to not let strangers in... If it is one of them, they aren't them anymore," Lord Aaron replied in a dour tone. He approached a table that had been moved to the center of the room, on which a map of the area was set up. The gardens to the east side of the house, the house itself, the pathway leading to the road, the road leading West to the nearby town, the town itself, and the sections of forest to the Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest were all marked off individually and seemed to be glowing slightly. For now, all of them save for the forest to Southwest were green, while that particular section of woodland was now red.

"Pixie messengers... Keeping tabs on unusual activity. Not good for fighting, but they'll keep us aware of the movements of the enemy," Lord Aaron explained. After he spoke the town's outline turned yellow, and the aging magus gave a troubled grunt. "They're moving into the village first... This is bad. Those people are innocent, but depending on what's been summoned there will be no telling what we might have to face. But if we leave this cabin, we're forfeiting the defenses I've prepared... Dammit!" He slammed his hand onto the table in frustration, and as he did the road turned a bright red, and a howl unlike anything that Chloe had ever heard resounded from somewhere far away. The sound penetrated the walls of the cabin, producing an otherworldly resonance within the wooden walls that caused Lord Aaron to pale visibly.
"Then we need to draw them to us to save who we can!" Chloe looked at the map and frowned.There seemed to be threats already on the road. "Ill head out as bait. The lesser creatures should pose little danger to me as long as they are not too great in number. If they get a sense that their prey is close we can save at least some of the town. Ill draw them back along the road. Prepare some traps to thin them out. I will do the same along the road." Chloe paused a moment it was a risky plan for sure. "I can not stand the thought of these innocents suffering because of some creatures grudge against me." Her mind made up Chloe headed out of the cabin to the gate with the road going over what spells she was going to use to keep her self safe. Enhancing her speed seemed a good idea as well as perhaps an arcane shield or even a summoned companion. Maybe she should trust her enchanted armor and conserve her magic. Either way she had planned to leave some nice grease traps and flaming mines along the path.

OOC + plans
Passive spell effects: Magical Accuracy +12 to hit, Potent Spells +12 resistance checks
Chloe will make 3 grease traps along the road. Each of these will be capped with a fire mine trap. If she has time that is.
1st trap (closest to the cabin) Empowered grease trap with Empowered Flaming mine 12 and 10 ep
2nd trap Normal grease and Flame mine 2 and 4 ep
3rd trap Normal grease and Flame mine 2 and 4 ep
Hopefully all the fodder hit the small ones first
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Lord Aaron's brow furrowed in a disapproving manner. "These are not like demons, or the strange creatures that invaded from the sky," he said, "Overconfidence will see us suffer a fate far worse than death, and if we fall they will slaughter that entire village. Or worse. It is what these things do! They will not come upon you as a gibbering swarm. They will wear guises that weaken you, make you hesitate, the faces of people.... Of animals that might seem innocent. You can't just sally out to meet them in battle, if you could the faeries would be doing it already. We have done all this to protect you, you cannot just... Go out there. "

If his words didn't dissuade Chloe, however, the mage would only grumble about the folly of the young and force a miniature version of the map into her hands.

View only if Chloe elects to go forth.
Leaving by the front door, Chloe would find the paved path leading off to the road much as it had been when she'd first seen it through the windows when they had first arrived. The white stones seemed to glow under the light of the moon, leading on a slightly winding route into a short stretch of forest before it cleared out into the road. Whatever had made that screech was on that road, undoubtedly coming toward them. A glance towards the map would reveal the continued presence of red on the portion representing the road, but there was as yet no other sign of danger. Laying traps took time, though the grease portion at least would not. The casting of such spells was easy, even under duress, but they took time and care to properly set up.

Making haste, she came to the road, which was little more than a dirt track occasionally lined by thick stakes to keep it marked off so that the locals knew where to keep back the encroachment of nature. To the West, on her left, lay the route to the town, while the road to her right led out into the Crolian wilderness, towards who knew what. The sounds one might expect to hear at night, the cries of birds and beasts or the rustle and creak of the wind among the forest, were totally absent. The air was still as death and as silent as a tomb. Only the distant echoes of that horrific cry remained.

The casting of the grease spell, producing a slick of flammable oily substance along the ground, was easy enough. As she set down to start preparing the trap she'd intended to make, however, that otherworldly shriek rang out again, this time closer, but if it was because she'd grown closer to it or because it was still drawing nearer she could not tell.. Not through the sudden pulsing agony that rang through her skull, like a thousand gongs had been struck by a thousand hammers in her head. When the scream died out the pain receded to a dull ache, but its effects could still be felt, subtly disrupting her concentration.

(Does Chloe continue trying to cast her traps, or do something else? Figured I'd make sure before I did anything else.)
Chloe chewed her lip. It was true the dog in the city was such proof of such, her hunters had stooped so low as to get a wounded animal to draw out her compassion. Even if she didn't fall for that trick a secound time. What if they wore the faces of her friends or even family. Could she blast a small child if the need arose? She would have to lean on the wisdom of Lord Aaron. "Your right Lord Aaron." She looked off in the direction of the village. "I pray that the villagers heed your warnings. In the mean time do we set up more defenses around the cabin or do you have something else in mind.

urge to peak riseing
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 75/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

"As do I," the dour old sorcerer added after Chloe accepted his advice. "We can't know where exactly they will come from or even what will approach. The path to the cabin is set up with alarms, but a few mines by the door or windows couldn't go amiss. Keep a close eye out as you do it... There's no telling what we'll have to deal with next, but it will certainly only get worse from here." With that he would turn towards the map on the table depicting the area around the cottage and rub his bearded chin.

"The gardens to the West are already protected by own work," he said, pointing to them on the map, "but here, the East wall... It's the opposite direction from which they come, but there are windows there that could do with some more protection. There is very little there, and even besides the windows there are things that do not need a break in physical space to assail us. The South is in a similar state, but likewise it is away from where they seem to be coming... And if we are approached from there, it is also where the faerie defenses are strongest. I believe that the North, the front of the house, is our weaker point that they are likely to attack at the moment. If they go that route it will likely be a full frontal assault though... At this point I just don't know. Make preparations where you think best."
Chloe eyed the map a moment choosing to focus on the immediate threat to her safety. The creatures hadn't seemed to smart at her first encounter, but that was a dangerous assumption. It was obvious they knew where she was and what ever vile intelligence controlled them would probably have a more direct hand in this assault. "Ill set an alarm at the east wall just in case. Ill set a fire and oil trap in the north. That way if they do come we will have a big surprise for them."

Empowered grease trap with Empowered Flaming mine 12 and 10 ep