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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Tyrina smiled "I see... well my dear Matriarch you have nothing to worry about. I have my differences with our Lady but my house are not treacherous." Tyrina shifted slightly letting Sera catch a direct glimpse of her chest. It was then her sister made a small coughing noise. "Tyrina my dear sister your about to pop out of your dress. Have you no shame." She threw her sister a rather withering glance. Tyrina sighed slightly and shifted again tightening up her top. "Bari you have nothing to worry about I was simply just a bit warm in this heat." Bari didn't seem to buy this explanation but turned to Sera.

"My lady if you desire it I could have someone train your guards. I've heard they came from the city's army. And while I mean no offence to them, I can tell their training was basic. If your worried about the harsh discipline my own troops endure, do not worry. I understand your concern and will not be harsh."
"Hmhm, worry not, lady Bari, lady Tyrina. I don't have any problem with nudity, truly. I would say to please, at least cover those poor girls out front up, or make sure that they have food to eat, and aren't mistreated anymore. But I don't have any true power, so my plea for their health and safety is all I can give," Sera chuckled softly, not caring about Tyrina's nudity, and rather enjoying it actually, which both would be able to tell from the slight tenting of Sera's skirt.

"And I suppose some extra training could be valuable. However I ask one thing, the training take place at my residence, so that my guards aren't away from there, as I do have very few guards as it is, after all. And it's Their choice if they wish to do it or not. I won't force them. Is that fair?" Sera replied about the potential training for her own guards, which would let her two guard girls know that she genuinely cared for their safety and health.
"Of course Matriarch, I will pick an appropriate candidate and send her to you tomorrow. If that is acceptable, No doubt you have a full schedule." Tyrina seemed to sigh a bit having fixed her top. Sipping her wine once more she leaned back her eyes lingering on Sera a moment. All the while Bari spoke about the training regiment she was proposing for Sera's own guards. After a moment the woman rose to her feet and headed out. "Bari I'm heading back to the manor, please do not keep the Matriarch too long with your barbaric topics." WIth that she gave a slight bow to Sera, while drawing a rather harsh gaze from her sister.
"Sure, that sounds fine to me. I mean... I wouldn't even mind you coming over yourself, to be honest, lady Bari. Having such a beautiful noble lady to entertain would be fun, and something I've yet to do in my lifetime, actually," Sera replied with a smile as she sipped her wine some more. "And lady Tyrina, please... it is your home, if anything I'm the one that should be undressing, to match you. No?" she added to the other, smiling sweetly as she actually reached for her robe to undo it and let her breasts bounce free, unless one of the two spoke to stop her, a bit of a playful grin on her face.
Lady Bari leaned back a moment thinking. "Its true its been awhile since I've been out visiting. Also it will let me get a feel for your troops." It was then that Lady Tyrina had rose to her feet and made her statement. She watched Sera remove her top a knowing and approving look on her face. "Another time perhaps my Lady and we can discuss other topics in.. comfort. But alas I do have matters to attend to." Even Lady Bari watched her sister go. It seemed Lady Tyrina's mood had been ruined for now at least. Still as the woman moved on she threw Sera a sultry look before disappearing out of view. Sighing Lady Bari looked to Sera. "My sister plays with Fire Matriach please do not be too offended by her .... nature.
"Mmm, I'm not offended. I am curious what happened there to upset her though. Does she not like nudity? Or was it something I said or did?" Sera replied to Bari, looking more confused, than anything really.

"Anyway, Lady Bari. If you would like, I can take you to my manor so you can see the rest of my guards," Sera said to Bari after a few moments, still wondering what she might have said.
Bari sighed, "No doubt it was me. She can be so temperamental when her fun gets spoiled." She poured herself some more wine before adjusting her position. "I try to keep her on track so the worst of her tastes don't cause too much issue." Bari watched her sister turn off down the path before speaking with Sera again. "It would be an honor Matriarch but alas I still have duties to attend to today. Perhaps tomorrow?" Lady Bari stood and offered her hand to Sera to help her rise to her feet. They chatted a while longer before she escorted Sera to the entrance. As they neared to gate it was then Sera noticed the oppressive aura had faded. Upon leaving she found the outside stocks empty of the offenders.
"Ah, I see. That is unfortunate that she was so... well, you get the idea. And sure, tomorrow works for me. Sometime before noon would be best. As I was still wanting to go around and meet the rest of the nobility, since I apparently have some form of influence here and all. So, in that case, it was a pleasure to meet you both, and I wish I could have met your other sister," Sera said with a smile, giving Bari a parting kiss on either cheek before heading out with her two guards, thanking her for their time, and for helping her up before leaving.

"Whew... that was... intense. Wasn't it, girls? So let's head for home now," Sera sighed to her guards as soon as they were out of earshot of the grounds, where she noticed the stocks were now empty. "Aw... I do hope that those poor girls weren't punished more harshly, after my words before," she added with a somewhat worried look.
Her two guards nodded. "Lady Bari dose not seem too bad but her sister...." Grace held her tongue however Feris was not so inhibited. "She is a bad woman. She doesn't feel or smell right." Sera was left to ponder that and if pressed Feris could offer no concrete knowledge other than just a feeling. As it seemed the night drew close the streets emptied out quick with only a few stalls left selling the dredges of the produce they had. Storm clouds seemed to gather and it looked like it might rain tonight.

Sadly Sera was right just as they entered her manor grounds the first drops of rain began to fall. All the lights in the house where on and the door was opened by June smiling warmly as Sera and crew approached.
"Mmm... you noticed that too. She did have a... strange scent," Sera replied as they headed back home, and just as they returned, she was surprised to find it beginning to rain. "Oh my. Come on girls, let's get inside before the rain really starts coming down on us," she added when the rain began, running towards the doors and giggling softly, as she swung her large full feathery wings out and covering Grace's and Feris's heads as she noticed June standing in the doorway.

"Hey there June. You doing alright?" Sera asked as they entered the manor, where Sera would reach out and hug her, giving her a kiss on either cheek.
June wouldn't settle for just a hug and kissed Sera full on the mouth for long minutes. "I missed you." She leaned against Sera resting her head on the angels chest. She coaxed Sera in to the dinning room where a nice meal had already been prepared. The rest of her growing harem soon joined her in the dinning room as the rain began to pour heavily outside. From her window she could see the Allarune dance naked in the rain enjoying the necter from the heavens. She moved about so carefree undeterred by the rain. Carefree and wild as her nature.
Sera moaned against June's lips as she was drawn into the dining room. "I missed you too, sweetie. Are you okay though? And... do you want to try and make a baby again tonight, hmm?" Sera cooed softly to June and kissed her on the neck, unable to help but grin as she held June for a few more moments, before they sat down for dinner, where she'd eat and chat with everyone in there until they were done, where she'd then help clean up, not caring to do so.
June smiled and kissed Sera again "Im always willing to try." June sat next to Sera her hand slipping under the table during dinner to tease Sera when she could get away with it. None at the table seemed to notice besides herself, and Ivy. Only after June had gotten Sera hard under the table from her constant stroking did she notice her tiny companion had slipped under the table and began to tease her head while June kept a firm grip on her shaft. The duo had planned this while Sera was out. June did her best to keep calm but a blush had begun to show on her face as the noises under the table from Ivy began to grow. Some of the more experienced girls hid knowing looks, but probably didn't know June's efforts in the situation.
"Hmhm, good, dear. Same here," Sera cooed and giggled softly at June's teasing, and she eased her left hand over to tease June back some, gently rubbing her thighs, and glancing around to see if any of the others noticed, or were paying attention.

Only when Ivy joined in, did Sera make any outward noise, gasping softly and fidgeting a bit. "Mmm... Ivy, keep that up and I... m-might just plaster you to the b-bottom of the table, h-heh..." Sera moaned softly to her little familiar companion, trying to remain mostly composed as best she could. "H-Hey girls, I... s-spoke to many of the nobles earlier, and Lady Bari will be coming by tomorrow afternoon to... well, see how well the guards are. She wanted me to send you all to her, to... train. But I insisted she come here instead, since I have so few of you as it is. And I also told her not to be too harsh, or I would be, quite upset," Sera told the others, mostly directing her attention to her guard girls.
The girls nodded there faces slightly flushed. It was hard to ignore Ivy's efforts as she noisy took Sera into her mouth. June had stopped her teasing out of embarrassment but Ivy had no such qualms. She expertly took Sera's length drawing out her efforts in an attempt to ruin Sera's composure. Crissa soon brought up another concern. "Matriarch how would you like to prepare for her visit? Sadly I doubt we could offer much hospitality to another house. We still have some internal matters to attend to." Crissa coughed and seemed to look threw the table at Ivy who didn't stop teasing Sera. The girl sighed and awaited Sera's thoughts on the matter.
"Just offer anything we would normally offer any others, I'd say. She didn't seem the type to care too much about that sort of thing. So we don't have to go all out. Though I would like to at least show some good hospitality though, if possible," Sera replied, sighing softly as she tried to catch her breath in the wake of Ivy's teasing. "Mmm, Ivy, you keep that up and I'm not gonna be able to stop... t-tonight," she added to her little familiar, reaching down and smirking at her as she gently patted her head.

After that, Sera would spend time with everyone, mostly just chatting with them all, getting to know them a little better, and mostly just relaxing for the rest of the evening, until it came time for her alone time with June, where she would try to make a baby with her again, and let loose with her angelic genes, allowing them to take the forefront, assuming she actually got June pregnant that is.
Ivy seemed to stop once Sera had tousled her hair a bit. Crissa nodded a bit taking down some notes. "I remember Lady Bari well though I never had the honor of hosting her. Still if your goal is to up your prestige Ill see if the girls can whip up some treats for your meeting. Maybe some orange frozen creme with a glaze of shorn nectar?" Crissa looked over the table at the very pregant cat girls. It was then Sera noted some had already begun to lactate slightly. The smirk on her face was a bit concerning but she was sure Crissa wouldn't hurt them.. though she might overly enjoy using the barn facilities. All the while Ivy had kept slow stroking Sera's shaft not letting it go limp but not pushing it to far. Dinner soon wrapped up leaving June Ivy and Sera in the dinnering room alone.
"That would be good Crissa, thank you. Oranges are probably my favorite fruits, though I do enjoy lemons, limes, and grapes as well. But oranges are the best, if you ask me," Sera replied with a nod, looking intrigued by the dessert Crissa had mentioned, and approving of it.

Sera also noticed the various cat girls were all beginning to lactate, and she also couldn't help but figure that Crissa would probably insist on milking them. Sera made a note to tell them all that only if the cat girls were willing, would she tell them to go and do it, if any asked. She was also kind of glad that Ivy was keeping her more than ready beneath the table, and wouldn't be able to suppress a smirk. "H-Hah, Ivy you little minx, y-you keep that up and I'm gonna blow all over the bottom of the table. And wouldn't that be such a hassle to clean up?" Sera sighed softly to Ivy, but didn't really try and stop her, as she glanced over at June and smiled. "Well, shall we head to bed June? And Ivy can come too, I suppose. I do have plenty in my balls for the both of you. I mean, I Did knock up like eight cat girls in one night, without any problems, though I suppose my hips being sore for a day or two was sort of a problem, heh," she chuckled after a few moments.
Sera couldn't see her but Ivy smirked and suddenly stopped teasing her. Indeed before the table left Crissa did ask the girls if they would help and most agreed. The small group headed out to their various rooms leaving Sera alone with June and Ivy. Looking over June smiled with a heavy blush on her cheeks. Standing up the duo headed to her room, surprisingly Ivy seemed to have vanished. Some where off in the manor Sera heard Ivy giggle as she found some other poor soul to tease. Pausing to smile a moment Sera soon found her self pulled onward by June who seemed to hasten her step.

It wasn't long before June and Sera entered her rather simple but comfortable master bedroom. Once inside June slipped out of her robe and turned to Sera her naked body seemingly glowing in the lamp light. Her face was still in full blush as she slightly covered herself from Sera's gaze, mostly out of a memory of modesty. Turning her head June meet Sera's eyes. She smiled and offered her hand to Sera.
Sera smirked at Ivy as she vanished and left her to have June alone, and she picked up the pace too and headed for the bedroom with June, where she had eyes for nothing but June. "Goddess you're gorgeous, June. I'm so glad that you're here with me, now," Sera cooed softly as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms, and then her wings, around June, holding her close. "Come here you. I'm gonna make love to you all night long, until neither of us can move," she panted softly, her heart racing as she gently lifted June up and carried her over to the bed, letting the young human wrap her legs around her waist as she held her.

Once at the bed, Sera lay June down on it and undressed, where she hopped on with her, and started making out with June very passionately, her lips gently suckling on June's lips and neck. "Mmm... you know, June... you're the first human I've ever had, if I'm completely honest. Like, the first woman I've truly had sex with, like we both have," Sera sighed in between their kisses, her shaft quickly hardening to full mast, where she gently rubbed it against June's inner thighs.