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Man for Hire (Orland)

Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Trying to yank his foot free, Orland found that, for some reason, the root would not part with his foot so easily. He pulled, and pulled in every way he could manage, before the solution came to cutting his foot free of the root. But, before he could slice his blade along the root, something suddenly grabbed his arm, and yanked it back, wrenching his wrist in the process, and causing him to drop his sword to the ground.

While his other hand was ensnared as well, a look up revealed that vines from the trees were acting against him, and trapping him. Any fighting was useless, the strange trees had the element of surprise, and used it quite well to capture him in a matter of moments. And through the commotion he made, the elves returned to check on him, alarm showing on their faces, while Orland noticed vines acting up within the trees above them, getting ready to ensnare them like they did Orland.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu tried to pull at the vines trying to causing them to tear but it was to no avail. He didn't have the strength to cause the simple bonds to break. Pulling and tugging did nothing but weaken him.

He look about for the elves, who luck for him, had come back to see what was happening. Lucky for them he saw more vines like the ones holding him.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!!" He yelled at them as he watched the vines above the two of them.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The elves were alerted to Orland's shouting, but their mistake was that they were not about to run. They looked up, and gasped only a moment too late, as the tentacle vines quickly wrapped around their limbs, and their bodies. Both women shouted, thrashed, and fought with the thick vines holding them.

"What is going on!" one demanded.

"I-" she struggled with the vines another time, "I don't know!"

After a moment, the three heard a pleased giggle coming from behind a tree, as one of the fabled dryads stepped out into view. Long, brown hair, brown eyes, and strangely purple toned skin were the main features of the beautiful woman of the forest, asides from her sexual features, of course. "My... Look at what I've caught... Three new play mates..." she chuckled maliciously.

"What's wrong with her?" one of the elves close to Orland asked in a whisper.

"She's a dryad... But... Something's wrong with her... I think it might be the corruption..."
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

A dryad... Just my luck to get caught by a myth... He thought to himself as he looked at the forest woman.

Orlandu looked the woman over taking the odd skin tone to be the corruption one of the elves spoke of but other then it's skin tone could any other flaws. The myth he was now looking seemed almost like every myth and legend spoken of them on the mainland seem true.

He drops his head after thinking some of the legends over as well. Taking anyone they found some what to their liking as playthings be they human, elf, dwarf or otherwise. He breathed deep and tried to enter a trance like state. With any luck he would be able to control his body more then he had with the amazon women from earlier.

As he opened his eyes he saw his sliver bladed weapon. It almost seemed to taunt him with how close it still was. He gave a single firm tug on the vine on his right arm but still found it holding firm.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orland suddenly felt a pinching pain on various parts of his body as the vines all around his body suddenly developed thorns, and pierced into his flesh. Only small trickles of blood trailed down his skin as the Dryad herself soon came into view, standing directly in front of him. She cupped his chin in her hand, forcing him to look up at her, and on her face was a pleased smile, pleased to see she's caught his attention.

"You honestly didn't think I'd just forget about you if you kept quiet, did you? No..." she leaned in, so much that her cheek brushed against his own, while she whispered into his ear, her warm breath washing over his flesh, "I'll enjoy fucking those arrogant little elves... But you're all I really want... I want to feel your warm cum inside me..." she whispered seductively, while the stinging of the thorns did not let up.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As he felt the thorns dig in to him, he let out a small gasp but controlled himself. His focus was not to let the dryad see anything she might use against him. As she came in to view while it still looked at his weapon he already knew was going to lift his head so when she did he give no effort to fight back.

"Can't blame me for at least trying... can ya." He said as a reply to it woman's first comment. As she leaned in she was he didn't bother to try moving as he knew the vines would not give in. As he heard her whisper in he ear, a simple idea came to mind to pay off his.... "debt".

"If that is really all... then let them go. I wont try to run or escape or anything... Just them go." He whispered back, wondering what in god's name he was doing.
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Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad let out an amused chuckle. Lifting her hand, she placed her sharp finger nails against Orland's cheek, and slowly clawed downwards, her claws going down his cheek, the line of his neck, and stopping once she reached his chest. "Aw... Do you promise? Hm..." The dryad seemed about to laugh at Orland's offer, before she thought on it for a moment.

"If I let these two creatures go... You'll be my little slave?" she asked with an amused tone of voice, referring to the two elves as creatures.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu kept his calm as the woman used her sharp nail to cut into his skin but a small quiver of his lower lip was the only outward sign of liking or hating the feeling. Hearing her first comment caused him at fist assume she wasn't even going to entertain the thought. As her next comment came from her lips he almost lost his calm state.

"Only if you free them... but turn your back on your word... don't expect me to keep my end up." He replied back in a colder tone then when he had made the offer before.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad chuckled with amusement at Orland, before the vines holding him loosened, and he found himself free, in some degree, of restraint. However, during that time, other, smaller vines found their way to his weapons, quickly taking them, and discarding them without hope of him ever getting them without alerting the dryad.

"I want a little... Demonstration..." she told him, before slowly getting down on the ground, sitting on her ass before she spread her legs wide. "Get on your hands and knees... And lick me..." she ordered him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

His calm state of mind was broken by the order. While he had no problem doing as he was told... the fact the two elves wore more them likely still watching due to the vines holding them caused him to pause. What would they think of the sight him following the dryad's order? However he quickly pushed the thought out.

The few for the many... Rung out in his mind. One of the last few truths he believed in. He let himself fall forward to his hand and knees. he crawls slowly til his face reached her and he starts to lap as her slit as she wished.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad moaned as Orland began licking at her pussy like a dog. One hand placed itself on the back of his head, while the other went to spread her pussy lips open for him. Her love juices quickly coated his tongue, which strangely had a slight sugery, sweet taste. "Aaahhh... More..." she beckoned him lustfully.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As he licked the sweet taste started to wash over him. It tasted like a drink from the mainland... sweet but not overpowering. He felt himself starting to get turned on by eating out the Dryad but he kept his mind focused on the order. She would want it soon but with any luck after his little demonstration was over.

With her hand holding his head in place he could only force his tongue in to her sex, again coating it in the sugary taste.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Both her hands on Orland's head, the dryad squirmed and moaned as his tongue went inside her. And among most of the normal juices leaked from her excitement, was the base of the coating, which only seemed to taste better and better the more he got in his own mouth. And not a moment longer, the dryad suddenly climaxed powerfully, her loud moans from her pure state of exstacy sounding as beautiful as music.

Orland's mouth was suddenly filled with her cum, which tasted like a delicious, sugary nectar unlike anything he'd ever tasted on the mainland. Her hands pulled firmly on his head, forcing his mouth against her pussy. "Drink it..." she ordered him, "Drink all of it..."
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu tired to pull back as she climaxed but her hand held in forcefully in place. Her moans could best described as angels singing or something to that effect to his ears.

As he tasted her nectar like cum, he was surprised by the taste. Sweeter then even honey but is didn't have the odd after taste. He didn't need the order as he hungrily drank it in. He hadn't eaten since the day before on the boat so his hunger was to be expected.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad let out a pleased giggle as Orland ingested all of her nectar. Her tentacles slowly moved down, wrapping around him, and pulling him up, so that he was just over her, before she leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "I'm going to tell you a little secret... My nectar... Is a highly addictive drug... You won't be able to live without me, else you'll go mad..." She pulled back slowly, her lips trailing along his cheek, before she gently bit his lower lip, "You're mine now..." she announced with triumph.

"I'll hold my end of the bargain," she said, while the vines around the two elves lessened, and they both fell to their feet. Both of the elves looked with what seemed to be concern for Orland, neither ready to simply just walk away...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As the dryad started to whisper he knew whatever he was about to hear was something he didn't want to hear. As the words left her lips he wanted to choke the life out of her for a slight few seconds. However the thought left his mind as he should have knew the risk of any deal with a creature like this dryad.

He was about to speak up but was cut off as she said she would keep her end. He watched as the two elves wore dropped back to the ground but was caught off guard by the looks of concern they both gave him.

Maybe elves aren't so high and mighty here as the ones back on the mainland. He thinks looking at the two of them.

"Just walk away... this seems... like a fair price for the healing... right?" He half questioned still wondering why they still stood there watching him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Haughty Elves most certainly are, but they are far more stubborn, and even more proud of a race. After a moment of regarding Orland's words, both of the elves seemed to reach an agreement, as they drew their weapons slowly, directed at the Dryad. "Let him go." one of them said threateningly.

The dryad let out a chuckle, her vines slowly gathering around herself, and Orland, raising them both to their feet. And the next thing, she placed herself behind Orland, her hands wrapped around his waist as she whispered to him, "My little slave... Defend me..." she commanded him with a confident tone.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As the both of the elves drew their weapons Orlandu's head seemed to drop and hang a bit without him trying to hold it up at all.

... Is asking for something so simple always got to back fire god? He thought to himself knowing no answer would come to him. He felt the vines about him once more wrapping about. As he felt himself get lifted and drop back on to his feet he knew what was about to happen.

As the dryad placed herself behind him he ready knew a "Protect me" command was going to quickly follow as she wrapped her arms about him. He took a defensive stance before the words even exited her mouth. He lifted his arms from his sides and fanned them out using himself as a shield.

"Just leave... The only reason you two are free is because a made a deal. My freedom for yours. Don't make me regret it think you two wore smart." He said trying to anger them and get them to just walk away.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

One of them took a step forward in anger, "What are you doing!" she shouted a question at him, "We're trying to help you!"

The dryad only giggled, "There's no helping him... He belongs to me now... And you will to, if you don't take his advice, and run away..."

The fool hardy Elf only growled, and prepared her sword, the point directed past Orland, and at the Dryad, "Get out of the way!" she commanded him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu moves to match where the elf's blade was now pointed. There was no point in trying to talk to the elf. She was head strong and stubborn. Any thing he might say could tick her off more. He then started to wonder why the other elf had said nothing at all.

"I will stand my ground." He forcefully. "Leave... now!" His ruby red eyes darted back and forth between the two elves keep in mind at the this point he might be forced in a fight. One of his hand went for where his weapon would be if he still had it. As he grabbed at nothing he said a cruse in a inaudible tone. He returned his arm back ot the shield like form he had been holding just before.