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Heather in heat (Tiffanian)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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She then went to the EGG corporation, with her heart broken and looking for something than could take away the terrible event than not so long happened. She easily got to find out where was the building and some days ago she got all the papers done to be one of the many testers.

The mirror doors open and she could see many others trying to place theirs hands on this new and famous product, of course most of them were young, the mature ones if there are any out of some scientists and programers should be in theirs pods.

Before she could think in retreat or be so ashamed a young man in a lab coat get close and talk her. ""Good Evening, Dr Edward. can i help you... Miss Heather Lee?" The man said as he try to check in some papers at his hands where Heather aplication with her picture on it was. "Please follow me, we were waiting for you" He said waiting for her to follow him across some corridors and closed rooms toward an open one where the matured woman could see an opened machine like an egg waiting for her. "Please go inside, follow the instructions in the screen and your game will start. Can i answer to any question than you have? " The young lab guy said
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather found her way to the building that housed the EGG corporation with the last of her paperwork and was ushered inside, clutching her purse somewhat nervously. There were lots of people here, most of them testers... though the vast majority of them were much younger than she was. It wasn't long before she was approached by a man in a lab coat, apparently a doctor Edwards. Her lip twitched just a little when he called her Ms. Lee, and she quickly replied "I go by Jenkins now, thank you." Being called by her ex-husband's last name, well... that only caused her pain now. She followed him when he asked her to though, and he led her to an open room with one of the open EGG machines... Her heart beat a little bit faster as she saw it. This was what all the stories were about, huh? Soon enough she was going to find out if it was really all the stories had said. "Well, where do I put my purse? And will my glasses interfere at all?" she asked before climbing in.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"My most deep apologize, Miss Jenkins" The scientist said, if he was ashamed or not he really know how to hide it. There was some chat between them, not much just to have all the data in order.

"We have some lockers where ours testers can store their belongings" He said and lead to them for Heather to place her things. "Dont need to worry, wear glasses could help you, as some messages will apepar in teh screen" Then said this they make her be sure than tehy will not affect her and they had test it before or at least they affirm.

The machine close when she got inside and a screen appear, a welcome mensag and a list appear for her to fill.


Non Consensual Sex:
Consensual Sex/Seduction:
Coercion(Lust Aura's/Manipulation):
Body Modification(Gaining things): Depending on amount of permanence,
Intelligent monster like humanoids (such as orcs, goblins, etc...):
Slavery (sex slavery mainly really):
Bugs of any kind:

Each option show a yes/no as also ask her to write a number on it. Once she end to write on them and press the accept button another screen appear.

Starting Location
Love nest
Blissful Slavery
A blessed world

With them the difficulty also appear

Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"It isn't a problem. I suppose my paperwork still says Lee... it's still my legal name" she replied, clutching her purse to her stomach a little bit tighter. They chatted idly as they walked, and then he showed her to the lockers, where she put the belongings she wouldn't want to take into the EGG with her. Apparently she would need her glasses, so that was fine... She got into the machine when prompted and it closed around her, leaving her in the dark besides the glowing screen. A list of options popped up, asking her to fill them out... She had done a little bit of research beforehand on things that she wanted, and so she went through the list marking things with her preference.
Humans: Y, 5
Male: Y, 5
Female: Y, 2
Pregnancy: Y, 3
Non Consensual Sex: Y, 5
Consensual Sex/Seduction: Y, 1
Coercion(Lust Aura's/Manipulation): Y, 2
BDSM(light): Y, 4
BDSM(moderate): Y, 5
Slavery: Y, 5
Tentacles: Y, 3
Slime: Y, 3
Beasts: Y, 4
Demons: Y, 4
Angels/Divine: N
Plants: Y, 3
Magic: Y, 2
Vore(LIGHT?): Y, 3
Undead: Y, 4
Constructions(Robots): Y, 3
Futanari: Y, 2
Faeries: Y, 3
Corruption: Y, 2
Body Modification(Gaining things): Y, 2
Lactation: Y, 4
Intelligent monster like humanoids (such as orcs, goblins, etc...): Y, 4
Slavery (sex slavery mainly really): Y, 4
Bugs of any kind: Y, 5
Roughness: 5
Bimbofication: Y, 2
Ryona: Y, 5
Chastity/Orgasm Denial: Y, 5
BDSM (Extreme): Y, 3
Humiliation: Y, 5

After that was done she had only to choose a starting location and a difficulty... Blissful Slavery for the location, and Insane for the difficulty. She didn't normally play games, but she had heard that this one was different anyway, and she wanted the game to be quite difficult to get through. For many reasons, really!
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

And so her wish for a difficult game come true. Once all the optiond choiced all around her get deep inside a dense darkness, her wholes senses faint and for an instant she was in an emptly void until she opened her eyes.

Heater awake in a wallbrick jail, her bed just stack straw, dressed in a useless ragged top and a skimpy thong, most of her breasts and buttocks exposed for all to see, yet she was alone in this dark empty room.Her worries for the cold werent what call her attention for so long, as below at her belly a heart shape strange symbol giving a constant pink small shine make her remember.

Heather mind was then mixed with memories so vivd as her real ones until the point than she dont think or bother in try to use any option to try to go out the game, not now at least. She was still Heather and she remember her hsuband how he leave her for someone else more young before suffer for days weeks even months alone, then this mark appear and the townpeople sell her or seal her in this place, in some way she accept this fate, she feel than she should pass for it yet she needed to find a way to survive every day. Her belly roar softly and she notice at her side a small wooden bowl with soup and some strange cream white addition on it, her owners had placed it there when she was sleeping.

She also notice than the jail door was open, but it was hard as her glasses were dirty and with slighty little cracks. There was a passage and another opened jail, this was all the game have to offer and she would decide now if she wanted to try anything before this bad situation change for good or worse.

(no common free weapon, but she could try to use or/and search for anything than could work)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

All the lights went out when Heather selected her options, and she found herself lost in an empty void. It almost felt like she wasn't in the little EGG pod anymore... and then she opened her eyes. She found herself in a small jail cell made of brick, laying on a straw bed in the corner of it. It was hard to see, her glasses grimy and cracked, and she was clothed in nothing but a torn set of patched rags that hung around her shoulders and barely reached below the peaks of her breasts, a tiny little thong that would have made her blush to wear even just in the presence of her husband down below.

The memories came to her then, as clear as if she had lived them. Much like in the real world, her husband had left her and she had struggled... But here something different had happened. She reached down and felt it... A small pink heart, glowing slightly, right at the top of her pubic mound. That had appeared on her at some point, and then the townspeople had tossed her in this jail with nothing. She wasn't sure exactly what her fate was supposed to be, but... it couldn't be good, given where she was.

She was hungry, that much she could tell, and there was a bowl of soup with some suspicious-looking white condiment on it... But she didn't think now was the time to eat it. She hadn't really ever played a video game before, but this was the part where she should be gathering resources, right? She started to look around her cell through her dirty glasses, searching for anything useful... and then walking out into the next cell to check, because it looked like it was open as well.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

She really dont know what was the meaning of her mark, it just soon make all see her lower than a beast, mostly the women than see her as a danger than they dont want close them or theirs husbands. At least the terrible people in charge of this place grind looking at her impudent body. Just as she remember it she got to see an old object at a corner in her room, an wolden object with the word bitch on it, no doubt than she know than this was just a spank paddle.

There was not more at her room, she really fight against her need to eat something as she proceed out and check the next room. It was small and similar to her room, just than at the center hung a white dirty sack with remain of blood of it, closed yet it looks to have something of her side inside, she could notice a small sound coming from a small drop of a red liquid coming from it. Before she could apart her sight she notice at the distant corner a metal object resting in a straw bed with the hanging sack in middle between her and that mysterious item.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather shuddered as the memories came to her, memories of the looks the people had given her, of the things they'd said... It was incredible that the game could make her think and feel these things. She wondered how they did it. There was nothing in her room except for a spanking paddle with the word "bitch" written across it, nothing of value... Her stomach growled again and she held it, amazed at how realistic the hunger felt... The next room was much the same as hers, except that in the middle of the room hung a dirty white sack, dried blood covering the fabric and a little more dripping slowly from it... There was something about her size inside of it, and she shuddered to think about it. The bed across the room from her had something metal in it that gleamed in the light though, and she felt she needed to get it. That was probably her starter weapon, or at least something like it. She walked past the hanging sack on her way, trying not to think about what might be inside.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The mature woman decide to dont take the sex tool before leave her room and also just decide to move to take the metal object on the other side from the next room. She really tried to dont think in that sack, the steps of her barefeet and the driping sound from the sack were the only sounds there, that is why she notice the increase of the fluid to make her turn and see the sack moving aiming to her. It open as slim tentacle like apendices go out and the shape of a huge bestial mouth at the end open before move toward her in an instant.

Heather slip and fall on the floor avoiding this first attempt but now she was cornered at the other side of the room close the straw bed, she was not used to this kind of events and soon as she tried to move at the floor a tendril coil around her right anckle, she could smell and feel the filthy fluid coating that area, below the sack was now a large blood puddle and some bones, maybe the remains of the last thing than this creature has eaten.

Just then she realize than the metal object was close her and it have stil la sharp edge, not so sharp as some of the apendages of this thing and most of this posible weapon was rusty.

Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather walked past the sack without a thought, heading towards the straw bed... but the sounds of dripping fluid got louder, faster. What was that? She turned just in time to see the sack swing towards her, bursting open! There was a bizarre creature, slender tentacles reaching out from a huge gaping maw full of teeth, and she slipped and fell backwards just in time to avoid having it hit her right in the face! She let out a scream of surprise; this was like something straight out of a horror film. There was nowhere to run, it was between her and the exit, and a tendril quickly coiled around her right ankle before she could react. It smelled awful, absolutely terrible... and there was a puddle of blood beneath the burst sack, a pile of the bones of its last victim. What sort of jail was this!? She could see the metal object now, knew that it was a weapon of some kind, blunted and rusty though it was. She had to get to it and fight back, she had no other option!
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather move her hand to reach it and got the object in time, now without some of the straw covwring it she could see than it was a bloody old surgery saw, one use to easily open a rib cage, it was not the best tool for a fight but it was really sharp.

She in her desesperated state find out than she could use it to cut the tentacle holding her ankle yet it take her time, time than another tentacle used to hold her hips and pull her, but fortunately it holds at her thong taking it away before throw it out the cage and try to get a hold on Heather. Yet not before roar in pain when its tentacle was cut.

There was just rage in the creature not a single drop of fear and it could reach maybe any part of this small jail. More bones start to fall from the sack, as this prepare to try to reach the human again.

(got a weapon...of some kind)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather reached out and managed to grab the rusty metal... and found that it was just some sort of surgical saw. Not exactly a weapon, but in a pinch it would do. One of the creature's tendrils reached up, grabbing her shapely hips and pulling her towards it as she screamed, reaching down to start sawing on the tentacle that held her leg once the other got sidetracked pulling down her panties, leaving her quite bare as it tossed her lower covering out of the cage. With some effort she managed to cut through the tendril that held her ankle, causing the creature to roar out in pain and anger, making the older woman shudder with fear. She had to get out of here, she couldn't stay! She tried to get around the creature, cutting it if she needed to, mostly just desperate not to have to continue this fight.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The place get filled with the monster roars and Heather's screams, she know than it will be hard to get out there yet try it with all her might, of course she was right, every step was full of pain and despair.

The tendrils whip at her bare flesh, red marks and blood come out with each hit and she only could cut them in return try her best to dont let them coild and pull her to the creature, she almost slip with the huge amount of blood over the floor. The creature was intensely hungry and so many tendrils lick her wounds and privates, mixing pleasure at her painful escape, her back and from marked with lines and her top damaged.

It was a miracle but she was close to escape when something hold her leg, she turn down and notice a red bone arm and the skull close it make an inhuman scream before Heather got to pull the enough to escape from the hold. As a little animal she return to her jail, after close the other if she had the courage to do it and her thong was really close of the monster room.

At least she have something to defend herself, but seh cant carry all what she had in hand. She was shivering and she has wasted a lot of her energy. Her mind could almost beg than the creature screams hide words "help me" maybe was a trick.

(damaged but hungry and alive. surgical saw earned)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather screamed until her throat was sore, her heart pounding rapidly against her chest as she stumbled and ran with every ounce of energy she had. The creature's tendrils whipped out at her, hitting her bare flesh with loud cracks, making her wail all the louder, blood starting to trickle down her back as it hit her with those sharp appendages... A few more lashed out at her front, knocking her breasts around, hitting her in the stomach, nearly making her fall over flat. Only with great effort did she keep her feet and struggle onward... and then a tendril reached between her legs, running its entire long length over her bare pussy. It was the first time anything had touched her sexually in a long time, and despite the situation it felt pretty good. Still, she was almost at the exit, almost there... and a hand grabbed her ankle, making her turn to look at it. It was a red bony arm, a skill next to it which screeched at her with an inhuman squeal, and she felt as if her heart might just stop. Even so she managed to pull her leg free and bound out of the jail cell, closing it behind her hastily and escaping to her own cell.

The older woman sat down on her straw bed and put her head in her hands, panting and crying a little bit. She had never felt fear like that, never anything close. She was tired and hungry and in pain and she felt sick to her stomach... What did she do? What could she do? She couldn't stay here, but she definitely couldn't go back there, even if her mind insisted that someone was begging her for help, that she had heard someone cry out over the roar of the beast. She wanted to eat, but that sight and the smell had put her off her food. She thought about it for a moment... and then decided to creep towards the other cell, at least to recover those panties, and then she would see about exits to the building.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

It take her time to recover, but her needs to leave made her push herself and get up from her room. The place was dark like always with only hr mark giving a small bright for her to see her surroundings, still with her dirty glasses she soon notice her rag used as underwear drenched in blood as the puddle has grow until taint part of the corridor. The beast's noises had fade and slowly she could bet the monster was close to return to the position at how she has find it in the start.

Before leave she notice how the blood on the floor looks to be alive, slowly returning to the monster room, also the screams for help had fade, a complete mystery was happening there but she was so scared to see more and so she leave taking what she think could be helpful with her.

Not so many steps ahead she notice the end of this passage, the iron grid used to stop them to escape was locked and part of it bent as if something the strong enough to make this has escaped from the place.

She proceed and got to see some stone stairs ones going up others down, but she dont needed to choice any as the exit of this place looks to be after some rooms and corridors in front of her as she could see some light ahead.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The jail was dark and even more terrifying now that Heather knew the sorts of things that lurked in it... There was only the glow from the odd mark she bore to light the way, and that was pretty dim. Finally she found her panties after some searching... They were absolutely soaked with blood, more or less completely useless... but she picked them up to at least take with her. Maybe they would dry out eventually and become useful as clothing.

As she was thinking about that she noticed that the blood... the blood on the floor seemed to be alive. It was retreating back into the cell it had come from, and for a moment Heather froze in place, terrified at what she was seeing. This place... it was insane. She moved on then, finding the iron bars that were meant to keep the prisoners inside bent and torn by something that had escaped. Surely the town she was in was fucked. She slipped between the bars and then came to a stairwell, one set leading up and the other leading down... but farther on was a light at the end of a hallway, the exit probably. She wasn't cautious about it, didn't even think. She just ran for the exit, desperate to get out of this jail.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

She dont think twice, she just run without think in anything else than get out there, there were shackles on the walls opened for a possible victim like her could be trapped there if a slaver get to caught her, of course Heather dont care about this or even think on it, her body was close to fall and weak but she dont stop until something take her leg making her fall on the floor.

Her glasses fall some feet away out of her reach and a clack sound come then what made her turn and see some shackles at her right ankle, at least her left one avoid another yet both were united to some chains.

The mechanism then activate, clearly they wanted to spread her legs, but in her case only her right one was pulled to the wall, it was unclear why they tried this until she heard a metal door open and something big coming to her.

Heather will have two minutes at max to find what to do. It dont matter if she get free or not of that chain, she will get to see a huge dark wolf with some extra apendages on it and a red big cock for her to enjoy if she let him do his needs.

[right leg chained at a wall, still able to fight. no underwear.)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather ran as fast as she could, not paying much attention at all to her surroundings, to the chains and shackles along the wall. It would come back to bite her quickly... Before she knew what was happening she felt her right leg caught by one of them, which latched onto her with a loud clack! She stumbled and fell flat on her face, her glasses clattering to the floor and skidding away from her, just out of the reach of her outstretched fingers... She could barely see now. Especially in the darkness, but without her glasses... Her leg was pulled towards the wall, trying to pull her legs apart, though only one was caught... and then a heavy metal door slowly opened. She could see the outline of the thing approaching her, could tell that it was some sort of animal, and yet... Not like an animal at the same time. It had some kind of... what were those on its back? She was filled with dread looking at it, and she tried desperately for a moment to saw the chain away, hoping against hope that that would work. She didn't see any other way out of this situation!
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The ebast soon got to see her and walks to her, there was not time to waste and Heather soon put herself to work in a way to escape. Her saw cause some sparks yet the chains endured and the time was short.

It was a pair of minutes just that and she was close to hurt herself by mistake a pair of times in her despair, she then pull with all her might and finally she got to break the chain, of course the shackle was still on her anckle as also a part of the chain, it could make a small noise with every step.

She then feel a fiery warm breath at her nape, a dark wolf of almost twice her size was smeling her scent and look to wait for her to submit, easily one of his paws could press down at her to restrain her.

(got free but the wolf got at her side at the same time... at least she can act first)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather quickly began to saw at the chains, sparks flying as she struggled to get out of the trap in time. She almost sliced into her fingers a couple of times with the terrible rusty implement, but finally she managed to split the chain in two, leaving her with the shackle still on her leg but not attached to the wall. It was only a momentary triumph... Because behind her she heard the beast, felt its hot breath on her neck. It was right there... but it wasn't attacking her. Not yet, anyway. Maybe... maybe it was friendly? Or at least not hostile? She moved slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements. Maybe it wouldn't attack her. "Hello boy" she said quietly, hoping to soothe it despite the fact that her voice was wavering with fear, "let's... be friends, okay?" She was trying to at least scoot towards the exit again, hoping the beast wouldn't stop her.