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Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

The Centaur pulled away from Toxic and let off some grunts. "I apoligize! But I am some of the guardians in this dungeon, you must show me respect! RESPECT!"
The neko rolled her eyes, "Its already back in your room, now get out of here. Shesh, so cranky. Who are you anyways girly?" She says with a purr, looking at Toxic a bit errily.
The Centaur stomps his feet and walks off into the corner of the room and away from the Neko.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

"Name's Kita," she said, nodding to the Neko. "I'm just working on getting out of here..."
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

The Neko purred and meowed all at once. "Oooooo, so you're one of the catches. Have you been played with yet? She let off a laugh as she approached Toxic, moving around her and letting her tail brush around Toxic's body before going back in front of Toxic and awaiting an answer.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She blushed a bit at the responce. "If you meant beat alongside the head and then raped, yes..." she said, a little growly about being overpowered by, with no better words for it, a giant squid.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

The Neko bent down a bit and sniffed the air, "Oooo yep you've been raped already. Did you enjoy it? Ya know, everyone here gets to rape or be raped eventually. My sister goes in heat all the time in here. She loves it.." The Neko scratched her chest lightly as and seemed to pause a bit longer on her chest as if she was starting to get aroused.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She blushes a bit. "After a little, I just sorta lost it is all..." she muttered, looking at her feet.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

The Neko moved her hand down to her womanhood, slipping her hand in her small cloth skirt, while staring at Toxic. "Well, Kita, I would leave. Its not wise to stay around creatures within this dungeon long. They tend to get...aroused easily." She purred as she started to rub and finger herself, moaning a bit with a pur.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She stares at the kitten and nods, blushing deeper. "I'll... keep that in mind," she said as she moved on.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

The Neko slapped Toxic on the ass as she moved out of the room, "Good luck sexy thing." She purred out as the centaur started to shout at the Neko for being indecent or something along those lines. It wasn't quite audible over the Neko's rambling back and the fact Toxic was already in the next room. She scanned around the room to find that there wasn't much here, but one cardboard box in the middle of the room.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Box}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Sighing, she goes to check the box.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Three Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

Toxic goes to check the box and upon getting close she sees a bunch of bubble wrap inside, pulling one piece out she can see something is at the bottom, so she takes more of the bubble wrap out and finds that theres a piece of the map inside! Giving her three-fifths of the map so far total. Further examining the box she finds thats the only thing in the box besides bubble wrap.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

With no reason to wait, and flush with success, she moves on from there.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Three Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

Toxic moves on to the next room to find that there was another female, completely nude, laying down in the corner. Toxic couldn't tell if she was asleep or what, but the female made no sign of movement.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Not liking the vibes, she ran for it.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 2
Experience: 170/250
{[Health:][90]} {[Stamina:][51/131]}

{Three Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Violated/Exhausted)

Toxic entered the next room to find that there was a bunch of what appeared to be random stones off the wall, with from a distance looked like it was a hole but upon further examination was just a black stone wall behind the stone 'brick' wall.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Wall} {Examine Stones}
(My creavity is low at the moment, so don't mind the lame ass puzzle. >.>)
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita decided to check the wall first, just in case something was in there first