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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Guh... guh... hnnnh..." Locke felt any desire to make a retort against the tanuki instantly drained out of him. Was this magic? Some trick by Mamizou? He could only assume so as his manhood was swallowed up by her wet petals, her flowing nectar coating him and dripping down onto his pubic area.

As she teased him and neared his face, he stared at her with a vulnerable look which she no doubt enjoyed very much. Then she kissed him deeply and their tongues danced. She had taken control, invading his mouth and guiding his tongue however she liked. Locke surrendered to her movement and gave in to the pleasure. He just hoped that she'd show him a little mercy.

Marla's efforts only furthered his disorientation. He felt as though he might lose himself too quickly at this point.

"Hunghfh... mmph, muah~" he panted for air as Mami let him have a small break from her kisses, though there was no rest for his cock as she continued to ride it. "Mami, hunh, I might come soon. The two of you are too much."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami giggled when he announced he was about to cum. "I'm not so sure about having a little tanuki running around and causing trouble, so I'll finish you off another way," she announced, before removing herself from his crotch, and sliding down until Locke's length was just barely sticking out from between her large breasts. With a giggle, she squished her breasts together and began to stimulate him that way, a much more gentle and sensual experience than being inside her incredibly tight folds, as now it felt like a pair of soft and fluffy clouds were milking his shaft. Mami would bring him to climax this way, putting her lips to his tip just in time to catch some in her mouth, before pulling away and letting a few more strands shoot out over her breasts while Mami smiled up at him, clearly figuring he'd enjoy the visual stimulating at the end of his climax.

Then, Mami suddenly displayed a pleasured face, as Marla was revealed to be behind her. For a few moments more Locke got to watch the tanuki get lapped at by the harpy's tongue, before her mouth opened wide in an orgasmic display as Marla made her cum. Her talons came up to grip the tanuki's butt, the claws sinking into the rounds of flesh but never piercing them as she giggled. "What a big ass," she made her observation.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke moaned as Mami lifted herself off of him, leaving his throbbing member exposed to the coldness of the open air for a short while, twitching in the breeze. Then she came back to its rescue, enveloping it in the heavenly clouds of her bosom, massaging it in her cleavage and providing him with the most amazing view. His vision was riveted to her face hovering over the visible tip of his cock as it slipped up and down against her orbs.

"Guh... th-thief... you're going to steal it all from me!" He groaned, still managing to retain some humor even in his defeat. "I can't hold it in any longer!"

This only seemed to excite Mamizou, as she lowered her face, opened her lips and extended her tongue as if laying out the red carpet for his seed's arrival. A hot jet of viscous white cum shot into her mouth, then a second hit her lower teeth and lip, spilling out onto her chin. The rest of his cum she had him shoot over the top of her breasts, spilling out to form a rather messy 'pearl necklace.' This view was perfect, and encouraged more twitching and additional ropes of fluid to coat the mischievous mamono.

Suddenly the image of Mamizou's visage changed into an orgasmic gasp, with Marla having caught the culprit at her own game, clutching down on that tanuki tush with her talons and tickling her wanton clit until she succumbed.

"Huff... huff... Marla wins again.~" Locke sighed, before collapsing again in a happy afterglow, regaining his breath.

"She's certainly got some nice assets. Not that size is everything... but your breasts are magical, Mami. Guh... and I know you did something to make me surrender like that. Cheating like that doesn't count you know. Heh heh. I'm happy there's only one tanuki here. That's all I care to wrestle with."

He laughed weakly and stroked her arm in a way that suggested he was quite enamored with her despite all the back and forth quips.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami waved her hand at Locke for saying it didn't count. "The voice of a sore loser does not suit you," Mami replied, before Marla rose, her ego stroked by Locke.

"That's right! I always win!" she laughed.

Meanwhile, Tina was sitting there the whole time, her face blood red from having been witness to the scene of Locke being mounted by Mami. Raven had finished eating all of Marla's worms before she was simply sitting quietly, her back straight and face firm.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Haha, you may have wore me out physically, but I don't feel like I lost anything.~" Locke said, shooting a wink at the tanuki. "Marla and I are a team, so if she wins, I win."

He paused for a bit, stroking his chin, then added. "Then again, if you were to become an official partner with me, then your wins would count as mine as well."

Propping himself up on his side, he ran his foot along Mamizou's thigh. From this new position he could see the extreme blush on Tina's face.

"Hmmm... Mami, you haven't had, uh, relations in front of your sister before, have you? She doesn't look very comfortable with it," he said with a mild frown. His eyes then roamed to Marla, who seemed to be quite happy with herself, and then to Raven and Celes.

"Everything okay?" he asked to the pair. Celes was eating more slowly than Raven, so had a mouthful at the moment. She nodded contentedly, rubbing her belly bump and then looking to Raven for confirmation.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami hummed at Locke's idea of her joining his team. "I guess that's what you intended all along, huh?" Mami let out a sigh, though it was clear the thought wasn't all unappealing to her. "I guess if Tina's okay with it... And the financial support..." Mami's eyes glimmered a bit. Clearly she was after a take in Locke's money through this partnership.

Then, Mami glanced back at Tina. "I suppose I haven't, but she's like that all the time. She'll get used to it eventually~" the raccoon girl giggled.

Raven nodded as well. "The eggs will likely begin hatching in a week. Celes will push them out at that time on her own. It will come naturally," the raven announced.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke nodded at the raccoon girl's musings. He had intended for her to become a part of his ranch. A holstaurus was too good not to pass up, provided she was willing to stay, and of course a tanuki sister as a package deal was a nice bonus, provided she didn't steal everything not nailed down.

"Since you like the finances so much, I thought you might like helping with the managing of this ranch's income, Mami. You could be our treasurer. The deal is that you can't steal from us and you need to find legal means for us to make money. Consider it an intellectual challenge," he teased. "Besides, the more money coming in means there's more comforts here for you and your sister. It's an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an enterprise. Not to mention you'd have an extended family here, and I can introduce you to more human foods since you like them so much."

His sales pitch done, he turned to Raven and Celes with a happy smile. "I'm looking forward to it, Raven. These eggs of yours - of ours - will be the first offspring this ranch has had. It's a proud and important moment for all of us. And Celes, you're doing a great job as well."

He gave both of the girls a kiss and a warming smile. Celes blushed at this and said nothing, simply finishing her meal and rubbing her belly with care.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami rose an eyebrow of curiosity. "Such a job assigned to me? Well... I'm pretty sure I know my way with numbers, though indeed finding a legitimate way to increase your cash flow without being naughty will be difficult." she shrugged.

Raven took on a stoic stance as her body never seemed more straight and firm. "They will be strong children, and soar through the skies like the greatest avians this world has ever known. I'll do my best so that they live even beyond our expectations."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I didn't say you couldn't be naughty," Locke said to Mami with a grin. "Just keep it legit. And yes, I think the job would suit you well. If you were doing nothing but training all day, you'd get bored quickly and probably go burgling. Then I'd be partially responsible. This way you get to have the cash and not get my butt in trouble. It's a win-win." He gave Mami's butt a light slap of affection. "You'll be great at it."

To Raven, Locke could only admire the way she took things so seriously. This was just how she was, he reminded himself. He didn't want to tell her she didn't have to be so rigid.

"If they're even half as great as you, Raven, I'll be extremely proud of them. With a mother like you, they'll be under a good wing."

As the group finished their meal, Locke suggested that it might be good for everyone to rest however they wished. The expedition had been fruitful and it was time for everyone to settle down. Mami and Tina would be left to settle in while Marla, Melsi, Locke, Raven and Celes returned to the house. If the harpies wanted to go to their nests, then that was fine. Locke invited Melsi to follow him around, not wanting the slimegirl to be on her own for the time being. Locke wanted to check up on the ranch's other guests, Mika and Ripple. Celes would go wherever Raven went.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

In response to his butt slap, Mami looked over at Locke, before rushing him, and getting him on his side before playfully spanking him over and over again and leaving him with a slightly sore butt.

Meanwhile, Raven discarded Locke's praise. "Time will be the judge. Please save your praises until I deserve them."

When it came time to disperse, Melsi and Marla opted to follow Locke, but Marla would grudgingly fly off if Locke insisted she leave him. Raven stuck with Celes in the meanwhile.

Locke would find Mika bored and grumpily running a push reel mower over the lawn and cutting the grass. Their time was over, but they were staying a little longer, with Mika doing chores and Ripple with her mermaid, apparently working with her to help her with her attacks. The mermaid was apparently learning how to lob a bubble out that would catch a block of wood that was acting as a training dummy, and lift it into the air, leaving the target helpless. But, her bubbles never seemed to be strong enough.

"I'm only doing this so that next time, I'll make you work even harder for me when I beat you." Mika announced.

"You'll be able to do it soon!" Ripple said with encouragement to her mamono.
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke laughed off the tanuki's spanking, and didn't push the issue of Raven's stoic dismissal of his complements. When the time came, Locke would happily let Marla stay by his side, having no intention of telling his primary mamono to go anywhere that she didn't want to go. Ever since their misunderstanding, he had been happy to have her close to him, to remind her how important she was to him.

Locke shrugged at Mika as she made her bold statement.

"I'll take that into consideration Mika. Thanks all the same. You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

To Ripple he waved and told her the good news about two new additions to his ranch and how he was confident that between them and Raven's offspring due next week, the ranch would be strengthening rapidly. This in turn would benefit Locke in his quest to help Ripple with her own problems.

"Your mermaid is getting better. If you'd like, she could do some sparring with Melsi or Marla here."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika grinned before pointing a finger at Locke. "You may say that like you're so confident, but I've had a friend keeping my ranch running! Next week, I'm going to the tournament, and I'll be right there with you in Rank D! And then I'll sweep past you to C! I'll have you licking my boots!"

Then Marla stepped in, "Locke won't be licking anyone's boots! Because he'd only be licking mine, but I can't wear any! Why don't you make way for the queen?" Marla dismissed Mika and gestured for her to stand aside.

Mika stood tall in front of Marla. "I'll be called queen Mika soon enough, so why don't you try to get an early start and earn my favor?" Mika announced to Marla.

And then the two began fighting. Marla and Mika were throwing their legs at each other while Ripple pretty much ignored the two of them. "Ah... No, she's still a little bothered after fighting Marla the last time. I've been trying to get her spirits back up." Ripple said, excusing her mamono from having to battle.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke chuckled, then wisely avoided getting between the two ladies. Marla would probably end up winning the fight and doing something embarrassing to Mika, but that was entirely Mika's fault if it did happen. Instead he concentrated on Ripple.

"I hope she wasn't too dismayed by her fight with Marla. She had us on the ropes as you will remember. A little more training and she'll be right there with my harpy. So don't get down on yourself, okay?" This last comment he said directly to the mermaid in question.

Turning back to Ripple he asked, "How are you doing? Is there anything that I can do for you in the short term to make your stay more comfortable?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

There was background noise of Marla and Mika exchanging blows while Ripple spoke.

"You don't need to do anything for me, Locke. Just knowing you will be there to save me gives me more comfort than you know." She giggled.

Meanwhile, Ripple's mermaid blushed at Locke, and looked quite unsure of herself despite his words of encouragement.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Okay, but if something does come up, don't hesitate to ask, Ripple. I don't want you to feel ignored while I attend to ranch business."

Locke stopped to watch the battle between Mika and Marla unfold, sitting down and patting the spot next to him to draw Melsi over. Then resting his head on the slimegirl, he spectated contentedly. "Who do you think will win, Melsi?" he asked.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I will think of you if I am in trouble~" Ripple promised with a graceful bow, suited to a princess.

Then, when Locke rested his head on Melsi, the slime gave him a lap pillow to rest on. To his question, she gave a large grin. "Me!" she announced.

The battle concluded with Marla winning, and then depantsing Mika to shame her. Mika promptly left with that, swearing she'd defeat Locke next time and have her way with him, including sticking her finger in his butt. Later, Marla asked Locke if it was okay to stick her own finger in his butt. The first refusal would be met with insistence that he'd like it, before Marla would let it drop on the second refusal. Then, everyone would have a chance to sleep, except Melsi, who wanted to take to wondering around the ranch.
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Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke laughed genuinely at Melsi's proclamation. "I guess you do win in a sense," he said as he snuggled up next to her until the fight was concluded. He clapped for Marla's victory and whistled low at Mika's exposed tush.

Locke promptly reminded Marla that she didn't have fingers, and her talons were far to sharp for his butt hole. He never outright said he was opposed to the concept, but made it clear to his harpy that she wasn't equipped to do anything of the sort with him in a manner that he was comfortable with.

"It's not like you need that to get me there, Marla. You're already so beautiful, powerful, and tight, I could explode just thinking about you."

He'd continue the conversation with her all the way to his bedroom, while Melsi voluntarily wandered away through the ranch grounds, leaving only Marla and Locke together in the bed.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla let it go with Locke's compliment about her ability to please him, following him to bed. Whether Celes and Raven were there to join them was up to the human woman in question, regardless Marla would be sleeping with either just Locke or three people that night.

The week would pass calmly with careful monitoring of Tina's condition. Turns out the medicine Saphirette sold worked wonders, and Tina made an outstanding recovery. "Bizarre woman, but she works wonders." Mami announced with a grin while sitting with Tina out on the ranch, who was playing a on a banjo. The holstaurus seemed worlds more comfortable with a banjo in her hands. Locke's proximity didn't even seem to matter as she was playing.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The night passed with Celes and Raven joining Locke and Marla about half an hour later and the foursome would sleep peacefully with the humans sprawled out using the red and black wings as blankets.

The next week passed peacefully with only minor training and chores being done for upkeep. Celes said that she was feeling the occasional twitch as one of the eggs seemed to pulse with new life in it.

Relieved that Tina was more comfortable with a banjo in her hand, Celes attempted to bond with her by getting out her guitar and joining her with the gift of simple music. No words needed to be spoken as music was a universal language devoid of insult or misperception, or so the human girl hoped.

Locke made the usual rounds and tried to keep all the mamono on the ranch happy as best he could, dividing his time up among them. As he listened to Tina play her song he would sit in between Marla and Mami.

"She seems a whole lot happier," he said to the tanuki. "I'm glad. Is she producing milk yet? I heard that healthy holstauruses will do that. I've also heard that if they don't get milked often enough, it can begin to bother them as well."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes would find great results. Working together, they made quite an , and Celes would actually find Tina smiling at her while ensuring that they were both on the same track for the speed and pace of the song, as it went quite fast, allowing Tina to show off her skills.

(+30 Loyalty from Tina. Celes managed to communicate with her using a medium Tina was more comfortable with.)

Meanwhile, Mami grinned at Locke. "Is that hopefulness I detect? Can't wait to get your hands on those things, eh?" the tanuki chuckled.