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Litchfield, South Carolina

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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A nice little tourist town, Litchfield is relatively unpopulated by abnormals, who seek to avoid such a heavily populated area of humans. However, there are a few that live below ground.

((Guyver, you're on now!))
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

The Beach

Not a cloud in the sky hot temperatures and tourists coming into town meant a busy beachfront for the hotels and resorts of this town and amongst them all could be a good place to hide out when you looked like everyone else does. Her butt parked on a towel at the base of a lifeguard tower she could enjoy the beach and a little shade while watching everyone going by at a relaxing pace. This was a bit different then she was used to but it was enjoyable for now. She waited for a new aquaintance from the local surf shop to get off shift and help her with some lessons on how not to face plant into the ocean of a board. her wet suit next to her waiting and for now she sat in her two-piece suit just chilling so to speak.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

As Zale sat there, her thoughts were broken off by a sudden tremor. The ground began to shake, rather violently. People began running off the beach in panic, and it cleared out pretty quickly. Then, a low growl could be heard from underneath her feet.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She would stand up and hold onto the lifeguard tower to brace against as she felt the tremor watching everyone take off in panic she bent over to gather her towel and wetsuit before she heard the growl and decided to make a bit more haste as she headed for the beach exit as well. She was curious as to what was going on but she would find out from a distance if she had a choice today.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

As she headed for the exit, the ground in front of her exploded upward, forcing her back as a hulking abnormal came up from under the ground. It resembled an Ogre, but it seemed hurt, blood dripping from it's arm from what appeared to be heavy caliber bullet wounds. It saw her, and froze.

"I ... hurt you?"

It seemed his English wasn't terribly good either.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

The sudden burst if sand and dirt had her jumping back and falling onto her butt looking up at the abnormal in front of her in shock she started scamble back but then stopped when she heard it speak. "Hurt me? Why would...OH! Did you hurt me? No no you didnt."

She was a bit flustered with the sudden appearence of this big fellow and started to get up slowly from the sand. she looking around for anyone else wondering how he got so hurt. "Umm what exactly are you? Cant say ive met anyone like you before."

She knew there was weird stuff out there but she had never really come across to many others, especially none like the ogre before her. its sheer size was a bit intimidating.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

It looked at her for a moment.

"You humans would say Ogre. Real name not speakable by your kind. We must go!"

Suddenly he grabbed her in one arm, taking off at a run. Before she could say anything, shots rang out as a half dozen armed men crawled out from the hole he'd made, firing fully automatic weapons. Some of the bullets hit the Ogre, and he staggered just a bit. Whoever these people were, it seemed they were trying to kill him despite the fact it seemed peaceful enough.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Zale gave a startled cry as she was snatched up dropping what she was carrying. as bullets came their direction she used him as cover instinctively and began shouting a string of curses at their pursuers. taking a breath as the ogre ran she calmed only enough to try and figure out was happening.

"What did you just get me into? Who are these assholes?! And why the fuck are they shooting at us!?!"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

The Ogre replied hastily.

"Cabal. Bad news. Want to make abnormals hurt humans. Sanctuary opposes them, but can't get to one. Been running from them for weeks. Too many to fight back against. Not feeling so good."

Even as he spoke, he began stumbling slightly, his wounds probably beginning to take a toll on him.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She gritted her teeth and cursed once more before making up her mind on what to do. she startef trying to wiggle lose of the ogres grip then. "Drop me. dont argue just me. drop me and keep running ill slow them down and you get away! Now just do it and drop me!"

Hopefully he would let her go without need of any shocking him and if he didnt a good dose of electricity directly into his arm should loosen his grip briefly after the initial tensing. and she would do it as to not be flashy. after hitting the sand she would roll once and come up to her knees with a whole innocent victim look just to see if any of these guys would stop.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Grunting once, he let her go, trying to make it as gentle as possible while making it look like he'd given her up.

Unfortunately, if her plan was to make them stop for her, it didn't exactly work. Some of them took a different route, while the others raised their weapons, firing in her direction! The Ogre was out of sight now, but with those Soldiers chasing him and as weakened as he was, she wasn't sure he could out run them forever.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

eyes narrowed and with bullets coming her way she decided they didnt get to play nice anymore. A sizzle and a pop and as dirt would fly from bullet impacts she was gone in a flash as crackle of light that almost looked like a lightning bolt traveling across the ground as she sped through the air and into the barrel of the gun he carried using the metal to conduct herself and jumping from it to the next proceeding in turn through the gun of each man firing at her letting the electricity flow freely until she jumped out and rematerialized herself behind them giving a brief shiver at the power trip.

"wow havnt done that in a while."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Two of the soldiers were smart enough to drop their weapons and flip backwards, avoiding the shocks, though the rest fried on the spot. As she paused to shiver, one of them withdrew another gun, aiming at her and ...

Never got to fire it as suddenly there was a wet punching sound, and a fist poked through his chest. Slumping to the ground, she saw a relatively well dressed man withdrawing his fist from the dead mans chest. He smiled at her, and added, "Give me just a moment will you Zaleia, or shall I call you Zappy?"

Turning to the last Cabal guy he said, "two choices, leave and live, or be a moron and die."

"Fuck you!" Bullets followed, peppering the man.

Staggering for a moment, when the hail of fire was over, the man had transformed into a vampire, something that supposedly didn't exist anymore, and growled out, "wrong answer asshole."

The soldier lasted all of three seconds past that, getting torn apart. Changing back, the man nodded to her again.

"No worries my dear, I won't hurt you, especially since you're so lovely. Ah, but where are my manners, my name is Nikola Tesla. I was sort of asked to find you and help you."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Zale gave a grimace at the bloody scene before her witht he first one and then it turned to more annoyance.

Her arms crossed over her chest as he handled the final guy and when Nikola once more addressed her she simply pointed down the beach the way the ogre had gone.
"I do think he needs a bit more help right now then I do."

She turned to start giving chase after the ogre and the soldiers who went after him calling out as she did.
"And who exactly wants you to help me?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Nikola kept pace with her, grimacing as she asked the question.

"Another very attractive woman who would only tell me her name was Shoni, and that she was related to you. Said the Cabal had located you, and she wasn't in a position to help you herself without tipping off the Cabal. Though considering how well you handled yourself, either they underestimated you or she did. Ah, fresh blood this way."

He broke off, heading more away from the beach, and further 'inland', and they hadn't gone very far when they saw the Ogre. It had finally succumbed to it's wounds, and the Cabal guards were pretty well right over him, preparing some sort of device.

Transforming silently, he nodded to her and managed to whisper, "light the juice on me when they step back. You may ... feel a little strange I warn you."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

When he said Sho's name there were daggers being glared at him
"when this is done your telling me how you know Sho"

She gave a quiet growl of disgust with these people. whoever they were they were on her shit list now and as he whispered she crooked a brow at his request.
"light the juice on you? you mean you want me to zap you? you know what i dont care whatever your gonna do it better work"

She waited with clenched fists and started caling her stored charge ready to sling it when need be.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

As the group of men stepped back a hair from the Ogre to activate their device, Nikola took two steps forward and shouted in a demonic tone, "Now!"

As soon as she sent the blast at him, she could feel him pull on the current, redirecting it specifically at the Cabal Soldiers. They tried dropping their guns, but that didn't help them when he just redirected the current to them. In fact, it ALMOST felt like he was pulling on her body as well as he did that, but it got the job done. Each one of the soldiers got jolted with enough to fry them, leaving the Ogre untouched. When the current died down, he changed back to normal once more.

"Now THAT was invigorating. Now why do I get the feeling you're about to get all pouty and angry at me for no apparent reason. I should think you'd be happy to have your ass bailed out from being experimented on by a bunch of Nazi throwbacks hell bent on world domination. Or maybe you were planning to join them and trying to fool everyone?"

The last bit was said with a joking tone, but she could tell the Vampire wasn't amused in the slightest. In fact, he seemed about ready to rip someone else apart limb from limb.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

After it was all done and the soldiers were husks she walked over shaking her hands out as if getting some feelnig back and approached the ogre to see if it was still alive.
"you know something about my sister...not telling me where she is or how you know her will not get me pouty but it will get me angry."

All this time running around zapping some guys and chasing down an ogre she still in her two-piece bathing suit seeming oblivious to the fact herself.
"I was doing just fine by myself i'll have you know. wasnt even being chased till big fella here came jumping out of the ground. And these guys here...the dead ones..they and their friends can all burn in hell for all i care."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Nikola half shrugged.

"I'm sure you were, but that second gun he had was specifically designed to take down someone with your abilities. I've seen the blueprints for it, I liberated them off one of the jackasses before searching for you. They've been trying to locate you themselves for a while now, so I've been following them, spoiling their plans when and where I can. Now, as for how I know her, it's more like she ... disturbed me. Just appeared while I was in Tibet, not entirely certain how she found me or how she knew who and what I was without ever meeting me, but she was spot on. Essentially, she strong armed me into this. Promised I'd get something worth the trouble in information on the Cabal out of the whole deal, something to help me if I helped you out, though now I'm beginning to think she lied to me since I've found jack squat of anything that would help me, or anyone else for that matter. As for where she is, I have no idea, she left me no way of contacting her after she rather spectacularly departed. She left the hiding door open when she did too. Still, she was clear about one thing, she wanted you away from these Cabal, and if possible, she wanted you to hook up with people from the Sanctuary. Said something about you'd need their help if you wanted to remain free and not be experimented on. Now, I'm certainly willing to help you and your friend, who by the way is only just barely alive, to get there, but I won't be staying with you. I'm not exactly welcome there, and no, I don't want to talk about that. Oh, and you may want to change before we get there missy, some of the residents at those Sanctuaries would just love how revealing that little two piece is."

Checking on the Ogre, she could tell that he was in fact still alive, though just barely. She didn't know much about his kind, but the fact that his breathing seemed much more labored than it had before, him not moving and the blood starting to ooze more slowly from his wounds indicated he might not live much longer without immediate help.

((Not sure offhand how far Charleston, SC is from there, so didn't mention a time yet. Will have you tell me that or look it up later on.))
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Why are these guys looking for me? And how do we get thebigun here out of here safely. he isnt looking so good. as for my clothes the only things i had on hand got dropped when he snatched me up like a plushie. so unless you have time for a stop by the room I'm staying in i dont have much in the way of options right now."

She looked around for towels or anything really that might have fallen to try and cover some of the ogres wounds if possible. it had tried being helpful after all which brought a resigned huff from her.
"Thanks for the help. no more missy please and definately dont call me zappy"

(Hour and a half to Charleston from here)
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