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Looting run [Lin, River]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
All three girls exited the building, the fresh air that met their nostrils was rejuvenating.

Once they went outside, they decided what they were going to do.

(To make it a little more interesting, I've decided that you can choose where you want to hunt... You may even hunt in mission locations, but I'd be careful about that if I were you. ;))

(Also, loot will be found randomly, as per request. And whenever you visit a scenario location, the time table will consider that you visited before the women who took the mission got there.)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

Lin took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air, but as a breeze went pass them, her exposed area shook.
"Lets go into a shop or something, maybe we can find supplies." Lin suggested.
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

(Mission locations only, or can we freehunt anywhere?

Mission-like ideas Azure has may include...
Searching the forest for Cultists (may trigger mission events accidentally if cultists actually show up).
Going into the sewers looking for the source of the tentacle monsters.
Returning to the hospital to clear it out of monsters.

General hunting ideas could include...
Police stations, searching for weapons, ammo, bullet proof vests, and the like.
Stores, of any kind, searching for food and supplies in general.
Anyplace that seems to be a safehouse, to try to find survivors.
Going back to the military base to search for more weapons.

Any votes which one we do?)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

River nodded, thinking something like that herself.

"Sounds like a plan to me, what kind of store were you thinking of?"
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

Yeah, anywhere. My idea is to allow you guys to have your own little adventure, so you can go wherever you wish, even to the forest to look for the cultists.
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

"Clothing." Replied Lin, as another breeze sent shivers down her legs.
And without another word she switched her gun's safety off and aimed ahead.
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]


"The mall nearby. I remember seeing it from the chopper... Most of the cold storage foods are probably still good, unless someone left their freezers open. And we can take the opportunity to scout out how well its supply level is doing in case we need to come back more, since it's pretty obvious this isn't going to go away overnight."

The chill made Azure shiver a bit as well now, her nipples hard from the wind brushing over her body while she clutched at her brand new .32 pistol, then patted her pockets with the ammo in them with a reassured smile.


"Both of you have guns, right? I don't want to get there and find out one of you has been wandering around unarmed or unwilling to fight... I got raped by a fucking dog thanks to someone who couldn't bring herself to shoot the goddamn mutts."
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]


"Alright." River says, watching the side alleys as she followed behind, not drawing her gun. After a moment, she turned to Azure.


"Not a problem, I got your back, don't worry. Dog things?"
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

"No problem here," Lin smiled at Azure. "I won't let you guys get in trouble, but me on the other hand..." Lin looked at her buttom half, with no pants she felt more valunerable to the monsters and hoped that her speed and teammate will be enough to keep her "haven't been raped by monsters" streak going.
(Yes RJ she was raped, but she got away, so that doesn't count!)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]


"Long story... but let's just say doggy-style will never mean the same thing for me..."

She looked around the area and smiled to herself, keeping a lookout for anything that could go wrong while holding her gun carefully out, finger on the safety so she could be prepared to fire at a moment's notice.


"Ladies... I've learned something about these creatures also... They... feed... while having sex. They feed on your mind, drain you of your willpower. Oh you recover fast enough, but the thing is, we shouldn't stay so closely clustered."

She motions to the trio, one pantsless, one topless, and one (whatever state River is in).


"I propose... one of us lead the way. Nude. Bait, as it were. The other two follow with guns armed. If our front gets attacked, then the others will be able to gun down the thing or things attacking her before she gets in any real trouble."

She begins to strip more, taking the last of her clothes off, then tossing her pants to Lin.


"Since this is my idea, it's only fair I volunteer to be out front first. So you two should follow me at a safe distance... but not so far away that if I get grabbed it'll be able to drag me away and you'll lose me. Understand?"
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

(You just want Azure to get raped)
Lin caught the pants but shook her head.
"I am pretty quick and have good hearing, I could dodge those stuff better than you too, so why don't I be bait?" Lin gave the pants back to Azure, and began to take off her shirt, and handed it back to her also.
"I took acrobatics when I was little, so don't worry about me not being able to dodge." Lin reassured Azure.
(Trust me, Lin might not have balls of steel but she's ninja enough to not be caught)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

Azure giggled softly at the idea and walked up to Lin slowly as she pulled her clothes on.


"Sounds fine to me. Need help getting wet and ready? You are going to be the bait, and you can bet the monsters are going to smell around for something fresh and horny."

(If you knew Azure's plan, you'd understand what she's doing already. But the plan won't unfold yet.)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

((River is more or less untouched, the only thing she's been hit with so far is Lin :) ))

River stood and watched the banter between the two with shock plain on her face. Were they really arguing over who was going to walk around being naked bait? She shook her head disbelievingly, then decided to just spend more time watching their surroundings, in case something actually decided to wander upon them.
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

Another breeze went pass them and her now exposed nipples hardened.
"I think the wind's doing a pretty good job already." Lin replied, shuddering a little.
"Oh yeah, lets try to avoid manholes or sewers, I saw some of those tentacle stuff coming out of them, and I don't think it will end well if we were caught."
Lin informed the two women, she looked at River, remembered what happened last night and felt redder already, and a lady getting dressed in front of her isn't helping her out any...
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

Azure nodded at the plan finally being set and motioned for them to start going, giving directions as she remembered from the map and her overhead view of the town, to the nearby mall.


"Lin. You're taking the lead. Don't go too far ahead. Don't stay too far back. If something comes up, motion for us. Don't yell. We don't want any more attention on us than we already are going to have. And... as for us... While our lead is going up the center of the street, the two rears are going up each side of the street. That way even if one of us gets attacked, then everyone will know and we can rush to rescue her. Everyone keep an eye on each other and your surroundings... I don't want anyone caught offguard..."

(Ready. Azure is taking the right side of the street a good hundred feet behind Lin. And just for giggles, she wears her shirt with breasts hanging out. :p )
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

(How does that work?)
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

~~~Simple, Lin takes all the attention of the enemy, while Azure and River attempt to flank~~~
Re: Hunting party [Azure, Lin, River]

River turned back around, since the discussion seemed to be finished, and looked over to Lin.


"Tentacles now too? What is this, some kind of Hentai movie?" She asks incredulously, following Lin when they left.

She let her mind drift over the events of the night before, and watching Lin walk around nude reminded her of their little moment, during the fight with the egg thing, and the talk that passed between them. She reminded herself to talk to Lin about it when they had the chance, find out how much Lin actually remembered of the time she was drugged...
