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Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The creature looks to dont be interested in hurt her, instead taking this moment to remember her scent and wiggling his tail. Heather was safe, at least until hone of her slow steps make the metal at her leg cause a small sound, the large dog walk toward her and using his paw poke at her until one of his sharp claws struck at Heather's top.

The woman was close to decide what to do now, the beast friendly yet aroused have a hold at her top and her glasses in the floor. With how interested is in her it will be really hard to reach the exit without pass some time with him.

(try to escape, "play with the dog", combat, other)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather was about ready to piss herself with fear as the creature approached her... but it didn't attack. It didn't seem as if it wanted to. He sniffed at her, his tail wagging until she tried to back away, the chain on her leg clanking against the ground. He stepped forward then, a paw rising to poke at her, a claw going through her torn and ragged top. "Ahhh... no boy" she said quietly, her voice wavering, "don't do that..." She reached tentatively for his paw to stroke it, trying to soothe him. "Be a good boy, let me get out of here... Please?"
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The beast let her stroke his paw and then go closer. Then his tongue started to lick her face and as this happen his body push her softly until she slowly fall to sit over her nude rear. The canine let her enjoy his fur and virile scent, it was strange but Heather was getting wet in great speed, the beast easily could take her there against her will, she could easily imagine it, daydream with this.

Heather stay more of the needed in the floor rubbingg so strong male and looking at his huge member, but he let her get up and walk if this was possible, her body blushing in fire and need, each step of her weak legs would need her to focus yet somehow her mind wanted to let the dog cuddle with her. To make it worse the dog follow her and sometiems he tried to lick her pussy from behind, her body talking for her but he maybe want to make her beg for it.

Only looks to be two more rooms to reach the exit, the next one looks to be a hall with some seats, many papers on the floor and words marked with something really sharp in the walls, there was a silver teapot and a pair of cup than she could use to drink something. She could see symbols in the floor too and letters of an unknown idiom, she could try to find out what these could mean with her small knowledge yet her mind made her see cocks everywhere when there was not any, she never was so aroused.

(just go on with Heather take back her glases and have her items at hand. 8AP)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather lightly stroked the beast's furry paw, somewhat in awe of the fact that he wasn't trying to rip her limb from limb, or even to so much as hump her leg. It got closer to her, but only to lap at her face with his warm, wet tongue, pushing against her until she fell backwards, yelping quietly as her ass hit the hard floor. He let her sit there petting him for some time, the woman stroking his side and his head with both hands. This close to him his scent filled her nostrils, virile and masculine in the extreme. It was a really pleasant scent, and it was getting her nice and aroused, as she hadn't been for years! Still she stood up slowly, her legs wobbling as she walked to get her glasses. When she bent to pick them up he lapped at her pussy, making her squeak and shudder, standing up straight quickly. She started to walk again, heading towards the exit, the giant beast following her, sometimes lapping at her butt and pussy, making her breathe heavy. There were rooms to either side of her full of random nonsense, papers and teapots and arcane symbols. She was so damn horny... she had to get out of here. There was no way she could stay here without losing control of herself!
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The can remain behind, looking at her move to get out there, yet after some steps walking through the room cause something to happen, as a powerful shock passing through her body made her fall at her four, she could see her mark over her belly shine as also some random marks at the room, it was slighty painful yet at her state mostly bring pleasure and need, her weakness and moans made the beast get close and take her just there. His large shaft should fit but somehow it feels so good for Heather. She could have some moments to escape but her ody betrayed her, feel how it rub at her flower and between her buttocks, she could scream and beg for him to dont do it, but between her begs her lustful sounds would be the ones than he will understand and so his red canine meat get inside her pussy, his large body get over her at the same time, paws over her , heavy yet remain not placing all hsi weight over her or she would certainly get hurt.

Fighting or not, the powerful creature would take her as his bitch, his member will make her forget for moments that betrayal and that pityful man, she couldnt believe how better this dog cock feels over the one her ex have, then the first load come and his balls get closer teasing her privates with each pound and then a buldge will be created to lock the apendage inside her for a long time.


Once all calm, she will have time to get up, her mark light will slowly fade until her normal light yet she feels strange. The dog will decide to rest in this room and will leave her roam for herself. The next room have a surprise for her, she could see outside where a woman with a mantle was trying to take some water from a water well, yet between them iron bars and a lock make it impossible at the moment.

(some Heather senses had been improved)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The wolf left Heather alone, at least for the moment, allowing her to walk on through the room without being harassed. That didn't last for long, though... She was halfway through the room when it felt like a powerful electric shock ran through her body and the heart-shaped mark beneath her belly lit up brightly! She fell to her hands and knees in pain, and yet... she was very wet. Something about that mark made her feel deeply aroused in a way she never had before, made her feel as if she couldn't stand to go without a good dicking! And it seemed that the beast was going to oblige her...

The creature walked over to her, sniffing at Heather's rear for a moment as she protested "no, don't come near me!" She could have crawled away, could have started running, and yet... her body betrayed her. She felt his cock between her legs as he positioned himself, rubbing against her slit, grinding up between her buttcheeks, and it felt so nice... He was so long, so thick, she could only imagine what it would be like to have him inside of her. Still she protested, shouting "no no, please, don't do this! Don't stick that thing inside me!" as she shuddered, her body wanting nothing more than for him to drive his cock inside of her...

And quickly he obliged. That bright red pointed cock slipped into Heather's pussy without any trouble at all she was so wet, and without hesitation he began to pound her nice and hard. It hurt, and she cried out in pain, trying to crawl away from him and failing miserably. "No no no please stop, please you're hurting me!" she cried, but it wasn't long before another sensation started to fill her with each thrust, making her legs quiver... It was starting to feel good. Not just a little bit good, either! The way his cock stretched her out, the way the tip reached so deep inside of her that it struck her cervix with each thrust, it was fantastic for her even though it hurt. "Ahh... ahhhhh! Ohhhhh god!" she cried, all attempts at resistance pounded out of her completely.

The wolf just stood over her, his musky, furry body lightly resting against Heather's back as his hips rocked into hers again and again, driving her wild! It was so different from having sex with her ex-husband she could hardly believe it, so much better that for a moment she forgot all about the past. Her heavy breasts wobbled and swayed beneath her as she rocked back and forth, jiggling out of her torn top as her pleasure built and built... And then she felt his cock start to throb inside of her, and a bulge form at the base of it. His knot quickly ballooned, stretching her inner walls so tight she could barely think, his heavy balls smacking into her clit as he started to unleash warm cum directly into her womb. That was it, she couldn't take it anymore. She let out an incoherent cry of bliss as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced in her life rippled through her, reaching up to hold onto the beast's furry body tightly.

The beast kept thrusting, moving even more quickly now, though he couldn't pull his knot past her lower lips. Even just trying felt fantastic, though, his balls tapping on her clit again and again, deepening and lengthening her pleasure as he pumped more and more of his seed into her. The older woman pressed her thighs together, squeezing her cunt even tighter around the wolf's knot as she accepted her place in full; she was just his bitch, being bred beneath him like a dog. It felt so good... She hadn't been expecting that when she had started the game, especially given the settings she had chosen. It wasn't an unpleasant surprise though! Her mouth was hanging open, a little bit of drool running down her chin...

When Heather finally came down from her climax the wolf was still cumming away, still thrusting, though only a little. "Ohhhh god" she moaned out, one hand reaching down to feel her belly. It was so nice and warm, and the feeling of his balls quivering against her clit as they unloaded their contents into her was simply fantastic. Finally his knot went down and he pulled out of her, a flood of his spunk and her girlcum gushing out of her and running down her legs. She knelt there, shivering, while he walked in a small circle and then laid down to rest. She panted quietly, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath... That had been a hell of a fucking. When she had finally recovered enough she crawled over to the wolf, stroking his side with one hand and gently scritching between his ears with the other. "You're a good boy... making me feel so good. Thank you" she said, slowly standing up on wobbly legs and walking towards the next room.

As she walked the glowing of Heather's mark declined until it was only the dull little glow it had been at the beginning, though still she felt... odd. The first thing she saw as she entered the room was that she could see outside, though there was a barred door with a lock between her and the outside. Out there there was a woman who seemed to be a knight trying to pull water from a well, and she quickly ran up to the bars and pounded on them, yelling "help! Hey, help me! I'm trapped in here!" at the stranger, hoping maybe she would have the key or some other means of getting in there.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The wolf ceased his rest to show his appreciaton to his bitch's praises, moving his tail and giving some licks to her face as his mate scratch his ears. It was amazing than she could stand up after such long session, she could see just some small drops slowly leak from her matured flower where her legs got to restrain some in their way to the floor, but strangely most of it remain inside her womb.


Finally reaching the door, she asked for help to the stranger. "And why i should help you, arent you a prisoner?" The woman said as she take her time to sattle her thirst and then move to get a little more closer.

Heather got to see some of her long hair and her gold eyes looking at her... maybe exploring her almost nude body drenched in fluids. "Some said than this place is used to cage monsters and demons, if i break this door some of them could escape... and what say me than you arent one of them?" The woman said trying to give a chance to Heather yet her gaze was giving shame to the poor slave, she shouldnt be trying it on porpose, but it was almost as if Heather for her was far below a human.

"The key to open this door should be inside this building, maybe you could find it... Or i could force it to let you free yet you must do what i said" The woman looks to be pondering help Heather in escape but both could amybe get in troubles if she break the door, so it was up to Heather decide if she own her a favor or not.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather giggled quietly when the wolf licked her face, giving him a few more pets before walking away. She felt so warm inside from his seed, just a little bit of it trickling down her inner thighs, though his knot had done its job and kept most of it inside of her. Vaguely she pondered whether or not she could get pregnant from such a thing... in this game she wouldn't rule anything out, despite the absurdity of such a question in real life.

When she reached the door and asked the strange woman on the other side for help the woman asked her why she ought to help, continuing to drink from the well before stepping up to the iron bars. She had long, beautiful hair, and her eyes were a strange golden color that made Heather shiver a little bit, though she didn't know why. She practically berated the older woman, looking at her like she was little more than an animal, a touch of shame coming to her cheeks in the form of a blush. "I'm not a demon! I don't know why they shut me into this place, but it's truly horrible. You have to let me out! I'll never be able to find the key on my own... I'll do what you say, I'll prove to you that I'm not a beast!" Something told her that this wasn't a good idea... but neither was venturing deeper into this prison half-naked and with nothing but a handsaw to defend herself.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"They should have ta reason to have you here..." The woman answer looking eye to eye at the matured woman as maybe ponder what to do with Heather, but after a moment she sigh and share her canteen with Heather once this accept to follow any order.

"There is a town some miles away, to be sincere i dont trust completely in you... but i cant allow to leave someone who is possible an inocent locked here" The woman tehn get her canteen and ask to Heather to wait and from the water well started to fill an old vessel. "First, give me all what you have, i will store it as you clean yourself" She lend a sack to the prisioner and would not be satisfied until Heather place all even her glasses there, for what it looks this soldier wanted to see mostly if Heather have any hidden weapon. But then she softly whisper than it was a shame to waste most of the few water but they need to clean Heather to dont be captured by monsters as they would be called by the sex scent and blood at her body and clothes.

Once Heather accept to take a bath, the woman will try to open the lock. She got all the time to enjoy taking with the canteen the water from the vessel at the other side then wash every inch... it was a delicious and warm water, not a single spot was leaved behind, from head to her toes. Then her belly roar, Heather was hungry even when her belly was slighty bloated with the seed than her mate leave inside her, she just could drink some water and try to endure a little more, but once had washed herself she was with need to take a small nap.

After that long session with the wolf, the thing at the other jail and maybe be with so little to eat the last days, it was normal than Heather needed to sleep, she could endure it but after heard than the walk to the town will take hours made her decide to make the place safe for her rest, closing the door and trying to find papers or any confortable to sleep over.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"They were afraid... I don't know of what" Heather replied, looking pleadingly at the other woman through the bars. Finally she seemed to accept the idea of helping the older woman, handing over her canteen through the bars. Heather drank eagerly, having had nothing at all to eat or drink since the game began, probably a fairly long time before then. She handed it back when she had had her fill, shuddering a little bit as she was told to give the other woman everything she had. She didn't really want to... but she didn't have a choice. The woman handed her a sack, and she laid her bloody panties in it, then the handsaw she was using as a weapon, and then finally, reluctantly pulled the ragged shirt she wore over her head and laid it in, her plump breasts jiggling slightly as she undressed herself completely. She blushed, feeling odd to be naked around someone who wasn't her ex-husband. It had been... well. Besides him, probably no one besides her immediate family and her college roommate had ever seen her nude.

Even her glasses, though, had to go in the sack. "I'll need to wash those later... It's so hard to see without them, or with them dirty" she protested, taking them off and carefully folding them, placing them in the sack. After that she was told to bathe with the next bit of water passed to her, which she readily accepted to do; she looked like hell and smelled like sex and death, not the best of combinations. She took her long black hair down out of the bun she kept it in, running a hand through it idly and frowning a little bit. There were a couple of grays here and there; they had started popping up over the last year, stress-related probably. It had made her feel pretty bad about herself when they had first started appearing. In any case she tried not to think about it, taking the canteen and starting to pour it onto her head, using it to rub as much of the gunk out of her hair and off her face as she could. The water was warm and felt really nice on her skin, and of course it felt fantastic to be clean for a change. She got the impression that she hadn't been for a while... Every inch of herself got the water, her hand rubbing the blood and cum and grime off of her until she was nice and clean.

She was still hungry, though. Very, very hungry... and oh so very tired too. The other woman started messing around with the lock, trying to open up the gate. There was nothing Heather could do to help, and she just felt so... blah. So she went back to the door to the room, closing it and then assembling all of the paper that was torn up and scattered across the floor, trying to fashion it into a sort of a bed and laying down on it. She quickly drifted off to sleep; hopefully she would wake up to an open door in a little bit, and could get out of this terrible prison.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"Afraid? Oh nevermind we can ask later in that town" Said this the woman give time to Heather to place all her things at the bag, at least she looks to dont even care to have a naked mature woman in front as if that was usual, the handsaw and the blood was where she focus mostly but she dont asked anything, she just bring more water when the dark haired woman need it. Mostly they will take care of the glasses and anything else once the door get opened.


After her bath Heather went to sleep naked and slighty wet at the floor, for her fortune was a not so cold day, so she will get dry soon or later without get sick, almost sleep she got to heard than the lock was hard to open and some struggles more before all went dark for her. Her dreams flow so lively, they were mostly wet dreams and also her hunger make her dream about her favorite drinks and food, at least her ex dont appear on them, then suddenly a strong noise awake her.

It was hard to find out all in an instant, she was completely wet and sticky, some of the smelly fluid over her was dry leaving cream marks on her, she could taste an odd flavor at her mouth and her belly was bigger and more round than before. She also notice something pressing softly at her neck and it looks to have a a name plate yet she couldnt read it without her glasses.

She then got to see both doors at this room opened, the metal one leading to the exit was more than broken, almost as paper something just pass through it. The most scary was than that unknown creature could had taken its time, maybe do more than see her sleeping. Some few minutes later she heard some steps coming then they stop and suddenly the red haired woman peek trying to find out what has happened. Her face show some worries and get sure than nothing more than Heather were in the room before use her free hand to gesture her to run to where she was in silence.

(Cursed dog collar earned, cant be removed at the moment. Also she got a cum bath and get her belly full of... something creamy, so she is not hungry anymore but she is more than dirty)


Heather will notice once her clean glasses go back to her than the woman has returned with some tools than she has found at this place, so she could have more questions than Heather but she was now worried for what could had escaped just now. "Who did this?... a...at least you arent wounded" She whisper a little dissapointed to see the matured woman more dirty than before and more round.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather didn't really want to explain why the townsfolk had been afraid; maybe then the woman wouldn't help her... But thankfully she didn't press the issue. She didn't even seem to find it odd or erotic to have the older woman naked in front of her, treating it like it was perfectly normal. That helped lessen Heather's embarrassment, quickly getting her used to it by the time she laid down to sleep...

It wasn't exactly a peaceful sleep, that much was sure. Heather had one of the most intense, most detailed dreams she had ever had in her life. It started out with her sitting at a picnic table alone, wolfing down a giant cheeseburger and fries, a seemingly bottomless coke at her side. Even given that it was a dream it had a delicious taste, and no matter how much she ate it didn't seem to go away... At some point, though, a dog was prodding at her side with his nose, and in the manner of dreams she was suddenly naked without realizing how odd that was. He pushed her off the bench she sat on and she quickly found herself complying with what the dog wanted her to do, getting on all fours and presenting herself to him. He mounted her quickly, his furry body pressed down onto her as he humped her fast and hard, making her moan and groan in lust. It didn't take long before he was knotted inside of her, pouring out his cum into her womb as she came so very hard.

The dog was still tied to Heather when a handsome, muscular young man walked up in front of her, quite naked and erect. She eagerly opened her mouth for him and he shoved his long, thick cock down her throat, quickly thrusting away. Of course, it was only a dream, so she didn't gag or feel unpleasant in any way. By the time the man had cum, spurting warm seed into her belly, the dog had pulled out of her and another man came up behind her, pulling her over onto her back on top of him and slipping his dick into her ass, the other laying atop her and fucking her sloppy pussy, a third stepping up to fuck her mouth. Even more men began to gather around, the dream blurring into constant fucking, being showered with warm spunk and very nearly covered...

And then there was a loud noise, and Heather started awake. She was wet all over her body, sticky, almost as if her dream had really happened to her... There was an odd but somewhat familiar taste in her mouth, but most of all her belly was a little bit bigger, rounder... Was it just cum, or was she perhaps pregnant. She reached down to touch her belly. She had never been pregnant before... she and her ex had tried for a while, but it seemed that one or both of them simply weren't capable, and it had always bothered her a little bit. She probably still wasn't pregnant, it was probably just whatever she was covered with. She noticed the collar then... She could barely see it, it had a name-plate or something but she couldn't read it without her glasses. Last of all, of course, she saw that the room had been opened up, both the exit door and the one that led deeper into the prison absolutely destroyed. Something had broken out without her even noticing... and probably it had had its way with her while she slept. The thought made her shudder, wondering just what it had been.

The other woman showed up not long after that, looking quite worried as she motioned to Heather to come closer to the broken exit. The older woman crawled over to her, trying not to make much noise... Thankfully she was handed her glasses first, and she put them on quickly. "I haven't got a clue... I was sleeping the whole time. I don't know how I slept through... whatever this was" she replied, taking some time to quickly throw her hair up into a messy bun so that it stayed out of her eyes and away from her glasses. "Hopefully we won't stumble across it out there somewhere, whatever it is. It must be really strong to do this to the door..."
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The woman quickly take Heater's arm and pull her away from the dangerous prision enduring the smelly soaked cum on all her skin. "Its not time to ponder things... unless you want to meet that creature."The woman dont stop for a pair of minutes then opened her bag to take out something from it. "The creature can easily find us with that scent on you, at least you can try to run if you use these sandals" She lend them as also Heather old rags, her top was not dirty but it will be if she use it, at least she have these old confortable sandals, but the woman looks to dont be so hurried in give back the handsaw.

"Look, i had done too much for you... im already thinking twice the idea to bring you to that town, for me you could be a killer or worse..." The woman then show some ropes and shackles. "Once we get close to the town, i will place this on you and i will also borrow you my mantle. I will accept to protect you all the way if you accept" She said as they hide behind some woods close the prison, Heather could see at least five more buildings around it but it looks than there is nobody else close them. She could accept the help or try for herself get to the town with her handsaw.

(The collar words are "Kairi's Slutty Bitch")
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

The other woman pulled Heather out of the room quickly, out into the light of the outside world. She handed the older lady some items too, a pair of sandals for her to slip onto her feet to help her run if they needed to, and her freshly cleaned rags... It seemed a shame to put them on, but still she didn't want to be naked. She put it on, trapping the cum and whatever else she was covered in against her flesh to cool and dry. It just felt so nasty, smelled so awful... She didn't doubt that she was being annoying to the woman who had agreed to save her, certainly a problem. "I would never!" she protested, "I just want to escape this awful place and live a normal life..." It wasn't true, but it should be her character's motivation, right? She gulped when the redhead pulled out some ropes and a pair of shackles, telling her that she would have to be bound once they got to town, and to wear the other woman's cloak. "I... I guess I'll do it. I don't like it, but I'll do it for your help. Can I ask why?"
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"Who said than you are free to have a normal life? For me you are still a prisoner, but you choice my protection and that is what you will get." The soldier then store the restrain items before answer Heather little question.

"After see the damage than the creatures trapped at that prison can do, it will be a mistake dont place this on you, at least until i know all the truth about your case, the headquaters should have some data... then when i decide it you can be free to try to have that so wished peaceful life" Said this and maybe talk a little more they prodeed their way to that unknown town, Heather wouldnt had to wear the shackles and rope for now, as she should be free to run and hide if any monster meet them, yet that never happen... the red haired girl was calm and alert, placing the matured woman in front of her. A fortune was than this girl dont care of the naughty bits from the older one, as Heather rear cheeks and great part of her breasts were exposed, each step made the bounce enough to let out a small part of her erected nipple and her undergarment was not the enough to hide the wetness than her pussy drop, the wind was hitting at her front not only arousing her but also placing all her scents at her guard nose yet she dont said anything... Heather could feel her eyes placed on her dirty back soaked in thick cum.

Then after an hour, she notice a small kick comming from inside her round belly, her heart shape mark shine increase a little in that instant, causing a pleasure shock than travel her whole body, she got to remain silent and maybe the red head one dont notice it, the armed woman just got to say her to dont stop and proceed.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather shuddered when told that she was still a prisoner, that she wouldn't be free to go once they got to town. Perhaps this had been a mistake... though then again she thought of the prison she had just left, all the terrible things that could have happened to her in there. Surely this woman wouldn't treat her worse than the monsters in there! "Alright. I guess I don't have much of a choice either way..." she replied, walking along in front of the woman and keeping her eyes peeled for any danger. "What's your name, by the way? I'm Heather" she asked, still nervous as she walked along... But nothing seemed to be following them, and they came across nothing along the way. She didn't know how far they had come when she felt a kick from inside her belly, the strange mark on her shining a little bit brighter and sending a jolt of pleasure running up and down his spine. She kept walking, trying not to let the other woman notice, though she put a hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently. She was pregnant after all. Part of her loved it, though it was pretty likely that nothing human was growing in her womb...
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"If you are innocent, there is nothing to fear. And you choiced this, certainly a matured woman like you can stay firm" She said without any attempt to offend the prisioner.

"Amber, Official Amber for you... Looks like we may have some problems soon, i want you to stay hidden in this area, just in case take your weapon, but i want you to give it back when i come back for you" She softly said without change her tone in their walk, slowly giving the handsaw to Heather and pointing to a bush and some trees, then suddenly run toward the opposite direction.

Heather was suddenly alone again, the place was silent, giving to her a worried need to hide or run away. She could try to run away or stay hidden.
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

"Yes, nothing to fear..." Heather replied, thinking quietly for a moment after that. Apparently the woman's name was Amber, which she thought was a pretty name. She had always thought so. Maybe the game was reading her in that way. When the other woman told her to hide and gave her the handsaw she had been using as a weapon she looked around quickly, wondering just what Amber had seen... Though as the other woman left she quickly made for the bushes, practically diving in to hide in them. She wanted no part of fighting in her current state!
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather know more or less which direction Amber has taken, but the red head has leaved so fast to find out where she is now and there was not sign of what kind of creature she rush to face. Also the mature woman dont think twice before hide and just stay begging than all go right.

She remain hidden for minutes until she heard something coming, thankfuly she turn to check before get out, as soon she got to see two corrupted humans walking like zombies, she has seen this before but not so close or still moving, the guards of her little town always take care far of where she lived to see them easily. rotten meat and a hard bone in theirs pants, walking and suddenly they stop close her yet not looking at where she was hidden, tehy could smell her cum soaked bode, no doubt about it, theirs inhuman maons almost screaming for her to reveal and sattle theirs decayed rods, her neithers wet without reason and her eyes focus on the package in theirs pants, slowly getting closer, they were closer and as they reach her place more agresive they shout theirs needs to the four winds, it was only matter of time for her to be noticed by them even with their deadbrains.

(stay or attack...other?)
Re: Heather in heat (Tiffanian)

Heather hid quietly in the bushes, just hoping that everything worked out and Amber returned without delay... After a few minutes something approached, and though she was tempted to run out to greet it, hoping for her protector, she restrained herself. As it turned out that was a good thing, because the noise was a pair of zombies. The older woman had seen those before, though never up close... She stayed hidden, gripping her handsaw so tight her knuckles turned white. They were approaching her slowly, obviously unable to see her, though it soon became apparent that they could smell her.

Their intention, of course, was pretty obvious. She could tell that they had some big, stiff dicks straining against their pants... and a part of her wanted to feel what they were like despite the rotted, filthy flesh of the men. She was scared and wet all at the same time, her gaze fixed on their crotches as they shambled closer. She would hide until they got really close before attacking them, shouting out for help once she was engaged.