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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)


Not having much difficulty in getting sleep come to her, Tomoe eventually faded away, the image of her friends in the rain being the last thing she managed to think off while in the comfy confines of the grass bed and the nymphs. There would probably be a lot of explanation to do once she got back to them.

In a time that did not really feel enough of a rest period yet still had driven off the exhaustion, Tomoe found herself back in the waking world, now having developed some changes and aches that were not too unexpected in her current situation. Having developed the even larger breasts was not something she terribly comfortable with, but dealing with them was not too big a chore given how she would likely be spending a fair bit of time not moving around, so she could put up with it. The nymphs had probably not been sleeping as they were both fully awake, or possibly the miko had simply outslept the two. Did nymphs even sleep? She was not sure, but did not dwell on it as a more pressing concern was directed at her, the need for food. And it was almost ravenous, the miko not having felt such hunger in a long while. The alraune had treated them nice, so that had not been an issue back then, and even on the earlier travels there had been decent food stores to keep any nagging hunger away. Thoughtfully enough, the two colorful ladies were keen on fixing the issue, each providing her with their respective offerings of food to make it all better. The priestess was thankful, and would express to the remaining one as she got to eating everything she had been given with uncharacteristic delight.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

The remaining nymph watched Tomoe eat and occasionally picked at a pew morsels herself, but for the most part allowed the ravenous miko to consume her fill of the offerings on hand. Once the small feast was finished or she had announced that she had had enough, the remaining faerie caretaker would clap her hands together and say; "So! You can't leave, not yet... But that doesn't mean you have to sit around in this grove all day. What would you like to do, hm? You're not in any state to participate in what you did yesterday... At least in the first part that got you into the second, but you can still watch if you'd like. You can go to the hot spring and soak for a while, you're not TOO bloated yet so you can still take a stroll around the glades, or you can go to where we had the feast when you got here and see if anyone's playing music."

She batted her eyelashes at Tomoe and gave her an expectant look, but before the miko could reply she went on; "Ooooor.... If those are feeling full, there more young who've just been born and still need feeding, if you don't mind playing wetnurse. As you can imagine, it happens pretty often around here. Ooor... If you'd rather someone a little older give them a little attention... That can be arranged. They actually prefer the young ones to learn on entirely willing women, so if you wanted someone a little less overwhelming to practice on you could definitely find a willing partner.... I assume you don't want everyone who ever gets into your pants to completely overwhelm you, right? Oooh, I could give you tips! That'd be fun! I'd be like a real teacher!"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Having gone through everything presented to her, Tomoe felt satisfied for the moment, though she had the suspicion that it might not last as long as usual in her current condition. Hearing the remaining nymph out, she was given a good variety of options as to what she might be doing for the time being, some less desirable than others. Feeling the need to secure her gear, the miko asked to go and get her clothing and more importantly her blade, the feeling of nakedness being even more pronounced when she did not know where her belongings were. Assuming she got her belongings back, Tomoe would ask to go and see the people fighting at the place she had been to before. Maybe she could find something new to learn if she observed the various combatants.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Tomoe's things were returned to her without complaint; they'd been left nearby after she had been led from the pool at which she had been made to conceive the faerie children now growing in her belly. Her treasured blade was intact and unharmed, and with it the nymph would escort her to the sparring fields while conversing jovially.

It wasn't much different from how it had been when she'd left it, a hilly glade with numerous circles drawn in the grass allowing for makeshift arenas in which those of a militant persuasion could spar together. Many of those present were goatkin, including the one who had defeated, claimed, and ultimately impregnated Tomoe with his children, and they seemed to follow certain tactics commonly.

Many of them were fairly bulky, and used their size and strength to their advantage both against one another and against more agile opponents. The smaller ones fought with agility comparable to a trained warrior like Tomoe or Kei when facing their larger brethren, displaying an ability to shift tactics dramatically when faced with opponents of differing abilities. The other combatants, mostly other beings of such unnatural beauty and grace that they could only be the upper echelons of faerie-kind; the sidhe. She was free to choose the sort of fight she'd like to observe, for there were many of them on offer between varying opponents, especially if she wished to look for new tactics to use in her own battles.

As she moved to observe a match, however, one of the bigger gruffs started staring at her, and after a moment he would step around the arena at which she had stopped. "You... I saw your match against my brother. Impressive, for a mortal. Where were you taught?" He said slowly, his deep voice like a mountain moving.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Without too much trouble, the nymph let Tomoe retrieve her belongings, which were thankfully not far off from her current location in the little glade. Getting some clothes on, the miko would nonetheless leave her robe on fairly loose, expecting developments to happen sooner than later. And when they did, she did not want to be tucking at her clothing to make room. With Kuchinawa there within immediate reach, she felt a whole lot better, eventually leaving with the escort fey lady, who was pleasant and bubbly and generally nice to be around.

The arenas were eventually in sight, looking as they had before and being used by many a fighter of the fey persuasion. Mostly they were the goatmen, but a number of sidhe did appear to be there, each kind presenting a different approach towards the art that was fighting. Tomoe would take in the sidhe side of things, having experienced the other side pretty handily already the day before. Before she could get too far into it, there was a particular gruff coming towards her, presenting the priestess with a question as he got to her. It did not really matter, so there was no real need for her to hide it. "I've lived most of my life in a shrine complex in the eastern lands. My primary teacher there was the head priestess and keeper of the shrine, Yoshino. The other senior priestesses did their part, but she was the primary teacher for everyone within the shrine."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Ahhhh... Interesting. Many of us have never fought one such as yourself," the burly gruff replied, "it is a curiosity for us, to test ourselves against many different styles of combat. The sidhe who come to test themselves against us often bring unique approaches to battle, but they tend to rely too much on being... Unpredictable." He took a step closer, leaving him towering over the smaller human woman, but didn't seem to be making any overtly intimidating actions.

"Did you understand the terms by which you were challenged? Do you... Are you actually aware of the guidelines under which we are supposed to fight, and what we owe to those that defeat us."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

While she felt maybe a bit uncomfortable by the close proximity of this particular goatly warrior, Tomoe did not back off from him as he did not seem to be trying to intimidate or challenge her in any real way. Again, hehad some more further words of inquiry to offer, this time a little less pleasant ones to the priestess as she had gained some previous knowledge of the matter. "Ah, well... The terms... Yes, I have actually had some dealings under the same rules before...so one could say I knew. But the latter, not really. What is that about?" she would reply, actually curious about the latter part as she had no real idea of it.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Hmmm..." The massive goatman let out a thoughtful noise so deep that it felt like the ground might quake from his voice alone, and for a moment didn't opt to respond. He was the most like his father that Tomoe had seen so far, at least in terms of physical appearance, but she might be forgiven for not being able to recognize the differences between the various muscular dark furred goatmen with any real accuracy.

He gave a soft snort, accompanied by a shake of his head that only made him seem even more bestial than before, but then said in an entirely human voice; "If one bests us, we are to serve them, for a time. To learn better why we were beaten. My brother just returned from such... And learned vile subterfuge from such. It is unseemly, though it is good that you at least understood the nature of faerie duels. If it would not be burdensome to you, when you are sound of body once more I would like to challenge you."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The gruff went on to further explain what these aforementioned guidelines for the fey were, or maybe it was just a thing that these particular ones went by. From the sounds of it, it seemed to be a two-sided deal that would end up benefiting both ends of it, with the winner gaining the support of the loser and letting them observe the winner's style and methods of fighting and probably even generally living. Given the highly competitive nature of these particular goat fellows, it seemed fairly fitting that they would take up these kinds of endeavors. "I suppose I could humor you, it seems to be of some importance to you. Certainly would not mind having a strong fellow like you around for a while. My own companions, while nice folk for the most part, can have their... peculiarities about them at times." she would go on to agree, despite the potential risk of what losing would entail.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The hulking goatman would nod gratefully, "Excellent... I thank you for the opportunity." He gave a slight bow at the waist, and when he straightened said; "I have been called Gnarl before. You may continue to use that name, if it pleases you." He bowed again, and after straightening a second time said; "I will come to you when it is time, and we shall engage here. I will be looking forward to it." And with that, he would bid Tomoe goodbye and head over to one of the dueling circles, though once he was out of earshot her nymph guide would reach out and give Tomoe's rear a gentle pinch.

"Good choice~ Much better than the first one! He'll keep you going all night, and you'll love every... Last... Minute of it~" Her guardian would say, giving a playful titter.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"It shall be so. I see no need to come up with some other name when there is one perfectly fine one already there. I am Tomoe. We'll meet up when it's appropriate, yes. Hopefully not too long from now." the miko would answer and introduce herself as well, seeing it only polite to do so before the goatman made his way off to have some more fights in the arenas. He seemed like a good guy, so the priestess was left with a good impression towards them. Yet the afterwards reminder from the nymph still gave the situation it's own brand of tension. She was not completely sure as to how the encounter between them would end, but was hopeful that it would not be the one she was not desiring for, having already gone through a good bit of it earlier.

Still not entirely sure as to what might be the best way to pass the time until the inevitable, Tomoe decided to wander off the arenas, going nowhere in particular and just taking in the sights for a while.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

Leaving the battlegrounds, the rest of the faerie grove turned out to be quite pleasant even if it lacked the martial ; the perfect example of nature unconstrained by mortal meddling but guided by an intelligent design. Every path was easy to walk but lined by vibrant plants; gatherings of flowers in every shape and color, bushes of sweet berries ripe for the picking, moss or grass beds that would be easy to lie upon, and artistic arrangements of mushrooms all lined the walkways, so close that she could touch them if she so wished.

As they wandered through the garden-like glade, the nymph seeing to her would keep up a running commentary - rife with gossip - of which faeries residing in the glade preferred to stay in which areas of it. She had some difficulty explaining who she was talking about at times, often simply referring to people via pronouns at first but then correcting herself and giving names, but her amicable nature kept the lurid descriptions interesting at least.

If she kept wandering long enough, Tomoe would come upon a strange woman wearing only a short red dress that left her thighs and cleavage exposed. Her skin was a pleasant, almondy brown, and she was both cut along the same lines in terms of figure as the busty priestess and possessed of similar Amazonian facial features. Her hair was short and a bright minty green, and she had a bright red rose over her left ear and a violet tulip over her right, separated by her pleasant features and icy blue eyes that were in sharp contrast to her warm expression.

The odd woman was tending to a strange plant set just off the side of the path that seemed to be wilting. It was a collection of leafy, vine-like stalks interwoven together and between firmer structures, with large triangular leaves and several odd protruding tentacle structures that seemed to squirm slightly as she spread something near its base. She paused in her task as Tomoe and her caretaker approached, raising a somewhat dirty hand to wave to the priestess. "Hello there! You are the human woman who arrived yesterday, aren't you?" She said, rising to her feet and dusting off her knees. "Do you like the pathways? I am in charge of the upkeep of the plants here. You may call me Aria."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Having taken off from the arenas, Tomoe would find the areas nearby to be nature at it's most beautiful, and it was simply delightful to experience. While there did appear to be fairly large amounts of outside influence in the assorted plant life, it did not really affect the pleasing look of the surroundings. The various descriptions of the areas and the inhabitants that the escort nymph gave kinda flew over Tomoe's head most of the time, given the rapid pace they came in, but she did not mind it at all as it was a nice addition to her walk.

Eventually, there would be something a little more out of the ordinary as Tomoe came across another woman on the trail, apparently working but soon switching attention to the miko herself. She was fairly unrestrained in clothing, but the priestess was more interested in the fact that she seemed to be another Amazonian, given they had fairly similar physiques and more importantly facial features which were a telltale sign of her heritage. Once the greeting was required, Tomoe would not hesitate, offering her own wave to reply as she approached the scene. "Yes, that would be me." she replied, thinking about how many humans exactly were going around this place. If the Easterner had to guess, it was not too many. "I most certainly do like them. While unbridled nature is beautiful by itself, a guiding hand can make it look even better with the correct little touches." the discussion would progress, Tomoe too sharing her name as she learned the gardener's own. "What exactly were you doing there? Just a bit curious."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Oh... I was tending to an unfortunate specimen," Aria replied, her smile wavering and taking on a hint of sadness. "It isn't doing well... It seems unable to extra some essential nutrients from the soil, no matter what I try. A human sorcerer created it for... Less than noble and chaste purposes, but after he died we salvaged it from his laboratory. It took to the soil, but has been wilting without its natural food source... Actually," she brightened slightly, "you were defeated by one of the sons, were you not?" Her eyes flicked downwards, towards Tomoe's stomach, and then back up to her face.

"Yes... That means.... Hmmm... I believe that you could assist me, if you wish. I would warn that you would likely get your knees a little dirty, but it wouldn't require what you might fear. As far as I can ascertain it is sterile, and uninterested even in the attempt."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"It did seem a bit odd kind of thing, so that origin story does make a lot of sense." Tomoe would remark at the background of the bizarre yet ailing plant being. What was being said next did not really need to be mentioned to her again, but what could she do about now besides acknowledge that it had indeed transpired, the mention of it appearing to give Aria some ideas. "Well I might, but I also might want to hear what this is about first. I don't mind my knees, but just might be a little more protective of some other parts." she would go on to ask, not simply wanting to go into anything blind.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

"Well... It was made to take what it needs from a... Humanoid host, and it seems to prefer the feminine variety. You could feed it as you would your own children, with some coaxing."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Requesting an explanation, Tomoe got what she asked for, which was enough to make her start feeling bothered again. The place and the inhabitants were sure good at that. While she was against it in her by reaction, the miko would ultimately agree to help, not wanting something to die if she could help the matter. "I'll do it. Just look after it, I don't want anything funny happening." she would say as she moved on up to see if the plant would accept her offer.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES, being MILKED, also pretty tied up at the moment

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The faerie woman offered an understanding nod, "it will likely be.... Well, you probably don't need me to tell you, but I can at least assure you that it won't make any effort to do anything other than feed on you. First, let me help you relax." She approached, and gently relieved Tomoe of her weapon; "This will just be here, it will get in the way." Her precious blade was gingerly propped up against a nearby tree, and the nymph who had been guiding her shrugged and took up a position next to it after a glance from the tanned gardener.

After that, the faerie woman took up a position behind the miko and began to massage her shoulders. Despite the nature of her work, the woman's hands were both soft and impressively deft, and within moments the soft kneading of her digits produced tingling pleasantness that flowed down Tomoe's body, emanating from her shoulders but spreading steadily across the entirety of the woman's oft rigid frame. The efforts to relax her muscles took up a few moments, the faerie's hands drifting slightly across her shoulders, sometimes shifting to press her thumbs along Tomoe's back, sometimes traveling up the back of her neck. After a time, however, they drifted below Tomoe's clothing and began to spread them aside, drifting her top steadily across her shoulders and revealing more and more of the miko's ample cleavage.

"This will have to come off," she said, and began to undo the bindings of the clothing covering the miko's torso. It was ultimately removed and put aside, carefully if Tomoe insisted, before the woman returned to touching her. The shoulder massage didn't last too much longer, however, before she made to undo her chest wraps as well. The careful unraveling of those strands of cloth that normally kept her massive bust contained took some time, and she gently massaged the hefty orbs throughout her extended unwinding until finally Tomoe was fully topless. "...And it will probably go easier if I get you started."

The faerie gardener, as shameless as the rest of her kind seemed to be, leaned closer against Tomoe and reached around her to grasp her chest. She gently kneaded the pillowy flesh from below at first, the sensations that her hands provided going from relaxing to openly pleasurable as naturally as she'd ever experienced, but they didn't long remained their. Her hands slid over Tomoe's chest, barely glancing across her hardening peaks before smoothing back down to repeat the motion. Up and down she went thrice more, before gently cupping Tomoe's bosom just as her nipples were reaching full hardness, producing an intense spike of outright pleasure. She rubbed the cups of Tomoe's bosom, and then began to lightly squeeze the peaks of her breasts in an effort to draw out the miko's milk, but she had been unaware that the priestess' increasingly mutated body had already caused her to do so far more easily than it would normally. When the miko's nourishing fluid began to ooze upon her fingertips, she let out a thoughtful sound and then released Tomoe's breasts, ultimately taking her by the hand and leading her over to the plant.

"You'll have to get down on all fours... There, like that. Now you'll just have to wait I'm afraid, it shouldn't take too long for it to notice you... And don't worry, it will probably get pretty intense, but it won't hurt you and I have never seen it attempt to do anything other than take its sustenance," the faerie woman explained, before stepping back a ways and leaving Tomoe on hands and knees, leaning over the mutant plant with her bare breasts just barely not touching it.

For a few moments, nothing happened, besides the slightly nervous stare of the gardener and the both amused and amorous gaze of her guide and keeper so long as she was in the faerie glade. Eventually, however, the enchanted plant began to stir beneath her, vines sliding across leaves and creating an odd raspy rustling noise. The first tendril-like growths to approach her merely slid over her hands, though they quickly and boldly began to climb up her arms, quickly reaching her shoulders and spreading even further. Others slid up towards her hanging breasts a few moments later, just as the vines climbing over her back met and crossed. A few leaf-like vines slid over the surface of her chest, teasing her sensitive skin and seemingly searching for something, which they found upon reaching her nipples. The first searching gropes were light, imprecise, but once they felt her leaking milk the tendrils seemed to hone in upon her peaks with flawless precision. Her peaks were wrapped by the slightly rough bands of fibrous appendages and tugged upon until her milk began to flow, falling to the plant below, but after a few drops it suddenly stopped.

Two different tentacles appeared, emerging from large gourd-like growths near the base that opened to reveal transparent orbs attached to violet opaque tubes. Atop those tubes, which began to rise towards her, were transparent cup-like appendages covered in miniscule writhing tendrils that seemed to be coated in a moist substance. Tomoe wouldn't have long to observe them as they reached up on thicker tendrils and clamped upon her chest. The miko's massive bosom was too large to fully envelope, but the outer surface was fully captured by the plant's suckers. The stimulation that washed over her then was, in contrast to the light attentions of the faerie and early touching of the vines, absolutely blissful, sending tremors of pleasure coursing through her as the countless miniature tendrils lapped at her sensitive flesh like an army of tongues. The two cups built pressure upon her skin, before suddenly the one on her right breast intensified and tugged, drawing a squirt of nourishing milk from the miko's ducts that half filled the transparent container. It relaxed after a moment, and the pearly fluid was drained slowly down to the larger container while the other tentacle repeated the motion on her left breast.

One at a time, the plant milked one breast and then the other, and every action seemed to intensify the sensations for her a little bit further. Whether that was deliberate, or if the pleasure she received was purely incidental, Tomoe would find the tentacles that had wrapped around her torso proved strong enough to hold her down. She was bound, unable to do anything but kneel there and be milked like some sort of animal, and the minutes would stretch on as the mutated plant continued its actions unabated, drawing ever greater bursts of her nourishing fluids as the pleasure intensified. Perhaps to her shame, before too long Tomoe would feel an orgasm welling up in her core merely from the attention being paid to her breasts, and keeping her pleasures silent would only prove more difficult going forward.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

With Tomoe's agreement given, the gardener moved on up to get the preparations going, the removal of her important blade being a little bothersome but the miko knew it was (probably) in safe hands with the escort nymph. It all started from a good and harmless enough a place, with the odd former human going for a less intrusive shoulder approach in the beginning, and that whole deal sat with Tomoe well enough. She did find herself losing the tenseness of her usual state fast enough, and enjoyed being free of that a great deal. While the massage shifted around, the priestess really started to think that she should be lying down for it all, but for some reason it all happened while the two of them were standing, which she might have been questioning aloud had she not been so concerned with maintaining her politeness regardless of the situation.

But it was not all just going to be that nice and pleasant, and after a bit the massage proceeded to the next phase, the one that concerned her chest of course. "I... understand that." Tomoe would reply as the gardener stated her intentions while starting to undo the sarashi that was trying to do it's job and barely managing to get along. "Surely it will make this easier, so go on." she would go on to agree again, completely expecting what was to come next as her hefty chest was grabbed without hesitation. While she did her best to keep up a stoic facade in the face of the bust massage/preparation, the miko did not manage to just make it through without a little heavy breathing and a few gasps. The stains of mutation in her had made her incredibly sensitive to this sort of attention, and it just appeared to get more intense with each time these things happened, especially as they were efforts by thorough and practiced individuals like the fey folk probably were for the most part. It was not to take too long though, given the state that her body was in, and the gardener appeared to look at bit surprised by the fairly quick start of the milk leaking. "I've... gone through some things and... now they are like this..." she would not really explain it but acknowledged the thinking look of the plant tender nonetheless. With the preparation being apparently done with mostly just that, the priestess was guided to the plant and told to get down near it, a thing which she would do with only a little hesitation towards the somewhat questionable act.

Now on all fours and with her voluminous chest hanging there over the plant, Tomoe waited a few awkward moments for something to happen, which she could have lived without. It was just unnecessary tedium, staring down at a plant with her top off for all to stare at, a thing that the escort nymph did with unshielded glee from her treeside guard post. But the plant did appear to have life in it as the gardener had stated, soon stirring to movement upon some unknown trigger. Vines came forth, not really doing what the miko had been expecting as she got the first creepers coming over and onto her arms instead of going right to the chest like she was thinking it to. But the idea of this approach soon came clear as the plant feelers went on up further, reaching her shoulders and going beyond in some haste, apparently intent on keeping her held there for the upcoming feeding. The attention on her chest started then as well, initially being fairly weak and restrained brushing, but once the milk leak was detected, it turned into a more focused, precise effort of multiple vines to get the white, nourishing fluid going on for them to feed on. Oddly enough, it did not go too far this way, only a little getting produced for them as it dropped down onto the plant's main body before the attention stopped.

It was for other reasons though, and as the bizarre orb and tube growths emerged, Tomoe too got the idea that this was the main method of collecting and consuming her vastly flowing milk to feed the main body of this collection of plant parts. "Yes, you can do it... have my milk." she would actually go on to say to the plant, which probably did not really understand her, but the politeness of the priestess was not to be limited by such a thing. And the plant was probably nothing if ready to fetch it's food from the productive miko, the top cups coming up to claim her chest just as she had said what she wanted to. With the things in place, she found out just how devious this whole piece of flora was, and the effectiveness of it's feeding parts against her body. Not only were they scary effective in doing their actual job, getting the milk out from her, but the things were treating her to pleasures she had not experienced before with their bumpy, constricting insides. It only got more intense when they actually pulled on her tits to draw a steady torrent out, making Tomoe really fight the desire to moan and scream out her feelings of ecstacy. It just got worse when the alternation of sides started to happen, and the miko knew she was not going to slip away from the situation no matter how much she might have wanted to, the plant having her under control pretty securely at that point, having wound multiple restraint vines around her shoulders, arms and midsection to keep her there while it fed. And had she struggled, the gardener would probably be the first to stop her from doing the fairly pointless act of resistance.

No, Tomoe felt like she was just fine in her current state. The plant was lording over her a little, keeping her bound down and in a state of constant pleasure as it fed, but the not all that secret desires of the miko preferred this state of submission, even if it was to a simple yet odd piece of flora. She would enjoy it, but the weird dual existence she had with this side and her usual self would prevent her from showing her lust and enjoyment, at least for as long as she could hold it. The coming orgasm would probably break her resistance down and show the lewd side she had out to the two watching, though the miko would try to restrain herself as much as the plant was doing to her at that moment, somewhat concerned that the climax might cause her to lose her current positioning if her arms gave out. But surely the plant wouldn't mind her coming down, maybe it was actually keeping her up as well with the bindings.
Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Preggers with NUMEROUS GOATBABIES, lewd

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine
Gnarl: Huge Goatman who wants to duel Tomoe

Yoshino: Head Priestess of Tomoe's shrine and BACKSTORY CHARACTER

The miko's efforts to stifle the noises that might normally be caused by the heavy attention to her chest did nothing to disrupt the plant's efforts, which continued unabated even as she was forced to fight her oncoming peak with ever increasing desperation. With each passing moment her arms shook harder as the barrage of stimulation continued, and even without any obvious outward signs of how much pleasure she was suffering the faeries observing her giggled in appreciation. Her guide was more open about it, but both she and the faerie gardener whom Tomoe had agreed to help were tittering as they lightly chewed their lips while watching the plant come to life and molest the busty human, working to extract her nourishing milk so that it could revitalize itself and causing her no small amount of pleasure in the process.

Her overall acceptance of the situation ensured that the plant had free reign of her body, and even though it seemed solely interested in her bountiful milk jugs Tomoe would feel the plant's tendrils coiling around the rest of her body. Some coiled around her legs, writhing their way into her pants through the waistband, though it seemed more like they were attempting to completely secure their hold on her rather than making to intensify their molestation.

"Oh my.... I guess I've never seen it do that before because no one else has been wearing clothes when it fed," the faerie that had conscripted Tomoe into this remarked, but even though the miko couldn't turn her head far enough to see the blushing woman, she could hear hints of arousal creeping into her tone. The tendrils reaching into her pants squirmed around her, and though they didn't make to rend apart her clothing, she could hear and feel them tearing slightly. Unfortunately, while she might be able to stifle her noises for now, nothing would stop the oncoming orgasm from washing over Tomoe, one that occurred merely due to attention to her breasts. The pleasure constantly assailing the miko's will spread from her chest to her sex as her climax washed over her, pure physical bliss dominating her senses as a result of the insistent milking of the plant that had taken control of her body.

"Uhhm... Maybe you should let me take those off? Before they rip more..."

However Tomoe responded to the faerie's suggestion - and the giggling of her nymph caretaker in response to it - she wouldn't be released from the hungry plant's grip just yet. As her wobbling arms lost more and more strength as the pleasure running through her body continued, eventually her arms would give out. And when they did, and she collapsed into the grip of the plant creature, pressing her already captive bosom deeper into the embrace of the ravenous mutant. The plant coiled more fiercely, fully capturing her twin orbs and squeezing to draw out gushes of her milk in even greater quantities while her arms were seized and pulled out wide. Supported only by the plant and her knees, Tomoe was left totally subject to the plant's whims, which proved predictable and simple.

For minutes on end Tomoe was molested, her nourishing fluids flooding the semi transparent cups beneath her breasts only for them to empty, and then be filled again. Over and over and over, more than a dozen times, and with every fresh cup the creature only grew more vigorous. Eventually even her bountiful breasts would run dry, however. The massive spurts of nutrient-rich milk would grow smaller as the minutes passed, ensuring that Tomoe was made to suffer even more stimulation as it sought to get as much as it could from her. The less milk she gave, the more aggressive it became, prompting her bosom's pleasures to force her through orgasm after orgasm after orgasm through the intense situation. She took no less than two before the final cups were full, and the squirts from her breasts were reduced to naught but the occasional drip. Even then it continued to suck for several minutes before it began to relax. It unwound from her slowly, sluggishly, and though it eventually dropped her entirely the two faeries that had been watching were quick to catch Tomoe before she ended up slumped on the ground in the dirt.

The miko's bosom was strained, and though it hadn't lost any physical size they felt as if they'd been emptied. There was some significant relief in that, but also a bit of an ache from just how badly they'd been strained while being drained. Her nipples were still tingling slightly and excessively sensitive from the long-lasting molestation. "Oh my... Are you alright?" the gardener asked softly as she stroked Tomoe's hair, "I... Was going to ask if you wanted to, ahhh, keep coming and feeding it.... While you were here, but... That seemed a little strenuous." Her nymph guide giggled as she helped Tomoe to sit upright, "that looked like fun! Your poor tits though... Fufufufufu~ If you liked being milked that much, my sister and I can do it for you too!"