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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The Arachne paused for a moment, seeming to be considering her response. Finally she replied, dropping what had to be a huge bombshell on Lorelai.

"Actually, it's been almost 700 years since you were taken. As for your corruption ..."

She paused again, seeming to be scanning her.

"Less than half way to the first stage. There are, from what I've seen, six stages your kind go through. Each stage progressively gets worse, until the final one, at which point you become nothing more than a mindless play thing."

Again she paused, then finally looked Lorelai directly in the eyes, the look in her eyes suggesting she wasn't going to like what was said.

"There are some things you should know if you are going to be moving on through this place. You need to be aware of what you're up against. There are creatures out there who can completely stop you from resisting their attacks on your body, you may have encountered them before, or you may not have. There are also those that can quite literally mold themselves to become the perfect 'mate' for you, contouring their bodies to make it so you almost always succumb quickly to them. Have you ... Have you ever fought against one of my kind before? Because if not, I ... I can show you what you're up against with one of us, but that means you'd have to trust me. On top of that you should know ... I can't completely stop the corruption from getting into you if we mate. I can dramatically reduce what you take ... but I can't completely stop it, his influence is too strong. The very air is saturated with it."

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 5 vs. Slime: 17

Melissa can't get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Slime: 21 vs. Melissa: 28

Melissa resists!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai grimaces and nods. "Seven hundred... And I'm not even sure how Mathosian I am anymore..." She shakes her head, "I've bigger concerns than the dust that is my past right now though. I'll mourn it later, the bigger priority is dealing with the troubles here."

She glances up to N'gaasha who gives three thumbs up and a shieldy claw. "I know. It's why I asked about my corruption levels. If you're minimizing it I'll probably be fine for awhile., I've some corruption reduction potions still I believe. And well, if we want the same thing, it's only right I help you. Having a cocks becoming kind of normal frankly. Enough so I'm not sure what I'll do when this is all over and I'm back to being a female for the rest of however long I have."

She chuckles and shakes her head as she steps up to the Arachne. "But enough of that... Trust you? You're either an incredible liar or are being honest. I'll trust you. If it gives freedom for everyone a better chance, no matter how small, I'll pursue it."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The Arachne nodded slowly.

"Then I must show you what you will be up against if you ever fight one of my kind again. Before I do, I will describe to you as best as I can in your terms, just what you'll be dealing with. You may, if you wish, decide upon which one to experience first, I will show you all three. You'll understand in a moment."

She paused, seeming to consider how to word things so that Lorelai would understand. Finally, she looked at her, and sighed.

"Because we are part spider creatures, we do possess the ability to secrete webbing. Our webbing is also fairly strong, if can keep you from fighting back against us for a short period of time, usually long enough for us to claim at least one climax from you. I will show you what you will be dealing with, but believe me when I say you will be completely immobilized, unable to even resist what is being done to you. As for attacks ..."

She trailed off, collecting her thoughts again.

"Well I suppose I'll start with the simplest of the three. I believe your kind refer to it as a blowjob, though I never understood why it was called that. Basically, you're inside our mouth as we suck on you, until you climax. Depending on your stamina to such things, this may take a little time, or it may happen quickly. The second attack is a variant of this, only adding in the use of our breasts. Basically, you're inside our mouth getting sucked on, while at the same time being thrust between our breasts, which mimics actual sex along with the sensation of our mouth and tongue working on you. Again, time to climax varies depending on your stamina to such attacks. The third and final attack is what I suppose you would call true mating. You are taken inside our pussy, and we mercilessly ride you until you pop inside. Most mortals don't last very long when ridden by one of us."

She paused once more, allowing Lorelai to absorb all the knowledge. After a few moments she spoke again.

"As I said, I will allow you to experience all three attacks, but only one of them while you are webbed. For you to know what you will be facing, I fear I cannot adequately describe them to you. At the very least ... I can show you what you'd face possibly later one, in a situation where even if it does prove too much for you, at least you'll know what to be looking out for, and in a scenario where you know it won't last forever. So now the choice is up to you, what order of attacks, and where to have the webbing? In a true battle you wouldn't have this luxury, however ... this may help you better prepare for it knowing in advance what will be used, so that if you find yourself randomly targeted by another ... at least you'll have a fighting chance."

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 26 vs. Slime: 12

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 3 vs. Melissa: 2

Melissa is tackled again!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai blinks, watching the Arachne and listening, before stoicly walking over and reaching up and turning her face to look at hers. "You're talking as though you're about to unleash some torment on me. You think I don't know what these things are by now? I got this far, I've experienced some things. Hell, I've fathered a child or two by now. Relax. I said I'd help, right? Or is it you haven't actually experienced it consensually before and aren't sure how to go about it?"

She looks into the Arachne's eyes with a smile. "I appreciate the possibility. Sure, web me, but as far as everything else goes, go with the order that feels right to you. Normally I'd reciprocate in a circumstance like this, but if you rather me helpless I suppose lessons are always useful."

She pressed her chest against the Arachne's with a smirk. "But right now, a little less explaining and a little more doing hm? I still need to find Melissa after all, but for once, you've an opportunity to lay with someone who wishes to mate with you. So make sure to enjoy it too, even if I can't properly do this while webbed up." She reached up and traced her fingers along the Arachne's areolas.

"Whenever you're ready."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The Arachne simply nodded, and before Lorelai knew what had happened, she found herself held up against the side of one of the walls! After a moment's pause, the Arachne brought her skilled, warm mouth down upon Lorelai's dick, and began to suck on it. Pleasure exploded within her mind and body as her blowjob began, the sheer intensity of it nearly causing her to climax right then and there. She hadn't been kidding when she'd mentioned that her kind could make a woman pop very quickly.

For some reason Lorelai found herself trying to see just how long she actually could hold out against the pleasure of the blowjob. Was it pride? Or was she simply trying to determine what she might face next time, if there was a next time? It didn't matter, for Lorelai barely lasted four minutes before finally a powerful orgasm erupted from her, the Arachne casually sucking down every drop she let loose with no trouble. Over the next twenty minutes or so, the Arachne continued to suck her dick, not allowing Lorelai any time to recover between climaxes. She experienced an additional five orgasms during that time before suddenly things got a bit more erotic.

The Arachne briefly removed her mouth from Lorelai's cock, which twitched at the sudden freedom, and from what had been done to it. She had maybe fifteen seconds to recover before suddenly she felt warm skin envelope her cock, and her eyes wandered down to see that the Arachne had taken her between her breasts. Lorelai might blink in surprise as the tits she was snugly wrapped between seemed to web themselves together, ensuring she wouldn't pop out from between them. Then, the Arachne used her wider range of mobility with her neck to bend her head down, claiming Lorelai's cock inside her mouth once more. Only now did Lorelai remember what she'd been told. Evidently this was a Titty Blowjob, and if so, it was intense.

Already she was on the verge of a climax, despite having felt spent from the previous blowjobs. Even still, it took less than three minutes for the Arachne to make her climax once again, the breasts actually serving to help stroke her cock, especially as she climaxed helplessly. Another twenty minutes or so passed, and seven more orgasms were had. Eventually she was freed from this encounter too, the Arachne gently laying her on the floor. She seemed to hesitate a bit longer than before, possibly giving Lorelai a chance to recover before pressing onward.

Suddenly something warm and sticky hit her skin, and moments later Lorelai realized she had been utterly webbed to the ground, and was helpless to move! It seemed the webbing trapped in body heat too, for every second she lay there it seemed to warm up, and seemed skin tight too. It was then the Arachne revealed her true pussy, and one look at it sent shivers down Lorelai's spine.

It appeared to be incredibly tight, and perfectly suited for her. Given her dick was magical in nature, it probably was safe to say that's why the pleasure was so much for them, the dicks themselves had been contoured and imbued to be perfect fits for the mouths and pussies to be used against them. All thought of that was driven from her mind as the Arachne lowered herself upon Lorelai' capturing her still throbbing cock inside of her tight spider pussy.

Pleasure exploded within Lorelai as her ride began. The riding motions caused Lorelai's body to buck ever so slightly in the confines of the webbing, which, due to how skin tight it was, actually caused the webbing to stroke her skin, especially over her sensitive breasts. It was as if she were getting a full sexual body massage while having sex. It was far too intense for her to handle, and in only two minutes, Lorelai was screaming out in pleasure as she violently emptied her load into the tight pussy gripping her, riding her and now milking her. She couldn't help herself from screaming, it was a natural reaction to the pleasure, and completely out of her control. She was given no respite either, no breaks from the pleasure, and over the next twenty minutes she experienced another ten orgasms, and at some point she simply knew she had impregnated the Arachne.

All good things must come to an end though, and true to her word, after enjoying herself for a time, and likely showing Lorelai far more about what lay in store for her on this world than she'd ever know, the Arachne let her go. By this time the webbing had worn off, although it was several minutes after the Arachne finally dismounted her before Lorelai could actually move again. It dawned on her now that given how she'd been affected, if the Arachne had been lying, there was likely nothing she could have done to break free once things had started. At least now she knew what one of her biggest threats going forward would be.

Perhaps to Lorelai's surprise, she had, even after twenty five orgasms, only gained a meager 600 KP. It seemed the Arachne had been able to prevent much of the KP she should have gained from getting into her, far more than she'd expected.

Meanwhile ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 22 vs. Slime: 27

Melissa can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Slime: 5 vs. Melissa: 25

Melissa avoids being raped.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 19 vs. Slime: 14

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime: 3 vs. Melissa: 14

Melissa dodges!

Attack Roll:

Melissa: 21 vs. Slime: 6

Melissa kills the slime! She gains 100 XP and finds no loot.

Melissa moves onward to the next area, soon finding herself in a room with 2 foes! One was a Tar Demoness, and the other some kind of Alien woman that looked like a Succubus too! As she prepared for a fight though ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Melissa: 24 vs. Trap???: 29

Melissa steps down and instantly sinks into a puddle of goo! Something attaches to her, and she can only let loose a disgusted sound as she realizes she's been infected with another of the Futa Parasites! The Parasite makes her have a dick again, and then begins to work it's magic ...

Futa Parasite Affliction: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five
straight turns.

Enemy Encounter:

Level 30 Nelvoken Succubus: 80 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina.

Level 9 Tar Demoness: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Special: Stuck On You.

Initiative Roll:

Melissa: 2 (Last)
Tar: 28 (1st)
Nelvoken: 10 (2nd)

Grapple Attempts:

Tar: 12 vs. Melissa: 15
Nelvoken: 17 vs. Melissa: 8

Melissa dodges the Tar, but is grabbed by the Succubus!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 18 vs. Succubus: 22

Melissa can't break free!

4 Turns on Parasite Left.


1: Talk and then Move Onward.

2: Simply Move Onward.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai gasped as she was put through a whirlwind of sensations. Held down, blown, wrapped in pillowy breasts, she wasn't sure how she could orgasm so long to keep up with the spider. She was sure she released more fluid than she had in her entire body. Still, since she wasn't held down as of yet, when the titfuck began she reached down and began toying tentatively with the arachne's nipples, still a bit shy about being an active participant in sex. When everyone treated you like a doll, it wasn't best for ones skills and confidence on the returning favor.

When she was wrapped down and rode over and over, she shuddered a bit, unable to resist the pleasure, her organ built or being the spider's toy, her whining and shuddering as she bred the spider as throughly as she could. She'd probably feel a bit ashamed at her lack of stamina if she could think of very much at all as she cries and moans.

Once it all passed, Lorelai was just laid flat out, panting hard as she shudders, staring up at the stone ceiling. After a few minutes, she struggles up to her feet, staggering a bit. "Unf... Gods... When this is all over... I think I'm going to be just ruined sexually, unable to get any pleasure out of my own species or anything natural... I'm not going to say nothing will ever top that out here, but it's the most intense I've ever experienced... Our daughters will make some people very happy... Take good care of them okay? Hopefully you'll have more hands to help with your plans now."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai gains 100 XP.

The Arachne nodded.

"I will. May our paths cross again under better circumstances in the future. Good luck to you Lorelai."

She was left to move onward, doing so as soon as she was able. Soon enough she had entered a new 'room', and as she did ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Lorelai: 3 vs. Trap???: 28

Lorelai fails to spot the shifty floor panel until stepping on it! As soon as she does, it sinks in slightly, and she finds herself yanked into the wall face first! Magic ran through her, giving her a dick again, and then suddenly what felt like a tight, fake pussy was slid over her cock, which was inside the wall! Worse, even as it began to stroke her, another device activated with a hum, and suddenly a powerful vacuum suction was driven inside of the tight love tunnel she was trapped in, beginning to suck on her as well. It felt incredible to feel this vacuum suction work her in time with the strokes of the fake pussy, even as she suffered 90 pleasure. Lorelai has 112 stamina left, and gained 110 KP.

Meanwhile ...

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus: 11 vs. Melissa: 5

Melissa can't stop the Succubus from fully capturing her inside the magical chair, whereupon her cock was captured inside the tight pussy of her alien foe. The pleasure was intense, and Melissa knew the parasite was causing most of it, for she was already on the verge of an orgasm just from being inside this pussy. The hair and breast tentacles of the alien succubus wrapped around her body, as did tentacles that came from her lower body, wrapping around Melissa's upper body, and her legs respectively. In moments she was being ridden, unable to keep from gasping and crying out as her rape began. In short order, an orgasm was ridden out of her, Melissa tilting her head back and screaming in utter bliss as she was raped to paradise. She uncontrollably spurted, filling the Succubus with her seed, and she didn't need the passive scanning magic to know she'd just impregnated her. She was ridden all the way through her orgasm, unable to do anything but enjoy it. Finally, er climax subsided, but the Succubus wasn't done. Even as her adrenaline began to flow, the Succubus renewed her assault on Melissa, beginning to ride her once more.

Melissa suffers 257 Pleasure due to the Parasite, gaining 704 KP from the rape and from giving up her seed. The Parasite still is afflicting her for three more rounds, meaning she could have three more orgasms quickly!

The Succubus is Pregnant, 20/20.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 15+10=25 vs. Succubus: 26

Melissa can't get free!


1: Try to escape the trap!

2: Get stroked to an orgasm first!

3: Give in for a period of time (How long?)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai waved to the Arachne with a smile as she moved on, though huffed a bit as she noticed N'gaasha slithering along with a very satisfied look on her face. "Not a word, you.," huffed Lorelai. N'gaasha simply shrugged with a bemused smile.

Moving into the next room, Lorelai cursed as evidently she got lax and got yanked into a mini version of one of the gate mouths, trap edition. She moaned in pleasure, shuddering as she tried to get a leg up to get leverage to shove herself out of the wall. She had places to be darn it!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Lorelai: 2 vs. Trap: 15

Lorelai isn't going anywhere.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 5 vs. Lorelai: 4

Lorelai can only groan as she's raped again, suffering 90 Pleasure and gaining 90 KP. She has only 22 Stamina left before she has an orgasm!

Escape Trap Attempt:

Lorelai: 12 vs. Trap: 30

Lorelai can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 27 vs. Lorelai: 16

Lorelai can't fight the pleasure any longer, and with a cry of pleasure and defeat, she helplessly spurts her orgasm deep into the fake pussy. The vacuum suction becomes more intense, literally draining her of her seed as fast as she can spurt it, prolonging her orgasm. She can feel it sucking her dry, almost as if the tip of the vacuum device were actually pressed right against her tip, and partially around her shuddering, climaxing shaft. She could do nothing but enjoy it as she was drained of all she was worth, the device never stopping. Even after she had emptied out, it still kept sucking and stroking, already working her towards a second orgasm. Her adrenaline began to flow, and she knew she had to get free soon, or she'd be done for! Lorelai suffers 90 pleasure and gains 140 KP from her rape. She now has 134 Stamina left.

Escape Trap Attempt:

Lorelai: 29+10=39 vs. Trap: 20

Lorelai finally manages to break herself free, and as she does, her adrenaline abruptly runs out. It seems being freed from the rape device spent all her adrenaline, though she shouldn't complain given the alternatives. Hastily she escapes the room, lest the device have a means of capturing her again.

Moving onward, Lorelai soon finds herself in a new room. As she enters, she realizes she has two more foes here!

Enemy Encounter:

Impregnator: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 50. HP: 600. Weakness: Lightning.

Earthworm Girl: 90 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina. 50 Damage. (Can't escape the Rape once it starts)

Initiative Roll:

Lorelai: 12 (Last)
Impregnator: 24 (2nd)
Earthworm: 25 (1st)

Grapple Attempts:

Worm: 21 vs. Lorelai: 16

Lorelai is grabbed!

Impregnator: 27 vs. Lorelai: 1

The Impregnator grabs hold as well, looking to double team Lorelai!

Meanwhile ...

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 4 vs. Melissa: 26+10=36

Melissa resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 3+10=13 vs. Succubus: 29

Melissa can't get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 22 vs. Melissa: 28+10=38

Melissa resists again!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 3+10=13 vs. Succubus: 18

Melissa can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 15 vs. Melissa: 20+10=30

Melissa resists, and the Parasite will change in a moment!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 18+10=28 vs. Succubus: 29

Melissa can't escape, and the Parasite is about to change ...


1: Attempt to escape them befor eyou get raped!

2: Succumb to it and be raped until the Earthworm Girl at least is satisfied.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai cursed as she scrambled with a groan before crying out as the device drained her seed from her. She whimpered before giving another hard yank, and managed to get loose, before scrambling away, panting. Damn it...

She grumbled and continued on, before cursing as a slimy woman and ugly beast tackled her down, her cursing. "Damn it! Get... Off!," she snapped, struggling to get loose. This wasn't good. That beast was male, she didn't want anything to do with it!
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 8 vs. Impregnator: 1 & Worm: 17

Lorelai shakes off the male beast, but the worm girl remains 'attached' to her!

Penetration Attempt:

Worm: 5 vs. Lorelai: 14

Lorelai avoids sex, for now.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 6 vs. Worm: 3

Lorelai breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Worm: 16 vs. Lorelai: 5
Impregnator: 28 vs. Lorelai: 11

Lorelai is grabbed by both again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 23 vs. Worm: 11 & Impregnator: 14

Lorelai breaks free again.

Grapple Attempts:

Worm: 22 vs. Lorelai: 29
Impregnator: 1 vs. Lorelai: 16

Lorelai dodges!

Meanwhile ...

Futa Parasite Affliction: 6: Makes you more sensitive to pleasure for 5 straight turns, causing you to take double the pleasure you normally would.

The parasite changes gears, leaving Melissa in not much better shape ....

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 24 vs. Melissa: 23+10=33

Melissa resists.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 8+10=18 vs. Succubus: 15

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Tar: 24 vs. Melissa: 22+10=32
Succubus: 29 vs. Melissa: 1+10=11

Melissa is tackled by the Succubus again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 7+10=17 vs. Succubus: 18

Melissa can't get away!

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus: 26 vs. Melissa: 18+10=28

Melissa resists!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 8+10=18 vs. Succubus: 23

Melissa can't break free!


1: Attack the Worm.

2: Attack the Impregnator.

3: Other?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai growls and struggled fiercely, managing to avoid the creatures attempts to rape her. No way was she submitting! There was a bit of a false start, before she managed to throw herself away from the pair in time.

She scrambled to her feet, calling out to N'gaasha, "Thunder Claw!" N'gaasha lowered her third hand into the fray, as Lorelai lashed out with a spirit thrash at the Impregnator. No way would she be bringing more horrible things like that into the world.
Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 27 vs. Impregnator: 23

Lorelai deals 300 damage, leaving the Impregnator with 300 more.

Grapple Attempts:

Worm: 26 vs. Lorelai: 28

Lorelai dodges the worm, and counters the Impregnator, killing it!

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 30 vs. Worm: 28

Lorelai deals 300 damage, leaving the worm with 700 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Worm: 29 vs. Lorelai: 22

Lorelai is grabbed!

Meanwhile ...

Penetration Attempt:

Succubus: 9 vs. Melissa: 10

Melissa resists!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 19 vs. Succubus: 17

Melissa breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 13 vs. Melissa: 1

Melissa is tackled.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Melissa: 13 vs. Succubus: 2

Melissa breaks free


1: Try to get free!

2: Get raped!
Lorelai ducked around the assaults and smirked as she cut down the ugly beast. Now just for the worm... Where did it go? She yelped as she was grabbed from below! She snarled and struggled, trying to get loose. "Bugger off or you're getting offed too!," she snarled, struggling hard to get loose to strike her down too if she didn't let go.
Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 4 vs. Worm: 12

Lorelai isn't getting free anytime soon!

Penetration Attempt:

Worm: 4 vs. Lorelai: 18

Lorelai isn't getting raped easily!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 1 vs. Worm: 12

Lorelai struggles but to no avail!

Penetration Attempt:

Worm: 14 vs. Lorelai: 3

Lorelai's luck runs out, and the worm completely coils around her, trapping her helplessly! After securing her prize, the worm laughs at Lorelai. "Perhaps, but not before I drain you of your seed little girl. I'm going to ride, and suck it all out!"

Before Lorelai can respond, the worm's TIGHT tail opens up slightly, and slides down over her dick, beginning to rape her! Lorelai's body tenses up almost instantly as it's an incredibly TIGHT fit for her, the stroking love tunnel threatening to make her orgasm almost instantly. In addition, a strange, pleasurable suction was present, as if she were being sucked on too! She struggled, but it was no use, the worm had her secured too well, and she couldn't move an inch! Her dick was being taken, pleasured to the max, and she could do nothing but enjoy herself! Finally, it was too much, and after only a few minutes, Lorelai succumbed in what had to be the most powerful, intense orgasm of her life! As she spurted helplessly, the suction on her dick intensified, as if a vacuum suction device were sucking her seed out even as she was ridden and stroked mercilessly, and non stop! She was milked of all she could give right then and there, and finally, the worm abruptly released her, Lorelai knowing she'd impregnated her! Even released, for a moment Lorelai couldn't move, her dick hanging limply, defeated like her before finally vanishing. After a moment, adrenaline began coursing through her, and she knew she had
to get her revenge!

Lorelai suffers 190 Pleasure over 2 Rounds, gaining 260 KP and impregnating her foe! She has 146 Stamina left before her next orgasm, and has her adrenaline for the next 8 rounds!

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempts:

Tar: 10 vs. Melissa: 11
Succubus: 30 vs. Melissa: 16

Melissa avoids the Tar thing, but the Succubus grabs her and gets her in the chair instantly, beginning to ride her again! Melissa suffers 80 pleasure and gains 100 KP from her rape. She has 177 Stamina left, and the Parasite is about to change it's affliction on her!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 23 vs. Succubus: 26

Melissa can't break free from the chair, and the Parasite changes!

Parasite Affliction: 1: Instant 70 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 16 vs. Melissa: 22

Melissa avoids pleasure from the Succubus, but the Parasite still inflicts 70 more on her, making her gain 70 KP. Melissa has 117 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 2 vs. Succubus: 25

Melissa is easily kept restrained!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 28 vs. Melissa: 11

Melissa cries out as the rape continues, suffering 110 Pleasure, and she suffers another powerful orgasm, shuddering and crying out as she violently empties out inside the tight Alien Succubi's pussy! She gains 150 KP from the rape, and her adrenaline begins to flow!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Melissa: 1+10=11 vs. Succubus: 3 (Almost ...)
Melissa: 2+10=12 vs. Succubus: 6 (Free!)

Melissa rips herself free of the chair, knowing she's GOT to avoid a takedown and kill this Succubus before it gives birth, or she's going to get overwhelmed and mercilessly raped forever!


1: Try to kill her without raising you protective barrier first.

2: Try to kill her after raising the barrier first.

3: Let her give birth before attacking her, and risk a double raping!
(Welcome Back!)

Cursing away, Lorelai wrestled back and forth, snarling as they rolled around the battlefield. Unfortunately for her, having a squirming lower form allowed the demoness to slide herself over Lorelai's cock even as they squirmed and struggled, her unable to handle the squirming thrusts upon her shaft. Damn it! IT was like being taken by one of those machines again! She held as long as she could but eventually she gave up her seed and knocked the squirming woman up with her child.

As the creature slithered away, she panted, cursing. Her adrenaline was up but these creatures got lethal protecting their offspring. And she hated the idea of erasing her child. But leaving it to be a monster, was it any better? Either way she had time. IF it got too close to the end she'd just run away. For now she'd call on N'gaasha, who'd sprayed her ethereal seed over much of the tunnel wall from the display, to bring her defending claw down to protect her. IF the creature remained idle she'd lash out with her void spells at the enemy. She didn't have many options left to try and change things right now. She was being watched too carefully.
Lorelai casts her barrier spirit, and has 167 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 24+10=34 vs. Worm: 3

Lorelai lands her attack for 300 Damage, leaving her foe with 400 HP.

Kill Roll:

Worm: 20 vs. Lorelai: 30+10=40

Lorelai swiftly dodges the incoming attack, and is actually able to land a counter spell for 400 damage, killing the Worm!

Loot Phase:

Worm: Map Piece!

Impregnator: Nothing.

Lorelai finds a map piece that shows her how to get out of this floor, to the third level of the Catacombs, however it starts from what she can only surmise is an area beyond where she is now. She stores it away, for once she finds Melissa, they can just move onward.

Lorelai gains 2,400 XP.

Moving on, Lorelai finds what seems to be an empty room. As she moves through it ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Lorelai: 30 vs. Trap???: 8

Lorelai suddenly dodges to one side as if on auto pilot as a series of small worms erupt from the ground, missing her by a wide margin. She wastes no time running out, not willing to see if they can 'reload'.

Moving into a new room again, Lorelai finds a Shrine. Moments later, Cassidy appears again.

"That is a Shrine of Power, it will permanently increase your abilities, and your physical traits such as life, mana pool and stamina. It's guarded by Flesh Teaser and her minion, a Supreme Succubus. Fight, or go, the choice is yours."

Meanwhile ...

Grapple Attempts:

Tar: 5 vs. Melissa: 9+10=19
Succubus: 6 vs. Melissa: 9+10=19

Melissa dodges both foes!

Melissa casts her Mantra of Speed, knowing she needs the edge! She has 147 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 26+10=36, 12+10=22, 20+10=30, 1+10=11 & 22+10=32 vs. Nelvoken Succubus: Auto Hit, 24, 21, 16 & Auto Hit.

Melissa lands 3 hits, with all three landing critical! Melissa deals 780 Damage, but the Succubus is still alive with 220 HP!

Melissa: 17+10=27, 11+10=21, 3+10=13, 8+10=18 & 26+10=36 vs. Succubus: 8 (DEAD). vs. Tar: 29, 8, 12 & Auto Hit.

Melissa ends the fight right here, killing both foes!

Melissa gains 2,400 XP and finds a Map Piece!

Parasite Removal:

Melissa: 18+10=28 vs. Parasite: 27

Melissa pauses while her adrenaline flows still to remove the Parasite, removing it after a few moments of fighting.

Melissa moves on, soon finding herself in a room with two more foes!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 7 Demon Dog: Stamina: 210. Pleasure: 40. HP: 800. Weak vs. Fire

Level 8 Lich Queen: Stamina: 190. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Taste of Corruption.

Initiative Rolls:

Dog: 20 (2nd)
Queen: 17 (Last)
Melissa: 22 (1st)

Able to act first, Melissa activates her Mantra of Speed, and has 147 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 26 vs. Lich: 4

Melissa uses her smite and FRIES the Lich instantly!

Melissa: 24 vs. Dog: 25

The Dog isn't hit!


1: Fight for the Shrine!

2: Move onward without it.
The barrier ended up proving unnecesarry, but one didn't pick defenses for everything going right. Her strikes against the worm quickly eliminated the growing twin threat. She took no pride in it however. Instead she gathered some stones, and formed a crude grave marker to mark the location. If she couldn't save her flesh and blood. She could at least mark their passing.

With that handled, she moved on. She had a world to dismantle. At least she had her next map piece. But she couldn't move ahead without at least confirming Melissa's fall or reuniting with her. She was barely handling things as it was.

Speaking of barely handling, a shrine soon was announced to her by Cassidy. And of course it was Flesh Teaser. It was always Flesh Teaser. This was either the third or fourth time they had fought over these shrines. Nearly getting creamed by her the first time was how she met Melissa. Would it work twice? Maybe. But it was also really unwise. But then... She had new tricks she didn't have before either... Maybe... The problem was, she didn't have the mana to use them and to defend herself. And with no safety net of a partner to save her...

She'd try and take some moments to regain her mana before going to it. If she couldn't beat these two on her own, there'd be no chance of beating their leader who could clone them. It was a risk. A stupid risk possibly. But there was no reason their leader couldn't throw a dozen of these things at her at once there. She had to be strong. for everyones sake.

Either way, once she arrived and engaged she'd cast Barrier Shield and then if she had the mana, try to spirit sap flesh Teaser. She had to bring the supreme succubus down first and fast. If not, she'd jsut shadow thrash the supreme succubus.
Enemy Encounter:

Flesh Teaser: HP: 5,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 70. Special: Super Magical Chair Suck.

Level 7 Supreme Succubus: Level 7: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 60. HP: 800. Damage: 40. Special Ability: Womb Fuck.

Initiative Roll:

Lorelai: 19 (2nd)
Flesh Teaser: 13 (Last)
Succubus: 23 (1st)

Grapple Attempt:

Succubus: 23 vs. Lorelai: 17

Lorelai is grabbed as the Succubi appear suddenly, as if the thing had been right there waiting and cloaked!

Meanwhile ...
Grapple Attempt:

Dog: 1 vs. Melissa: 18

Melissa dodges a Doggie attack!


1: Try to break free!

2: Other?
Lorelai cursed as the succubi pounced on soon as she entered. Blasted hell, everytime, she swore! Well she wouldn't submit to any rapist beast they threw at her! She struggled vehemently, growling. "I will not be your plaything!"