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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke gulped at the story of how most men failed to reach higher ranks. Was it really entirely the fault of the man though? Mamono of high levels were so demanding, and usually selfish. Every mamono ideally wants to be the sole mate of a man. Locke would have to make certain that he was professional about things with the mamono he got.

"Maybe it's not necessary to make those high ranked mamono a part of one's ranch? With enough training, a lower ranked mamono can become great. And they're usually much more considerate than those upper tiered ones." Locke thought his reasoning had some merit. "Even still, I'm only out to do my best. If having a overly demanding mamono would ruin my ranch, I won't get one."

Locke then addressed the second topic, with some caution in his voice. "Pandemic in the forest? Yeah, that is kind've odd. I suppose the important thing is to find some easily available treatment for it so that it doesn't spread. Maybe the other trainers in the town will know more about this. Certainly we should let them know if they haven't heard."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami shook her head. "It's expected of a Rancher to be able to manage such monsters before they're allowed to graduate. Reach a high enough Rank and you will be able to challenge Venice for her position, which is an extremely bold thing to do. Before you could get anywhere near her though, you'd have to at least manage as much as she has, which is indeed to manage something as awesome as a dragon." she said simply. "With that line of thought, it's more or less you admitting to your limits. There's nothing wrong with that though, better that than to bite off more than you can chew."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke shrugged. "There's nothing wrong with admitting your limits. Just as there's nothing wrong with pushing them sometimes. But I'm not a super competitive guy. I just want what's best for my ranch and my mamono. And if I can help out with some local problems along the way, then that's good too. I've decided to make this land my home, so the better it's doing, the better I'm doing." He nodded, then munched on some jerky. "I guess if I were to try and house a dragon or something like that here, I'd need to dig out a cave or something for it, heh heh. Might ruin the aesthetic. Then again... if I'm going to have to stand up to a demon, a dragon could come in handy. I'll just need to make sure my hips don't get ground to dust in the process."

He took a few bites out of the apple that came in a bag next to the IMA pack, then tossed it to Mami. "Tanuki can eat apples. You're related to raccoons right? We had those on the mainland, and their tastes are almost as varied as humans. Go on. It'd make me feel better, even if it was only to give some flavor to that sake."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Well," Mami began. "To be honest, I've been surviving off of Tina's milk, so I haven't developed such varied tastes." She revealed, before taking Locke's offered apple, and taking a bite out of it. Mami gave a start as she didn't hesitate to begin mowing the apple down with her teeth, devouring it savagely. She seemed to go into full raccoon mode as she lunged forth, "More!" she announced, fishing for more food from his own supply.


Meanwhile, a scene between a black harpy and a human girl is being neglected.

"The others are eating together," Raven announced simply. "Your body will not remain warm if you do not eat, so come with me," Raven requested.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Uh, Mami... Mamizou hey!" Locke began to topple back as Mamizou grabbed his food and began to scavenge from it. "That's my food! You'll get indigestion!"

Quickly, Locke grabbed at a few morsels and stuffed them in his mouth quickly before the tanuki got away with the rest. Fortunately for Locke, his hunger had been sated by the food he'd already eaten thus far, though whether Marla would put up with the thieving newcomer was another story.

For his own part, Locke was just happy that she did eat something besides booze and her sister's milk.


Celes looked up at Raven and then nodded, standing up. "I've made a fool of myself in front of the newcomers. I feel ashamed. Perhaps it would be better if I ate separately from them? I don't want to make the holstaurus more afraid of me than she already is, besides, if I'm agitated I might not be careful with your offspring."

She patted her slightly protruding belly with motherly affection. "I wouldn't want that. Maybe you and I could just eat together and you could fill me in on what went on with Locke today?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla simply laughed rather than show concern at the antics ensuing Locke's action resulting in chaos from the tanuki. Meanwhile the tanuki herself engage in a battle with Locke to consume all the food he had available before the boy himself could claim as much as he could. "Who cares!?" Mami exclaimed, shoveling the food into her mouth.

Tina was laughing lightly as she watched the scene, able to feel comfortable as an observer while her more aggressive sister put on an amusing show. Melsi began to laugh as well, but only after seeing everyone else do it, and seeming to think she had to do the same.


Meanwhile, Raven simply frowned and shook her head at Celes. "You are making a fool of yourself by shying away from where you naturally belong. Must I ask you a second time?" she inquired regarding Celes coming with her to eat with them, seeming as if she would not accept anything but Celes' compliance.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke chuckled after having grabbed all the remaining food that he could and stuffing it into his mouth before Mamizou had tackled it. He then watched happily as the hungry raccoon girl gobbled down the grub.

"Nice to see you've got a healthy appetite afterall, Mami. Your cheeks look like a chipmunk's though."

He gave Tina a playful wink as she likewise giggled at her sister.


Meanwhile, Raven's words were not having the best of results with the emotional Celes, who buried her face in her hands.

"Where I naturally belong? I don't like feeling embarrassed. Don't make it worse by saying I'm doing it still. I just need to be away from them and let them get settled. Then maybe later I'll come back to them and make a better impression."

Celes shook her head and refused to budge.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami looked to Locke with a blush when he commented on her face, before struggling to swallow her food. "I-it's your fault. Human food seems to make me do evil things," she passed the blame onto Locke.

Tina flushed red at the wink and shied away, glancing to the side to avoid eye contact with Locke.


Raven stood straight over Celes, before folding her wings around the woman with her hands in her face, smoothing her feathers over the girl. "They are already quite settled. I will be with you the entire time. Follow my guidance, you need not worry about a thing, Celes. Have faith in my words, please."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke shook his head. "Human food, mamono food, it's not making you do anything." He pointed his little finger at the tanuki's nose.

"You're just a slave to temptation and your own desires. I've seen it in a lot of mamono since I've been here, but you're more susceptible than most. If you do evil things, its you who'll have to serve a punishment, not the food."

He smirked. "Though don't worry, the punishments on my ranch aren't all that bad. Who knows, maybe you'll like them so much you'll want to be caught." He jerked a thumb towards his harpy. "She's real creative in coming up with penalties. What do you think, Marla? What should the penalty for stealing Locke's lunch be?"


Celes rubbed her mopey face into the mass of black feathers, finding solace and comfort there.

"I do have a lot of faith in you, Raven," she said. "It's just..."

Sighing she rose and leaned her head forward until it was on the black harpy's shoulder. "Okay. We'll do it your way. I'll go back to the others with you."

Wiping her eyes dry, she slowly made her way alongside Raven back to the area where the others were eating.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami grinned at Locke when he began to take a somewhat assertive notion. "I argue that the one who doesn't give all of his food to a poor starving tanuki is the one who should be punished," she said.

Marla made a casual gesture with her wing while propping one leg up against her chest, taking quite a confident pose. "Learn from your mistakes, Locke. The punishment game will backfire on you," she announced, reminding him of the incident they shared together.

Meanwhile, Mami took the initiative of Marla not assisting him by leaning forward towards Locke, and putting her hands on his thighs. "How about, punishment by face sitting?"

Then, Raven would walk in with Celes in her wing. She'd pay no heed to how Mami was acting towards Locke, disregarding it as if finding that Locke can solve his own personal deals with other mamono, so long as it didn't get out of hand. "I apologize for being late. As well, I have a question to ask of our new friend of black and white fur." she announced, looking to Tina, who blushed and looked right to Raven as if shocked to be singled out. "Celes feels that she offended you in some way and wishes to offer her sincerest apologies if such is true. She likes you a great deal and wishes to become dear friends with you, what say you?" she asked simply yet firmly, in such a way that demanded only her own voice be heard, thus leaving nothing but silence and time for Tina to make her response.

The cowgirl's face looked quite entirely shaken by Raven and her words, but mostly just the amount of attention she was given is what shook her the most. Tina's eyes looked away when Raven was done. At first she said nothing, fidgeting at first, her eyes glancing at seemingly only the other mamono in the room, not looking to Locke or Celes at all, as if she were seeking help or perhaps a shield from one of them. Tina seemed to freeze up as if bracing herself, before uttering a mere whisper. "It's... Fine..." she replied.

"You are simply shy, Celes had nothing to fear, am I correct?" Raven asked further.

Tina glanced timidly up at Raven. "... I'm... I'm, um..." Tina tried speaking, though it didn't seem directed at Raven. "I'm sorry..." she said finally, her eyes meeting Celes', but only for a moment in order for her to say her apology. "I'm not... Brave like Mami... I c-can't talk with humans... Easily... It's my fault, so..." Tina fidgeted, though from the way she spoke, it seemed she believed that she was the one who did wrong to Celes, and was trying to apologize.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hey hey..." Locke began, "Let's not be unreasonable."

The rancher cast his gaze over to Marla and upon hearing her admonition he shrugged.

"I haven't forgotten Marla. I was just being cheeky. Same as this poor, starving tanuki here. Mmm? What's that? Punishment by face sitting? Fwah. As if you'd dare sit the face that feeds you."

Before Mamizou could respond, Raven entered with her usual direct, no-nonsense demeanor and brushed past Locke without concern. Trailing beside and slightly behind her was a subdued Celes, who spared a small glance at Locke and Mami, saw the smiles on their faces, and felt again as if she had alienated herself further from this group.

She stood meekly by as Raven attempted to clarify the matter on her behalf with Tina, and sweated out those tense moments of silence as the holstaurus said nothing. Finally, the cute cow mamono spoke up, and when she did, it wrenched at Celes' overly emotional heart.

"No... No no, you've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't know you weren't comfortable talking to humans. It's foolish of me to just blunder in and expect you to say hi. Please, you've done nothing wrong. I'm to blame." Celes hung her head in an apologetic bow, the blonde human and the holstaurus standing near each other, pleading forgiveness from the girl across from them.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"N-no... The fault is mine..." Tina insisted. "It was you who did... N-nothing wrong..."

The apologies would go back and forth for as long as Celes would put the 'sorry ball' back in Tina's court. If it continued, Raven would sigh and comment that, "You two are not so different. Worry far too much."

"Let's say you're both at fault and leave it at that?" Mami suggested, while idly reaching out to grab Locke and smother his face in Mami's mammaries.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

It took Mamizou's clever, if flippant intervention to make the two worryworts give up the ghost and settle on mutual acknowledgement of their silliness. As a way of going forward, Celes allows a shy smile to cross her lips and she reached out an open hand to Tina.

"Friends?" she asked.

In the meanwhile, Locke found his face lodged firmly into Mami's massive cleavage, buried in the pleasant softness her chest afforded him. He chuckled and didn't panic. Instead, mischievously, he put his hands up and caressed the sides of each mound, his thumbs circling close to her nipples. He knew there was no point in talking as his words would be muffled, but he knew that one way or another, this would up the ante on Mamizou.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Blushing, face blood red, Tina never looked Celes' way once, not even when she stretched her hand out. However, after a moment, very slowly, Tina rose her hand towards Celes' own. Rather than a hand shake, Tina touched fingers with Celes, their skin smoothing off one another before it became too much for Tina and she withdrew her hand. "Y-yes..." she nodded in response to her question.

Meanwhile, when Locke began stimulating Mami's breasts, the tanuki giggled and licked her lips lewdly, before climbing atop Locke more assertively while her fluffy raccoon tail wrapped around his back like a large body pillow. "So, the cute boy likes breasts?" she asked with a giggle. Mami lifted her shirt up a little, not taking it off, before suddenly trapping Locke inside of her shirt so that he was trapped in the darkness with her breasts. Adjusting a little, she put her nipple to his mouth while cradling the back of his head. "There's no milk, but maybe if you suck enough~" she suggested lewdly.

That's when Locke suddenly had a visitor under the shirt. "Better get to sucking then!" Marla announced next to him, the two under Mami's shirt while the tanuki let out a startled cry of surprise as Marla immediately got to sucking on her breast, the harpy never one to like being left out.

"H-haa!" Mami moaned. "What's the deal with this wacky harpy?" she asked.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

As Celes let her hand fall away, happy at least that Tina had dared to touch her despite the obvious hang ups she was facing, she bowed her head once more to the mamono before falling against Raven and snuggling against her feathers.

"You were right," she said to Raven. "Thank you for bringing me here. You're the best." Standing on her tip toes, Celes brought he lips to Raven's cheek, and then, if the black harpy were willing, the rancher girl would kiss her beloved harpy properly as well.

Celes would be ignorant of the zaniness going on not four or five feet from her. Locke felt the tanuki getting more confident and into a dominant position. He'd come to be used to this out of mamono, and so he didn't fight it. When she wrapped him under her shirt, he outright laughed and then heated up his groping of her soft, enveloping orbs. Marla's sudden appearance only served to up his own confidence.

"You got it, Marla! Prepare yourself Mamizou!"

With that said his mouth engulfed the nipple closest to him, inhaling as powerfully as he could, taking in her sensitive flesh until his lips sealed around her, creating a slight vacuum. His tongue lashed out, circling around her areola and brushing against her hardened nub, getting the extremity of her mammary gland wet and hot with his saliva. His hands gripped each breast tight, kneading through her flesh, feeling it squish around his fingers as he 'punished' her eagerness with painful pleasure.

"Mmmmm~" he moaned, signalling that he was enjoying her tit and indeed intrigued to see if he might get some milk out of her after all.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven nodded to Celes, wrapping the girl in her feathers as she snuggled up. "It's fine, just make sure you do not doubt me again. I think only for your benefit." Raven announced with a quite stoic tone. "You should come to rely on me more." Raven lectured Celes, before taking the girl's offered kiss, locking lips with her while ignoring the shenanigans to their side.

Meanwhile, Mamizou was moaning loud from the attentions of both Locke and Marla, hand and talon squeezing her breasts while their mouths sucked on her aroused points. So quickly was Mami becoming wet that Locke's crotch and pants were drenched in her leaking fluids. As a result of her arousal, her hips began to move on their own, grinding against Locke's crotch while Locke would feel Marla's talon loosen the buckle on his pants and suddenly make the young rancher vulnerable. Now with only his underwear, Locke could better feel the wet and needy lips of Mami's sex rubbing up against his length, stimulating him and demanding it's seed. "Ooooh~" Mami cooed, hugging Locke's face closer into her breast. "Such a needy boy~ You want me to swallow you up whole, don't you~?" she asked with excitement, her comment about swallowing mostly aimed at Locke Junior, who was being made ready for battle.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

After a blissful kiss, Celes looked up at Raven with watery eyes. Her head bobbed up and down and her grip around the black harpy tightened.

"I will rely on you, Raven. I place myself in your care. Let's eat. I need to be warm for your eggs to be healthy."

Celes knelt down and unpacked her lunch. She was near to Tina but did not approach her further or look at her, even though she was aware of the timid mamono. She didn't want to frighten her any further. After she unpacked her lunch she sat down cross-legged and looked hopefully at Raven, wanting the harpy to envelope her in those dark, comforting wings and eat with her.

Only then would she turn her attention to what was going on with Locke, Mamizou, and Marla. "Oh hey! Food and a show!~"


Locke had not intended for this to go beyond a little foreplay, but Mami and Marla had other plans, with the latter escalating the situation by unfastening his pants, leaving his manhood exposed to the grinding wetness of Mamizou's eager cunny. His underpants quickly soaked through, such that his staff was already parting her flower through the fabric.


Locke couldn't deny that he was getting hard. The tanuki's heavy, dulcet words had a commanding effect on him. To pay her back a bit, he placed her hard, pebble-like nipple between his teeth and tugged at her erogenous zone while flickering his tongue with blurring speed over the tip.

With a loud slurping smack, his mouth suckled and then parted from her chest. Gathering a few gulping breaths, he moved his hands from her breasts to her hips and began to grind back against her.

"Sounds like a greedy tanuki just can't get enough," he spoke into her cleavage. "Go on then.~ Show me what you've got."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven nodded contently at Celes when the girl said those words, before sitting down with her and taking the worms Marla left behind to eat. "You belong here. Do not ever think otherwise." Raven said, while ignoring the 'show' on display entirely, never one to pay much heed to Marla's antics.

Mami reacted with a yelp when Locke's teeth went over her nipple, before she whacked him over the head. "No biting!" she scolded him. Though at the comment of being a greedy tanuki, she merely laughed. "Greed doesn't even begin to describe it. I could take you for everything you're worth, and sell you back at double the price." she announced, before her fingers brought down Locke's underwear and exposed his length, which brushed along her lower petals.

Meanwhile, from behind Mami, Marla was giggling. "Om-nom-nom~" she voiced, before Locke would feel Marla swallow his sack into her mouth, and slosh her tongue around it playfully.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes found that she was just happy to know that she wasn't entirely to blame for the awkward situation she'd gotten herself into, and was content that Raven seemed to believe everything was fixed. The blonde human didn't fully understand why Raven had been suddenly so assertive, as if Celes herself had somehow been out of line for doubting herself. The presence of food did much to sooth her worry and not make her think to hardly upon the matter. As Raven slurped on some fresh worms, Celes ate her crackers and jerky and took a few bites out of a juicy green apple, enjoying the tart, sour juices running over her lips.

Locke was dealing with a different sort of flowing juice, as he recovered from the bap and heard the tanuki start to talk tough. He simply grinned at her until Marla's repositioning took him by surprise.

"Marla? What are you--? Hnnh!"

Her warm mouth surrounded his testicles, her vigorous tongue toying with the two balls, sliding them around from side to side, tickling him sensually and sending shivers of arousal up the base of his spine. He had no time at all to recover by the time Mami slipped her velvety folds around his cock, hilting herself easily in one smooth motion. Then she tightened her muscles, squeezing his cock tight and locking him in place. He groaned at the combined might of the two mamono double teaming him.

"Guh! Hnnh... feels good... huh! So good. Damn..."

He fell onto his back, helpless now to whatever the tanuki had in store for him. Her massive breasts swayed above him, two fleshy pendulums that he desired to reach out and touch again, but he felt weakened under the girls' efforts, and lay there for a moment, getting lost in the pleasure.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami took Locke's cheeks into her hands and leaned forward, pressing her sizable chest against his own chest and locking lips with him. "Fuuun~ Where did that tough guy act go? So cute~" she cooed at Locke, dipping her tongue into his mouth and swirling it around his own while moving her hips, Mami's folds milking more than just his length as she moved, as he would feel Mami seemingly to be sucking out his spirit. Any fighting spirit Locke might try to conjure in this position, he'd quickly find sucked out of him and into Mamizou.

Meanwhile, Marla was making his testicles into something of a chew toy, of course without actually chewing on them. She bounced them playfully on her tongue, and sucked on them however she liked, having no pattern or way of predicting what she was going to do to his sack next. She would even abandon them to suddenly lick at the underside of the base of his cock, stimulating his length on top of the already immense pleasure of being inside of Mamizou's tanuki pussy.