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Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"This way!" the tiny fairy announced, before flying on her wings as fast she could down the hall, just slow enough for Alex to keep up with her at a run. They continued at this hurried pace, until they came upon a pair of guards who fortunately did not notice them yet. "Don't worry," Cherry told Alex, "Maybe the whole castle doesn't know about what happened yet..." Cherry peeked around the corner to get a better look at the two conversing women, before adding, "Those two weren't there, so maybe if we just act natural, they'll leave us alone..."

Cherry heaved a heavy sigh, straightening her back, before gently perching her bottom on his shoulder, "Just act calm, okay?" she instructed him, while using her perch on him to make an attempt to act as informal as possible.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"I think I can do that," Alex replies to Cherry as she sets herself down on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath Alex allows himself to fully relax before setting off down the corridor past the two angels.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Walking towards the angels, Cherry made an attempt to attract the eyes of the two women on her own, as she waved, and smiled at the women innocently, "Hi!" she greeted them simply, simply wanting it to be a kind, brief exchange. And thankfully, both Alex and Cherry were greeted the same way, in kind, proving that Cherry's assumption was correct; the angels were not aware of the 'arrest' Alex and Cherry were placed under.

Following Cherry's directions, Alex would make his way to a large courtyard, where various angels were preparing what would no doubt be Naznia's 'execution,' carrying various logs and performing construction on a 'stage' where Naznia would likely be given a speech, before they carried out her sentence. Cherry seemed disturbed by the sight of it, "Let's hurry." she rushed Alex, directing him to a large pair of opened double doors, which led to a large bridge that stretched over the water below, where the aquatic, kind monsters lived.

The bridge itself was deserted, nary a soul walked on it to travel to the island on the other side, where a small fortress was to be seen, "That's the prison," Cherry announced, pointing to it, before turning to Alex, "Well... I'm out of ideas..." she sighed, "I mean, I have a do have a few ideas, but... Well, I don't think they'll work..." Cherry seemed to be looking to Alex, to see if he might have a plan for their infiltration.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex greeted the two angels as they walked past and let out a sigh of relief as they didn't try to stop them when they were fast enough so the angels wouldn't hear him.

Once they stopped at the bridge Alex thought for a moment before an idea came to him. "Would any of the monsters around here know of any sewage systems connecting to the interior of the prison? Failing that what idea's do you have, any idea is better than none after all."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry chuckled nervously, "Well... Mystical beings like us don't really... Eat anything besides semen... So we don't really have sewers..." she told him, before raising a finger towards the sky, signaling that she did have an idea, "But! I'm sure that some of the aquatic monsters might know something!" She pointed at a slope of grassy land leading down to the water's edge, just along the side of the castle walls, "Let's go down there! I hope you won't mind getting wet, though!"

Cherry leaped off of Alex's shoulders, flapping her small wings at an untraceable speed as she descended down to the water's edge. She gracefully slipped out of her adorable dress, rendering herself completely nude, since she wore nothing underneath. Then, she slowly dipped into the water, giggling as she did so, "Hee, hee! It's so warm!"

She began to swim about, having fun in the water for a moment, before remembering her task, and looking to Alex, "C'mon! Let's go find a mermaid, or someone that can help us!" she called out.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

((Sorry, comepletely forgot that I needed to post))

"Sure, I dont mind," Alex says as he begins to strip down, folding his clothes into a neat pile out of habit. "Lets just hope someone knows how we can get in there without being seen. Ooh, it is warm." Alex adds as he wades into the water, now fully undressed.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Performing a cute doggy paddle through the water, Cherry swam through the pure, clean water, occasionally looking about for any signs of a mermaid, or perhaps someone else who could help them. And after a time, along the coast of the small island that the prison rested on, a pair of mermaids sat together, talking quietly to each other, one sitting directly behind the other, with a brush in her hand, brushing her friend's hair.

The mermaid sitting in front, idly letting her hair be tended to by her friend, had long, straight blue hair, and dark blue eyes to match. While the mermaid behind her had curly blond hair, and emerald eyes.

Both recognized Alex and Cherry's presence almost at the same time, looking down at them curiously as they floated in the water. "Um... Hi there." the blond mermaid shyly greeted.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex swam silently behind Cherry, his eyes flicking from watching where he was swimming to Cherry's ass every so often, though as the two of them neared the mermaids Alex slowed down until he was floating in the water next to Cherry.

"Um..hi," Alex says shyly, his face reddening as he remembers he's swimming naked in front of the two mermaids. "Uh..should we ask them?" Alex whispers to Cherry.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry looked over to him with a smile, "They're looking at you, not me." she told him with a wink, "If you're nice to them, they'll help us for sure!"

The two mermaids, who did seem to be, in fact, staring at Alex, were waving to him sheepishly.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Uh, me? Why would I get their attention?" Alex whispers to Cherry, confusion on his face. Though a quick replay of his recent memories gave him a rough answer. "'Play nice?' Wait, do you mean what me and you were doing earlier?" Alex whispers again to Cherry, a look of surprise on his face this time.

"Um, hi again," Alex says shyly to the mermaids again, this time his face blushing because he had a rough guess of what was about to happen.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

After saying hello to them again, the mermaids giggled, blushing at him. The blue haired mermaid seemed to have a more inviting smile than the other one, who simply smiled at Alex with a tinge of interest. "What's your name?" the curly haired, blond mermaid inquired.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Um, it's Alex," He replies awkwardly, wondering whether he should move closer to them. Thinking that it would be best to do so Alex made his way over to the two mermaids, stopping just short of the shore to hide his 'embarrassment'. "What's your names?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The mermaid with the straight blue hair, two strands going over her shoulders, smiled, "My name is Robin,"

The blond, curly haired mermaid smiled as well, but continued to tend to the hair of her friend instead of looking at Alex, "Serene," she told her name simply.

Robin, the blue haired mermaid, giggled as if amused at Alex, "What are you doing swimming around here, Alex?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Er, well...we, uh, that is myself and Cherry," He signals to the tiny fairy girl, his nerves hitting him twofold. "Was hoping to uh..how do I put..enter into the prison without being...detected? I was hoping that there'd be a way in other than the front door, but I couldn't think of a way. I was wondering whether you'd help us? Of course, I don't expect you to do it for nothing, so if there's anything you want just ask..." Alex regret adding almost as soon as he had said it. After all, if the girls were anything like Cherry and the angel he had met earlier then he was in for a rough ride.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The blue haired mermaid gasped, "You want to break into the prison!? But why?" she questioned him.

Meanwhile the curly haired blond rose her eye brows. "Is this about that angel...? You know... She was never really popular around here... Her crazy experiments did a lot more harm than good..."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Well, uh.." Alex began to get nervous, worried that these mermaids may sell him out, though regardless he had a duty to do and so her continued to explain. "Yeah..it's the angel. It wasn't really her who kidnapped all those people. She was possessed, but no one in charge will listen to me so I've got to break her out. So if you'd help me I'd really appreciate it, and I'll do whatever you want in order for you to help me." At the last part Alex sounded as if he was pretty desparate for their help.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Robin smiled shyly, before kindly inviting Alex to their little spot on land, "Please, come sit with us..."

Meanwhile, Serene seemed rather indifferent about the idea, while still showing her own interest, "We often share a partner between us." she told him, being more open about what they wanted.