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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke shrugged as Mamizou patted his cheek. "I'm not in any rush to become Rank A or even S. If I think I'm ready, then sure, I'll challenge for it. And I'll train for the possibility, but other things are important too. Like my promise to help Ripple. Besides, I would have thought you of all people would be against me overextending myself with hard to tame mamono."

He drew himself up, realizing he might be treading on shaky ground. "I mean, with what you told me about your own father, I just don't want something like that to happen here. It wouldn't be fair to any of you if I bit off more than I could chew."

Crossing his arms, Locke looked up at Mamizou seriously. "Am I really even at the point of considering chasing after an all-star mamono? I'm just in Rank D, I need to concentrate on training those girls I've got now, and stabilize my ranch's productivity and profits. That's where I was hoping a smart girl like yourself would come in. Help me find ways to make money out of this place, and I'll have more to spend on effective training, which in turn gets us more renown and takes us closer to the upper levels. Goals are fine, but we can't look ahead of ourselves too much."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I honestly don't feel like you're like him at all." Mami replied. "He was the kind of man that wouldn't even let us have the money you gave us for the medicine. I think that if you kept that kind of attitude, then mamono of all sorts would be attracted to you... Though it's true that many would simply seek to use you, I think that this natural draw you have to yourself will help you greatly. Not everyone has that kind of charisma, you know. And you have it in spades." Mami complimented him.

"Just look at Venice, she barely spends more than a few minutes with anyone from the looks of it, and yet everyone seems to like and respect her. Personally, I think that is why being a Rancher is so much harder than it seems. It requires so many elements of personality in order to thrive to the point where it could be exhausting. If you could tame every known variety of mamono, you'd be world famous, you know?" After saying all of that, Mami simply waved her hand. "But pay ME no heed... All I know is that if I'm going to be helping you... If you became a high rank, then we'll be swimming in fortune. That thought pleases me~" she cooed.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami's compliment calmed Locke down a bit. He appreciated her candidness more than she might know, even if he didn't exactly know how to gauge his own charisma. He wasn't out to charm every mamono he came across. He just wanted to do right by the ones who were willing to help him and come live on his ranch.

"Why wouldn't I pay you heed? You've got a good head on your shoulders. You've survived so long, taking care of your sister. Consider me and the others at this ranch as tools at your money-making disposal." Locke gave her a mock bow. "Marla likes to be the loud and in charge leader, but I've a feeling you'll be the ideal steward behind the throne, the one that really keeps the kingdom in power. So long as you keep us pointed in the right direction with subtle hints and suggestions, we'll keep you and Tina in comfort, perhaps even more than that. After all, the richer we are from our winnings, the more great quality human foods we can buy for you."

He poked her tummy playfully.

"And if by some miracle I do become world famous, you can take pride in knowing that you helped get me there. I certainly won't forget it if you do. And you and I can celebrate by rolling around together on a pile of money, licking honey off each other.~" He grinned, appealing to the raccoon girl's greedy and lustful sides, wondering if she'd appreciate it or not.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Locke, Locke," Mami sighed and pat his back. "You're filling my head with such wonderful images that the desire to take full advantage of your offer and beyond is quite strong. Be careful about giving other mamono you meet similar treatment. There won't be enough honey in the world to be licked off of you~" she giggled, bringing her large and bushy raccoon tail about, and rubbing Locke with it's plush softness.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke grinned, not afraid to show off his charming side to the mamono at his ranch. The recent hatching of his black harpies had put him in a good enough mood to want to be extra pleasant to all current occupants of the ranch. He was happy to hear Mamizou giggle in earnest and was more than comfortable with resting his head on the raccoon girl's plush-like tail.

"Mmm, this is one hell of a pillow," he said, turning so as to bury his cheek halfway into the soft fur and take a breath of her unique scent.

"I take your meaning, but I won't avoid my mamono or not be myself around them. If I like to pay them compliments and be just a tiny bit suggestive, then that's just how I am. You can handle it, right? You're in control of yourself."

His hand moved up along her tail and along her spine to reach her neck where he playfully massaged her. "Maybe I'm just trying to find ways to motivate and encourage everyone to do their very best. So howabout I take away any knots in your muscles and you suggest a few moneymaking schemes for me, eh?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami looked pleased about how pleased Locke looked. So pleased that she then looked mischievous, and began slowly moving her tail, giving him a soft tail massage that would make Locke feel as if he was drowning in soft fluffy fur. "Am I really in control of myself, Locke? You're not too far from the truth. When you get down to the cruel nature of it, it's a beneficial relationship. I aid your ranching endeavor, and I get not only food and protection from predators, but a cute boy to trap in my tail and have lick my breasts when I desire it. The only restraint I show is out of respect for my own desire. If I were to offend you, I won't be getting your soft lips to my breast, will I?" she inquired, before pulling Locke closer with her arms and tail, until she had Locke against her, his front to her and his face between her breasts.

"If you had no power at all, you would find me lacking in restraint." She promised while casting a both attractive and sinister grin down at him, a hand petting along his head as if he were a pet. She'd release him slightly, before showing him her shoulders as her robe slightly drifted down to show more of her white skin. "With that said, I would love a massage~"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

He noted the slyness appearing in her eyes and the increased sensual nature of her bushy tail beginning to pamper his back while at the same time pulling him closer to her front. He hands took him by the shoulders and she adjusted herself so that she was looking down at him, his head level with her imposing bust.

He managed to retain his smile as she made plain her view on their relationship and the dynamics that kept her in line.

"Certainly, it helps if I provide you incentives to behave. Getting right down to it, that's the basis for any working society - and that's what we have here. My ranch is my kingdom, with a bodacious harpy as its queen and you as its new treasurer. And it's a law of my kingdom to reward good work." Locke leaned forward to nuzzle his nose along the soft, malleable bosom in front of him, and then brushing his lips along the tips of her breasts, through the thin fabrics that she wore before pulling back and staring up at her. "So, my lips on your breast works as currency for you?"

She gave him her sinister grin and assured him that if he had no power, she would give him no restraint, before petting him as if she owned him.

"That's why I've cleverly surrounded myself with several capable mamono of equal power levels. So that whatever I lack in personal, physical strength, my other mamono can provide. If you don't show restraint, there will be repercussions, if not from me, than on my behalf."

She released him and showed him her shoulders, to which he gladly applied his rancher's hands and began to knead. He enjoyed the act of pleasing his mamono in this way. Whatever it took to make them feel comfortable and happy here.

"Actually, your reasoning is likely shared by plenty of other mamono, including the extremely high rated and dangerous ones. It's all the more reason that I shouldn't seek one out straight away, not at least without building up a solid base of lovely ladies like yourself, and training you so that as a team, you could rescue me from Baphomet if she decided to steal me away." He chuckled at the thought, which to him was still mostly likely a pipe dream - and he still didn't really think going after Baphomet herself was a good plan. Surely if there were high ranked mamono that he wanted to pursue, he would seek a less destructive or malicious one.

He continued to massage Mamizou along her shoulders and upper back, and if she allowed him, he would knead down her back along her spine, working along her body with attention to making her feel good without being sexual. As she'd just informed him, if that was what the tanuki wanted, she could turn around and take it from him.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami smirked as Locke boasted his protection via the other mamono around him, before she pinched his cheek playfully. "It's good to see you're not entirely naive," Mami chuckled. "But I think I might pass on facing a Baphomet, especially when I'd still avoid even her distant kin, the minotaur." She stated, before getting a thought. "Which reminds me, I wonder how well minotaurs and Baphomets get along? A Baphomet is basically a magical minotaur when you get right down to it, so I wonder." Mami said thoughtfully.

But she let that thought go, moaning happily as he massaged her shoulders, and when he began to go down, she casually let her robes slip down all the way, showing no real modesty in regards to letting her orbs be seen. This act may be less lewd than Locke may think, as he would recall seeing a cyclops blacksmith with only trousers on. The dwarf working with her was fully clothed though, in case he wanted to see dwarf boobs or the lack thereof. Some men are into that.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke had gotten used to seeing mamono naked or semi naked since arriving on this island, and his ideas of modesty were dropping by the day. Thus he didn't take the drop of Mami's robe as anything other than a sign that it was all right to have at it with the rest of he back, rubbing the palm of his hand deep into her back muscles to make her relax. Part of being a proper masseuse was to have a touch of sadism, the willingness to press into a muscle's pressure point until the stubborn knot was forced to compress - then release and allow the blood to flow and loosen it up naturally. Locke's mother had taught him this as that was her job back on the mainland. He took the lessons to heart with Mami. She might experience a bit of pain, but when he let up, she'd feel a wave of comfort and relaxation. That was the part Locke liked the most.

"I don't think I'm the one to be answering that," he said in response to the question about Baphoment, "But if it's anything like the territorial struggles that some mainland animals have, it could be chalked up to simple biology. If Minotaurs are all about dominance, they're not going to appreciate another one around, especially not Baphomet either. Too aggressive."

If Mamizou was willing to continue, Locke would move down to work on her legs, calves, and upper thigh, which included some massaging of the butt as well. He wouldn't comment on the reasons for him doing this. In truth, he didn't know completely why he suddenly felt like pleasing her in this way, but it was relaxing for him as well. Spending some quality time with a mamono in a non sexual manner was enjoyable to him.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Perhaps even a baphomet and a minotaur can have a soft side?" Mami shrugged, not seeming to mind his hard presses too much, other than letting out a soft hum. "A mamono's power of spirit and body are one thing, but many men are proud of their minds you know? Powerful mamono strut about, but when they get married, it's often you see them moving about on their husband's whims. Marriage itself is dominant yes, but that still doesn't stop men from having a no-nonsense policy against lazy wives. I suppose what I'm trying to say is... Perhaps a mortal man can control one of the greater and legendary beasts? It might begin where many least expect, as the mighty beast lowers her head and says, 'Yes, dear.' to her beloved husband." Mami said, going on about theoretical situations.

"On that note, even Marla seems to contain herself somewhat when it comes to you." Mami said with a wink. "Though you're so sweet on her, she still goes a little crazy, like a spoiled child."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"All people, men, women, and mamono, would do whatever they could for someone they really loved," Locke said, putting Mamizou's pondering into his own words. "But love is a tricky thing, at least for humans. With mamono, I don't know, sometimes I feel it's different. More ingrained into who you are. Humans can be more detached, harder to really commit to a great, unshakeable love. Maybe that's just how the more powerful mamono are as well? But once you find it, it's stronger because it's so special and rare."

Locke shrugged at the tanuki's wink and remark about Marla.

"She's my first mamono, and she's incredibly special to me. We've been through a lot so far, and we've had our rough patches, but we've come out the other side of those too. I think she's destined to be a really great competitor, and her upbeat attitude is conducive to that. Yeah, she can be a bit exuberant at times, but when she channels that sort of energy, I think she can take on anyone."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I will admit, mamono fall in love more easily than men do." Mami chuckled, before leaning forward, and pulling her robe back up. It seemed she was done with the massage. "Though, that's rather amazing, how much confidence you have in that harpy. She does seem to have one hell of a kick, possibly attributed to those thighs of hers. But your compliments to her ability far exceed what she can currently do. She's got a long way before you can consider her to be a great competitor."

With that she turned to face Locke, before raising her hands and making her fingers move suggestively. "Your turn~" she cooed, before a wet rag suddenly struck Mami's face.

"I'm ALREADY a great competitor, you squirrel!" Marla shouted from afar, technically 'nude' as she was without her single piece of clothing, being her bra. She was also wet, as if she was taking a bath.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke let Mami re-don her robe and leaned back, not minding his view of her from his position behind her. She did have a wonderfully nice body, with cute ears and a tail that felt like one of the softest pillows he'd ever rested his head against.

What she said about him having a lot of confidence in Marla was true. He knew his harpy was willing to fight through thick and thin for him, and he'd support her to the best of his own ability. She wasn't ready to take on armies or scarily powerful mamono yet of course, and it was part of his job to shield her from such confrontations, but he felt that with the right training, she could be a fearsome opponent, and if she were to become such a mamono, then he'd feel so much more proud of having elevated her to such heights than he would if he simply found a dragon or a phoenix and had them fall in love with him. Though of course, such things were not to be discounted as cheap feats.

He didn't have time to put his thoughts into words before Mamizou was offering to return the favor to him. Suddenly, a wet cloth had slapped her across the face from afar, and he turned to see the beautiful, red feathered harpy standing a distance away, her body wet and glistening from a bath she'd been taking. Just seeing her like that made the blood in Locke quicken a bit.

"Erm... let's try not to fight among ourselves, ladies..." Locke mumbled, his eyes darting back to the tanuki.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami gracefully peeled the rag off of her face, her face that of extreme patience. "I'm actually more a raccoon, but I understand the confusion..." she replied calmly, before being unable to resist mumbling. "Bird brain..."

Marla then looked to Locke. "Locke, have you seen my bra?" she asked. "It was gone when I got done bathing..." she said, before grinning at him. "Did you take it~?" she said, implying he did.

"It fits perfectly~!" Ripple announced, walking out of the house with Marla's bra on.

"HEY!" Marla cried out, "No it doesn't! That was made specifically for me!"

"Really...? It's so snug though." Ripple hummed, shifting the bra about.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Now now..." Locke said slowly, with an eye to Mamizou. "Try to play nice, and remember that Marla has excellent hearing. Maybe it'll be my turn next time, okay?"

He got up and waved over at Ripple as she walked out the door, displaying her newly claimed bra. His head swiveled between the princess and the 'queen' before shrugging.

"It's likely that you've both got similar breast sizes. Ripple, do you need more bras? We can pick some up in the town for you next time we go. In the meanwhile, you probably shouldn't take Marla's bra, as she needs it. If she were to walk around like that too much, I'd be way too distracted to run the ranch properly."

He grinned and winked at Marla. "Looking good, toots."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

At Locke's comment on Marla's appearance, the harpy blushed a bit, before putting her talons proudly on her hips, taking a proud stance while winking at him. "Looking's free~" she replied with a lewd tone. "It's my gift to the world~" she then said with an arrogant tone.

Mami meanwhile, was content to let the matter go, retreating to relax with her big bushy tail swaying alluringly back and forth in the air while she laid on her side lazily.

Ripple, at the offer of going shopping, seemed to delight in the idea. "I would love to go shopping with you, Locke!" She declared, before blushing and clearing her throat. "W-well... I certainly have extra time. I suppose I can spend some with you, so count yourself lucky!" Ripple announced to Locke, before looking to Marla as if for confirmation for something. The topless harpy gave Ripple the equivalent of the thumbs up for her performance. Receiving such praise made Ripple appear quite happy.

(I keep changing Ripple's color because I can't decide which I like better ;3; )
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke chuckled freely, and inwardly was pleased that he had managed to make his harpy happy. Having her proudly display her body was just a bonus, and he could deal with her puffed up preening. It was actually sort of endearing.

Mami had settled down too, and that was nice to see. This left him only with Ripple, who took to his suggestion that they go shopping together with gusto. The mermaid princess drew herself up though in a method was obviously rehearsed, and made an effort to be more regal and authoritative, in a way that Locke found to be reminiscent of Marla. Sure enough, by the look that went on between the harpy and the mermaid, it was clear that Ripple had been coached on certain techniques.

Locke made a bow that he thought well enough for someone in the presence of royalty and said, "Oh it's an honor to escort a beautiful princess, naturally."

He stood up and in a more hushed voice he said, "Of course, you needn't worry about being anything other than true to yourself around me."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Explaining his honor at escorting her, Ripple seemed to concentrate. "Of... Of course! You should be grateful to escort me, as all ple... p-pleb..." Ripple struggled, before crying out. "Oh, Marla! I can't do it! It sounds like I'm really being mean! I don't want Locke to hate me!" she insisted.

Marla gave considerate nods. "With time, with time."

At Locke's hushed words, Ripple looked happy. "Thank you, Locke..." she said with a blush. "Still... If there's anything I can do to please you, you'll let me know, won't you?" she requested, trying to be polite, while not doing very well at making herself seem like anything other than a girl with a big crush.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke just shook his head with a sigh, wondering why Marla was insisting on teaching the princess such woeful haughtiness that was very unbecoming of a ruler and of the sweet mermaid's own personality. He was relieved though that even under the weight of the harpy's teachings, Ripple had not buckled, and had let her true personality shine through, as it always should.

He put a hand on Ripple's delicate shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"You don't need to do anything special to please me, princess," he said. "I'm already happy to have you here as an honorary member of my ranch, for as long as you're willing to stay. And it's me who is trying to please you, remember? We're all going to solve your demon problem. But before all that, we'll have to fix your wardrobe. So come on, let's walk into town."

He removed his hand from her shoulder and let it drop down to grasp the mamono's soft hands, cupping his palm with hers. Then he began to walk with her hand in hand towards the town. Any other mamono on the ranch were welcome to accompany them, but as he did not foresee any major trouble, he didn't go out of his way to ask for others. Perhaps he and Ripple could enjoy some time together. He had a feeling the princess would like that.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple grinned at Locke's words. One that slowly began to spread from ear to ear, as a blush formed on her cheeks. She seemed to be getting quite flushed. "Oh, Locke... You're such a sweetheart... Even I would want to gobble you up, you know?" she cooed, holding his hand he gave to her, and holding it close, actually pulling him in a little as Ripple seemed to show a little more natural aggressive side. She pulled him in a little closer, before leaning in to kiss his forehead and leaning back to smile at him. "You're a good man." she declared, before looking to her carriage. "Shall we use my transportation?" she offered, though it looked like she was also wanting to impress Locke with her fashionable seashell carriage. No seats, just one large pillow for everyone to lay about inside. Was also slightly moist, much to the happiness of the sea dwellers like Ripple herself, and her partner.

Locke was free to go alone with her, or bring others along if he so chose.