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Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The angel leaned forward, almost unnecessarily so, and as she did lean, she gave Alex the rather wondrous sight of her large cleavage through her robes. However, as her hand neared the diamond amulet, suddenly the jewel reacted to her touch, and let out a sudden burst of light. Her hand recoiled, and she grasped her recoiling hand as if it were burned, gasping and letting out a, "Ow!" as she did so.

The woman's eyes were wide, and she stared at Alex's jewel with shock for some time, before finally blinking, and made a mostly failed attempt to regain her composure. "That's... A very interesting gem..." she said, seemingly mostly to herself.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex's eyes were instantly drawn to the Angel's cleavage, a bulge growing rapidly in his trousers until his attention was snapped back to reality when the woman let out a pained yelp.

"Uh...is it supposed to burn people?" Alex asks her, not knowing whether she knew the answer or not.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The woman blinked as if she didn't know the answer, before Cherry quickly came up to him, and pulled at Alex's shirt, "Alex, let's go..." she said with a little urgency, giving a worried, suspicious glance at the blond angel.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Alright," Alex replies before waving good bye to the angel and leaves with Cherry. "Something wrong?" Alex asks her, concerned by the way she spoke.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

As Alex walks away with Cherry, the blond angel seemed to stalk off on her own, all while holding her hand, and occasionally glancing back at Alex with uncertainty, her eyes sometimes squinting at him with suspicion...

"I don't like her..." Cherry told Alex in answer to his question, "Why did that thing burn her?" she suddenly asked, and before Alex could react, he suddenly found his diamond amulet snatched from his hands, as Cherry suddenly took it so she could inspect it. Alex found that Cherry, as well as the bird woman had no troubles with holding the gem, which Cherry must have sought to discover as well by holding it. And, after a moment, Cherry gave the diamond heart back to Alex, before speaking with urgency.

"I've got a bad feeling... I think we should follow her, Alex." she told him, her eyes glancing to her as the blond woman disappeared behind a corner.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex watches in silence as Cherry examines the amulet, checking to make sure it doesn't burn her as well. When she hands it back to him Alex pockets it once more.

"Yeah, okay," Alex replies to Cherry as he looks over at the Angel as she disappears around the corner. "You think she's not what she says she is?"
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry frowned, "I think she's not what she's pretending to be!" she told him, before her wings suddenly picked up, and she lifted into the air. "C'mon, let's follow her!" she told him. She turned, and used her ability to fly to quickly catch up with the strange angel. When they reached the corner, they noticed that the angel was not so graceful in her steps. She moved quickly, and seemed to be in a rush.

After following the woman through the glorious halls, the sight of which might have even astonished Alex, who grew up in luxury, they suddenly noticed that the woman was searching for a secluded place, when she reached a certain, odd door, that seemed to lead to the lower portions of the castle. Two female angel guards stood in front of the door, giving the suspicious angel a bow of their heads when she approached them, and opened the door, walking down the stairs, before closing the door behind her.

"Rats!" Cherry complained, "We're not allowed down there... Those guards will stop us if we try to follow her down." she told Alex while turning to him. She seemed to think for a moment, before nodding to herself, "Alright, I've got a plan!" she said, pointing to the guards, "I'll distract them, make them go away from the door, and that's when you gotta go in, and follow her! I just know she's up to no good, so we've gotta bust her, red handed!" she instructed him.

"Are you ready?" she asked him, seeming ready to pounce on the guards as soon as possible.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex follows Cherry silently as they stalk the 'Angel' until she disappears behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Alex replies to Cherry, though he's unsure whether he'll actually be able to pull it off.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Cherry gives a quick nod, before rushing out from behind their cover. She rushed up upon one of the angels, quickly, but with a little hesitation, snatched one of their belongings hanging on her side, before quickly running away as fast as she could, using her wings to speed her retreat. Meanwhile, the angelic guard she stole from acted surprised for a moment, before checking herself, and then shouting at Cherry, "She stole my pouch! Stop her!" she yelled, pointing at her. Her, and her cohort guarding the door quickly ran after Cherry, likely as a response of having nothing to do all day but safe guard a door, leaving the door clear for Alex to enter, to continue to go after the strange, suspicious angel...
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex watches Cherry steal the Angels pouch and the Angel's chasing off after her. Hoping that Cherry will be alright he then heads to the door, opens it and enters it. Closing it behind him he first checks to see where he now is.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Quickly moving through the door, Alex finds that his sneaking remained unnoticed, as all eyes and attention went to Cherry, as well as finding a set of descending stairs, going down into a tunnel with walls made of a strange, brown marble material, much like the stones outside, but more fitting for an underground room. And after walking down the stairs, Alex eventually came across a large room, almost like a library, with many shelves, tables with chairs, and strange, glowing rocks throughout the room, casting a white light into the room, allowing those who come down here enough light to see what they were reading.

And as soon as he came down, Alex suddenly saw the backside of the strange angel from before, which first made an alarm in his mind, as it wasn't clear if she detected him or not. But, after quickly taking cover, and not hearing any alarm raised from her, it seemed like she did not notice him.

Hiding from where he was, able to peak out, he saw the blond angel raise her arm, placing the flat of her hand on the stone wall, which didn't at all seem out of place, before he heard he murmur a strange language unknown to him, speaking in a tongue that almost sounded evil, or demonic in nature, which made the walls begin to create strange rumbling noises, as the stones started to move on their own, clanking against each other as they slowly began to make a path for the angel. A secret entrance.

The angel quickly walked through this entrance, and as soon as she did, the stones didn't hesitate to begin closing behind her as she vanished out of his sight, going into the archway made for her. And given their speed, Alex only had a moment to make it through before they closed shut, blocking him from the angel.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Oh no, I'm going to lose her," Alex thinks to himself as he watches her rush through the wall and the wall steadily closing up. Panicking he does the only thing he can think of, running full pelt towards the wall Alex makes to run into the hole before it can close back up, though at the speed he's going he'll most likely find it hard to stop straight away.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

After quickly making his way through the closing path, Alex just barely made it through, before the stones closed shut behind him. He found himself within an almost pure black space, being forced to move at a slow pace, feeling at the walls of the tunnel on either side of him for guidance, until his eyes adjusted, and he could move at a faster pace.

The suspicious angel was nowhere to be seen, apparently way ahead of him, again likely not noticing him, due to the loud noises and clanks that the stones were making. And the more he followed her path, the more and more, 'different' the hall around him seemed to become. No longer were they clean, but were slowly becoming moist, and damp. The air did not smell clean, for it quickly began to smell stale, as if fresh air was not an often guest. And most importantly, asides from the stale air, Alex caught the scent of a very familiar smell, that he might recognize. The scent of sex.

And, following the scent deeper down, he must have gone over ten stories into the ground, before the scent became almost overpowering, and before he found the source.

Mature Angels, cute Fairies, majestic Elves, childish Goblin girls, and even a few Centaurs were assorted on either side of him as he reached some kind of large hall, which had a structure of strange, nearly black tentacles, which Alex soon found he was standing on, as it was moving slowly underneath his feet, as if it were alive. These different races of women were barely organized about the chamber, each trapped in some kind of, 'pod' that held them captive. And inside the pods, were masses of purple tentacles, which, as he looked at each of them, were raping them all. Many had bloated, pregnant bellies, but all had an occasional mass of white cum spraying from one hole or another as they were filled without any restraint on the tentacle's part. Even the Fairies were not shown any mercy, stretching their bodies to the limit, large bulges appearing from their crotch as the tentacles thrusted inside them.

None of the female monsters responded to Alex, even when some saw him. They appeared too lost, too broken from all of the rape to even think. While in reality, they drank so much demonic cum, from various demons of hell, that they nearly completely have lost their minds to lust, their whole worlds revolving around the tentacles fucking, raping, and impregnating them.

And after Alex had some time to let the situation sink in, suddenly a mass of tentacles stopped fucking a nearby Fairy, who looked not too different than Cherry, almost as if she were a sister of her's. Except a main difference between the two, was that this Fairy had a very, very large stomach. The size of it looking like it would kill someone her size. The pod that contained her opened, while the tentacles holding her let her go, before another mass of tentacles from the ceiling, their origin unknown, came down, and took the Fairy from the pod.

The tentacles placed her on the ground, and the tentacles wrapped around her legs spread her legs open, all while the Fairy herself writhed, and moaned with a mix of pain and pleasure. And the next thing Alex knew, the little Fairy began pushing strange, purple eggs from her tiny pussy. Her stomach seemed to throb each time she tenses up, and pushed out another egg. And while she pushed out egg after egg from her pink slit, all of the white, gooey cum that was trapped inside of her gushed out a little at a time, helping lubricate the egg's exit from her womb.

And once she pushed the final egg out of herself, the last of her swollen stomach vanished when a large amount of cum gushed from her pussy, soaking the eggs she just birthed. And now that she was done giving birth, the Fairy simply laid on the ground, not moving a muscle, eyes looking straight up at the ceiling. And if Alex didn't know any better, he might assume the Fairy was dead. But, perhaps only her mind was truly dead, while her body was used to breed more tentacle monsters.

"... Do you like my specimens?" said a very familiar voice from behind Alex. And when Alex turned to look, it was the same, strange angel from before, only with a highly sinister smile on her face this time around, looking at Alex with psychotic eyes, frightening enough to make his skin crawl as he looked at her.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex holds his hand to his face as the smell gets steadily stronger, until finally he makes his way to the main chamber.

Holding back his urge to vomit from not only the smell but the horrendous sight as well, Alex's eyes quickly flitter back and forth from each of the girls, a look of revulsion and despair etched across his face.

Alex almost makes to run towards the tiny woman, thinking at first that it was Cherry and she'd been captured but upon closer inspection he realised it couldn't be her. Regardless though the sight of her giving birth to the eggs as well as the look fo defeat on her saddened him greatly, wondering how anyone could do anything like this to another living creature, though despite himself he couldn't help getting aroused from the sight unfolding before him.

Alex wheels around at the sound of the voice, a look of hatred now etched across his face as the Angel makes herself known to him. "How on earth could you treat your countrymen like this?" Alex half shouts at her, his fear keeping some of it back. "I thought this place was protected from demons!" Whilst Alex was getting more and more aroused by what was going on he had not noticed that he had become hard, and so he made no motion to cover it that fact up.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

The woman raises an eyebrow at Alex, smiling at him, "Countrymen? Why, I don't think you quite know who I am..." she told him, before grabbing her robes, and with grace, slowly untied them, letting her white robes fall to the ground, and revealing her extraordinary body, that only made his cock throb harder and harder with desire.

And as she approached Alex, her appearance slowly began to change. Her white wings slowly started shifting to black, and, seemingly out of thin air, a heart shaped tail and curved horns showed themselves as well, while her blond hair remained the same, as well as her large breasts. What's more, he could most certainly feel the presence of evil vibrating off of her, almost as if it was sapping his will, trying to force his mind to think that getting on his knees, and doing whatever the woman asked was the only thing he could do...

"I'm so happy you came here... I can add you to my collection..." she said with sexual threat, slowly approaching him more and more, like a cat backing a mouse into a corner...
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"W-w-what are you?" Alex asks, his voice full of panic as he tries to fight whatever she's projecting at him, though it seems he's fighting a losing battle. "I..I dont want to be a part of your collection!" He shouts out her again, desparately looking around for somewhere to escape to, though his legs did not want to move. Thinking that all was lost, he was about to submit, but remembered at the last minute what the Harpy had given him and how it had hurt the woman standing in front of him.

Pulling out the amulet Alex puts it on, hoping that it'll protect him from whatever this demon was planning.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

After Alex put it on, it seemingly did nothing, which likely only filled him with even more panic than before. The woman filled with magic, and slowly directed her hand at Alex. "That little toy won't save you..." she told him, before she finished with her strange spell, and launched it at him.

What was fired at him looked to be a strange symbol made of pink gas, almost in the shape of a heart, but moved as fast as a rock thrown through the air. And right as it was about to hit Alex, his amulet shined brightly, revealing the whole, grotesque room in a brilliant white light, before reflecting the demonesses spell back at her!

The blond demon's eyes went wide, and before she could question what happened, her own spell hit her, and she suddenly let out a loud, almost sexually thrilled moan. Her hands went to her breast, and pussy, rubbing them, trying to stimulate herself almost as if her life depended on it. And as she masturbated herself, Alex would realize that the demon was helpless in her state, but what could he do to finish her off?

With no weapon, and no magic at his disposal, only one thing would come to mind... Which would likely be encouraged by how horny he was. A thought ran through his mind about taking the woman down to the ground, and fucking her like a beast, sticking his cock in any hole he wanted...

(A good ol' GM push in the right direction. A nice rapin' will save the day! :p)
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

Alex looks down at the demon that had just gone to attack him, her attack having rebounded back onto her and turning her into her current sorry state.

"Oh, uh..." Alex stammers as he stares at the demon as she pleasured herself, now fully aware of the tent in his trousers. A small smile spread across his face. "Well, I have only had sex with Cherry, and she enjoyed it. It looks like you'd enjoy it too, judging by your actions and the sounds you're making." Alex says more to himself than to the demon as he unbuttoned his shirt and dropped his trousers and underwear.

Alex kneels down next to the demon and takes her hand that was carressing her breasts into his. Leaning forward he kisses her gently, his lips only lightly brushing up against hers as he moves his free hand to her heaving chest and starts to fondle her.

"So, whats your name?" He asks her quietly, kneading her breasts quite forcefully. "I'd imagine it wouldn't be polite to do this with you and not know your name beforehand."
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

She squirmed, and moaned at even the slightest touch from Alex. Her lips met with his eagerly when he moved in to kiss her. However, she seemed to hate the fact that he wasn't already pounding into her, and almost tried to push her soaking wet pussy against his cock, before shouting at him, "Stop toying with me!" she demanded, but more rather sounded like she begged, "FUCK ME!" she screamed.
Re: Ignorance is Bliss (Alex)

"Well, I guess you could tell me your name later, I didn't find out Cherry's name until we had finished," Alex says to the demon, though he did seem slightly let down. "So you wanted it here, right?" He says as he moves between her legs and parted them. Moving her hand from between her legs Alex slides closer to the demon, the tip of his member pushing up against her opening, and with one quick motion he thrust into her, forcing himself right up to the hilt.

Alex stays like that for a moment, enjoying the sudden pleasure of the demon woman gripping his length, his left hand resting on her hip as his right hand makes its way to her breasts, he grabs ahold of a breast and firmly grips it, kneading her soft breast tissue as he begins to piston in and out of her.