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Lumi (Wallpaper)

Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1438/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 54/75

Pregnancy Counter: 5 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 84 Vs. Lumi: Unable to resist.

Special Ability - Brain Suck: FAIL

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 60 Vs. Lumi: 25+15-10=30

Once more Lumi suffers a powerful orgasm as the bug keeps on pumping her, seemingly not listening to her except for her moans.

Lumi suffers 84 pleasure, gains 134 KP and loses 17 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1572/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 37/75

Options: Lumi can't move due to her orgasm.

((I forgot you had a -10 to the rolls til I checked now. DOH. Ah well, wouldn't have affected the rolls any so we're good.))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Given that, Lumi simply moans all the more.

((XD How long does the -10 last for, forever?))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

((Until the Brain Sucker dies, and it caps at -20.))

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1572/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 37/75

Pregnancy Counter: 4 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 56 Vs. Lumi: Unable to resist.

Special Ability - Brain Suck: FAIL.

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 39 Vs. Lumi: 25+29-10=44

Lumi squirms as she's raped again, but resists an orgasm, giving her a chance!

Lumi suffers 56 pleasure, gains 56 KP and loses 12 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75


Attempt to escape penetration.

Allow yourself to be raped until birthing or you pass out, whichever happens first.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

The Brainsucker might have been disappointed as Lumi didn't brace over into another orgasm... instead of going rigid and thrashing in pleasure, now she was thrashing to try to escape!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75

Pregnancy Counter: 3 turns until birthing.

Escape Penetration Roll:

Lumi: 40+31=71 Vs. Brain Sucker: 52

Lumi escapes penetration....

Penetration Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 61 Vs. Lumi: 40+22=62

... and keeps it that way!

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 48 Vs. Lumi: 30+21=51

Lumi takes no pleasure.


Attempt to escape grapple.

Be Raped!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Gasping and jiggling a lot more than she'd have otherwise liked to, Lumi takes her chance to wallop the Brainsucker with a well placed kick... she hopes!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

((Grapple Escape is this turn, not attack, but I like the idea.))

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75

Pregnancy Counter: 2 turns until birthing.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lumi: 40+22=62 Vs. Brain Sucker: 53

Lumi escapes her grapple...

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 70 Vs. Lumi: 40+31=71.

... and stays out of it's arms!



Be Raped!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Speaking of which, now that she's free, Lumi does her best to kick the Brain Sucker again... maybe this time with enough distance between her and it to gather some force in order to do some damage!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75

Pregnancy Counter: 1 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+50=85 Vs. Brain Sucker: 45

Damage Calculations:


Lumi kicks the bug in the head, making it flail about in prolonged pain, the end near...

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 49 Vs. Lumi: 30+24=54

... and Lumi dodges it once more.



Be Raped!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

(:)O Oh man, this is gonna be so close! XD))

Lumi staggered for a moment as she tried to dodge the Brainsucker, just barely avoiding it as she felt something in her now swollen stomach begin to move. Whimpering, she turned back to the beast and did her best to swing at it with her fists, given that she felt so swollen and ungainly that she didn't trust her balance, should she try another kick!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75

Pregnancy Counter: Birthing commences after your move.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+42=72 Vs. Brain Sucker: 42

Damage Calculations:


Lumi punches the Brain Sucker with her fading strength, and delivers a killing blow, dropping it to the ground! Lumi gains 500 XP and reaches Level 2. 10 Stat points to freely distribute.

Lumi soon finds her victory cut short, as a wave of.... pleasure ripped through her! Falling to the floor, she began suffering mini-orgasms as she began the birthing process. Soon after, a small baby version of the Brain Sucker freed itself from her body, squealed once, and then ran away, leaving a stunned Lumi to realize that her body was already healed from giving birth!


Move on.


Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

"Ngh... take it," she gasped, ramming the massive bug backwards and watching for it to get back up...

Only Lumi wasn't able to watch for any sudden moves for more than a moment, feeling that moving and tumbling in her gut shift one last time, and then finding herself overwhelmed with a sensation she was becoming very familiar with, now.

She fell back, off-balanced, planting her naked behind on the flagstones for a moment and leaning forward, fingers scrabbling at the warm floor for a moment as another contraction rippled through her and left her groaning. This was something different from what she was used to... it felt good, without the constant worry of something mounting her and knowing that if she gave up for a moment, she might as well be giving up for good... this felt more like... she didn't know what, but she knew she couldn't hold it back.

The white-haired young woman rolled to her side as she felt another delicious contraction rip through her, crying out and spreading her legs, feeling something move with a hazed-over start in her mind that something was very wrong. Ignoring it for now, she gave a push along with one last contraction, yowling at the top of her lungs as a drawn-out orgasm shielded her from the distressing reality of the situation.

Lumi gave the tiny, retreating bug one glance before she realized what had happened and promptly lay back, stunned. She had no words... how could feeling so good be so bad for a person?

Whimpering, the woman rested on the floor, not able to get up and move right now even if she wanted to.

((Regenerate, please! Also, I'd like to dump 9 points into intelligence and 1 into dexterity. :p))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6. Level 2.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 31
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 34

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 25/75

Regeneration Rolls:

HP: +8
Stamina: +20

Adjusted Stats:

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 45/75


Move on.

Regenerate More.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

After a while of laying back, simply resting, the woman came to the realization that she was growing sore -- not from the fucking; that'd healed been healed up quickly after she'd given birth. She simply needed to move around a bit. Pushing herself up to sitting, she looked around the room and noted that the barrier was gone, and the map piece she'd found was laying nearby. She picked it up and examined it, then looked over to the defeated brainsucker, assuming it was still there!

"This is really worth all of that, huh?" she asked herself, voice quiet. She still wasn't feeling completely well... all of this was weighing in on her more heavily than it had when she first found herself in this dungeon. moving over to the wall where she could watch both doors equally, she rested her head back and fiddled with her map piece as she rested a while longer.

(Regenerate some more! :D)
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6. Level 2.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 31
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 34

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 45/75

Regeneration Roll:

Stamina: +10

Adjusted Stat:

Stamina: 55/75


Move On.

Regenerate even more.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

((XD Can I ask to sit through as many turns as it takes her to get to at least 70? She's been fairly easy to make orgasm so I'd like her to have some stamina, should she accidentally run into another unescapable room!)

Lumi, feeling somewhat more rested but still with a heavy heart and conscious, eyed the far door that had appeared to come empty. She had started off traipsing through the dungeons and thinking this was only a game... but by now she was wary and a little afraid of what she'd run into next. In her experience, each room must contain a couple of monsters, or one horribly large one just like that Brainsucker. She really didn't want to move on just yet, though she knew that she couldn't stay here forever...
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 1628/2000 KP. KL 2/6. Level 2.

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 31
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 34

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 55/75

Regeneration Roll:

Stamina: +20

Adjusted Stat:

Stamina: 75/75


Move On.

Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Eventually the white-haired young woman couldn't find an excuse to rest here any longer... she was growing fidgety and... well, though she didn't know it, perhaps that corruption was having an effect on her. She felt a little tinge of curiosity about what she'd find on the other side.

Soon enough she rose to her feet and, map piece folded up and tucked away, she moved on to the next room.

((Next room!))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 500/1000 XP, 1628/3000 KP. KL 1/6. Level 2. (Adjusted for new system the KL.)

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 31
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 34

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 75/75

Lumi enters a room with only one exit, a door in the far center wall. Moving in she....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap?: 50 Vs. Lumi: 34+15=49

... fails to notice a discolored section of the floor, and upon stepping into it, finds herself suddenly falling several feet into a pit! Instead of being smashed into the cold floor however, she quickly discovers herself grabbed by dozens of tentacles, which easily penetrate her ass, mouth and pussy. What was more was she watched several tentacles each wrap around her arms and legs, and suddenly her body seemed to FUSE with those tentacles, trapping her! It was then the thrustings began.

Pleasure Roll:

Tentacle Pit Trap: 80 Vs. Lumi: 31+19=50

Orgasm Roll:

Tentacle Pit Trap: 63 Vs. Lumi: 34+28=62

Before Lumi could do so much as moan in pleasure or freak out in surprise, the surprisingly skilled tentacles worked her young body into a powerful double orgasm, pleasure ripping through her as she was fucked mercilessly by the trap.

Lumi suffers 30 pleasure, gains 190 KP and loses 6 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

500/100 XP, 1818/3000 KP. KL 1/6, Level 2.

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 69/75


Lumi can't move thanks to her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

((ooh, a new trap! :D))

Giving a cry of surprised as she plummeted a short distance down, the woman opened her mouth to gasp and immediately felt some slimy appendage filling her mouth. "Mmhf!" she objected, then gave a louder, more shocked noise as more tentacles penetrated her without more than the basic resistance!

'Oh, not again...' she thought, closing her eyes and champing down on the tentacle in her mouth -- not out of viciousness, necessarily -- as, legs and arms bound, those that were penetrating her began to thrust into her.

Lumi was already feeling slightly dazed, being in the dungeon, expecting sex around every turn; she was wet, even if she didn't necessarily want to get trapped and fucked like this! Her moaning, though muffled by the tentacle crammed into her mouth and throat, reached a crescendo shortly after the slick tentacles began fucking her. The woman drooped in her bindings, hips twitching back and forth over the appendages as they continued to plunge into her... Gods, this was getting predictable. Delicious, but still predictable...