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Hoap Sues Freeko

Hoap Sues Freeko

  • Aye, ban his ass.

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • We can put up with him.

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters

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Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

To clarify once again: the administrators ARE and ALWAYS SHOULD BE the final decision-maker in forum bans.

I do think, though, that there should be a few things that automatically subject someone to such a review, however. Complaints, rep bars, or the recommendation of a moderator are just a couple of ideas. But that's not the decision-maker. The admins should ALWAYS make the final decisions.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Sorry, but the whole argument you are making (slippery slope, one result or the other) is pretty fallacious (as in literally on the list of logical fallacies). So let's stick with the reality.
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Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Well, another alternative would be to have any user that wants to have their posting ability activated write an essay or something? I doubt freeko would be able to get through a couple hundred words without revealing their true nature. I pity the poor bastards that would have to sort through these though.

I kind of agree with having some sort of procedure for banning, but I wouldn't want to see anything set in stone for what gets you onto probation or banned. It is far too easy to get into the red if another user makes a concerted attempt to get you there. Multiple infractions and a general dislike around the forum would be where I'd suggest a vague starting point.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

While it is easy to be given giant chunks of red it is also easy for the administration to detect foul play. Like someone with (un)warranted grief towards someone.

We still only have 2 active admins and they're only human, they have more important things to do than be an active anti-shitlord detection system.

If people misbehave they will be asked nicely to leave, if they refuse then the bouncer comes, this is true for any social place. The fact Freeko has been running around without a leash is not something I can comment on.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

not that my opinion matters much, but i have seen freeko post aggressive and provocative- not in a good way- posts simply disagreeing with people. multiple times has he ignored proper rebuttals or requests to prove anything he, i'm assuming freeko is a guy, is saying. often he hides behind a wall of text and links, most of which is only loosely related to the subject matter, while ignoring any evidence against his claims. the closest he comes to acknowledging the claims against him is to try and change subjects, belittle, or circumnavigate any criticism of him. i for one say ban his ass.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

For all the people coming in after the legal argument asking why he hasn't been banned, quite frankly, it's because those still remain merely claims.

Now I can't say anything on how his behavior has been for the past 3 months cuz I've been rather removed from my responsibilities. I will tell you that I really do not like having people banned. Often compared to others in the EE section, I'm very lenient on what to come down on, even though most in the H section probably see my as an iron-fisted fascist. I believe in a large diversity of personalities, and don't like banning people just for being assholes, no matter how much of an asshole that person is (though it doesn't stop me from responding to them, as many have seen). Trolling is different from being an asshole, because you're making a conscious decision to be an asshole for the sake of it. That's something I can often have a problem with, even if you think it's for your own 'lulz.' Another thing I have a problem with is being an asshole repeatedly towards one person, or a specific target because, again, you're consciously starting shit.

To me, those negatives are still negatives that bring my attention, but even then, I'm not huge on banning unless I see it start to outweigh their other posts entirely. I apologize if it sounds like I favor contributors, but a douchey developer is probably just a douche, not a toxic part of a community. Freeko has done all of these things. He has trolled, and he has targeted, but he's also contributed, and the question is the subjective weighted scale of that. I understand that it's an arguable point and Freeko probably wouldn't like to hear that, but something that is not subjective is momentum. Again, I've been somewhat removed, but with the recent rise of more patreon stuff, it seems his posts have become less constructive and more targeting of others. So even if this whole debacle were to not end up in a ban, I can only warn that some behaviors still need to change, or the decision will be very easy in the future
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

I can't really "properly" take a side in this case, in that I'm not nearly as involved in this community as I used to be. With that said though, I can offer the following statements based on my time here. Trolling or being an asshole, if it were enough criteria alone to ban someone, would have meant that certain people should have been banned a lot sooner than they were were, if at all.

With that said though? Given the evidence that's been brought forth, should it have even the least bit of substance, Freeko's long stepped past "being a troll". For this purpose I cite this:

he did serve false dmcas and got the game in question taken down from dlsite, but by that point i'd had enough of him and didn't really care about profitting from it...

At this point, he's not just "being an asshole", he's actively attacked a user to the point it damaged their livelihood. This is stuff you can actually get sued and CHARGED for in a civil court, should the victim choose to pursue it. In this case, the victim stated that they simply wanted to have nothing more to deal with Freeko at that point in time, and thus chose 'not' to pursue it. But, that doesn't change the fact that what he's done would be scrutinized in an actual court of law as is, much less a "forum court". Thus if there's any evidence other than testimony to support these claims at this point? Honestly, that should be reason enough to motion for a ban.

And as a preemptive rebuttal to anyone who says, "well it's 'just' trolling/being an asshole" (even though a case has been established that it's not 'just' at this point)... Let me point to a few notable internet "trolling" activities in recent years: swatting, "bomb threats" to airplanes, DDOS attacks on ISP providers creating inconvenience for thousands of other people as collateral damage. Just because people are doing it for "laughs", doesn't mean that it's not malicious, or even criminal. In fact the first example there has GOTTEN PEOPLE SHOT AND KILLED, with the other forcing a BOMB SQUAD to be dispatched. Trolling is only "funny" up till the point it causes people actual harm, be it physical, fiscally, or so forth. And with what's been cited here, I say that Freeko has long crossed that line.

But that's just my two cents on this.

Tl;dr: If any of what's been cited here regarding his activities and behavior holds up, he's long crossed the line of not being banned.
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Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

I feel like unless your being a huge ass hole and disrupting everyone elses fun you shouldn't get a permanent ban. Although I'm probably biased on this as I'm actively RPing with him and honestly enjoying it quite a bit. Would hate to have to move that to another forum, but that being said I'm kinda a quite guy on here so my vote probably irrelevant.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

I feel like unless your being a huge ass hole and disrupting everyone elses fun

This is pretty much Freeko's modus operandi.
Also, just ban him from posting on the H-games board, this is where he starts 99% of his negative behavior/disruption.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

This is pretty much Freeko's modus operandi.
Also, just ban him from posting on the H-games board, this is where he starts 99% of his negative behavior/disruption.

If you're going to that much trouble already, you might as well go all the way. Read as: Hey! Don't try to pawn him off on the rest of us.

Besides, I think it's an all-or-nothing deal. You can either post, or you can't.

And yeah, very seldom freeko can post something that isn't god awful and interact in a less offensive manner but that's the exception, not the rule
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

If you're going to that much trouble already, you might as well go all the way. Read as: Hey! Don't try to pawn him off on the rest of us.

Besides, I think it's an all-or-nothing deal. You can either post, or you can't.

And yeah, very seldom freeko can post something that isn't god awful and interact in a less offensive manner but that's the exception, not the rule

It seems though like 99% of his negative behavior is in the h-games board; outside of it, he seems to somehow not enter full asshole idiocy mode, so yeah, I'm gonna factor in it's basically his saltiness about Patreon, so if he weren't able to post on the board that involved Patreon stuff...
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Keep in mind that there is also an art forum somewhere and we have a few, not many, people who commission artwork. We do not want him to turn his fires on that.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

He writes a few funny things in the Akabur thread :D:D:D:D:D
It's a nice change of pace compared to the people insulting Akabur :p:p
Akabur is a troll himself, so of course I welcome his jokes ;)

Why are you guys so hateful towards a funny troll? Especially hentaiwriter seems to be on the edge and is kinda mean himself if I read his latest posts :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

He writes a few funny things in the Akabur thread :D:D:D:D:D
It's a nice change of pace compared to the people insulting Akabur :p:p
Akabur is a troll himself, so of course I welcome his jokes ;)

Why are you guys so hateful towards a funny troll? Especially hentaiwriter seems to be on the edge and is kinda mean himself if I read his latest posts :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes, I'm definitely the mean one here--

The short version is Freeko hired AzureZero to make him a game, which AzureZero did to every specification that Freeko demanded. However, when AzureZero finished the project and prepared to move on to the next one he had lined up for another person that paid him quite a bit of money as well, Freeko got pissy and said no to redo a lot of it and so AzureZero did so and Freeko kept demanding him to redo certain things here and there, and then demanded that he get 50% of all income from the project as well because he deserved it.

In the end, AzureZero refused, and Freeko nearly got AzureZero's blog shut down, pretty much did get his Paypal shut down, and caused him to lose quiet a bit of money that AzureZero depended on for his lively hood.

Then Freeko laughed about it and acted like he was the biggest baddest mother fucker that ever lived and even bragged about it and shit.


At this point, he's not just "being an asshole", he's actively attacked a user to the point it damaged their livelihood. This is stuff you can actually get sued and CHARGED for in a civil court, should the victim choose to pursue it. In this case, the victim stated that they simply wanted to have nothing more to deal with Freeko at that point in time, and thus chose 'not' to pursue it. But, that doesn't change the fact that what he's done would be scrutinized in an actual court of law as is, much less a "forum court". Thus if there's any evidence other than testimony to support these claims at this point? Honestly, that should be reason enough to motion for a ban.

Well then.

This isn't even bringing up how he essentially posts in Patreon threads almost universally on the H-Games board and nonstop berates people with Patreons with the same argument over and over, so it's not as if he's learned from his previous mistakes; he was even trying to give the Injustice guys horribly false legal advice that could land them in court, so he really doesn't even care what he says or how false it is, he just says shit to say it, regardless of the repercussions to anyone.
But of course, when HE gets called out on his bullshit, then he demands people "speak the truth", despite him never giving that level of consideration towards anyone else.

But you know, I'm the mean one here, of course. :rolleyes:
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Yes, I'm definitely the mean one here--


Well then.

This isn't even bringing up how he essentially posts in Patreon threads almost universally on the H-Games board and nonstop berates people with Patreons with the same argument over and over, so it's not as if he's learned from his previous mistakes; he was even trying to give the Injustice guys horribly false legal advice that could land them in court, so he really doesn't even care what he says or how false it is, he just says shit to say it, regardless of the repercussions to anyone.
But of course, when HE gets called out on his bullshit, then he demands people "speak the truth", despite him never giving that level of consideration towards anyone else.

But you know, I'm the mean one here, of course. :rolleyes:

I really didn't know all that :O
And I guess everything has two sides to it and you seem pretty biased towards one side :cool::cool:
Pretty much been lurking here for years so I don't know everyone that well here.
But just looking at your profile all you do is argue with people and defend your game. I won't argue that he did some bad things but even though I'm new here, I saw you insulting countless guys who disagree with you, often getting very personal. :confused::confused:
Do you think you are somehow a better person? :confused:
I also noticed that you insulted Akabur about 30 times in total (could be more but I'm too lazy to read through all the hate). Every few days you try to bash him :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Not very constructive to repeat yourself so often right? :cool:

But everything is kewl :p:p
I think arguing with you will only end in more poison and we obviously don't need that here. I can take a few insults, especially if those people are using the Karma function on this board ;):)

My vote counts as much as yours in the poll :rolleyes:

As I said. I won't argue anymore.
You have a right to your opinion, I value freedom of speech contrary to you. In my opinion you are some kind of narcissist and I wish you all the best and hope you receive some kind of treatment :) Have a good time here mighty keyboard warrior :):):)
This will be my last *edit since you are not worth an additional *post :)
Have your last word I won't bother with you anymore. You are a lost cause.
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Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

I really didn't know all that :O
And I guess everything has two sides to it and you seem pretty biased towards one side :cool::cool:
Pretty much been lurking here for years so I don't know everyone that well here.
But just looking at your profile all you do is argue with people and defend your game. I won't argue that he did some bad things but even though I'm new here, I saw you insulting countless guys who disagree with you, often getting very personal. :confused::confused:

Okay, let's break this down.

- You've been lurking here for years... yet you're saying objectively false things throughout this post. I really highly doubt you've been lurking here for years, or if you have, then you clearly haven't done your research, so why are you stating things as if they're fact?
- I don't call people names; that would be what Freeko and quite a few other trolls on this board do, and I certainly don't post defamatory things like what Freeko does either.
- Freeko gets personal on a daily basis; I don't, unless it's with Freeko, or with the one or two posts being an exception where I was intentionally being personal with him to show him what it's like when someone treats him the same way he treats everyone else. What account are you even reading?
- Defend my game? You mean like not posting in my thread for my game for nearly two months and continually posting and contributing constructively to discussion in lots of threads around the boards without bringing anything about myself up? Maybe you've got me confused with Freeko again, whose posts on the H-Games board, by far and above, are mostly bashing Patreon and people using Patreon and people who make games on Patreon, and then he tries to defend himself with the same rhetoric over and over while refusing to actually address any of the rebuttals thrown at him.

Do you think you are somehow a better person? :confused:

Yes, actually, I do think I'm a better person than Freeko, because I don't say shit unless I'm damn sure I know what I'm talking about, and in the cases where I'm wrong, I own up to it.
Freeko neither researches anything he claims about people nor does he ever own up to anything he's done wrong, ever. Pretty sure most people would consider themselves to be better than Freeko in that regard.

I also noticed that you insulted Akabur about 30 times in total (could be more but I'm too lazy to read through all the hate).

Exaggerate more, please! Also, have you seen the rest of that thread? Have you seen Akabur's treatment of his Patrons and his work ethic in general? You're acting like I'm the only one saying these things, when it's the majority opinion by far around here that he's scamming people and extremely lazy, with a ton of actual objectiveness/facts to back up those statements.

Every few days you try to bash him :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Not very constructive to repeat yourself so often right? :cool:

Again, what accounts/posts are you reading? You've got this flipped; he goes out of his way to try and attack people creating games on Patreon on a daily basis, I've held my tongue repeatedly when it comes to his posts up until recently, and even now only replying to posts of his when things actually need to be corrected due to them being blatantly false (like the DMCA stuff in the Injustice thread) without attacking him in any way.

My vote counts as much as yours in the poll :rolleyes:

And yet the majority so far have it that Freeko should be banned, for obvious reasons.
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Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Yes, actually, I do think I'm a better person than Freeko, because I don't say shit unless I'm damn sure I know what I'm talking about, and in the cases where I'm wrong, I own up to it.
Freeko neither researches anything he claims about people nor does he ever own up to anything he's done wrong, ever. Pretty sure most people would consider themselves to be better than Freeko in that regard.

So when are you going to own up to trying to flatly lie about how azurezero screwed me over?

Oh right, you believe something told to you second hand from a source that had nothing to do with either of us. Fact checking? Why don't you try doing some of your own.

You even still try to use that as if it were true only because you said so. Or whoever it was you heard that garbage from. I like the touch that you bolded it yet again. Making a false statement over and over does not make it true. I guess you believe your own lies?
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

So when are you going to own up to trying to flatly lie about how azurezero screwed me over?

When it becomes a lie, which it isn't, lmao. Did you miss where AzureZero confirmed the story in this very thread, himself?

You even still try to use that as if it were true only because you said so. Or whoever it was you heard that garbage from. I like the touch that you bolded it yet again.

No, I use it as true because AZ confirmed it.
Also, I didn't bold it "again", I quoted it, which retains tags.

Making a false statement over and over does not make it true.

Uh... pot calling the kettle black, in regards to your statements about Patreon and many other things? Again, sucks when people use your own tactics against you, doesn't it? (Although of course, this isn't really YOUR tactics, since this stuff is truth and not wild conjecture like most of your posts)

I guess you believe your own lies?

No, I just go by facts. But apparently according to the votes above, a majority of people "believe the lies", lol.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

as far as i know freeko didn't try to get my blog taken down nor my paypal banned, he did serve false dmcas and got the game in question taken down from dlsite, but by that point i'd had enough of him and didn't really care about profitting from it...

he's still an asshat, but there were worse things he couldve done if he wanted to

That is literally what he said. Where does he confirm any part of your lies? In this thread or the game thread for that matter. I was not the one who broke the contract between us. He is the one who admitted that he stole from me in the game thread.

He made one other post in this thread, but it was clearly a joke. Just like your failure of an argument and attempt to unjustly smear my name with your blatant lies.
Re: Hoap Sues Freeko

Tbf, it's not like it's even slightly hard to be a better person than freeko.

On an unrelated note though, this is turning into something of a flame war. The community has spoken its majority opinion by this point, and several people who at one point defended freeko based on principle - including myself - have rescinded that defense because of his asinine behavior and a few of the things revealed in the course of this thread that have had more effects than him simply pissing somebody off. Probably time to lock this and poke the admins into forming a counsel of judgement and making their decision so all of this can blow over.
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