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aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
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"Noaika" is not the final title, as I presume...

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Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Jeez, he hasn't even started working on the game and there's already a thread for it?
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Eager fans are eager.

Seems like kyrieru's heading up in a stable direction, though
metroidvania RPG-type RoR games to me are like a cup of
coffee that's a little too bitter, his games are still good, so that's
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Bad thing is , he aren't good to schedule something
I think he said about 2-3 time , the game will be out this month

Let's hope he doing it right this month
Though I'm gonna skip Eroico/Erocio/whatever the name

Let just hope the next game will be good , since he said gonna recruit and make a team of it
Don't get too high hopes though
He try to sell his game in Universal way
So probably it's not 100% Hentai anymore

Still He's one of a good developer out there
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Jeez, he hasn't even started working on the game and there's already a thread for it?

The thread prefix is Other,then Info Thread.So what it means is that i provided some info about it.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Bad thing is , he aren't good to schedule something
I think he said about 2-3 time , the game will be out this month

Let's hope he doing it right this month
Though I'm gonna skip Eroico/Erocio/whatever the name

Let just hope the next game will be good , since he said gonna recruit and make a team of it
Don't get too high hopes though
He try to sell his game in Universal way
So probably it's not 100% Hentai anymore

Still He's one of a good developer out there

Kurovadis wasn't even that much hentai...it was there but the backbone o the game was the great gameplay. So I would have even called it 25% hentai.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Kurovadis wasn't even that much hentai...it was there but the backbone o the game was the great gameplay. So I would have even called it 25% hentai.

True enough If You look it that way

Then the nextnext game will have more tiny H element
Since Eroico , wasn't that great of H content

still I might be wrong , since My opinion just base of the demo
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Kurovadis wasn't even that much hentai...it was there but the backbone o the game was the great gameplay. So I would have even called it 25% hentai.

I actually didn't buy kurovadis because of the h-content.I'm a big fan of metroidvanias,and that's why i bought and played it.But i must say that the h-content was well done though.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

I actually didn't buy kurovadis because of the h-content.I'm a big fan of metroidvanias,and that's why i bought and played it.But i must say that the h-content was well done though.

Pretty much my point. You found out of about it because of the h-content. You bought it and played it(still play it) because it was a great game.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Pretty much my point. You found out of about it because of the h-content. You bought it and played it(still play it) because it was a great game.

I was actually searching for metroidvania games,then i came across a list.And there i saw it,bought it and then played it.I'm still playing it.It has a high replay value.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

I updated my first post with a link to buy Eroico and a link to read everything about his new game.From now on this will be the discussion thread about his new game.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Some things I'll get out of the way about the new game, before I begin,

1. It will be sci-fi themed.
2. It will have a female protagonist.
3. It will be an action platformer Metroidvania.

The concept I've been juggling in my head goes something like this, (without spoiling the plot I have in mind)
So the new game's gonna have a plot? Cool, makes for a change from the "just wander around and fight" of the first 2 games.

You are on a foreign world, which is inhabited by monsters and beasts of various kinds, ranging from biological horrors to local (but alien) wildlife. Aside from basic stats, your advancement focuses on two things that are central to gameplay,

1. The first is technology, such as guns, traps, jet boosters, etc, which are created using parts you find in the world.
2. The second are biological enhancements and skills, such as health regeneration or special powers, which you gain by studying/learning from enemies,

To study enemies, first you have to capture them through various means, putting them into a designated area for containment. However you also have to make them happy, and keep them alive over time to learn more. There are a number of basic ways to keep them happy, but needless to say, some of them don't mind "alternative" means.
It should be interesting to see how far these biological upgrades go. Are you gonna turn into a transhuman monster hybrid that can sprout claws and tentacles like this was some pixelated version of Prototype? The fact that these are biological enhancements rather than learned skills is kind of suggestive that this might be the case.

Though I'd imagine that any monstrous upgrades that involve redrawing the sprite rather than just adding new animations are probably straight out. Still, it'd be kind of cool if there's a part near the end where some standard humans are all like "what the fuck!?" when they see your cool new monster powers.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

From the way he describes the next game, it sure sounds like a game I'm gonna buy if he even gets half the stuff in.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

I wish he would move away from red haired protagonists. Not that I have anything against it, but why always redheads?

And for any naysayers, Eroico was great. A bit too hard for my lousy platforming abilities, but good animations, fun platforming, and tricky enemies. I'm really not sure why everyone saw a male lead and decided to ditch it, there's no Yaoi in there. There's even a boss that turns you into a girl.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

I wish he would move away from red haired protagonists. Not that I have anything against it, but why always redheads?

And for any naysayers, Eroico was great. A bit too hard for my lousy platforming abilities, but good animations, fun platforming, and tricky enemies. I'm really not sure why everyone saw a male lead and decided to ditch it, there's no Yaoi in there. There's even a boss that turns you into a girl.

red hair looks great in pixel form, also maybe he has a weakness for them.

also the other thing im assuming has something to do with internalised sexism, gender roles and stuff like that...i tend not to examine the subject too closely

but I do prefer female protagonists in my gor
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

The games are fun, though I would like to see what kind of game he'd produce if he focused more on porn factor than gameplay. Not that you can't have both, but like others, you don't really play the other two for the h-content.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

The games are fun, though I would like to see what kind of game he'd produce if he focused more on porn factor than gameplay. Not that you can't have both, but like others, you don't really play the other two for the h-content.

And i wish that he concentrates on gameplay rather than the H-Aspect.I seriously bought kurovadis because it was a metroidvania,and a good one too.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

And i wish that he concentrates on gameplay rather than the H-Aspect.I seriously bought kurovadis because it was a metroidvania,and a good one too.

Agreed entirely on that one! If I have to choose between something like a Kurovadis or any of those Softhouse Seal platformers, I'll pick the Kurovadis in an heartbeat.

Anyway, the basic concept of this new game certainly sound interesting and it looks to be viable from a design standpoint without taking years of development.

The one thing I'm a bit wary about though is the potential grind aspect of the game. From the sound of it, you'll be repeating the same areas with randomly placed items and enemy location for materials every day, until you have enough to get a new ability that allows you to progress to the next "main stage". That sounds fun and helps making the game longer, but I can see it definitively becoming tedious if you have to repeat the very same area a ton of times.
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

Agreed entirely on that one! If I have to choose between something like a Kurovadis or any of those Softhouse Seal platformers, I'll pick the Kurovadis in an heartbeat.

Anyway, the basic concept of this new game certainly sound interesting and it looks to be viable from a design standpoint without taking years of development.

The one thing I'm a bit wary about though is the potential grind aspect of the game. From the sound of it, you'll be repeating the same areas with randomly placed items and enemy location for materials every day, until you have enough to get a new ability that allows you to progress to the next "main stage". That sounds fun and helps making the game longer, but I can see it definitively becoming tedious if you have to repeat the very same area a ton of times.

Exactly my point!
Re: [Info Thread]Kyrieru's new game!

I do prefer female protagonists in my gor

My only fear is that there is not going to be any GOR or ROR in the new game. As he describes it, the H will be with the enemies you capture to gather materials.

I wouldn't mind H gathering AND ROR in the game.