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Hentai - Story vs No Story

Hentai - Story vs No Story

  • Story

    Votes: 33 91.7%
  • No Story

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Its been an interesting ride for me when I'm in the mood for lookin at some hentai. This is because I really prefer something that has a long running story and characters but the vast majority of things out there are simple one shots 20-30 pages long with very little substance. Although there are some people who like that, that want to get their jollies nice and quick.

I'm not entierly sure how all this applies to doujins but I'm sure one or two of you will have an opinions about that.

But even though this is a matter of taste, I'd like to hear your opinions.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

One of my favorite doujins/Hentai was black dogs sailor moon series. I also like BBs story alot. Though if I'm just horny and am wanting fapping material, I tend to look for something with a lot of my fetishes and is story lite.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

For me, even a basic story gives more context which only helps amplify the erotic elements.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

I'm guessing that the majority of forum goers who will vote on this thread will choose story - because the people who would vote no story are generally the ones who don't look at anything other than the hentai section.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

I'm guessing that the majority of forum goers who will vote on this thread will choose story - because the people who would vote no story are generally the ones who don't look at anything other than the hentai section.

:D !
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

and yet 10%...
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

I suppose I would say "In theory". Good writing, an interesting story with complex characters and development? Sure! Now find me this theoretical doujin...
Most doujin fall into two categories. A couple of side panels that desperately seek to pretend this is not simply fap material(and fools only the author and others of similar shame at their porn viewing habits). And long boring school kid stories which are not very entertaining and waste a shit ton of time.

I recall reading a Mahou Shoujo Ai doujin which was actually interesting. As well as a Madoka manga that was so abusive I couldn't fap to it, but read it anyway as it too was interesting. I've also read a handful of doujins with cute entertaining stories(mostly Fate Stay Night and Tokyo Mew Mew based).

But I noticed someone mention BlackDog? There is no particular plot of which to speak. They can all be pretty much summed up as "Ack! I've been kidnapped! Nuuu don't touch me there >,<" six pages later "HARDER! FASTER! MORE!" - if this is what one considers "plot" then I guess, yes I prefer "plot". It is more fun when she says something than just a picture slide.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

If we aren't excluding the less typical understanding of the idea of a story/plot, than separating the Hentai and the story is strictly impossible. Even the most basic of H has some form of content, which inevitably has a situation it depicts (e.g. ‘tentacles binding and fucking girl’), which, itself, is a self-contained micro-story(e.g. ‘girl is having sex with tentacles, was not intending to by look on face and expression of body’). The plot is not necessarily one which says much; you're not likely to find the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel here - but the work still nonetheless tells a story.

If we are using a more typical understanding of a story/plot, my answer has to be much the same as BlueShinobi's one, in the most basic sense. I would not merely strip all context from a work of hentai simply for its titillation - even most of the more base pornographies have at least a touch of scene-setting before the action starts, for quite human reasons, which I won’t bother elaborating on (it would take too long to do so). That said, while context, plot and story are things that I would not take from hentai as a general rule, I find that a hentai’s story commonly does more harm than good: there are stories that work well with hentai, and stories that do not… and, unfortunately, most hentai seem to include a plot of the latter variety.

To put it the most simply, all works of story intend to elicit a response in the reader; mysteries intend to harbour intrigue, dramas to foster concern and sadness towards the characters, horror to induce fear, action and adventure seeks to fascinate and thrill.... while hentai, and it's similar cousins, are intended to inspire sexual arousal. Now, it's quite possible for a human to feel several different emotions (for lack of a better term) at once, but at the same time there are several feelings that conflict with each other - sadness and arousal are a good example. This is why I find that, no matter how good the story is, when the subject of the story conflicts with the hentai's intention to titillate, the sex and the plot only hurt each other.

Those visual novels that are lauded for their storytelling come to mind; the ones that make you cry and feel for the characters may certainly have very good storytelling, but I suspect there are considerably fewer people who laud the whole story as legitimately erotic. In most cases I have seen, the story and the hentai seem to take turns - the story will be initially prominent, have a gap for the hentai, return to story, hentai, story... in the end, the fracturing of content only ends up interrupting the mood that each of the elements attempts to build, inevitably creating awkward moments in which a person must abruptly adjust their mental state from one to the other.

A story to a hentai can be a good thing, but only if the intention of the story and the intention of the hentai work together. Sex Demon Queen is a brilliant example - the story intends to amuse, which does not conflict with arousal (when used correctly). I would hate to see a neutered version of Sex Demon Queen with only the H-content, because the story actually adds to the overall experience.

Well, that’s a quick summation of my opinion, at any rate; I could go into more detail, but I’ve covered the important parts, and I’ve told myself I’d keep this short. Hopefully, the intention behind the text is clear enough.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

I suppose I would say "In theory". Good writing, an interesting story with complex characters and development? Sure! Now find me this theoretical doujin...

... Aki Sora?
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story

VERY basicly what Host said. I guess the downside of animation (like all media) is that plot very much gets chucked out for more naughty content a good chunk of the time. Ai was one of the few examples I can recall recently where the naughty wasn't the entire reason the plot exists, allthough there's a few other examples I got saved on the craptop that I can't remember.

Sadly, a lot of hentai falls into the plotholes of most pornshoots. And that's terrible.
Re: Hentai - Story vs No Story
