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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Breaking away from Sera Jolynn went to her dresser and pulled out nighty and slipped it over herself. Dabbing her eyes dry she turned and smiled at Sera. "Ill do my best Sera, But I think Im going to stay up here a little longer okay." With that Sera was free to do as she would. Be it enjoying the garden or exploring some more of the small sanctuary.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright then, for now I'll keep an eye on things around here for you. Just get some rest and think things over some more okay. We'll figure this out okay, I promise," Sera told Jolynn with a smile, getting up and following her over to her dresser and giving her a hug before she slipped her nighty on. "For now though, where are all records about that tower? I'll read up on it some and learn what all I can of it, and then I'll try something a bit more... up my alley that you might not have tried or are able to try," she then asked before heading on out.

Once that was done with, Sera would leave after getting Jolynn's answer and would snoop about the sanctuary a bit just to see what all was in the room and outside of it in the hidden area. As soon as she had looked around and seen all there was to see in the hidden sanctuary of Jolynn's, Sera would go to look for any hidden records of the tower and its surrounding lands that Jolynn might have directed her to, though if there was nothing more to be had in that regard then Sera would head over towards the tower a ways and look around for any animals, even bugs that might be around there that she could use her powers to speak with, to find out some things that she needed to know in that way.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Outside there is a small stair that leads up to the secound floor. Thats where the record and books." The room itself was pretty much open to her though unless she wanted to read more of Jolynn's personal diary her only other option was the balcony. Slipping out of the room as Jolynn moved back to the bed to lay down Sera found a small stair leading up right where Jolynn had told her it would be. Following this stair would lead Sera to the top floor and another door. This one was locked however and she needed the stone to open it. Gaining entry she soon found a few bookshelves clutered with tomes and other things. Many where about magic and a few about artifacs. Dotted along the shelf where several strange items. Looking at these Sera found a human skull, a strange everflowing hourglass, a dagger stained with blood, and a small doll. There where others as well but these where the closest and most easily dercernable.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright, I'll see you later then Jolynn, sleep well and don't worry about me finding out about this... it doesn't bother me. So long as you don't attempt to hurt me or my companions, or our children... or anyone else like that for that matter, then I don't think we'll have any problems," Sera said to Jolynn, kissing her on the cheek and letting her rest some more before heading on to do her investigating.


Following Jolynn's directions on where to go to for her records and whatnot after exploring the outside portions of the sanctuary and whatnot, Sera opened the lock with the stone and went inside. Looking about, she saw what all was within this room and decided to take a closer look at everything within the place before getting the books to look through. "Hmm... what sorts of secrets are in that tower I wonder?" Sera asked aloud to nobody in particular before looking at the books to see which ones would aid her in learning about the tower.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

There was alot to look threw including several curious artifacts. Still Sera focused on the books. For the most part they seemed fairly typical mage tomes discussing magic therory though most of them seemed to deal with several darker aspects of magic and spirtual power. A heathy amount of Aether theroy and demonolgy books where present but even from her position she could sense the wards on them. Still one book caught her attention. It was fairly plain looking red bound book with a ribbon marking a place.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she focused more on the books and whatnot in there, Sera could feel the wards about some of the books that dealt with the darker bits of magic and stuff, so she steered clear of those. Spotting the one book with the red ribbon around it though, Sera decided to give it a look, curious as to what could be inside of it. Once she'd picked it up, she'd look around for a chair to have a seat in while she examined the thing, turning to the first page inside to see what was written in the thing.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking about the room Sera found the only chair in the place. It was a fully leather chair with brass fittings holding the supple leather on. However it was occupied by a small onyx statue of a cat. It was small and would easily fit in the palm of her hand. She would have to move it however if she wanted to sit down.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Spotting only one chair, she made her way over to it with the book in hand, where she found a small statuette of a cat sitting in it. Finding it off that the little thing would be sitting in the chair, Sera reached down and picked it up, aiming to set the thing back on the table where it likely came from, after which she'd sit down and open the book she had to see just what kind of book it was exactly.

"I wonder what some of these things in here do. Make me very curious as to why they're all in here," Sera mumbled curiously as she moved the little statuette.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing her sitting location blocked Sera wasted little time picking it up. Touching it however sent a slight jolt threw her slightly. Nothing painful really but she did feel a bit odd. Looking about she moved to set the staute on the table to find it gone. She didn't drop it that was for sure. Looking about brifley her ears twiched. Perhapse she will look for it later. Sitting down she felt a sudden jold of pain. Spinning around she caught sight of a black tail twirling out of her sight. Spinning around again she was greated with the same sight. Her ears twiched again as a sinking feeling grew in her stomach.

Sera gains Cat Ears and Cat tail mutaitons for 24 hours
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she grabbed the little statuette, Sera felt a rush of energy flow through her. Shaking her head a bit, she made to set it down on the table where she didn't find it in her hand any longer. As she looked around for it, Sera's ears twitched a bit, but she couldn't find it anywhere, so she went ahead and sat down to read the book some. "Oh well, maybe I was just imagining things anyway. Might as well read this some and... OUCH," Sera began mumbling to herself before letting out a pained cry, jumping back up in the process.

Looking back as she spun around, Sera caught sight of a black cat's tail whipping out of view, then she spun the other way and saw it again on the other side as her ears twitched a bit. "What the... hell was that?" Sera asked aloud, then she looked over her right shoulder and saw a black cat's tail attached to her in the same place June's was on her. "Oh man... why would Jolynn leave something like that just laying around?" Sera asked aloud yet again to nobody in particular as she reached up and touched the top of her head to find a pair of cat ears up there.

Sighing as her heart sank a bit that she'd be stuck like this for the rest of her life, Sera came to terms with it rather quickly and decided that there was nothing she could really do about it now and figured she ought to try and at least get a bit of the reading she'd meant to do done. She would however have some words with Jolynn later about this, asking why she'd left something like that out without warning her and if it was permanent. Hopefully she'd find something useful in the book at least to make this worthwhile if she ended up stuck like this. So with that she grabbed her tail and curled it around her waist before sitting back down this time and got to reading.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Her tail was soft and brought a sigh as she touched it. This caused the new limbt to twitch happily. Still she would not be distracted and looked the red bound book. Turning to the marked passage Sera found it stained with blood a half written date. Turning back a page she saw a flow of neat hand wrighting.

23th, Summer

I find myself worried about my apprentice she has been in a dark mood as of late. I fear I may be pushing her to far. Our conflict with the demons had brought a heavy toll on us and more specifically my apprentice. I think tommrow I will send her away for a few weeks to rest and recoup. I hear Endus has a wonderful market and entertainment center. Ill contact one of my old guildmates tommrow.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Giggling slightly at the feel of her new tail, Sera stroked the new appendage as she sat there, watching it swishing around happily. Opening the book, Sera saw the page that had been marked was stained with a bit of blood, but the writing on the page before that was neat and easily readable. She read the entry on the page before the marked one and wondered where this Endus place was at and decided to ask Jolynn about it and about the journal some, figuring that would be best. After reading a few more of the most recent entries, Sera would put the journal down and look around the room further to see what all else was within the room.

"Hmm, what else is in here that's interesting. I'm curious now that I've got these ears and tail at just what Jolynn might have hidden in here," Sera murmured to herself as she looked around some more after finishing with the journal.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The journal had some personal notes about meetings and observations. For the most part it was a simple journal. Setting it aside for now Sera looked about the room once more. She clearly saw the books that had been warded by magic and avoided them. Only now did she see the dust about the room. No wonder Jolynn didn't tell her about the statue she probably forgot it was up here. Though with some stuff warded it was clear that while she hadn't been up here in awhile, she had made sure dangerous things where sealed. Looking about Sera found numorous other items and curiosities. The closest where a green cat statue sitting next to a small white dove statue. Just beyound that was a human skull sitting on a shelf by itself. across the room from that was a small doll set next to a brush. Hanging off the corner of that was a silken bra. At the very end of the room was a small table with a bloddstained dagger and an hourglass that seemed to flow constantly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

From the looks of it this room had been unvisited in quite a while as there was dust all over the place that basically said as much. Sera looked about the room some more and found several items that weren't warded to prevent her touching them, the bra being the main one that caught her attention, as she hadn't expected to see something like that up here. The small statue of the dove caught her eye as well, but she went over to the bra first and picked it up to look at it closer, wondering why it was even up there.

"I wonder what this is here for. What size is it? Jolynn probably left it up here one day and forgot about it or something like that most likely," Sera said to herself as she grabbed the thing to look closer at it. If nothing interesting could be discovered about the bra, Sera would head over to the dove statue and pick it up to look at it too, curious as to what it was there for.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Touching the bra caused Sera to gasp out loud as her chest inflated three sizes. The sound of cloth tearing and the sudden bounce revealed that her own bra had just tore under the strain. Thankfully her dress was made of sterner stuff and held but it was no compressing her beauties almost painfully.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera touched the bra she looked down as her breasts suddenly grew larger to the point that her own bra tore open as they bounced out and around in the top of her robes, thankfully not tearing them too in the process. "Oh goodness, that was... not something I expected. Well... I do like larger breasts, just wish I had more warning so I didn't lose my own bra," Sera gasped and said as her breasts increased in size to a full F-cup bordering on G-cup, the tightness in her chest now too great for her to handle without grunting in pain.

Undoing her robes, Sera popped the top loose and let her breasts bounce free to relieve the pressure on them so they didn't hurt, where she then giggled a bit at her new size and began twisting her body back and forth enough to make them jiggle deliciously for anyone or anything watching. "Wow... I... I kinda like these actually. And despite them being so big now they're still really perky and aren't sagging much at all," Sera said to herself as she watched her breasts jiggling as she swayed back and forth to make them do so. Then she reached up and cupped under both breasts with her hands and pushed them up a bit, then she gave them a squeeze and felt a spark of pleasure shoot up her body as her nipples stiffened underneath her palms. "Hmhm... Jolynn's going to love these... and June will too I'll bet. And Ivy definitely will too," she added to herself as she examined her breasts some more.

After a minute or so more of playing with her new breasts, Sera had the sudden idea of finding out what the rest of these artifacts in here did... as it seemed that at least 2 of them had a hidden trait... and she really felt curious for some reason and wanted to know what else these things might do. Heading over to the green catlike statue, Sera reached out to touch it too, setting the bra down on the table next to the journal as one she'd be taking with her to ask Jolynn about. If nothing interesting happened with it then she would head over to touch the brush next to the doll set.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Setting the silken bra aside Sera felt her chest shrink back to normal though the still felt a bit larger than normal. Making of that what she would she moved to the statue of the cat. Feeling a slight tingle and nothing more Sera frowned. Touching the brush Sera felt a tingle agian as her height suddenly shifted to a much lower perspective. Looking around at everything being much bigger than it should be Sera found a broken mirror in silver frame. Catching her reflection Sera saw that she was the size of a small child of eight or 10 years. Everything about her was in porportion of her new size though she was now swiming in her dress.

Sera gains Pheramoans cat in heat for 24 hours
Sera has assumed the size of a child for 10 minuites
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As soon as she set the bra down, Sera felt her breasts shrink back down to normal size with a sad whine, having not minded the increase in size too much... though perhaps it was for the best. They still felt a bit bigger though and squeezing them told her there was definitely an increase in volume, however small it was. Shrugging after that, Sera made her way over and touched the other cat statue where nothing happened that she could visibly see, and nothing was felt either so it either did nothing at all or something she couldn't tell just yet.

"huh... alright what about that brush there," Sera said, making for the brush to touch it too.

When she touched the brush, Sera felt herself shrinking down and looked about as everything got larger. This concerned her a bit and when she saw herself in the cracked mirror, but she figured that since her breasts had already shrunk back down that surely this effect would wear off too... at least she hoped it would anyway. Waiting around for a few minutes to see if she would grow back to her normal height and proportions, Sera felt kind of like she was a kid again, and she couldn't help but giggle a bit at her predicament.

Once she'd waited about ten minutes or so, Sera would head back downstairs to find Jolynn if she hadn't grown back to normal size yet. If she had though then Sera would test out some further things and head back over to where the brush was so she could touch the doll set to see what it would do, after which she'd test out touching the mirror she'd seen her reflection in since everything seemed to do something different. If neither of those did anything then Sera would touch the skull and see what effect it would have on her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

She couldn't really go anywhere as she was unless she ended up buck naked. Still after whats seemed an eternity she grew back to normal size. It was strange to feel it but other than having to readjust her cloths everything seemed fine.

Deciding to explore the strange artifacts a little more. Sera touched the doll. Strangly enough it was the doll who changed into a doll like faximily to her. It was a clear perfect match for Sera wings tail and ears. What ever she did with that she moved to the skull having to pass the small dove statue, hourglass and bloodstained dagger. Once she touched it the thing began to hover in the air. After a moment its eyes sparked to life with an orange glow. "Oh fair beauty, my saving grace. How do you find your self in this dusty place."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Finally growing back to full size after a few short minutes, Sera felt her robes fall off of her a bit as she did. After that she headed over and touched the the cat statue to see what it would do now, a curious streak taking hold of her now. When she touched the statue, she watched it change form into an exact copy of her, everything from her wings down to her new ears and tail, but all the size of a doll. Maybe it would be a nice thing to take and show Jolynn and see if she wanted to give it to one of their daughters, if she truly was going to have triplets that is.

After that she decided to touch the skull, so putting the now doll of her down next to the bra and journal to take with her back down to show Jolynn, Sera made her way over to where the skull was sitting. When she got to it, she touched it where she saw its eyes flare up with an orange glow after it hovered in the air above where it had been sitting, which was a bit worrisome at first she thought to herself. "Um... alright I guess. What are you exactly? And do you know Jolynn," Sera replied to the skull, curious and a bit flattered by it calling her a beauty and its saving grace.

OOC: (I'm reminded of Bob from the Dresden Files with this skull.)