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Litchfield, South Carolina

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Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

The Pixie thought a moment, then shrugged.

"I suppose I can find one for you. If the damn drawer isn't locked, they do that sometimes to keep certain things from going missing. Be back soon babe."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She smirked a bit wondering just if this would shock the pixie as much as it would shock her once he got her the fork. While he was gone she started looking around for a socket to pull a chair up next to for when he got back with a fork or other suitable item.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Halran returned shortly with her fork, but before Zaleia could get to the fun stuff, Clara walked in.

"Hey! John should be on his way soon, but I just wanted you to know we might be walking into a bit of a mad house when we get back. There's a lot going on back home and well, news that Nikola is still alive isn't going over too well."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

grabbing the fork from the the pixie she looked over to clara listening to the news and shrugged a bit

"its a mad house because nikola is alive or is something going on? I cant imagine them throwing that much of a hissy fit just because he is roaming around"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara shrugged.

"I think something big is going on up there. The news about Nikola just tops it all off. Then again considering Nikola did try to kill Helen the last time they met, I can't say I blame her for not liking the news."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"So then exactly how long till our ride is here? or is it just he shall be here when he can?"

she started pushing at the prongs of the fork seperately bending two of them inwards while pushing the other prongs closer together (assuming 4-prong fork) to be the right distance apart to fit into a socket easily.

"I take it whatever big happening you dont know about yet am i right?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara shrugged slightly.

"It seemed like several things were going on. I think Helen's got something in mind for trying to stop the Lazarus Virus, John mentioned something about our resident Mermaid's people possibly having been attacked, Nikola still being alive, something about a hidden Cabal facility near us which is scary. Beyond that, I don't really know."

Before Zaleia could reply, a sudden noise and flash of red light caught the corner of her eye, and just suddenly a tall, bald man was just there. Spotting her and Clara, he smiled slightly.

"You must be Zaleia then? I'm John Druitt."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"okay that seemed pretty cool.and yes i am nice to meet you"

She stuffed the fork in a pocket then extended a hand to him out of politness

"so i take it your our ride?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Taking her hand briefly, he shook it and nodded.

"Yes, I will be. You get to teleport with me. First though, tell me, is it true Nikola is still alive? If so, he and I have some unfinished business."

To that Clara grimaced slightly, obviously having an idea of what John meant by that.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well i just know a person named Nikola brought me said you guys wouldnt be thrilled to hear about him then took off leaving me a few blocks down the road. soooooo i dont think your going to catch up to him anytime soon. He kinda figured something like this would happen is my guess"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

John chuckled, but it didn't sound like a friendly one.

"Oh I'm sure he did. Probably figured I would be showing up, and wanted to avoid a second helping of my own brand of shit stopping. Evidently he's harder to kill than I expected, which may prove useful, provided he's not still in revive the vampires mode."

Clara shuddered behind John, though he didn't see it. It probably would be clear to Zaleia that the girl had to know what had happened before, and it definitely unsettled her. Still, she kept her cool as she spoke.

"So um, what's the deal John?"

"Apparently the Cabal have a small facility, possibly a testing or weapons facility near the Sanctuary. However, we, as in you and I, will be joining Helen. She seems to think the hidden vial of source blood in Budapest may be our answer to combating Lazarus. I suspect Nikola will be there as well."

"Wonderful, so it'll be Vlad vs. Jack again huh?"

Again, John chuckled, though this time it seemed more friendly.

"Hopefully not. Knowing Helen's father, he designed those trials we'll have to go through so that only the five of us can complete them working together. Doing it without Nikola would be, most likely, impossible."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"So wheres that gonna leave me? gonna run me up to calgary and dump me there? Is calgary cold or is it shorts weather? Cant say i have been there myself yet. I imagine being Canada it may be coolish or simply cold. Better at least be something fun to do. never know what mischef i can make if left to my own devices."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

This time John fully laughed, shaking his head slightly.

"Warm for now as it's Summer there. As for things to do, it all depends on what you're willing to do. You could probably travel with us and enjoy the sights, maybe even provide a distraction to Tesla. You could help with this facility if Sarah hasn't left to back up Henry and Ashley, or there's always the grand tour of things which Kate can give you. The Calgary Sanctuary is much larger than here, and we have quite a few species there you probably will never have seen. Tell me, have you ever met a Mermaid or a Yeti?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Nope i cant say that I have met a mermaid or yeti. I hadnt met an ogre till this morning when he came bursting out of the beach i was on. As far as other abnormals go i was kinda limited to just myself and my sister. And anything you want me to do i'll give a try. Although distracting Nikola doesnt exactly sound fun."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

John half shrugged.

"The choice is really your own, Helen wouldn't have it any other way. If you're looking for a crash course on all things you don't know about yet, I would recommend taking the tour, there's many different wonderful beings and things to see or do. Ah, but I digress, when you are ready we shall leave."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She walked over towards the outlet she had been by and pulled a chair over to it before sitting down for a moment. she was considering the different options to her. She had questions and didnt feel like waiting for this Helen person to go on a fieldtrip and come back so she could offer to go with just for that. While she was thinking she pulled the bent fork out of her pocket again and in a rather smooth motion jabbed it into the socket without looking holding onto it firmly. this wasnt going to be her joke she was simply grabbing a full charge while she mulled over her choice. Lights might flicker as she took the electricity from the socket without even a twitch.

"okay i think i might go with you...at the least i would rather know a few things from your bigwig Helen before i take the tour at least..a couple more pressing inquiries you might say."

She let the fork hang in the socket for a little bit longer before pulling it out most likely the prongs were a little blackened and by this time the amount of electricity she drew could sometimes be seen in her skin as very very faint blue marks traveling along routes that might be veins or other points in her system.
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Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

John said nothing for a moment, though he did seem to carefully gauge the amount of electricity Zaleia took in. It might occur to her if he'd known Tesla for any length of time, something like this might not be new to him, which is why he hadn't shown much reaction.

"Very well, we should be leaving soon after we arrive, you'll have a chance to speak with Helen while James Watson and Will Zimmerman figure out the exact location we need. Now, just how much of a charge are you carrying right now? In order to teleport, I must have some form of physical contact with you, and I don't particularly wish to unleash the inner beast from a bad jolt, if you catch my meaning."

To that Clara's head slowly turned around, a slight hint of fear in her eyes as she studied John, trying to determine, it seemed, his mood. Which might leave Zaleia wondering, why was the girl suddenly afraid?
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Oh i have quite a bit in me right now but It wont get out unless i want it to so dont worry. You wont be zapped at all."

She stood up from the chair bouncing on her feet a little she seemed just by looks alone a little more peppy then earlier. the occasional blue arc of electricity traveling under her skin could be seen.

"So what do we have to do now for this teleportation? hold hands? think happy thoughts? weird little dance? only done my version of speed travel before so not sure what to expect."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

At Zaleia's words, Clara seemed to visibly relax, even as John chuckled.

"Simply placing a hand on your shoulder will suffice for me. If what I saw is any indication, your own travel method would break your body down into an energy current that travels the lines. Think of mine as a similar thing, only I can go where there are no lines. As long as I know something of my destination, I can get there. It really is virtually limitless."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She nodded and walked to over to stand next to him

"well then lets blow then pop stand!"

she stuck her hands in her pockets ready to go unless there was something else needed to be discussed or done before they left.
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