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Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya would look around in delight at all the big city had to offer her and her dollgirl, "OH! Look, Silvie! An amusement park! Would you like to go on some rides? It looks fun doesn't it?" She said pointing out all the rides and hustle and bustle of the park goers. They then passed several sweets shops, bakeries, and ice cream parlors, "MMMM!~ It all smells good, doesn't it Silvie? Would you some cakes, candy or ice cream? There's lots of yummy things around~ But don't eat too much or you'll rot your teeth and get a tummy ache~" She said as playfully poked the dolls belly. They then passed some restaurants, Italian, Mexican, cafes; all kinds of delightful avenues, "Do you want to get something to eat? You can't enjoy your day on an empty stomach after all? Let me know what you'd like~ This your special day. For a job well done! Anything you like, within our budget of course~" She said as she rubbed the dolls head affectionately.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Umm… umm…” The little mamono ended up having a thinking fit, as she started considering all choices, she put her finger to her mouth as she thought, looking back over at everything, the sweets the amusement park, all the food back there… and just ahead of them, she could make out barely the sight that the edge of the city offered.

Her tummy growled slightly, which was pretty much an indication of what they were going to do, as the little living doll tugged on Ilya’s dress. “I’m hungry…” She said shyly, cuing Ilya to decide on the many places they had seen to eat at.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Okay!~" She said as she gave Silvie a little squeeze before looking back to the many venues they had passed, "Let's go to a cafe. That way we can get some real food, some sweets and eat outside and appreciate the beautiful day." She said before gently taking hold of Silvie's hand and leading her to a charming little cafe, finding a nice empty table on the pavilion and having a seat. When a waiter came around she would make her order, "Waiter, I would like some Moules à la crème Normande (mussels cooked with white wine, Normandy cider, garlic and cream), Carbonnade flamande (meat stewed in beer), some and some white wine, please? What would you like to eat, Silvie?" She asked the doll girl for her order.

((French dishes can be found ))
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Silvie could only look in awe, feeling jealous of her own master for being as refined, after the cutesy way Ilya had treated her, she had forgotten about it. The living doll sat straight, trying to emulate the lich girl somewhat, she looked at the menu, and suddenly found herself completely overwhelmed, all of these plates, she didn’t understand. What were they, how did you even pronounce that? The girl shed a silent tear out of fear before she calmed down a bit.

“May I take your order?” The waiter asked the little mamono then, having taken Ilya’s order first, causing whatever courage the little girl had mustered to dissipate as she shrunk into her chair. “Ah… a… choucrute garni… and a… a…” The girl was nervous, looking around for some kind of support as she tried to regain her wits about, her eyes met Ilya’s for a moment, and the next words came from her mouth. “a b-baked potato…” The little girl quickly noticed the mistake, covering her face with tears in her eyes, feeling like dying of embarrassment as the waiter chuckled.

“We can certainly do as much, your orders will be ready shortly.” The waiter retreated, stifling his chuckle before getting lost from sight, as the living doll whimpered of embarrassment.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya couldnt help but stiffle a small giggle before softly patting the dolls head and grasping her hand softly, "There, there Silvie-chan~ Dont feel bad, next time I'll pick somewhere a lil less fancy; some place where you dont have to worry about fancy words~ And besides, this your special day. So just dont worry okay?" She said as she would sip her wine awaiting thier orders. Once their food would arrive, she would take her time enjoying the fine exoctic dishes an taking in the fine weather and scens of people carrying on about thier business before making small talk to Silvie, "So, Silvie-chan~ What would you like to do after lunch? The amusement park? Get some candy, ice cream? Maybe get a nice new dress? Just name it~" she said with a playful little wink in the doll girls direction.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The little doll had managed to calm slightly by the time her own plates where ready, although she did shiver slightly as she saw a baked potato appear from under the lid. Eating somewhat quietly, she tried eating the slightly hotter potato first, causing the girl to start playing hot potato in a literal sense as she couldn’t actually hold the still steaming tuber for a while.

“Where next…?” The small mamono asked, tilting her head to the side as she always did when thinking, looking outside for a bit of guidance, spotting the old man of the mansion, Claus walking alone on the sidewalk, making the doll gasp as she pointed, slightly curious about it.

“That old man…” She commented with her finger outstretched in his general direction. Unbeknown to this, Sir Claus continued with a slow pace, with determination inscribed all over his face. And… a bouquet in his hands? Ilya could either ignore him, or follow him, although was that really something she wished to do? After how insufferable he had been…
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Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Its okay, Silvie-chan. He is not coming our way. Leave him to his affairs, its none of our business our concern sweetie~ HEY! How about we hit the amusement park we saw on the way here? Then we can get some sweets on our way back home, okay? Don't let him ruin your special day, Silvie~" Illya said cooing into the dolls ear and stroking her hair gently to calm her down.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Claus kept on his own, walking distinctively into a less happy place of the city. The crestfallen man disappeared from sight as Silvie tilted her head slightly, somewhat worried about the scene. Nodding at Ilya’s words, the amusement park would be it.

They arrived at the place at the perfect time, fairly devoid of live, by the standards of a public place such as this, seemed they would be able to get into any game they wanted without waiting more than 5 minutes for them. It was impressive, though, the way, the mamono ranch operated, seeing all the girls operating, or directly being the attractions with a sincere smile in their faces.

A familiar cow girl was among the operators, waving at Ilya and Silvie from her post, seemed she was taking a bit of a break as an equally impressive goblin girl was now pulling of the hardened chain that lifted one of the attractions high into the air.

A merry-go round was in sight, as well as well as the attraction the goblin and cow girls were operating, something of an ‘extreme elevator’. Or perhaps the house of horrors would draw their attention more? All of these attractions were available without waitint at all, but perhaps Ilya wanted to walk around for a bit first.

All the attractions seemed sufficiently maintained to keep them working without failure, safety seemed a priority in this place.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Oooo~ Silvie-chan, look at all the neat and fun looking attractions they have set up here.... Hrm, a merry-go-round seems rather pedestrian, maybe? I don't know if you would like the elevator, at least judging from your reaction to the Waterfall training..... Maybe you'd like to see the haunted house? It can't be too scary~ Not to me at least, being undead myself~ Do you think that you'd like that? Or maybe we can just walk around and look for any games or other rides that might be available? What would you like to do, Silvie-chan?~ Don't be shy, if you see something you like just let me know okay, sweetie?~" She said as she held the doll girl close and rubbed her back while stroking her silky black hair.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The very mention of the waterfalls brought tears to her eyes as she clung to Ilya’s clothes, shivering in fear, but what of the other attractions, she peeked at both the merry-go-round and the haunted house, and her eyes shone as she laid on it.

“There.” She said, looking at the manor-esque front of the scary maze, the non-existent line meant that they could enter without waiting at all, so they did, the setup was quite well done, the very atmosphere of the place was specially enticing, and mysterious. With sounds and moans that could barely be called, pleasant in a place like that.

They walked for a bit, as if the place was lulling them into a sense of security, before finally something happened, something touched Ilya’s hair for a fraction of a second, should she reach for it she would feel the viscosity, it remained to be seen what it was, but it surely couldn’t be something too gross?
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Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya would walk around the maze like structure of the haunted manor in appreciation of the craftsmanship and attention to detail the mamono put into the attraction, "I must admit. They put a good deal of work into this place. The mood and atmosphere is well thought out. If I weren't undead myself I would be rather nervous at the moment...." She thought to herself as her private musings were cut short as something touched her hair, she turned around to see what touched her but there was nothing there when she looked. She would feel something thick and gooey/liquidus as she touched her silver hair. She would thumb it around in her fingers for a short bit looking around the area before continuing on slowly and deliberately.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The mamono girl was equally surprised in a good way, a smile finding its way to her mouth as she watched the webs in the ceilings and corners still visible under the blue hue that permeated the room, the walls were impressively adorned, the fake blood appeared almost real to the untrained eye, the holes and cracks in it also allowed to see through for those who felt compelled to look into them, finding displays worthy of the most terrorizing horror books, under the dim light one couldn’t tell anything more than how the horrified screams of victims being cut in half, tortured and other horrible stuff whenever one happened to look through them.

One had to wonder, how did they know when to put the act if however was acting couldn’t really see through the holes either?
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

As Illya peered trough the cracks in the walls she would be captivated by the grotesque blood curling cries of the horrendously tortured and murdered victims. "Interesting..... I think they must have some sort of survileance set up hidden or a scribe in the area, or some mamono eith top notch senses to be able to tell when park goers are looking through with all this dense foggy atmosphere.... What do you think Silvie-chan?" She would say to herself and ask ger little dol girl as they continued to make their way through the to others; binechilling, macabre maze. She had to woder what other delightfuly terrifying surprises awaited them in the attraction. She would have to give her compliments to the mamono who set it up and worked in it later.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The attraction was not without it’s more infamous elements, even when the two prospects had been more than just unaffected by the displays until now, the smaller mamono smiling from ear to ear, as the other enjoyed trying to figure out how they put the acts together.

The first came just as the attention of the girls had just been diverted by yet another element, as they felt once again a light touch on their shoulders. A powerful growl came from their side, a scream from the other, finally, the first jump scare from the place was fast approaching where suddenly, something tugged at both of their shoulders with great strength. Actually lifting them off the ground for a second, as a couple claws rubbed against their soft cheeks, the roar that they’d heard to their said was now in front of them, breathing down their noses with something of a killer intent.

And just like that. The way the sensations suddenly assaulted them, they disappeared without leaving a trace. The way they synchronized for a much more vivid experience. Even Silvie couldn’t help but to shiver a little bit, maybe they even managed to bring a bit of fear even to Ilya’s cold heart?
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Wha-!?" Illya cried out in shock as she felt the familiar light touch on her shoulder before their hearing was assaulted with a growl and a blood curdling scream from either side before she was suddenly violently lifted off the ground by her shoulder. As she felt a brushing on her cheek and a loud roar in her face before it disappeared even as she would attempt a fierce and frantic swing of her fist in the direction it came only for her hand to strike thin air. The normally demure and restrained lich couldn't help but feel a small cold chill go down her spine at the unexpected scare, "Bravo..... she said in a small voice once she managed to regain her composure, proceeding onward even slower then before, holding Silvie closer and tighter to her then usual, in a protective manner.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Silvie would reciprocate in kind, hugging tightly of the Ilya with a bit of awe, surprise and fear mixed in her expression. However, luckily, or not, for the two of them, the scares were only beginning, as they were either lifted, pulled and pushed, or having their personal spaces invaded out of nowhere, the theme was keeping them on their toes, not knowing when or from where would the next scare come from.

The lich girl could note, however, in no way where they being truly harmed, all of this was of shock value… however, even realizing that, the fact that this stuff was happening with so much intensity kept her fear on a suitable level for this place.

They neared the end of the maze, sending relief to Ilya… relief would be quickly replaced by something else as she felt, if only for a second, a gross sensation around her neck… more precisely, a hand closing around her throat as if to choke her, and while it only lasted for a second, the girl would be still feeling it for the reminder of their frightful walk.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"This is all quite....... collastrophobic....." Illya whispered to her self as she found herself manhandled all around the tigh confines of the maze, and constantly finding something in her face. She would keep Silvie-chan as close as possible to her, almost fused at the side in a protective manner throughout the whole deal until tey finally came across the light at the end of tunnel seeing the exit of the maze, until she began to feel te sensation of a hand around her throat, "HAAAAAH!-" she gasped out clutching at where she thought the offending appendage was, ready to be out of the ride by now. When she would arrive at the exit and leave the manor, she would search for the propriotor of the park and speak to him or her. "Pardon me I wanted to both commend you and advise you on the horror house. It gave me and my mamono quite a shock. Though might I suggest you tone it down just a bit, so it's accessible and enjoyable for more timid mamonos and humans?"
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The owner of the park, a middle aged kind-looking woman, smiled as the lich girl approached her, figuring from her facial expression where she had just come from. Her suspicions were confirmed the moment the girl started talking.

“Oh dear.” She giggled under her breath. “Sweety, wouldn’t common sense dictate that the creators of a place like that would be trying their best to scare people?” She said with a gentle voice, certainly giving the impression that she was a saint to anyone that just came out of the manor-esque house of horrors. “While I’m the proprietor of the place, I can hardly say I do anything here. All that you see here was thought of, developed and created by my lovely girls.”

As if on a cue a ghost girl approached from the side bowing at the lich girl and living doll with a confident and mischievous smile. “Oh, Silvana, great timing. Sweety, this is Silvie-chan, she is in charge of the manor of horrors you just traversed.”

“Good to see you again, did you like the show, the girls and I tried our best to make it the most frightening and horror inspiring house of all time.”

The little doll tugged at Ilya for a moment, looking at her with the little mamono's blue eyes. "Silvie-chan...?"

"Ah? Is something wrong little one?" The ghost girl asked with some concern behind her voice.

"Umm... I... No... nothing..."
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Yes, it would... But I don't 'scare' very easily.. Other humans or timid mamono might have an anxiety attack or other misfortune if youre not too careful. But where are my manners? My name is Illyasviel von Tepest. And this is my living doll, Silvie-chan. We just started our journey of mamono ranching." She said as they lady countered her and introduced her little ghost girl, "Nice to meet you as well, Silvana." She said as she curtsied to both the woman and her mamono. When she felt Silvie tug on her and repeat the ghost's name inquisitively as well as the exchange between her and the lady she answered for er doll, "Oh, Silvana; Silvie is what I named my doll. A rather amusing coincidence, nòn?" She said as she patted Silvies head and ruffled her hair affectionately. "I don't believe I caught your name though, miss....?" She turned to the middle aged woman, "Do you also have a leaning towards undead or supernatural mamono? I notice you have at least one ghost if not more." She asked curiously and congenialy to the propriator.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Oh, certainlty. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Alara Giibraldy Katentka, the pleasure is all mine sweety.” Alara said, never losing her smile as Ilya started making questions, in fact, her smile grew slightly at that particular question.

“Silvie-chan here is the only ghost girl I have here, but certainly. I have a couple more of, shall we say, the undead kind?” Again, as if that had been their cue, another girl appeared, this one of short black hair and bored expression to her cutely childish face. The other black haired girl immediately went ahead, grabbing the no-less ghostly new arrival with quite a bit of excitement and love oozing from her, in a figurative sense.

“This is Sandra, my sister.” Silvana said with glee as she kept on glomping her stoic, and shorter, counterpart. “Other than us, miss Alara has a vampire too. But she is too shy to come out of the manor, look, she’s there.” With that addendum the taller ghost girl pointed at the exit of the horror house, where an even shorter figure looked from the shadows. “She’s a bit too shy to come out, though.”

“Oh, but miss, didn’t you feel alive? When you got so scared you screamed and ran to the exit. You might not believe us, but we try our best to match our efforts to the reaction of the people that come there. If the person is scared from the beginning, we refrain from doing anything too heavy. Although, I was getting worried, we hadn’t been able to get a reaction from you almost until the very end… I was afraid we wouldn’t get a good scream out of you.”