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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"Oh, how interesting." Shabiri answered, giving the woman an amused grin. "If you consider yourself a cook, then I'd love the help. I have a feeling you'll be disappointed at our lack of supplies though, if you want anything besides your own kit." She said, stretching her wings to dig through the gear on the shelf and retrieving the kit, after making sure it held nothing more than cooking supplies. Shabiri didn't trust the breeders enough to trust they wouldn't try and sneak a weapon or magical implement, after all.

Gliding back down to the main level, she landed a few feet away from the woman, handing her the supplies she wanted. "I have the deer stored this way." She said simply, still smiling as she turned and lead the way.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had looked to her daughter as the young Draconian made her thoughts of Aura known to all. Strong words for someone so small. Still the Firstborn smiled softly, if with some concern, towards her daughter. That Shabiri had glanced questioningly in her direction about how she treated the captives had not gone entirely unnoticed either. Even as she for the brief time ignored her daughters voiced opinion, to finish speaking with Aura, it was still plenty enough for Ashraani to mull over things. And the mention of Shabiri being willing to cook, shortly followed by Ash mentioning she was able to cook, brought a small smile to the Draconian's lips. "That sounds like a good idea, that the two of you cook together. Shabiri, please do be gentle with Ash... She is carrying my young." Kind words aside, she made it evidently clear to her sister that it would be in everyones best interest if no accidents were to happen.

As soon as the two headed off to deal with cooking though, Ashraani's attention fell entirely upon Selraani. The Firstborn gazed down upon her daughter for a brief moment, as if pondering what to do with the headstrong hatchling, but then she smiled. "Now we will talk, daughter of mine. Please come with me." Her words were on the kindly side still, but it was still evident in the tone of her voice that there was some more serious matters she wanted to deal with regarding her daughters behavior. Ashraani spread her wings, motioned for Selraani to follow, and soared off to perch in the alcove she had left Argaaz at, both to give him a brief lookover to see how he was recovering, and because it was a bit secluded from the other people inside her lair. As soon as she had looked over Argaaz she would set her gaze upon Selraani once more. "How would you say I should deal with Aura, Selraani?" Her words pointed, questioning; she wanted nothing less than Selraani's honest opinion... And that this particular chat might last a while. She didn't sound or look upset with her daughters previous choice of words though.

[After Aust+ranger reply here, or possibly right away now, I think I might take this chat to private channels with Aust. To get things moving a bit. Naturally I will post logs to here afterwards]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Mother of course had to settle things with Ash and her sister, leaving them to the cooking finally and providing an additional warning of Ash's significance. If it wasn't already known, it would be now. And this mean the hatchling would be the center of attention for her mother. The smile her mother had was warming and comforting, but at the same time, something about it made her a tiny bit nervous, as if she was scheming something. Mother did seem to have the ability to make a smile seem like something more. But she had her attention, and that's what mattered. "Right away, Mother." She said, a very serious tone still on her face as she followed closely behind her to her perch. She caught a brief glimpse of Argaaz, who looked a little different then before, before she joined her mother, finally ready to talk some serious business out of the earshot of their guests.

"We need to remind her that her insolence will not be tolerated. We could have just as easily left her in the wilds, sealed and naked to fend for herself after she was defeated. But no. We took her and her friend in and gave them safety and shelter and food. If she's going to turn us down so harshly, she needs to be reminded of just how bad things could get. We need to punish her in some way. Also, the way she treated Ash wasn't right either. I promised to take care of Ash, and if Aura is going to upset her, then I need to make sure the problem is dealt with properly. No one insults the mother of my sibling." When you boiled it down, one could tell that the last part was what really got the hatchling upset. She was taking her duty to Ash very seriously and Aura was a clear threat to her.The fact that she was rude to her mother was only making her madder.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Shabiri would find the kit contained basic cookware which included a sharp knife, but from the looks of it all it was meant to do was cut meat or vegitables. It was hardly suited as a weapon but than again she was hardly one to take chances. Other than that the kit contained some basic spices as well as flatware for one. Doing what she would with the knife Shabiri returned with the kit much to Ash's joy and followed her to where the meat was. It was a simple matter to start a fire and thankfully Ash's kit had a folding gril in order to cook the meat. Getting every thing going Ash sat crosslegged tending to the fire. "So... if you where in charge I bet Aura, Fethis, and myself would be in chains some place?" Ash looked to Shabiri eyeing her a hint of bravery in her eyes. Ash awaited her answer her voice more curious than accusing.

Meanwhile Argaaz moaned and groaned promply rolling over his large shaft erect.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Shabiri looked the knife over before keeping it with the cookware. It could hurt, but if she wound up stabbed by it, Ash would hurt even more.

It was simple enough to portion the meat out and set it across the grill, the sizzle and smell of cooking meat starting soon after. Shabiri glanced over to Ash when she spoke, letting out a soft chuckle and a wide smile that the woman could take in a few different ways. "I do enjoy bondage from time to time, if that's what you mean." She teased, then shook her head. "Perhaps were I in charge, things may be different. But not that different, I think. I'd be happy with you three simply deeper in the cave, most likely. For the most part, you'd simply not want to argue with me much. That's something I don't take lightly, less so than my dear sister."
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Smokefish: Ashraani raised a brow curiously as Selraani spoke so fervently about how the Night Elf wasn't accepting their hospitality but held her tongue for now. The part where Selraani was concerned about Ash did bring a smile upon the mother's lips, a small but proud one. "It gladdens me that you care so much for Ash, Selraani. It truly warms my heart to know she is in capable, caring, hands when I am not looking after her." The Firstborn briefly glanced to Argaaz, looking at him ever so slightly disapprovingly. He was a good watchdog, but he had yet to learn how to look after people without making them feel like prisoners. Without turning her gaze back upon her daughter she continued to speak.

"As for Aura and Fethis... They are not guests, Selraani. They are not here because of my generosity or kindness of heart." She turned her eyes back upon her little hatchling, a stern look on her face now. "I attacked them, beat them, and dragged them here against their will. I took their clothes and put collars around their necks, Selraani. I have, for all intents and purposes, turned their lives upside down while taking away their freedom. They are simply acting as you or I would if the same happened to us; would you quietly accept your fate if someone put a collar on you, Selraani? If someone stole you away from my side, from Ash's side?" Ashraani stared down upon her hatchling, her gaze was not harsh, but it much like her words were of the lecturing sort. She would give her hatchling time to mull the words over and give her answer to what she had just been told.

Aust: "Of course! Why would I not be? Ash needs someone to keep an eye on her. She's really important to us and I wouldn't want her to be hurt or upset." She reminded her mother of that simple fact, placeing her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest. She would always be proud of that fact and she wasn't going to let anyone forget it.

But the topic turned to Aura and Fethis and mother seemed willling to be perfectly blunt about their status. They were not here by choice, nor did mother invite them. They were, more or less, prisoners. "The bastards wouldn't get the chance! I'd rather die then let that happen to me! And even if they did, I'd not make it easy for them. I'd cause as much trouble for them as possible. I would..." Then it hit her. If she was thinking like this, no doubt Aura had the same attitude. "I...Woah...That was...I never thought of it like that. I guess I just got so frustrated that I let my mind get all muddled."

Smokefish: Ashraani once more listened quietly as Selraani spoke so heatedly, how her dear daughter would struggle and refuse to give in regardless of what happened. The stern look she was giving her daughter turned into a faint smile as her little hatchling realized what Aura and Fethis was going through. "Good. Then perhaps you might have a small idea as to why I am trying to treat them kindly, why I am being so courteous with them? Not that you have to, dear, I only need you to not treat them poorly." Ashraani paused briefly, a quiet sigh escaping her lips as she slowly shook her head. "If Aura does upset Ash, you should comfort Ash and ignore Aura. Particularly so..."

Again the Draconian paused, but this time more so for dramatic effect as her gaze settled upon Selraani. "Given how Ash is in a similiar position as Aura and Fethis. She too was attacked by me and Argaaz, brought to this cave, and had her clothes taken away from her... Shortly followed by me mating her." Ashraani grinned softly as she fondly reminisced of how she had taken Ash for her own that day. But the joyed grin turned into a small frown. "Unfortunately... I made a promise to her that I would let her go after she gives birth, should she so desire to." Ashraani looked out and down from the elevated position she and her daughter stood on, her gaze setting upon the naked woman following her Sister to prepare cooking food. "So far I would say the chances are looking good that she will choose to stay with us." It was a noticeably colder and far more calculating side of hers that she was now showing to Selraani; far from the fiercely passionate or hotheadedly stubborn mother that Selraani had known most of her life.

Aust: "I do mother. I do. I would never dream of doing any harm to any of the prisoners, even if they decided to get uppity with me or any of us. I just got very angry with Aura and I came very close to just taking out my frustrations on her." She said in a rather hushed tone, as if confessing to a priest. "But I won't treat them poorly. I would never dream of it. Especially if it made you upset. I saw how upset you got when I...played...with Ash earlier."

Her mother continued explaining the situation, reminding her that Ash too was in a very similar position. Taken against her will, and then mated. The only reason she was getting a sibling was because Ash reluctantly accepted the situation. But Selraani knew that to a degree based on what Ash told her. "Ash did mention that she had a dream. That she was saving money or something to do something. She didn't say what. thought." She could tell this was upsetting Mother. The tone of her voice grew colder as if she was planning something. "I can only hope she does stay. I would be upset if she did, but I would not hold it against her. It's her choice."

Smokefish: Ashraani's eyes had narrowed a little as Selraani spoke of having been 'very close' to taking out her frustrations on Aura but didn't make a remark on it. Nor did she make one when her daughter admitted to not desiring to upset her. Her lips did form a pleased little smile that her hatchling still strongly remembered what her disobeyance had earned her earlier regarding her 'playing around' with Ash. As Selraani next mentioned how Ash had a dream for the future, that she had been saving for something, Ashraani merely shrugged. "Ash told me she had lost much in the past. From the invasion, of the outsiders, that also had ravaged our kind." Ashraani's features darkened a little, and she hissed lowly as she looked away from her daughter. Bitter memories still pained the Firstborn.

Selraani's wishful words, that Ash would choose to stay, brought Ashraani out of her brooding moment though. She smiled softly to her little hatchling and nodded in agreement. "So do I, daughter of mine. I do hope she will choose to stay with us... After that I will not give her a second chance to leave." The Draconian coo'd quietly to herself as she once more looked down towards the woman the two was speaking of. She was silent for a little while, as if mulling things over, but broke the silence with a soft sigh. "Having both my sister and my daughter question my apparent kindness for our two latest 'guests' though... Perhaps I have grown too kind." The words were somewhat musing, and she flashed a small and toothy grin to Selraani. "Perhaps we should have our merry way with Aura later, you and I, hmm? Ravish her until she can't tell left from right anymore?" Her words were teasing and suggestive, and it would be hard for Selraani to make out whether it was a serious consideration or a lighthearted jest.

Aust: Mother's mood seemed to move all over the place as she continued talking. First her eyes narrowed. Then she was smiling ever so faintly. Clearly Mother wasn't use to showing this much emotion. But a sour subject crossed her lips again and the hatchling couldn't help but join her mother in feeling upset in some way. "I was told only a little about the outsiders and what they did to our people. How they nearly wiped us out and we struggled to survive. It's part of the reason why I want to protect Ash so much. She carries the future of our people and any harm that came to her would mean harm to our people."

She took a moment to calm down, not wanting to get too angry in front of her mother. "If she does stay afterwards, I would make sure she never considered leaving. Make her so happy that leaving would seem silly." She seemed eager to put her plan into action. But it seemed Mother had other concers. "I wouldn't say that. You've laid down the law with them and reminded them their place. Hell, you're basically holding on a leash with your deal. I would say you've been just fine. A little kindness is hardly a sign of weakness." She tried to reassure the matronly Draconian, before she heard her absolutly fantastic sounding idea. "Have our way with Aura? Well it would put her in her place. Being ravished by her keepers. And maybe have Auntie mate with Fethis at the same time! Make Aura watch." She almost couldn't believe the ideas that were coming to her head, but she had to get them out there. Hopefully Mother wouldn't take it the wrong way.

Smokefish: Ashraani's gaze was fixed firmly on her hatchling as the young female spoke of things she hadn't experienced, only heard of, things that shouldn't weigh heavily on a mind so young. And yet... She smiled softly by the end of it, and nodded approvingly at her daughters words of conviction. "That she does, daughter of mine." Ashraani's right hand moved to her own stomach, caressing the slight roundness upon it fondly. "Much like I am... And much like you will one of these days." Ashraani coo'd the last few words out with a slightly teasing tone, her eyes soft and wishful... If a little ominous perhaps. "One of these days..." she murmured quietly as if echoing that it might be 'sooner' rather than 'later' in Selraani's case. And it didn't look like she would elaborate what she might be plotting even if Selraani asked.

And after she had spoken, and Selraani had calmed down a bit by the looks of it, and the hatchling once more spoke Ashraani smiled softly during most of it. And then her sweet little hatchling got all sorts of excited over the prospect of the two of them sharing Aura for some fun. The Firstborn had to raise a hand to stiffle a giggle. "Oh my, Selraani~ I didn't think you'd be that eager for giving Aura such a treatment! And make her watch Shabiri have another go with Fethis too? My my, I bet she wouldn't be very pleased if she could hear you now." Ashraani grinned widely, her mood considerably more positive after hearing her little hatchling speak her mind like that. "But how would you go about having your way with her, hmm? I can mold my body to suit both male and female partners, a useful skill to have when handling female breeders... As Ash was made aware of quite intimately."

Aust: "I'd protect both of you if it meant that our young were kept safe and out of harm. They deserve to live a happy life, free of worry or burden. But it's our time to make sure that the world becomes a better and safer place." She spoke of rather lofty dreams and goals, ones she knew would be near impossible to achive but that she would try to achive. She only wished for the best for her kin. Naive perhaps, but the hatchling was still young and had many years ahead of her to see if she could hold to her ideals. To top all of this off, Mother had to cap off their discussion wiith her eventual trip to mother hood. She held her hands on her stomach, a slightly nervous look on her face. Mother seemed a little too eager at that idea.

The topics pushed on and Mother seemed to be enjoying what she was hearing. All the thngs that they could do to Aura. Even going so far as to making her laugh, a first for the daughter. "Well, I haven't had a hand at having a mate yet, so maybe that's influencing my decision. Aura, despite her words, is still quite fetching." If one could tell, they would be able to notice the hatchling seemed a little embaressed admitting that fact. But then Mother brought up having the necessary tools for the job, at which she almost jumped for joy. "I can do that too!" She said rather exhuberantly. "I learned some magics and the like and I'm able to bed male and female partners! It's what I've been wanting to show you since I got here!" She was quite excited at this point, ready to demonstrate her skill at a moments notice.

Smokefish: Ashraani had smirked softly after Selraani had finished speaking of how she'd protect not only Ash, but her too, with wishful dreams of peaceful lives. Such lovely naivete... It almost pained her heart that her daughter was so innocent of mind. She reached a hand out to lightly ruffler her little hatchlings hair. "We'll protect Ash together, Selraani, something as small as bearing eggs have yet to leave me defenseless... Though having both you and Argaaz by my side does bring me comfort."

And as the conversation turned to Selraani's lacking sexual experience Ashraani coo'd teasingly at her daughter. "She is quite pretty alright... But I am not sure if my sweet little hatchling is ready to claim a female such as Aura for her mate~" And Selraani's response to Ashraani's comment about genitalia made the firstborns eyes widen slightly in surprise, and then beam with joy. "Oh-hoh! My little hatchling have picked up such skill? My my, do show me, Selraani. I'd like to see for myself what my daughter boasts herself being capable of!" With those words said Ashraani stepped ever so slightly back from Selraani, a curious and expectant look in her eyes.

Aust: "Of course we will! We Draconians are no easy pray!" She boasted with the eagerness of a child showing off to his or her friends. "Especially you, Mother. Nothing seems to be able to stop you or slow you down. Not even the bearing of eggs. And me and Argaaz will keep an eye on everyone. No problem!"

Her joy and exhuberance were replaced temporarily by a hint of shame as Mother began teasing her. "What do you mean I'm not ready to claim her? Just because I'm young dosen't mean I'm not capable! I'd have her brought to heel in a matter of hours!" But she couldn't let herself stay upset for too long. Mother was eagerly awaiting her demonstration. "Ok. Now pay attention." With that, she took a deep breath, concentrating her energy withing her body. She felt it flow through her, going lower lower. She eventually felt a slight twinge of pain just abover her nethers. Then, before her mothers eyes, she would see a penis growing from her young. It would reach an above average length and thickness and would share the coloration of her skin. She'd stop concentrating and would catch her breath, allowing he work to be judged. "Well? What do you think? Fairly impressive if I say so myself."

[Selraani spends 2 EP to activate Vampiric Futanari, no extras]

Smokefish: Ashraani had just smiled coyly at her daughters response to having been told Aura was not a female the hatchling was ready to claim. The Draconian was paying attention only to her dear daughter as Selraani set about to show off what she had learned. Oh such a lovely sight, watching her little hatchling sprout a member of such length and girth. Ashraani's tongue slipped out past her lips and ran along them hungrily, like a predator having caught sight of a particularly juicy prey. As Selraani had finished her little transformation, and questioned for Ashraani's thoughts on the matter while proudly stating her own thoughts on the matter...

The Firstborn Draconian crouched down at first, and then went lower until her knees touched the ground and her rear rested on her heels. Her head was still a bit higher than her hatchlings member but it was an improvement. A wide, predatory, smile crossed her lips as her gaze fell upon Selraani's crotch. Ashraani raised her right hand, and beckoningly motioned for her daughter to come closer. "Closer, little hatchling, let your mother have a closer look, hmm?"

Aust: Having been so focused on her task, the younger draconian was not able to seen the gaze her mother had on her as she performed her spell. The gaze that would frighten off most people or at least arouse some measure of suspicion.

And then the inspection began. In order to get a proper view of it, Mother constantly tried to find a suitable position. First she crouched before gradually lowering herself, so much so that her rear rested on her heels. Her head at that level just didn't seem to hit the mark, the hatchling seeing the smile crossing her lips. At first, she assumed that she must have been doing something right. That her performance had pleased her mother. But then the elder draconian motioned with her hand for her to step closer. "S...Sure, but I thought you could see it fine from there?" She asked before approaching. Her steps were slow and cautious, unsure of just what her mother wanted. She would stop when her mother indicated she was close enough before asking again. "Is this better?"

Smokefish: Ashraani smiled softly as Selraani questioned the situation at hand, and would first motion for her daughter to stop when the hatchling was within arms reach. "That will do fine, daughter of mine. And it isn't a matter of sight..." Ashraani reached her hand out, forming a fist with her index finger held out if a little curled. Unless Selraani stepped back the older Draconian would lightly touch the digit near the base of the younger ones shaft, followed by running it up along the length slowly. "Mmm... Not bad, Selraani... Long and thick... I am quite confident that you could satisfy a female with this." She coo'd the words out with a distinctively lewd tone to her voice. Again she licked her lips, albeit not quite as predatorily as before. "Have you grown used to it yet, I wonder...? Or used it on someone?" She reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the shaft to look up to Selraani's eyes, a coy little smile playing on her lips as she did.

Aust: "It's...It's not?" She said rather shyly, almost unprepared for what her mother had in mind. She stopped as requested and would see her mothers hand formed into a fist, her index finger held out. At first she wanted to step back, but that would only anger Mother. A slight tingle would run up Selraani's spine as she was touched. This, she was not use to, but Mother was being very complimentary and she was not about to shy away from this. "Of course I'll satisfy a female! And more then just one!" She added.

But then the real questions came and here was where the confidence wore away and the problems came in. "I cast it every so often to get use to it being around...But I...I haven't used it on anyone." Her embaressment quite clear at this point as her mother gazed up at her, her coy grin on her face.

Smokefish: The older Draconian snickered quietly at her hatchlings bold words, amusedly but not mockingly, and had continued in her actions. And as Selraani spoke truthfully, admitting that she had yet to make proper use of such a lovely tool, Ashraani's coy grin widened into a predatory one as her eyes fixed upon her daughters own. "That won't do, daughter of mine... That won't do at all." Her words were soft and suggestive, and her hand moved again. She brushed her index finger to the side of the thick shaft and opened her closed hand, only to next brush her warm palm against the sensitive rod. "Have you even pleasured yourself yet, Selraani? To grow used to the sensation?" The Firstborns fingers gently wrapped around the shaft as she began to stroke down her daughters shaft. Slowly and carefully, not wishing to stimulate her daughter too much to begin with.

Aust: Even the very gentle act of touching was still sending tingles throughout the hatchlings body. Just the fact that she was being held in such a way by one of her kin, even if it was her mother, made the experience all the more enjoyable. Even her mothers gaze was arousing, her coy grin widening into an almost predatory lust. "Forgive...Ah...me..Mother." Selraani spoke, her voice having a very hard time of holding back.

The touches then moved to the side of her freshly created member, an index finger slowly turning into an open palm against her cock. "I'll...I'll be honest...Not that much. Maybe once in...gah...a while but I'm still very sensative." Soon enough, her mothers open palm wrapped around Selraani's length, stroking very slowly and carefully, no doubt holding back. "Please...don't be too hasty." She added as a small, potentially useless warning.

Smokefish: Watching her little hatchling squirm like that... Oh it sent such delightful tingles through Ashraani's body. The Firstborns cooing turned into a quiet, lustful, hissing sound while both her eyes and the cracks in her carapace glowed slightly more brightly than before. "There is still so much for you to learn, daughter of mine... You're young and sprightly, full of energy and will..." Ashraani licked her lips as her free, left, hand slowly slipped down between her own legs. A soft, delightful, hiss escaped her lips shortly afterwards while her right hand continued to slowly caress her daughters shaft.

"Tell me, Selraani, daughter of mine..." Ashraani's words was lustful and breathy, her eyes half-lidden as she gazed up on her daughters face, watching the young female squirm slightly in her grasp. "What would you do to Aura, if she was at your mercy? Her body laid bare before you for you to claim, to do with as you desired?" Ashraani's words continued with an erotic, suggestive, tone to them. She had every intention to see her daughter riled up then and there in a way that might not be the usual way the hatchling got hot and bothered.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ash listend to Shabiri speak before turning back to the meat. "I knew a few people like that before my village was wiped out by the Aliens." Ash flipped some meat over. "Do you like yours rare or.. cooked a little more?" Ash moved to her bag to sort threw things waiting for Shabiri to answer. "I like mine medium rare a little pink gives it the right texture. Not to mention spices!" Ash smiled as she brought out a fragrent bag of stuff. "Its not for everyone so I don't blame you if you don't like it. I'll just make sure to cook mine last."

Meanwhile Argaaz stired from his slumber to notice his Mistress and her daughter engageing in some foreplay. This of course aroused the wyvern but he kept himself still knowing full well that Ashraani would call for him if she wanted him.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

“Cook mine fast. Char the outside, if you can do it fast enough to leave the inside pink, all the better.“ the draconian said, baring her teeth in a smile. “Spice it as you like, should be interesting.“

((On my phone, i‘ll format the speech properly later, if i remember. Sorry for the short length.))
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Aust: In her mothers much more experienced hands, the hatchling could only squirm and whimper, her body heating up in the process. "I...I wanted...to...to learn from the best. I...wanted...to learn from you! I wanted to make you so proud! To...to make my race proud!" She almost yelled out at that point, her eyes clenched tight as her mother continued playing with her.

"If...If I had Aura...at my mercy...I...I would punish her first. For her harsh words! Spanking her like a child! She'd never talk back to me! Then, I'd shove her against a wall...and...and fuck her like a beast! Make her beg for me! She...She would never be without a child in her belly! She would be the mother...of a whole generation...of our people!" Selraani almost roared at this point, her passion for the subject growing strong and a great look of lust in her eyes. "I must have her!"

Smokefish: Ashraani's half-closed eyes glowed brightly as she listened to Selraani. How the young hatchling squirmed and rambled on and on after the nudges she had been given by her mother... Yes, this would do nicely for the firstborn. The elder Draconian kept up the slow, firm, jerking of the younger ones excitedly throbbing shaft throughout the latters fiery answer. It was at the end of it that Ashraani deemed her daughter ready.

Without so much as a warning the Draconian mother's head pushed forth and down; her fiery lips greedily closing around the teased shaft before her. And as Ashraani's lips hungrily, relentlessly, pushed down her daughter's warm length she let her hand go of the throbbing rod. As her slick tongue lashed across the pulsing flesh she readily took within her maw her hand reached behind her daughter; to firmly squeeze Selraani's rear and pull her in close.

The Firstborn had worked her hatchling hot and bothered with lust, and she had every intention to reap what she had sowed. As Ashraani closed her eyes she pulled her head back ever so slightly, to then push herself down Selraani's stiff maleness. Perhaps her daughter would catch on quickly and get rutting on her own... Not that Ashraani would mind having to help herself to a second breakfast.

Aust: Either her mother wasn't listening, or she was planning something much more sinister for the hatchling. All she was doing was slowly jerking her, the hatchling quite riled up now. Out of curiosity, she glanced at her mother, a somewhat inquisitive look on her face. "M...Mother...W...what are you doing?" Before she could ge a proper response out of her, Ashraani brought her head down and closed her lips around her daughters conjured member. She let out a surprised yelp, her voice reaching a rather high pitch of surprise.

"M...Mother!" Was all she cried out as her mother licked and sucked on her cock, rather surprised her mother went that far. Even going so far as to clench her ass and pulling her close, as if to savor the young Draconian. All she could do was twist and squirm in her mothers grip. She didn't even notice the heat building more and more before she spoke again. "M...Mother, I...I'm gonna c...cum." Her member was throbbing, but she was struggling to hold it in, almost waiting for approval.

Smokefish: Savoring Selraani was precisely what Ashraani was doing; every lash and stroke of her tongue along and around her daughters needily throbbing cock was drawn-out and deliberate. While the Firstborn was leisurably bobbing her head up and down her little hatchlings summoned tool she also did so firmly and intentfully. At this point words were useless to Ashraani... That and her mouth was too busy to answer her daughter.

Muffled, breathy, delightful hisses was all the noise the elder Draconian made as she diligently worked Selraani's member. Oh such delightful yelps and whimpers she coaxed out of her little girl. The young Draconian barely managed to finish the sentence, that she was about to cum, before Ashraani plunged down deeply and greedily; taking Selraani's shaft in completely. The heat it radiated with every throb, the warmth that pulsed through the Firstborns throat as the cock pushed deep down it...

As if possessing a ravenous appetite Ashraani bobbed her head along her daughter's shaft, her hand on the poor hatchlings rear pinching softly while keeping her from pulling back. The Firstborn would not accept being denied what she sought after. A nice, hopefully big, helping of hot seed to audibly gulp and swallow down. She wouldn't stop before she had milked her precious hatchling dry of seed!

Aust: Her breathing grew heavy and ragged, the occasional hiss escaping Selraani's lips. To some, the very idea of mother and daughter doing something lie this was unimaginable. Crazy, sick and perverted. But Among the Draconian, none such thoughts existed. This was just another way for them to express their love for each other. Even if it got a little messy afterwards.

As her mother plunged her cock deep into her mouth, this was all Selraani needed to spill her seed. Her member throbbed and twitched as she felt several ropes of seed shoot down her mothers throat. She threw her head back and yelled out, her knees growing weak, almost quivering as she did. It had been a good while since she last cum, so her reserve was rather high. When she finished, which would take a little bit, the draconian would look down at her mother. She was almost please Ashraani was the one to do this. It was quite a ride.

Smokefish: To Ashraani, this was just another means of bonding; Selraani was not the first, and likely not the last, hatchling the Firstborn had and would be intimate with. Hearing the ragged breaths and blissful wails of her young was something of a delight for the elder Draconian. And as the spurts of glowing hot sperm began to pump into and down her throat Ashraani closed her eyes and savored every moment. She pushed herself all the way down the throbbing cock until her lips pressed against Selraani's crotch.

One gulp after another, quite possibly audible enough for both Selraani and Argaaz to hear, followed as Ashraani rode out her daughters climax. As soon as the flow of jizz dried up she let herself bask for a brief moment, throat full of cock and all. But even she had to breathe, as unfortunate as it was, and she had to slowly extract herself from her daughters lovely manhood. Her tongue wrapped around the tool as she pulled back, wetly slurping around it to catch every stray droplet of sperm along with further teasing her dear daughter.

With a tender kiss to the tip of Selraani's spent shaft Ashraani finally pulled back and smiled up at her little hatchling, and gulped one last time before speaking. "Sshaah... You taste good, very good, daughter of mine..." She licked her lips sultrily, and then offered a small, coy, smile to Selraani. "Perhaps you can return the favor some day, hmm?" With a soft sigh the elder Draconian pulled her left hand up from between her legs, fingers glistening with dimly glowing and slick fluids, that Ashraani leisurably licked clean. The Firstborn was positively brimming with delightful warmth, as the brightly shining cracks in her carapace made more than evident for anyone that looked at her.

(From here on we'll continue in the thread like normal. I'm starting to lose touch with the thread and want to stop that from happening. Head not verr gud as of late)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ash nodded and went about preparing the meat. "Normally I would have marrinated this but the best I can manage for the moment is a slight rub." Grabing one of the bowls from her cooking kit. Using this she mixed several of her spices together before applying it to Shabiri's meat. "We need to stoke our fire a little more it needs to be hotter than it is."

Meanwhile the incestious mother and daughter relaxed a moment after their bonding session. Selraani was exhausted though given her draconian nature she would recover soon enough. Ashraani however was full of vigor and ready for what ever she had planned next. Though all involved started to smell the cooking meat waft threw the cave.

Argaaz sadly had gotten rather aroused from witnessing the final few moments of their time together. He was half tempted to please himself but stopped as his hand made its way to his saft. Remembering his mistresses words he instead looked over his body.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"From what I recall, rubs are meant to sit for a while, no? Gives the fire some time to heat up, at least." Shabiri said, using her tail to slide the logs around in the fire, and stir up the coals some, shivering as she felt the heat of it run up her form, the red cracks in her skin growing brighter in a wave.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

The hatchling took a few moments to gather herself, the young draconian somewhat out of breath after her mothers service. In the back of her mind, she was not expecting something like that today. "I'll...See what I can do mother. I just hope you're ready for whenever I do decide to repay you."She smiled confidently, almost trying to show off for her mother. Continue to make her proud of her eager hatchling. But the fun was over and it was time to move on to other matters, and the biggest one hit her nostrils quite strongly. The cooks were working their tails off on something amazing and Selraani couldn't deny that she was feeling hungry. "Come on, Mom. Lets see what the others got cooking!"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashaarni snickered softly at the words of her hatchling, and was more than a little pleased with how this 'bonding' had turned out. "Oh, I am the one who should be ready? My my... I didn't expect my daughter to be so bold..." The elder Draconian slowly rose to her feet as a quiet, and predatory, hiss slipping past her lips. Her eyes hungrily gazing up and down her daughter as she spoke further. "I hope you're ready for whenever I might yearn for repayment..." Ashraani's cracks glowed up softly as she spoke, and would continue to shine like that. She felt good. Very good in fact. Two helpings of the wonderfully warm seed of her kind as breakfast this day? Wonderful. Though at the sight of Argaaz writhing a bit in obvious arousal had her stare sternly his way... Two helpings would be enough. Although there certainly was room left for the source of the appetizing smell that had begun to spread in her den. At Selraani's words the Firstborn nodded. "I concur, daughter of mine." She beckoned Argaaz to join her and her daughter. "You too, Argaaz, it may not be a juicy pussy for your shaft, but I doubt you would pass on some juicy flesh to sink your teeth into, hmm?" Ashraani grinned to her companion before leaping off the nearby ledge; to soar her way down to where her sister and Ash was busy preparing dinner... Although if the daughter had been slouching to take flight the mother would happily give her little hatchling's rear a light spanking while passing by.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

The trio of draconians flew walked or silthered to the source of the tanatlizing aroma. The sigh that greeted them was of Shabiri using her tail to stir the fire her scales aglow with its heat. Ash meanwhile was busy over a small metal grate where meat sizzled and popped. "Not so hard your making to much smoke!" Indeed the cave was getting a little hazy from the build up. This fact was accented by Ash giving a slight cough as she tried to clear the air with her hand futilly. While it was hardly any danger to the group as a whole the meal would be much more pleasent with out it. "Remind me when I get the chance to set aside some wood to dry properly." Ash coughed again a little discomfort on her face. This seemed to be directed at Shabiri though and not the group.

Shabiri stirred the fire with her tail the warmth heating her body up wonderfully. Perhapse Ash was right though it was starting to get a little smoky in the cave. Noting her Sister and Neice as well as the male approach Shabiri would be the first to respond as Ash had yet to see them.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"Hmm?" Shabiri responded, glancing over to see Ash waving away some smoke and Ashes. She picked up on the request quickly enough, her tail stilling and drawing out of the coals, which were up to a bright red again.

The draconian noticed the rest of the brood approaching, leaning back against one of the cave walls and wrapping her arms behind her head, still softly glowing. "Sister, Niece, Argaaz, hello again. I believe the food is nearly ready." She said warmly, smiling.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ashraani scoffed slightly at the sight, and smell, of the smoke rising within the cave. She hadn't even touched the ground before she swung a hand out towards the source of Ash' coughing; a gust of magic wind released to ferry the smoke away and out from the cave. With a heavy thud the Firstborn next landed on the cavern floor and smiled to Shabiri as she was greeted. "Almost done? Wonderful, though I doubt I will be eating much". Ashraani licked her lips slowly while one of her hands contently rubbed her rounded tummy, she had gotten breakfast twice by now after all.

"No, I think I have something else on my mind..." The Draconian's attention shifted away from her sister, her head turning to gaze towards Aura and Fethis, the two recent captures was a more pressing concern to her than food. "I'd rather not let either of them go, as they both have merit in being kept around," The Firstborn's words were thoughtful yet deliberate. "Though to a lesser extent there are also reasons why one or the other shouldn't stay." With those words said Ashraani would partly turn around, her gaze falling upon Ash. "What do you think, Ash? How would you feel about Aura and Fethis being kept here, in the service of my Brood, likely against their will?" The Firstborns words were part curious, part questioning, as her glowing eyes remained fixed on the amazon. It wasn't ideal dining conversation, that was for sure, but it couldn't be helped.

[I asked Tassadar/Hafnium if there were any wind spell that could disperse smoke and the like, and they said one could fluff a spell like that. Which spell in particular I have no idea, but I'm fine having 2-4 EP deducted and have it handwaved I guess]
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Landing slightly behind her mother, Selraani would approach the food, inhaling the smell deeply. With a broad grin on her face, she would compliment Ash and her aunt with glowing praise. "That smells great! You have to teach me how to make food this good. Goodness knows I need to learn a few other skills beyond magic."But when the topic turned to a serious discussion on the two new captures, Selraani remained silent, feeling she said her piece on the matter to her mother. She'd just remain close to Ash, still feeling she had to keep an eye on her.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Ash looked away and tended to the cooking meat unwilling or unable to meet Ashraani's gaze. "I... don't know.... but having someone like me to talk to would be nice..... but I don't want people to be forced to stay here." Tending to the meet Ash groaned a little and held her belly a moment. After a moment however the amazonian righted herself and smiled again. "I can teach you to cook if you want Selraani but your aunt is just as good if not better. In fact I learned a few things from her already." As she spoke all preasent could see the naked woman's stomach glow with the fire of the child in her. Wavering a little Ash stumbled slightly. "I I don't feel so good...." Staggering a moment more the huntress stumbled slightly only to be caught by Argaaz who frowned at what he had done and pushed her gently towards Selraani.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

"I can cook fine, but Ash has more patience for the details than I do." Shabiri answered the praise calmly, leaning back and out of the way when Ash faltered, letting the others crowd in if they wished.

"Won't be long now, I think." The Draconian mused softly, watching the glow in the woman's belly.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Seeing the glowing, Selraani looked a bit concerned at the huntress. Clearly she still wasn't quite use to the effect her child was having on her body. Catching Ash, Selraani would hold her tight, but would keep a smile on her face as a measure of reassurance. "I'm sure any lesson would be appreciated from either of you, but I'm a little concerned myself over Ash's condition. Is she really that close? Can't we make it less painful for her?" Maybe it was her naivete, but the hatchling didn't want to see Ash suffer like this, even if it was for the good of her people.