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Litchfield, South Carolina

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Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara shook her head.

"What the Cabal want is far more sinister. They want to cause humans in general to rise against abnormals and start a war between the two. Essentially, they're hoping the world power countries will declare open war on abnomals, leading to fighting and death on both sides. Whoever wins likely would be so weakened by such a prolonged campaign that the Cabal could easily take control and succeed where Hitler failed at world domination. The Cabal are basically of the mindset, 'if we can't control it for ourselves, it has to die'. No way in hell we're letting them start a war between humans and abnormals just so they can enslave the victor, assuming there is anyone left after that."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well i figure if Abnormals are such a part of this world and people dont know about them yet i dont think the cabal will be able to flush abnormals out enough to make humanity notice. i bet the stuff that happened to me at the beach with the big guy is already swept under a rug and no one knows a thing about it."

She just gave a shrug. she hadnt dealt with the cabal enough to really worry about them as a threat. She only really cared about them threatening her sister for now since thats what seemed to draw her into this.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"That's where Lazarus comes into play. They've been trying to perfect a global saturation method, if they ever did, every abnormal on the planet would be infected and lose control. At that point humans would have no choice but to respond to such an outbreak. Did Nikola tell you anything about the virus?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"he told me that it makes abnormals go insane and then slowly kills them. I take it no one has found any counter to it yet?"

she thought surely whatever this was someone was researching it and would find someone way to stop it if this has been going on for a while.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara shook her head.

"Last I knew, which was several hours ago, we've determined those who used the source blood to garner their gifts are immune, but we haven't been able to use that to create a counter no. I don't fully understand that stuff, but something to do about the anti-bodies present needing to be increased by a factor of a thousand, and we haven't been able to do that. Though yeah, what he told you is basically it in a nutshell.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"what exactly is source blood? dont think i have heard of it before. and by gaining powers i take it that it turns normal people into abnormal?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara thought a moment.

"Helen could explain this better than I can but I will try. The source blood is something that came from the Ancient Vampires, or they discovered it. Essentially, it's the source of all abnormal life, though over many centuries most abnormals have phased it's larger gift bearing properties out of their bodies. As best as we can tell, all humans are actually descended from some form of abnormal or another, and as such all humans, save for a handful who underwent an experiment some years ago, have dormant abnormal DNA in them. Exposure to the source blood usually awakens those dormant genes, but in some people's cases, it does more. In Nikola's case, it awakened electrical properties, but it also turned him into a half vampire. My grandfather, his gift was to become invisible, and that got passed down to me. There's another guy back in Calgary, Chris, that's one you don't want to mess with if you're the Cabal. He's never revealed how he was able to do so outside of his teleportation, but about six years ago the Cabal made the mistake of cornering him when he had a sample of the source blood. He injected it into himself, the whole thing which super-charged his abilities I guess. The Cabal sent something like a hundred soldiers to snag him in Chicago. He slaughtered every single one of them and didn't even have a scratch on him. I've seen him fight before, he's .... Really damn powerful. Teleports, fast to begin with, stronger than any abnormal I've ever run in to, and maybe can rival Sherlock Holmes in intelligence and problem solving. First time I met him, I was scared shitless. Once you get to know him though, he's harmless until you try to hurt one of his friends, then he just plain kicks ass."

She chuckled slightly, muttering, "probably why Ashley is attracted to him, they match well."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"stuff sounds fun. so chris was an abnormal who took the source blood or he was just plain human before it? just curious what the stuff does to abnormals. And who exactly is this Helen person? you said she would wanna talk to me when we get to calgary"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara shrugged.

"I'm not sure on Chris, I think he was human before he injected the blood into himself, but you'd have to ask him. As for Helen, she's the daughter of the man who founded the entire Sanctuary network more than 2 centuries ago. He is a long lived abnormal himself, and she also has longevity. Helen is something like one hundred fifty plus years old herself. She's now the head of the global network of Sanctuaries, stretching across the globe. Almost every country has at least one, the U.S has something like five hundred. As far as what it would do to someone who already was abnormal, I don't really know. I'd guess it'd boost their gifts, maybe open new ones but I don't really know. Again, Helen or even Chris would be best to ask, no one knows more about it than those two."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well i'll have to do that one day. when exactly do we leave for calgary? you said we were waiting on a ride to show up?"

She got up from he rseat and stretched a little before getting a grin.

"oh yeah...i need to find me a little metal fork or something small metal and pointy...i need to start scaring people again."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded.

"Yeah, but probably not the kind of ride you would think. Teleporting is kinda fun, I think you'll enjoy it. I'm going to head out and call again, see if John is back to Calgary yet, or if Chris himself is free. It's good having two that can teleport these days."

At the last bit, she laughed, shaking her head.

"You can do that and I'll be there behind them when they try to run to goo BOO while invisible. Make 'em think there's a ghost too."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well i might not be able to teleport but i can usually get around pretty fast when i need to but i'll just go see if maybe i can find a cafeteria or something wanna pull the fork in the electrical outlet gag..its so fun seeing peoples faces when i do it."

she started for the door to head into the hallway and looking down any directions for clues
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara chuckled.

"Nearest one is listed up on the walls about three doors down from my room in the opposite direction we came from. I convinced them to put up a map cuz this place is so different from the others, I got lost. It's bad when someone who actually resides in a Sanctuary gets lost, really bad. I'll find you in a bit, let me see if I can get our ride to show up."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"okie dokie pokie i'll be there or at least looking for there while you check..lets hope i dont get lost."

She then wandered on down the direction told looking on the walls for the indicator of the cafeteria. some food would be nice but a fork would be fun. she wanted to get her sense of humor kickstarted in an electrifying way.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded before taking off, and was soon out of sight.

Zaleia didn't have much trouble finding the cafeteria, though as she entered and started looking for a fork, she heard a slight buzzing sound overhead, followed by a male voice.

"Whoa, hey there drop dead sexy. When did you fall down from heaven?"

After a few moments, she spotted the source of the voice. It was a tiny, flying pixie who was flitting about well above her.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

she cocked an eyebrow up at the little fairy before just shaking her head and moving along with her search

"its been a while..they kicked me out after frying too many small winged things."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

There was a sound that might have been a gulp, or a snort before the Pixie spoke again.

"I would have figured you could make them melt just by having them look at you, I mean damn girl, you're that smoking. What's yer name sweetness?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"you can call me Z. very simple...what do i call you?"

she started tappig finger tips together in a repetive fashion as she still looked about for silverware
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Eh, Harlan will do. Doubt you can actually pronounce our real names, most humanoids can't. Z huh, short and simple. Whatcha lookin for sweetness?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"i need a fork..hopefully one they wont miss since i plan on bending a couple of the prongs. why not be helpful and go find one for me."
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