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Mad God's Key

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Nov 10, 2008
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We begin in the early morning in Greyhawk, the Free City, The Gem of the Flanaess. As the sun rises over the Abbor-Alz to the east, the people of the city begin to rise for the beginning of just another day in the greatest city on all of Oerth. People from all walks of life from filthy beggars and common merchants to rich nobles and powerful clerics and mages wake up not knowing that trouble awakens the same as they do.

On the outskirts of the city not far from the docks we see an ordinary inn, The Blue Dragon. As the approach of the trading season draws near it is full to near bursting with merchants and other travelers from near and far. Traders from the distant lands of the Baklunish, dwarves of the fortress-city of Greyesmere, and elves of Celene. As well as many others all stay at the inn as the day begins. As the servant's and traveler's at the Blue Dragon Inn begin their days they don't realize the part they will play in the coming Age of Worms as they bustle about the common room.
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Re: Age of Worms

Ashnod sat at a table in the corner of the tavern, gulping down his fourth tankard of ale, muttering to himself about how humans could never make it as well as dwarves. He had recently gotten back to town, and had only an hour ago finished selling off his latest plunder and upgraded his equipment. He looks over the other patrons, looking for any he might recognize, as well as trying to overhear any jobs that may be available.
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Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa walked slowly into the tavern, her pack with all her gear on her shoulders. Her lengthy red hair was tied back in a single braid going down her back - it could be seen peeking out beneath the bottom of her bag. Her eyes flicked around the room.

Anyone I recognise? Nope.

Any work? Mmm, maybe. We'll see soon.
Re: Age of Worms

Craig sat at the bar of the Blue Dragon, pretending to sip his cheap ale. He had to make his money last, after all, so he couldn't afford to get drunk when a prospective employer could walk through the door at any moment. He noticed others in the common room doing much the same as he was, including the dwarf in the corner, who didn't seem be having the same inhibitions as he was, and the attractive redhead who had just walked through the door. He continued glancing around the common room boredly, waiting for something of notice to happen.
Re: Age of Worms

Krystiana's green eyes darted from one building to the next, trying to gauge where might hold the best opportunity to score herself either a free meal or the coin for one. They finally settled on the Blue Dragon Inn, which seemed to be the busiest of the lot. And where there were a lot of customers, there was usually a good opportunity for a lot of coin.

Hitching her backpack up to her shoulder, she made her way inside, not realizing that she was almost nearly behind another woman who had stopped to survey the room. Pulling up short, she bit back a small noise at the near-collision. Making a scene was certainly not the best way to blend in, so she backed away a little and made to move elsewhere.
Re: Age of Worms

The burly, one-eyed half-orc behind the bar eyes the newcomers as they enter, with so many people in the place the owner had told him to keep an eye out for trouble. After giving them a once over he yelled heartily, "take up a seat where ya can find one someone should be with you shortly and no one better try anything funny or ya has to deal with me." At that he busy's himself cleaning mugs and filling orders.

Meanwhile a halfling barmaid arrives with another mug of ale for the dwarf, "Ere ya go. Will ya be wantin' another one after this." She says as she gathers the empty mugs from the table.

Over at the bar what has to be the ugliest woman in the world walks up to the gray-eyed fellow sipping his ale. "Hey there love," she cackles, "wanna buy me a drink? I'll make it worth your while." She smiles showing the few teeth she has remaining.
Re: Age of Worms

Teren casually strolled into the tavern, Meeks clinging to his shoulder. After a long day out in the grove, it was nice to just get back and relax. Though he didn't drink he enjoyed the atmosphere of the tavern - humans are, after all, animals, and it interested him to watch them interact in their own natural habitat. 'Careful, though,' he though. 'You don't want to be forced to maim someone again,' reminding himself of what had happened last time he stared at the wrong man's wench for too long. Ah, some males were so defensive of their mates. He leaned against the wall near the door. Sooner or later, he'd be leaving, and it was always better to be closer to one's eventual destination.
Re: Age of Worms

Distracted momentarily by the interruption of what was probably the foulest looking crone he'd seen in the last twelve hours, Craig glares at her for a moment, wondering if it was worth bothering with the half-orc to get rid of her violently. Deciding against it, he simply says "No. Go away." (just because he's good doesn't mean he can't be an asshole) and then goes back to scanning the crowded room.
Re: Age of Worms

"Jus' keep um comin till I leave please, miss." Ashnod replies to the barmaid, almost downing the most recent mug in a gulp. Someone should be 'ere shortly, eh? Looks like things might be gettin interestin again more quickly than I thought...
Re: Age of Worms

(I think he meant the server, Ryu, but then, he could mean the plot hook, too *laughs*)

Fingering the pouch where some of her coins were kept, Krys decides to take a seat. Skirting around the tables, she keeps a wary eye on the bartender, her table not anywhere near the bar itself. Ideally, it's in the corner, or near the wall, so she can sit and watch the comings and goings and not have to worry about anyone surprising her. Setting her pack on another empty chair, she recline/slouches in her seat, legs stretched out under the table.
Re: Age of Worms

The crone walks away from Craig with a huff, "If that's the way ya feel than to the hells with ya." As the various other traveler's mill about the common room, a young half-orc rushes in from outside, "Father, father Goodman Theldrat's shop is being robbed." He says slightly out of breath.

"Oh bother," the innkeep mutters, "and not a single guard patrol near here this morning, too. Alright Tror just get back to milking the cows not much we can do about it unless the militia shows up. 'Tis a shame too Theldrat's been doing a brisk business lately." He adds as he gets back to his work.

Most of the traveler's listen with some interest to the news being relayed, but none care to deal with criminals as early in the morning as it is. They all start settling down to their meals and preparations for the day.
Re: Age of Worms

"Oh, for the voids sake...." Craig mutters, then downs the rest of his ale before starting toward the door, intent on doing the militias job for them.
Re: Age of Worms

Ashnod sighs, finishing his tankard and leaving the proper payment, along with a tip for the barmaid. "They just be lucky I haven't settled down yet..." he mutters to himself as he gets up from his table. He walks over to the young half-orc. "And which way would it be to tha Theldrat place?" he asks him, a hand on his axe handle.
Re: Age of Worms

"Yikes," the young half-orcs eyes go wide as he sees the dwarf with the axe he stammers out, "T-theldrat's is right n-next d-door." The half-orc appears like he's about to wet himself.
Re: Age of Worms

He takes a couple steps back at the boys reaction, then nods. "Alrigh' then, I be headin there. Lets see if they feel like robbin anyone again once I'm through with um." he stays as he walks out of the tavern, to the Theldrat place.
Re: Age of Worms

Follow the dwarf.
Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa spins on her heels, walking out of the tavern. She's smiling. It's not a particularly nice smile. She winds up walking right next to the dwarf - it takes her a moment to notice him.

"Ha - you going to stop the robbery too?" Is all she says. There isn't time to say much more, the robbers are right next door.
Re: Age of Worms

Krys cocks her head to the side at the announcement and also noticing most of the patrons apathy to the situation. Her eyes first follow the dark-haired man as he makes his way toward the door, then the dwarf, then the woman she nearly collided with earlier. One brow arched curiously, the desire to know what these three might accomplish outweighing her hunger for the moment. She does, however, wait until they're all out, being the last to exit the bar, scooping up her bag as she goes, and scoping out the street for a good vantage point to the situation.
Re: Age of Worms

As you exit the Blue Dragon Inn you notice that this part of the vast metropolis has yet to fully awaken. That is unless you count the seedy underbelly. Across the street a pair of filthy thugs has started to ransack what must be Theldrat's locksmith shop.
Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa stops a decent distance away from the thugs, and calls out to them. She's still smiling, as she waves at them and gets their attention.

"Hey, you two. Yes you. In the locksmity." Mellisa's smile grows larger and her eyes flash with something almost unidentifiable, arcane energy forming around her still waving hand.

"Beat it."

((Hoping to make an intimidate check here.))
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