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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

No no... Those are Gigi. Different awsome.

I think it was originally called Jumpers because of the world jumping aspect.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well y'see, I missed all previous incarnations of the game, nor ever even lurked them more than a very minimal amount. At the time it was a mix of not enough time to read/join another RP or game, and somehow simply overlooking the game entirely for the most part.

Is there a "Jumpers for dummies" guide anywhere someone could refer me to?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Question. In what way does this game involve jumping?

Jumping is the best term I could come up for the aspect of moving between the different worlds. There's really no 'jumping for dummies' guide, because the first forum is where everything from the original jumpers was stored. The closest thing I have to that would be the demonstration thread, but that will be changing too.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Double post, but it's important.


So I've added some races to the game, but I'm struggling to come up with a few more. I'd like to know what other creatures you guys may want to play as, but I've added: Orcs, Vampires, Dopplegangers, Fairies, Succubi, Seraphim, and Minotaurs. Anything else?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Shapeshifting slime girls? :D
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Cowgirls, plantgirls, tentaclegirls, wafflegirl, Birthdaycakegirl, etc. XP
Maybe i will edit this post and write something interesting
Last edited:
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Plant girls, Arachnae, Nagas, Slime girls. I can't think of much more exotic species at the moment.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Honestly, I'll probably play a more "normal" girl, and just plan on being ero'd by said slime girls. :D

In other words, happy with the races as they are now.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Double post, but it's important.


So I've added some races to the game, but I'm struggling to come up with a few more. I'd like to know what other creatures you guys may want to play as, but I've added: Orcs, Vampires, Dopplegangers, Fairies, Succubi, Seraphim, and Minotaurs. Anything else?

Depends on what you think a succubus is, and how you define fairies. I personally prefer angels over demons... see KooNSoft's "angel girl" remake of our own LM's demon girl. I also like the idea of a fire elemental girl... flaming hair and eyes, if not just an entire body covered in flames, i.e. afrit. Both of these could be considered subsets of succubi or fairies respectively... with the elemental-girl, you could go further and have more than just fire of course...

Still looking for players? If this is as fun as everybody seems to think it is, I might give it a shot, though I'm not sure how active I'll be able to be.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Depends on what you think a succubus is, and how you define fairies. I personally prefer angels over demons... see KooNSoft's "angel girl" remake of our own LM's demon girl. I also like the idea of a fire elemental girl... flaming hair and eyes, if not just an entire body covered in flames, i.e. afrit. Both of these could be considered subsets of succubi or fairies respectively... with the elemental-girl, you could go further and have more than just fire of course...

Still looking for players? If this is as fun as everybody seems to think it is, I might give it a shot, though I'm not sure how active I'll be able to be.

The Succubi I've created aren't demonspawn of any kind; They're very beautiful women who have created the ability to step through other worlds using highly advanced technology.

...so, basically Asari.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Guess that's what I get for not researching the game before putting suggestions out there. What do you think about the pseudo-elemental races I mentioned? With the angel thing, you could expand it to anything with wings, I'm thinking anything from dove wings (angel) to bat wings (succubi? demonspawn?) to half-dragon girls with powerful scaled wings that could possibly be used as an aid in combat.

Would any of those be viable, or even just spark some more ideas of your own?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Any chance we might be able to get a peek at the stats for the new races that you've already finished Silth?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Guess that's what I get for not researching the game before putting suggestions out there. What do you think about the pseudo-elemental races I mentioned? With the angel thing, you could expand it to anything with wings, I'm thinking anything from dove wings (angel) to bat wings (succubi? demonspawn?) to half-dragon girls with powerful scaled wings that could possibly be used as an aid in combat.

Would any of those be viable, or even just spark some more ideas of your own?

Certainly, the flight ability of flying humanoids will be a great advantage to avoid some terrains disadvantages, i think than some penalties can balance them.

Passing to the previous topic: How about some water humanoids like sirens or similars, great in water, swimming and resistant to ice but weak in some ambients.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Elementals are tricky, because there are so many elements in the game to choose from. I'll probably be keeping them as enemies only though.

As for the request to posting stats for the new races... I'll post a few for you guys:

Orcs: In some worlds, Orcs have grown to become less war-like, coexisting with local tribes, cities, even planets if they've reached the space-age. They're skin tone ranges from a dark viridian color to a very light green. These orcs are still physically superior to humans, and have an average intelligence; their main weakness lies in their lack of (and sometimes disbelief) of magic abilities.
+2 to Strength
+3 to Dexterity, Stamina
-3 to Intelligence and Depth
Special: Gain a new element every 40 Depth.

Vampires: Depending on the Dimension you visit, a vampire may be something as simple as a person who needs blood to drink the life force of another to digest simple foods. Knowing that these vampires are much less chaotic than the popular ones (Vampires that glow in the sun and vampires that drink only blood to survive), the Generals of both Good and Evil have called upon these special few to help their cause.
+ 4 to Finesse
+10 to Charisma rolls
Cannot restore FP without draining the FP (blood) of another individual.
Formula: Every 1 FP drained heals 10 FP for the vampire.

Doppelgangers: Doppelgangers are shapeshifters with one true form, and that happens to be their most closely kept secret. Their second form (sometimes called 'Natural Form') is what the people around them see constantly. These creatures can morph into any being the same sex as them, as long as they've met the person and have formed an 'imprint'. Because of their shape shifting abilities, they make excellent fighters, spies, or mages.
Advantage: Imprint: The Doppelganger can form a close bond with a living being of their same sex, allowing them to shift into this creature. Requires: 1 world turn; or, if attempting to imprint on an enemy, requires 70 AP, as well as 50 MP.
Advantage: Shift: The Doppelganger transforms into whoever they've imprinted with. They receive limited abilities of the creature they've shifted into.
-4 to Stamina
-3 to Will Power

Fairies: Short, often mischievous, and powerful magic beings, the Fairies from a certain world have both been at war over the idea of 'Good' and 'Evil' for thousands of years. Their skin tone ranges from pale, almost paper-white skin to the complete opposite (near black skin). There is no discerning a fairy as good or evil without her really telling you; after all, they're usually playing tricks of some kind.
Advantage: Small Frame: The fairy causes d(PC's level)/5 extra pleasure damage.
Gains +10 to spend on Blue Stats.
Disadvantage: Magically Delicious: The fairy's sex juices – and, her milk - are considered an extreme delicacy; due to some inborn trait, when the fairy is receiving cunnilingus (or just being milked), she receives a -20 to all resistance and escape rolls.

Succubus: A race of all females from a certain dimension had gained the ability to travel across the planes of existence and into other worlds; the beings who populated these worlds were stunned by the scientific prowess of the dark-skinned women, and promptly began to call them Succubi. While they don't drain the life force out of a living being, these Succubi have superior looks and intelligence, but lack in strength.
+10 to Charisma
+3 to Finesse
+3 to Intelligence
-5 to Strength
-5 to Stamina
-5 to Senses.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I don't know much about Jumpers, seeing as I'm rather new, but I'd love to get in on this (and help out, if you need it, Silth).
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

...Go post in the Colony, Twisted's Evil Cousin!
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Or Alduris! If you've got time to help out with these games, you've got time to write a paragraph or three in Alduris. :p
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I am also interest in playing in Jumpers. Still have room?