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Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya smiled crookedly and impishly at the question, " 'Alive' might be a bit of stretch, being undead myself. But it was rather.... invigorating, having something instill that sort of.... emotion, sensation out of me, yes. You girls did a fine job." She said walking over and ruffling the stoic girl and the ghosts hair sweetly, though her hand likely passed through Silvie-chan being incorporeal and all.... Illya then took an interested glance at Sandra before looking up to Alara, "A dark matter? I am impressed. They are incredibly powerful mamono, I heard it takes a great amount of skill to raise one effectively." She complimented Alara on her ranching prowess before looking off to the horror house, "Ah. That is alright, Silvie-chan here is quite shy around strangers as well~" She said giving her doll a little squeeze, "I am sure that other park goers will be delightfully horrified, Alara. Now if you would excuse us, Silvie-chan and I wish to see the rest of the park before heading home to our ranch." She finished with a small curtsy before walking off with Silvie and asking, "SO, Silvie-chan. Is there anything else you would like to do or see before we head out and stop for ice cream before going home?"
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Until later.” Alara replied as she waved them back, alongside both of her mamono. Silvie looked with a smile at Ilya at the question, she had the answer even before the lich girl thought about asking her.

“Ice cream!” The little mamono cried in happiness as she clung to Ilya’s sleeve, smiling from ear to ear. There would they pick a flavor with which to reward their tongues, the little doll would look at the flavors, and quickly picked a somewhat cliché one. “Strawberry!”

There were a good amount of flavors, perhaps anything Ilya asked over there which was within the realm of ice cream.

Silvie looked outside the store as she waited for Ilya, her eyes widened as she spotted a familiar face on the street it was, once again, the old man Claus, his face warped by anger, huffing as he struggled to keep a fast pace, he certainly seemed in a hurry. His hands still held of the bouquet he had been carrying from earlier, but it seemed beat up and much less splendid than that morning.

“I-Ilya, him…”
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya smiled brightly and squeezed the doll girl at her jubilant cry, "Okay! Let's go~" she said as she walked down to the ice cream parlor, as Silvie quickly decided on a strawberry cone, Illya would take a moment or two to look theough the numerous choices, "Hrmmm..... I think I will have butter rum on a sugar cone, please?" As Silvie would would go pale and point out old man Claus, Illya would look and see the ,what she assumed to be dejected, man "Hrm. It looks like the old man has a crush. And judging from the beaten flowers an scowl on his face, he was shot down hard..... I say its best to still avoid him, Silvie-chan. Espeially now that he seems to be in a pissy mood. Lets head back home for now, and try to slip in ahea of him. It will also allow us to warn Tomas." She said as she paid for her ice cream and quickly took Silvies hand and jogged back to the estate. Upon arriving she would inform Tomas of what she had seen, "A word of warning, Tomas. We saw the old man earlier and it looks like hes in a shotty mood. So you might suck up especially hard tonight, no offense. It might also be a good idea for you to bring mine and Silvie's dinners up to our room instead as well." She said before retreating with Silvie back into her room for the evening.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“I’ll… I understand milady, I will do.” Tomas said, looking slightly troubled himself, as he let the couple into the mansion again, during the trip would they notice he was silent, not really making any chatter with them like he used to. He just led them to their room where he simply said “I’ll have your dinner shortly.”

With that, he just left, leaving the couple alone, with Silvie looking somewhat concerned, because of Tomas’s behavior.

Without much fanfare, Tomas brought the food in a hurry, trying his best not to make any mistake to actually bother himself with talking to them, leaving in a hurry. There was certainly bothering the man, but they didn’t have a moment to ask at all… Perhaps morning would have the answers?
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"I wonder whats eating him.... Today seemed to be rather... Odd, dont you think Silvie-chan? First we saw the old man outside the resteraunt, then outside the ice cream parlor on our way home ; and now Tomas seems rather down. Ill ask him over breakfast, once the old man takes off. For now, lets just finish dinner, take our bath and get some sleep." She said.

The next morning, Illya would have breakfast downstairs with the two men and Silvie as usual, she would have french toast, eggs, sausage and juice, while Silvie would have whatever she preferred. She would remain mostly silent until Claus would excuse himself and go about whatever business he had planned for the day. Once he was gone, she would gently tug on Tomas' sleeve and ask, "Forgive me for asking Tomas, but we saw the old man twice the other day, doing our rounds? The second time he looked rather crappy. Then you were pretty sullen last night as well. Is there something wrong?"
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Hmph!” The day seemed to start fairly normally, with a disgusted man of unabashed disdain walking out of the house without so much as directing a word to the lich girl, instead limping his way to the hallway, where he simply walked out of the door without saying much, seemed he was going out with a purpose… but what it was, Ilya apparently couldn’t care less.

Tomas looked at the girls, with doubt in his eyes, his brow furrowed as if he was deep in thought, his eyes looking at the door for a second before giving up. “Sorry girls, I can’t really tell you anything right now, it’s… nothing…” With that Tomas went ahead, cleaning the tables deftly before disappearing into the mansion. The girls would be left confused and without information for the time being, seemed something had really happened and they didn’t notice it at all.

What would they do? Linger in the house or go out?
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"Very well. Silvie! Follow me." She said simply as she led the doll girl back up to their room, once there, she would go about gathering her ingredients and pull out a thick tome from her chest, "I am going to prepare an invisibility spell. I'm not sure how long it'll last, so we may have to be careful and try to hide later. We're going to follow the old man, something is going on and my curiosity demands I find out what." She said as she began mixing several odd looking herbs, vials and other components in a pestle before taking a small sample of her blood and mixing it in small containers and handing Silvie one, "It might taste horrible, Silvie-chan; but it will do it's job." She said before knocking back her container and repressing her gag reflex. Once the potions had taken effect, they slink out the door down stairs and proceed silently stalking the old man, trying to unravel the mystery.....
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“It’s… ugh…” Silvie couldn’t help but to feel ill beyond any comprehension as she swallowed that concoction, her tears visible and her whimpers pitiful as she forced her feeble form to not expel the beverage. It worked, the girls would come to note that almost immediately.

They would leave the house with haste, trying to find out what had been all that from the day before. But Ilya would soon find out, the time they wasted, both waiting for him to leave and the preparation time of the potion, had left them without a single chance to catch up, and without having even paid attention to him the day before, she didn’t know what direction he had taken at the time.

They would end up in the middle of the city again, following only Ilya’s instinct. They weren’t going to achieve anything of the sort for the time being. But there they were, invisible, in the middle of the city they’d gone to the day before, perhaps they could do something else… perhaps do something with their invisibility?
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

........... She wasted too much time trying to be sneaky, the old man was gone. I feel like an IDIOT! she mentally cursed to herself. "BULLOCKS!" She cursed loudly, this time. Well, we're already in town. May as well look around. she thought to herself with a cute lil pout on her face, though nobody would be able to see it. She would walk around town slowly an carefully as to not bump into anyone or cause a problem, seeing the sights, trying to fid something interesting to pass the time till the potion wore off and the old man would make another appearance. She began to wonder to herself why she developed suc an invested interence in him all of sudden.... "Im sure there must be a magic shop or something here somewhere, you'd think." she whispered half to herself and half to Silvie-chan as she continued wondering.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Silvie could only blink into the nothingness, fairly because she couldn’t really see Ilya at all, all her reassurance came from the fact that she’d never let go of the other girl’s body. The mysteries of how a potion would also work on clothes was beyond her, but at least, this one time, be it dues ex, an ass pull, or some author in the sky allowing this to happen, their clothes were invisible with them, this time only.

The invisible living doll made the effort to look around in hopes to help Ilya, lo and behold. Silvie looked in surprise, pulling of the lich girl’s sleeve as she pointed to somewhere in the street, and although Ilya wouldn’t really be able to see the gesture. She would immediately find out what her mamono was getting all excited for.

Across the street from them was the entrance to the store Ilya was looking for, “Euthrarian nights” read the banner of the place, if they managed to get past without getting making some ruckus, they would enter to see the place full of merchandize related to the store, as well as noticing the place was packed, they would surely have troubles moving around without running into someone.

On the counter, a bored-looking, pink haired wererabbit was reading a book, not really paying too much attention to their surroundings, only lifting an eye brow as her nose moved ever so slightly. That book must have brought her something to think about.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya would try to shift her way through the crowd of people gathered at the magic store without causing any kind of problems, not wanting to bump into people and cause a ruckus. She decided to walk around and browse through the many products and items the establishment had to offer, just curious for the time being, to see if they had anything to catch her interest. If she didn't find anything of note, she would try to slip out inconspicuously to the back rooms and see if there would be anything of interest or anything happening there, before slipping back out and exploring the rest of the town either trying to find something to keep her entertained till the potion wore off or until the old man would hopefully pass her site again.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The crowd of people was thankfully easy to maneuver through, taking little interest in the few concoctions in display, it was quite clear to the trained eye that these were simple beverages with little to them, even if their labels read outrageous things as love potions and the like.

Silvie seemed a little reluctant to follow toward the back of the store, where some of the displays started getting interesting, even Ilya had to praise a couple of the objects in display, although for some reason, this area of the store seemed completely devoid of people.

“Cough…” A sound came from behind the pair, where upon if they turned around, they would find the wererabbit looking more than a little annoyed. “Smells terrible…” She commented, covering her nose as she stopped, short of a hair’s width away from Ilya’s face.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

Illya would find herself bored with the stage magicians parlor trick items here, probably only for the purpose of duping unsuspecting fools into parting with their coin or pranks. Charlatens..... she thought to herself as she scanned around the shop until she made her way to the back room, where she would come across more "interesting" things.... She would examine the articles more closely and wonder what all they were about when she would suddebly ear a coughing noise behind her. When she turned around and saw the bunny girl very close in her face, she would try to duck and weave out of the way, before getting up against a wall and watch to see what the rabbit would do next, curious if the rabbit was sniffing them or somethin else. Hopefully the potion would wear of soon, and she could get answers or help from the rabbit and or owners of the shop afterwards...
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“I could smell you all the way outside of the store, whoever you are, I’m kicking your ass if you don’t come out. It’s bad enough having to deal with all the disgusting smell of the potions to have to deal with the stench of an invisible shoplifter.”

The bunny girl said, never losing the annoyed look on her face as she waved around a duster, actually swatting Ilya squarely in the face two times with the soft end, “And what’s the deal with the stench? What are you, dead? God, tell me you’re not some undead freak. I hate the stench of those.” Her voice was clearly truthful and growing even more distressed and irritated as she talked, swatting twice more both of the girls in the face. By the looks of it… it kind of appeared she knew she was hitting them.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

".......Yes. I am a lich. And as for the invisibility, I was using it to follow my housemate who was acting suspicious the other day.... I'm afraid the potion hasn't worn off yet... Unless you or the proprietor of the establishment would happen to have an antidote, I'm afraid I will be like this for some time... Also... If you don't stop hitting me with that feather duster, you're going to get an invisible undead sneeze in the FACE!" She accosted the were rabbit, trying to swat away the duster from her face. "I have no intention of shoplifting, the invisibility potion I concocted just hasn't worn off. I was just looking for something to do until the person I was pursuing makes another appearance. I would be more then willing to pay for any other your items, granted they really work and aren't a sham or a stage magician's parlor tricks..." She said following the rabbit around.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The only response to Ilya was nothing but a low growl, with the wererabbit clearly dissatisfied as she removed the duster out of the lich girl’s face. “If I had a penny for every damn time I hear that, children believes they’re mages just from an invisibility potion. Those are all my concoctions by the way, say anything wrong about them and I’ll gladly give you demonstration of how real and effective those are.”

“Now…” The rabbit looked ahead, pointing toward an specific spot with the duster, walking no more than 5 meters before they stopped and the subdued grey haired girl grabbed something from the counter. Her hand moved faster than Ilya could have anticipated, and before she knew it, the wererabbit had shoved a vial onto her open lips, making sure not to let Ilya go until she had finished half the contents. The procedure was the same for the little living doll, who couldn’t help but to whimper and shed tears at the horrible taste of the potion.

Without even a shred of consideration or care, she shoved the doll in the general direction of Ilya and walked until she was a couple meters away from them, where upon she waited for the pair to become visible.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"I am still in training... I merely wished to browse your wares. I wasn't looking for trouble. As I mentioned beforehand, this is merely a distraction to bide time till my quarry shows back up. I am most interested in alchemial studies. And could be a regular paying customer if you would not be so curt with me." She said pointedly as she would slowly become visible again. At seeing Silvie's tear and trembling she would pull the doll girl closer to her and pat and stroke her back and hair.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

“Whatever.” The girl said with a dismissing hand wave, “You’re not invisible anymore, you’re not my problem or responsibility unless you steal something, pay for something or break something.”

With that, she walked away, certainly not interested in what the two of them were doing, so Ilya would find herself on the back of the store, surrounded by the many different concoctions around, all of which, again, seemed to be much more real than the stuff at the front, with a still whimpering living doll on her arms. They could either browse around the place, argue talk with the infinitely unlikeable were rabbit at the front or actually pay attention to the front of the store if she really wanted to wait for the man she was looking for.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

"C'mon, Silvie. This rabbit has made me feel unwelcome. Perhaps we'll visit again when we're not invisible. But we need to get back to looking for the old man. It's what we headed back into town to do anyways...." she said dryly as she made her way back to the front of the store before heading out the doors and skulking through the town once more.
Re: Illyasviel's Ranch [GMed by Armacalic]

The wererabbit paid no mind at the duo as they walked toward the door, as she was much more enthralled with the book she was reading, the cover was non-descriptive about its contents except for a very arcane-looking symbol of the back of the book.

Looking at the streets they would find the walkways invaded by an almost nauseating number of people, everywhere they looked they could at least spot 50 people, and none of them looked like the rancid, bitter man they’d come to live with. Now they could only wait at the entrance of the shop, hope Claus would indeed take this route on his way back from wherever he had gone. Or maybe they could talk to the wererabbit, although Ilya was already feeling fed up with the rude girl.