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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Oh... shit. I've been busy with school and some family issues lately, and this thread completely slipped my mind. I'll add an update ASAP.

Really sorry about this. I promise not to make a habit of it.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'm calling it now, this thread has magical powers of summoning the lost. It's the Anti-Bermuda Triangle.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I had an awesome idea involving a Slowpoke based joke, but I forgot it while out at a funeral service.

But in any case, I'm starting to write for Nightmare, and am waiting on TheWeirdOne for Messengers.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Oh... shit. I've been busy with school and some family issues lately, and this thread completely slipped my mind. I'll add an update ASAP.

Really sorry about this. I promise not to make a habit of it.

Oh wow.

Fuckin' Ulmf threads, how do they work?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I had an awesome idea involving a Slowpoke based joke, but I forgot it while out at a funeral service.

But in any case, I'm starting to write for Nightmare, and am waiting on TheWeirdOne for Messengers.


I've been very busy lately and kinda depressed as well D=

I'll try to write a post today.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Hey, Taken. Have you ever read White Wolf's Scion? I've taken a glance at it recently, and it kinda sounds like it's got mechanics similar to what you wanted done with Mirafar.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'd like to apologize to my players for my several month long absence. I spent most of it lurking around here and other places, and really had no excuse for being unable to continue the game (beyond the fickle nature of my muse.)

For those that still have hope for this game, I'm here to dash it. I have no intention of continuing it.

However, if anyone is interested, I am willing to hand out all the spoilers; upon request I will explain the subplots I had formed for you stories, as well as the main story line I intended to have every one participate in.

Again, I apologize for leading you on and having you invest time in this. I am sorry.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Don't sweat it. This is unfortunately the fate that almost all RP games suffer. I think most of us are guilty of ignoring opportunities to spice things up within the game and the pace just really dragged on because of it.

Go ahead and perform full spoilers for Triacca. I may end up using a version of the character in other games and the more history I can draw from, the better.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

It's no biggie. I'd rather you kill it than push on and not have fun. Don't worry about my characters stuff, since I wasn't entirely happy with how I wrote her up anyways. (Being drunk from world cup season is not conducive to good writing)
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Pyynana the Seer can't see at all. She was born blind, and thus has no basis to use the ability of clairvoyance what so ever. What she does have is clairaudience, a similar ability that lets her hear things from a great distance, and even back in time to a limited extent. If anyone says anything within the camp, in the wilderness around it, the forest, and partway into the city and mountains.

Pyynana provides her services for free, and isn't too cryptic, however, she will occasionally pester the Exalted to perform specific quests (such as silencing a particularity noisy monster that has been keeping her up at night) or help her with her cravings for a decent salad (which the ingredients can be found in the fields around the camp). She has no corruptions.

The Key Word that would trigger Pyynana knowing anything was 'Red'. The Orcs occasionally give praise to the 'Red Devil Lady', while the Golbins occasionally mumble about 'That Red Succubus Hussy'.

There used to be a black tower in the Orc's village, and Triacca's mother knocked it down. The Miasma lifted, and the orcs were really grateful. They threw a party, and let her have sex with all the villagers she wanted (which she did in a big orgy, mostly to refuel her magic reserves. mostly) The Orcs built a statue in her honor. If Triacca encountered an orc, he would mistake her for the Red Devil Lady on sight, and would be extremely friendly.

The Goblins are not hostile to Triacca's mother (does she have a name?) but she had sex with the chief's son. That's pretty much a request for marriage in their society, and they insisted on marrying the lad on the spot. To her it was just a one night stand, and she left for the capital immediately. The chief's son is a bit upset, but hopelessly addicted to her carnal talents (after one night!), and hasn't married since (but he does have a couple of mistresses, to keep the family line going). He's also the new chief, the old one retiring a few years back. Most Goblins will mistake Triacca as the Red Devil Lady at a glance, but the new chief would be able to tell the difference. He would request that Triacca tells her mother about this 'undying love', and would shower her with material gifts to win her over.

Triacca's mother has left clues for anyone intending to find her. It is a series of enchanted runes that are invisible to all but those that seek her for the sake of seeking her. When touched, the enchanted runes implant a memory of the Red Devil Lady speaking to the ruin in a similar manner to 'Dear Diary,'. The first one would be on the statue in the Orc Village, then a second at the North Gate of Mirafar. They would lead Triacca around until the last one wall above the Red Devil Lady's skeleton. It would leave a goodbye message similar to the last entry of the Dwarves of Moria (Fellowship of the Ring). If Triacca had gone though with Pyynana's blood magic, it would have led her strait to her mother's skeleton.

Yes, she's dead. But she can get better. The Red Devil Lady had the immortality power, and only stayed dead because she didn't have the power points to resurrect herself. With a bit of blood magic, which Pyynana knows, she can be back up and running around being all Exalted again.

The Red Devil Lady will be ecstatic to be with her daughter, and will be eager to catch up on lost time. She be very sad to learn that her husband (not exalted and not immortal) is dead, and will lament about how romantic the man was, and be all regretful about going after Mirafar instead of staying behind and raising a family.

You wanted Triacca to become a sex powered corrupted, right? The Red Devil Lady would be a bit resistant to the idea of teaching her daughter the art of the succubi, but relent after a bit of coaxing. The actual ritual involves summoning a tentacle monster and getting tentacle fucked in every hole. Allot. Then Triacca would go into a sex frenzy, as her demonic power point pool would begin empty. Guess who volunteers to fill it?

Like a good mother, the Red Devil Lady would begin meddling with Traicca's love life, and begin trying to set her up on blind dates with young men of families she has friendly connections too. She would start with the Orcs nearby, and would be very upset with her daughter hostility towards 'those sexy beasts', but would relent if explained the source of her daughters trauma.

Elyna Fairfields
Lord Kolden would constantly harass with assassins, but they would be real chumps, most of which getting intercepted by the Camps security, or die in the wilderness to monsters right before Elyna brings the face stabbing to said monsters. After a while the assassination attempts would cease altogether.

Lord Kolden would then send his son in disguise to infiltrate the camp and get the sword, and the young man would figure the best way to do it would be to seduce Elyna (think Black Mage), bed her, then sneak off with the artifact while she slept. There are several ways for this to go. He could succeed in his plan right off the bat, and that would be that. However, if Elyna is resistant to his initial advances, they mellow a bit as he attempts the friendship angle, giving ample opportunity for Elyna to find little clues about his identity.

The story I most developed happens if she didn't catch on, or just decided to play dumb to get leverage on the young man. He would eventually fall in love with her. After even more time spent in self conflict, he would confess his feelings and come clean about his identity, though he would feign leaving her in shame in a Xanatos Gambit. Lord Kolden would be up in arms about his son marrying some random voodoo woman as opposed to a girl of breeding and station, but would relent. He didn't get the sword for himself, but at least his daughter in law has it, which is an acceptable compromise.

Lord Kolden would then be stabbed in the face, assassinated by another family that wants the sword too, the Nazareth family. They offered the head's most beautiful granddaughter, attempting right off for marrying into the Kolden family to get the sword the Lord Kolden was going to steel from the Tenyn family. Lord Kolden originally implanted the idea for Kolden to get the sword for himself, and were intending to use their marriage tie to borrow the sword every time they wanted to control the weather.

The Nazareth woman that Lord Kolden's son was supposed to marry would come to the Camp near Mirafar to attempt to negotiate for marriage before the assignation attempt, but would give up easily seeing how in love the man really is. She would then return after the assassination, revealing the whole plan to Elyna and her new fiance/husband. She would also get Elyna alon to confess her love to her, and insist of being her secret lover, sex pet, sex slave, concubine, maid, or anything else Elyna would want.

If Lord Kolden's son was stabbed in the face, or simply rebuked from Elyna after confessing, Lord Kolden would be assassinated. The Nazareth family would send a random person to negotiate buying the sword from Elyna, and the head's lovely grand daughter would be sent as an assistant/observer. The girl would fall in love with Elyna on sight, and confess her feelings the night after the first negotiation. The Nazareth would be a bit put off if Elyna agreed to marry the girl, but would accept. They would also insist on Elyna forsaking Mirafar and being closer to home, so that they could have access to 'Morning Gale' whenever they wanted to control the weather.

If Elyna insisted on staying near Mirafar, or rebuked the girl crushing on her and the negotiations to purchase the artifact, they would start sending assassins. They would be real chumps, most of which getting intercepted by the Camps security, or die in the wilderness to monsters right before Elyna brings the face stabbing to said monsters.
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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Wow, very impressive. That's a remarkable amount of planning you had in store. Thank you for sharing.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Sen Valiere
That fucking Alsan would have trouble tracking Sen via counter scrying, since Pyynana is blind, and so is her own version of scrying. However, with enough effort, he would eventually track Sen down to the Mirafar area, and then send the Werewolf to retriever her.

The Werewolf has locked on Sen's scent, and would be able to track her to anywhere. He has very high stats, and has the stereotypical Werewolf powers from aWoD. The Werewolf has no loyalty to Aslan, and is following it's instincts in chasing down Sen. It lusts after her, but upon finding her won't rape her exactly. It is very ignorant of sexuality at all, and will simply dry hump her until he gets off (bukake tiem!) Lust satisfied, he would then begin to assert his pack alpha dominance over Sen by scarring off any male human that approaches her, and keeping her away from other concentrations of men. Most annoyingly, it would dry hump her at inopportune moments.

Aside from being a dirty pervert, Mr.Werewolf wouldn't be a health hazzard to Sen, and would make a really good body guard. He would be content to follow her around, though he'll set up a den in the fields to drag her back to.

If Sen has intercourse with Mr.Werewolf (and she'll have to teach him how) she'll begin siphoning off his corruption levels. He'll get weaker and weaker, but also become less wolfy until his human brain reactivates. At that point he'll become an Exalted, though Sen will have gained several Fey Corruption Level in the process.

Reguardless of what happens with the Werewolf, Alsan will get impatient with waiting for Sen to be brought to him, and begin some harebrained schemes to reacquire her. I wasn't entirely certain what to do with him, although I did right down that he'd sue the Mirafar Reclaimer Committee at some point... Yes, he's that crazy.

That Red Centipede Artifact recharges it's power pool by being used to bash a Black Moon corrupted creature to death. Zombies, Abominations, Soldiers, anything, as long as it is a slave to the Black Moon. It's power points can be used to heal Sen a bit, or make a Fireball attack.

Alice Lanetharias and Friends
The Ventrue Mirage is a sin cult much like the one in Bible Black, except with a zombie fetish. Their goal is to summon their dead sorceress back to the world of the living by killing themselves after a massive orgy to take over the world. It won't work, but the cult is willing to send it's followers one by one to retrieve the artifact, Monster of the Week style. Every single cultist is a revenent with some unique abilites, with a pack of zombies following it, and they'd wait in the fields around the Camp to ambush Alica and crew. I'd only have them show up every time Alice gains a point of potence or an edge point, but they wouldn't be there every day.

After a dozen or so cultists have been eliminated, the whole cult will attack the camp of Mirafar to gain the artifact. It will fail spectacularly, but it'll be a diversion. The high priestess infiltrated the reinforcements sent to the camp after the attack, and would do everything in her power to sneakily steel the Sorceress in a Gem.

The gem itself would gain in power. It would absorb necromantic corruption off of Alice, essentially protecting her gaining it in her place. Upon reaching the maximum level of corruption, the gem would bud a piece off, kinda like materia from Final Fantasy VII, except it doesn't do anything when placed in any old equipment slot.

If the cult ever succeeds in acquiring the gem, they all kill themselves in a massive orgy, and cause the gem to acquire enough corruption to split a couple of times... then their bodies will reanimate as zombies and eat the high priestess before moving on to whatever town they're in.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

If you don't mind me asking, what was the plan for the Mirafar capital city? What was the big foozle that we'd end up facing in the Palace?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Oh, sad times. Understandable, though.

I would've liked to use my ultra-perception on a couple more things, but as it stands I got to do more stuff than the rest of my team, so I can't really complain. :x

Chargen and writing up my dudes was pretty fun, as was the system building thread. So thanks at least for the attempt man.

Wait, so, the cultist-zombies would have eaten my gem, and the various bits that budded off it?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Wait, so, the cultist-zombies would have eaten my gem, and the various bits that budded off it?

No, silly. The gem is a rock crystal, not flesh. They'd eat the High Priestess, not the Sorceress in the Gem, since that Sorceress is in the gem for good. I'm sure there's some crazy uses you can figure for a gem that doesn't have to be in the same place as the rest of itself, but the game wouldn't go that far.

If you don't mind me asking, what was the plan for the Mirafar capital city? What was the big foozle that we'd end up facing in the Palace?

King Mirafar himself knew quite quickly that the Black Moon had destroyed his kingdom, which made him super depressed. In the rampaging battle across his broken city, he had his mightiest sorcerers create a grand enchantment to freeze time.

They didn't pull it off, but they did manage to bust the cosmic stability in the city. In several places, the other four dimensions from which the magics come from bled into realty and corrupt the very fabric of existence, mostly around the shrines channeling magical power from mana fountains of those magics in the first place. It created a real mess for the forces of the Black Moon, but they were able to take the city proper and erect two Black Spires to cover it all in Miasma.

Only the amazing super powers allowed the Black Moon to hold the city from the flow of demons, fey, angels and ghosts that spawn from holes in the world. Even though the holes have shrunk, spawning less monsters, the Black Moon lost a hold of Mirafar, and has been diverting resources into retaking it with little success. Thus the reason from the lack of resistance for the reclaiming army.

The monsters stay within the city, the magical runes on the great black wall repelling them from leaving. They tend to congregate around their hole, but there are also those that wander the city street and ruins for something to do. The holes in reality are located right next to mana shrines, and Exalted can bind the hole to the shrine, sealing it and gaining 1000 of the appropriate corruption.

There are also shrines that do not have these holes near them. These emit a magical field that repel both the monsters of the reality holes, and the Spawn of the Black Moon. The survivors of Mirafar congregate around these, building small communities, and edging out a pathetic existence. The Exalted can come to these shrines and perform a ritual to gain a point of Potence. The survivors are a bit crazy, and jealously guard their shrine.

Several of these shrines and holes in reality are also channeling power to seal that prevent anything from moving in and out of the inner city through the old wall (but under them via the sewers is fair game). The holes in reality are much bigger in the inner city, and there are no hallowed shrines or survivors. Some of the holes in the inner city channel magical power that completely seals off the palace in a pocket dimension.

Then Palace itself is a gauntlet of horrible monsters and possessed furniture and art objects. Then past the treasury, the basement and the catacombs, there's Mirafar's inner sanctum and laboratory, where he came up with all his incredible inventions, and houses his first mana fountain. Mirafar is unfortunately deader than dead, and used his own soul in a suicide spell to bring down the Apocalypse. If an exalted reads the last entry of his diary, it will start a count down timer that will cause the whole floating continent that Mirafar is own to rise up into space, then come crashing back down. I have no idea how to stop it, though I was confident you guys could come up with a way to do it. :D

Survivors of note
Megasan, the Loli Vampire
This poor little girl was hiding near a necromantic shrine when the sorcerers messed up reality, and was transformed into a vampire before she even realized it. She's spent most of century since sleeping with the horrible nightmare of sucking people's blood dry. She's has attacked some of the survivors, using her superhuman strength to subdue them while she takes a nip, but has never killed anyone, and used to be a vegetarian. I was gonna have her latch onto the first male Exalted she came across, and constantly pester him to have a nice tea party with her. She's not for fucking, even if she is technically legal.

Rica and Rita, Gargoyls
Two sister demons that look like they're carved from jade. They can fly, hide, and are decent brawlers, but they're mostly interested in having kinky sex with anyone they meet, especially human men with a high Strength core. They like 'em brawny. However, any player can recruit them to the team.

Diabetus, Angry Impotent Demon
A big brute that goes around pounding the crap out of everyone her meets. Like Megasan, he hid near a shrine and became corrupted, but has been running around, breaking things, killing monsters, and generally being a jerk. He's sexually frustrated, because despite growing in size, his dick is still too small to please any woman he comes across. (All of his love interested cheated on him because of it.) Pyynana actually has a spell to fix that, and will want a salad as payment.

Bulbasaur Animorphs. Men and Women corrupted by fey magic to look a little like a dinosaur, an have a flower on their back that shoots magical lust inducing powders, and vinetacles.