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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread


Nov 10, 2008
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So I found this rule book online somewhere and was wondering if anyone was interested in trying a game.

It's basically a tabletop RP about a master and his maids. The master of the mansion is the GM and the maids are the players. The maids try to compete with each other to curry the master's favor (be that through sex, baking the best cake, doing the best laundry, etc). The game is seemingly endless unless the players and GM set a goal for the end game.

Download and read the rule book for details:
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Re: Maid RPG


What do we say about download links with basically no details on this forum?
Re: Maid RPG

Its an interesting title, maybe i will check it in the future.
Re: Maid RPG

I've seen this on a bookshelf somewhere. I guess I'd need to know a bit about the backstory you'd be running for it?

Are you planning on it being ERP? or simply Maid RPG as it's described?
Re: Maid RPG

I was hoping for Ero RP. I'm not much of a GM but I thought I'd leave this here for someone who is interested to run.
Re: Maid RPG

There are rules for ero.

I may end up GMing something, although looking at the maid powers I think it'd be fun to play as long as I don't randomly generate a character I find boring to play. That's really the crux of it.
Re: Maid RPG

Yaaaay. Ero! Ero!

We arent little dummy geeks, we are fine gentlemens who enjoy the sublime things of the life, like playing Ero RPs : P
Re: Maid RPG

Ah, I see... well, I could also attempt to run it. Although I would love to play a maid, I could also see some fun coming form running it as well.

Hmm... I'll be involved either way I think, this stuff is pretty funny.
Re: Maid RPG

Hrm. Yes indeed. This looks like fun either way. :3
Re: Maid RPG

If you want to run it Blue, I'd happily let you. I'm moving house this weekend which cuts me off from regular internet access so it'd likely be a few weeks before I could get things started. I'm not going to GM via phone touchpad, but I can play from there a lot easier :p
Re: Maid RPG

Okay, fair enough... let me actually read and digest this rulebook before I go and spout off any actual plot ideas...

So, I'd assume Avatar, plmnko, Tenta, and Inc are playing provided I can give you an interesting plot?
Re: Maid RPG

Okay, fair enough... let me actually read and digest this rulebook before I go and spout off any actual plot ideas...

So, I'd assume Avatar, plmnko, Tenta, and Inc are playing provided I can give you an interesting plot?

You? Provide an interesting plot? Impossible! XP

I'm being completely sarcastic, of course. If you put half as much interest into this as you put into anything else you're in, it'll be great. Consider my interest hinged on how well I can manage my time though.
Re: Maid RPG

Yay! Maid RPG! I actually bought the PDF of this a while ago. I really like it, really easy to use. I also had an idea to use it for a Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni game, but that's for another time.

I'd definatly be up for playing a Maid RPG game. One thing I've seen a few GMs do is allow the players to reroll their maid basically as much as they'd like, which I consider to be the same as allowing them to choose things. Choosing does make sure you get the character you want, but I found randomly rolling can be fun too. I once randomly rolled a cyborg BDSM mistress maid.

I think the stats (athletics, affection, etc.) are the only thing that should be kept randomly rolled, but with a few rerolls. That's just my opinion.
Re: Maid RPG

Sounds interesting let me flip through the book first...

Edit: Looked at rules and I wish greatly to play this game.

First roll through I got a Sexy Cool, Very Shy but nymphomaniac maid with a 4-D dress. Awesome
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Re: Maid RPG

Okay. *puts on the Master (GM)'s Mantle*

You may use this PDF and roll up a maid.

Attributes may use ONE of the following options:

1) You may roll your attributes (all six of them), and then may switch one with another. (ie: swap Athletics 3 with Luck 0 to become Athletics 0, Luck 3).


2) If after rolling your Attributes normally, you do not like the results, you may reroll EVERYTHING. If you don't like that either, you may reroll ONCE MORE. After that, you may choose the best result of the three and use that as your stat line. No swapping if you do this.

Once you're on to the Special Qualities stage, you may roll 4 results, and choose your favorite 2.

(With so many players, i think it best to have just 2 qualities at the start.)

Everything else will be random, please leave it to chance and have fun with the zany maid that you end up with. (If there are still problems and you absolutely can't roleplay the maid you end up with, you can PM me.)

Feel free to list your maids here.
Re: Maid RPG

Oh yah, there's this if anyone wants it:

It's a Maid RPG character generator. Can make things pretty quick.

My new maid is put in a new post. I'll leave this here if anyone wants to use it.
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Re: Maid RPG

I'm open to player input. Still getting the basics of the system down, but if you have any suggestions, fire away.
Re: Maid RPG

Well, I don't really have any major suggestions... gender is the main thing that's left up to GM's choice without rolling, if you do choose to roll the master up that is. I'd put this to a poll myself.
Re: Maid RPG

Name: Ariane

Athletics 2
Affection 3
Skill 1
Cunning 3
Luck 1
Will 2

Maid Type:

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Brown
Eyes - White
Hair - Cream

Special Qualities:
Shapeshifter (Spider)

Maid Roots: Infiltrator!

Stress Explosion: Crying

Maid Weapon: Book

Maid Power (Cunning): Trap

Physical Complex: Big (nice) Ass.

Favor: 6
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Bio:Third heir to the throne of the realm of the Spiders, her mother (who is part of a dark institution of mnsters and demons) had sumon her to spy the master of the house and in case that he attemp something agaisnt them kill him, she has dedicate her live to serve her mother and being the Queen even when she had to pass over her others brothers and sisters. She is realy not a bad person and preffer to seduce or gain the complete trust of the young man instead of the extremist solution.
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Re: Maid RPG

Count me in honey! Will take some hours for me to get on the computer though...