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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Ariana." Alberik said softly, making a hand gesture to call the woman over, and pulling up a representation of the craft in question. The second ship had already arrived however, the AI making a motion to put them side by side.

The woman took one glance and let out a stream of curses in what appeared to be a mix of English and a dialect of Chinese, pointing at the smaller ship. "I don't know what they're doing here, but we have to destroy that ship."

"I would posit that they are here to meet with the second ship, which appears to be of gou'ald design. Though much larger than normally constructed." Alberik added. "It is also highly likely there are more Nomad ships nearby, cloaked from sight and scans."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven meanwhile had been checking other sensors, hacking into their communications to listen in. He looked up and smiled slightly at Ariana, and cracked a joke before turning serious.

"Do you kiss your mother or other people with that mouth? Sheesh. All kidding aside though, you do appear to be correct Alberik. The Nomad ship, as you called it, does appear to be meeting with a Gou'ald. Not just any Gou'ald however, and this is where I have pause for concern. This Gou'ald has identified himself as Anubis. I am detecting systems that are not Gou'ald in origin on his ship, but rather appear to be of Lantean design."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"I really don't." Ariana answered his comment, a hint of something else touching the hard edge to her voice.

"How much pause for concern? Can we nail the nomad to the wall, then jump away before this Anubis gets a chance to fire back?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven gave her what could possibly be described as an icy stare, but then again given his mist like features, every expression seemed icy.

"It's possible. Our shields should be able to take some hits, unless he has drones that I can't detect. If he does, we're fucked if he gets a shot off. However, I think I may have a better solution for the time being. There is a way to intercept communications, it's one of the reasons we were able to stay ahead of the Enoly and Draque during the old war. It may be wise to find out why the two are actually meeting and not firing on each other first, rather than waste a chance."

There was a pause, and then he added, "Anubis is supposed to be dead. The other Gou'ald system lords had him assassinated a long time back. Apparently even his methods were barbaric, which says a lot considering the Gou'ald used to be extremely barbaric. Unfortunately, it would seem they either failed, or he has somehow returned from the dead. With access to Lantean technology, he's a major threat. I'd love nothing more than to pop him right now and destroy his ship, but these power levels indicate he likely has far more shield and firepower than we're seeing on the surface scans. Ah, here we go. Do you want audio, or shall I just listen in and repeat the most vital parts?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"If we have to settle for intelligence gathering, then so be it. Go ahead and put it on, one of us may catch something you could miss." She answered, somewhat grudgingly. She moved her gaze to the image Alberik had pulled up of the nomad ship, crossing her arms across her chest and listening carefully.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a brief pause before Aya replied.

"Hello again Ayla. Well, I'll pose the question to you and let you decide who'd be better to answer it. Lyra told me about this dive procedure, how it helped her out but also unlocked some information for her regarding the Klarnell.
What I was wondering is ... well, can this dive thing be used to restore, at least in part, very specific memories locked away in someone's mind? If not all of them? If it helps ... the person who'd be needing this is Siphon. I don't know if you are aware of the situation regarding all of that or .... his history with me?"

"Hmm. Dive therapy can indeed help to restore or refresh repressed, forgotten or hidden memories, yes. It is one of the more common uses of the practice. If the memories exist in any form, they can typically be uncovered. The details do vary significantly based on the nature of the memories in question though." Ayla responds, deciding to answer the question herself.

"I am not aware of the intracracies of Siphons history or relations, no. I am of the understanding that it is no short or narrow thing however. Finding highly specific memories may well be challenging. If they are "locked" as you describe, uncovering them may also require traversing through many other memories in the process. So I would have to warn that it would likely be a highly intimate and sharing process."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Aya was silent for a few moments, seeming to consider things.

"I see. Well, before we get into that, I suppose I should catch you up on the things I can tell you. Siphon and I ... well ... it's difficult to explain now because of the circumstances, but basically we've been married since before the Alteran split. Unfortunately, those are some of the memories he's lost. We had four children, two of whom may still be prisoners of the Klarnell. He's not yet aware that both of our sons were killed after he vanished, that's something I don't think he's ready for yet. I was hoping to at least help him recover those parts of his life, if not some of the things he knew about the Klarnell prior to his disappearance. If he's willing, would you be able to help us?"

Activating the speakers, Draven leaned back slightly as they listened, and Ariana might get the distinct impression this was something the Ingrali were accustomed to doing when the need arose. For a time, it seemed the two ships were feeling each other out, but then it got serious.

Anubis identified himself directly, and offered a proposition to the Nomad ship. It appeared he was offering them advanced hyper-drive technology, and details of certain species infrastructure. In exchange, he wanted them to infiltrate, and remove them as a threat to their shared goal of owning the entire galaxy. They would not attack any ship of his, or any Gou'ald stronghold, unless given specific coordinates for it. What was worse, the Nomad ship appeared to be willing to agree to it!
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Of course they'd agree. Both sides are already planning to backstab each other." Ariana all but spat, her voice dark. "We can't let the nomads get their hands on that tech, Draven. If they gain the ability to travel like I've seen you and the rest of the galaxy manage, there's no way we could root them all out again. If you won't help me, I'll prep my ship and do it myself, right now."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The Ingrali shook his head.

"From what you've told me, if they get this kind of technology, we're all fucked. Brace yourselves, this could get uglier very fast, we have no idea what kind of weapons systems Anubis has. Still, we have to risk it. I'm sending a high speed data burst to Peltas to inform them of the situation, and our attempt to remedy the issue. If we fail, at least they'll have a chance to attack the sector, maybe before the Nomads can work the tech into their systems. Although, and I hate to say this, it's likely Anubis will try this again with another Nomad ship."

Nevertheless, Draven began hitting buttons on his console, and a few moments later he nodded.

"Message sent, we're not waiting on a reply from Peltas. Preparing to de-cloak and open fire on the Nomad vessel. We likely can't disable Anubis, so I'm not even going to try that. But if we can take out the Nomad ship, at the very least it will buy some time. Perhaps destabilize further attempts to negotiate, if the Nomads think that this was a trap."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"If we don't fire at Anubis at all, it may convince the nomads of the trap further." Ariana agreed quickly. "They wont have returned to their old strongholds, or I'd suggest we start rolling through all those systems as well. We need to get some intel on what's gone on since I left, If it's even safe to try and sneak in for better information."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded, inputting a few commands on his console.

"I'm pre-setting a course for after we take that ship out. I want to make a jump to hyper-space the moment the mission is accomplished, before Anubis can react. Stand by for attack pattern."

The ship moved into position, taking up a spot near Anubis' ship, close enough that a scan would mistake it to be a part of his ship previously unseen.

Several moments later, there was a strange sound, and the ship decloaked, shields going up, and the weapons lashing out with powerful red beams. The Nomad ship, caught with it's shields down in preparation for a transport of technology, was completely unprepared for the attack, and the beams obliterated it with little effort. Even as the explosion lit up the screen, Draven's ship was altering course, turning away from Anubis' ship, it's course angling out of the system. Before Anubis could open fire on them, they had made the jump to hyper-space.

Draven turned to Ariana, smiling slightly. At least, she thought it might be a smile.

"Done. Decided to wait until their shields went down for the transfer to open fire. Made it easier to wipe them out, less risk to us. Not to mention for some time they should think it was Anubis who opened fire on them, and not another ship. At the very least, we've bought time. With any luck, Anubis won't bother trying again. Where to then, you know this sector and it's inhabitants."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Heh. them having shields at all is something new, but not entirely unexpected, it was quite a benefit against them, was only a matter of time if they wound up surviving. Same plan as before I say, head to Omega 42 and we'll hid ein the radiation, see what we can pick up." She said, Alberik helping him with the co-ordinates.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Setting course. Shouldn't take very long to reach."

True to his word, it seemed like hardly any real time had passed before they dropped back out of hyper-space, arriving inside of the radiation field.

((Will leave it up to you what they'll find, this is kinda your territory haha.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Aya was silent for a few moments, seeming to consider things.

"I see. Well, before we get into that, I suppose I should catch you up on the things I can tell you. Siphon and I ... well ... it's difficult to explain now because of the circumstances, but basically we've been married since before the Alteran split. Unfortunately, those are some of the memories he's lost. We had four children, two of whom may still be prisoners of the Klarnell. He's not yet aware that both of our sons were killed after he vanished, that's something I don't think he's ready for yet. I was hoping to at least help him recover those parts of his life, if not some of the things he knew about the Klarnell prior to his disappearance. If he's willing, would you be able to help us?"

"If he is willing, then I am able, yes. He will of course need to fully understand the purpose of this procedure. We can try to reveal these lost memories in a gentle order, but there is no surefire guarantee as to that. Anything that you know yourself, is liable to come out during a dive. And your own related memories may be the most effective way to relocate his own." Ayla replies.

"To proceed we would need to arrange a sufficient time frame for us to meet up aboard the Al-Sora, for a prepartory meeting and the dive itself."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Stepping out of the wormhole and onto Peltas, Siphon instructed their Klarnell ally to wait where the dozen or so armed guards were. Then, he took off to quickly brief Julia, after one of the other technicians told him he'd summon Aya for him and alert her to the situation.

Aya nodded.

"Alright, thank you. How much time .... um, stand by a moment."

Ayla might be able to hear sounds that indicated Aya had been approached by someone, and was talking to her, but she likely wouldn't be able to make out the conversation. However, in just a few moments, Aya returned, with a somewhat stunned look on her face.

"Siphon just came back through the gate. Apparently, Nirrti is inside of Cassie, and not dead. Worse, according to what I just heard, she's working for Anubis. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, our information source on Anubis, and several other vital issues ... Siphon brought back a Klarnell who claims to belong to a rebel faction that wants to end this war. Apparently, he's given Siphon the details on how to open a specific anomaly to the Klarnell time frame to rescue our daughters. I ... I'm skeptical of this but ... apparently one of the ascended of our kind gently 'advised' the Klarnell and Siphon to take this route. While I'm loathe to trust a Klarnell ... if one of our own ascended is encouraging this ..."

She was silent a moment, then added, "assuming we are able to return, how long of a time frame would we need after we return to accomplish this procedure?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ayla sighs at the further news about Nirrti, knowing Ellisia would not take this well. The mention of a Klarnell defector however pauses her before she can give any comment. "A rebel Klarnell? This is... quite a development, to say the least. This may well be our only true asset in actually reversing what has rather seemed like a hopeless situation. Regardless we must be careful with this being. We can't afford to be deceived. If it wasn't for the involvement of an ascended, this would be far more difficult. Although the role of the ascended thus far in this conflict has remained abnormal even so." She replys, clearly thinking over a few things.

Returning to the previous conversation when brought up again, "The time frame can vary quite dramatically, to be honest. In conventional casual practice, similar procedures are often booked weekly in one or two hour long sessions. But it is entirely possible to take a more intensive approach. Siphon will be a complex being to work with, but should also have a greater stamina for a prolonged dive." she explains. "With your help, we may be able to locate and resolve these repressed memories with comparative ease. There is no guarantee though. And the fastest path is often also the most difficult, and prone to rejection."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Aya paused for a moment before replying.

"I see. We'll have to see what we're dealing with when we return. Now, I understand that Siphon apparently has some kind of friendship with one of your people, a woman named Elissia? I ... I am loathe to do this, I've already asked much of you but ... do you think she would be willing to accompany us? These Klarnell have had our daughters for quite some time, so it may be safe to assume that our natural abilities won't work. That may not be true with your people though. I have the feeling that Siphon won't ask himself, partly because on this particular subject, I doubt he's going to be thinking one hundred percent clearly."

((Alright Shrike, time to have some fun.))

A short time after arriving at their 'spy' point, Draven called Ariana over to a panel.

"I am detecting five ships very near here. Four are unfamiliar to me, so I am going to operate on the assumption they are native to this region, possibly these nomads you spoke of. However, I am able to identify one of the ships thanks to the information we were able to acquire from the Klarnell ship earlier. The unidentified ships appear to be in close proximity to an older style Klarnell warship, which appears to be only partially functional. Long range sensors are now detecting another unidentified vessel, moving towards the cluster of ships. This vessel is significantly larger than the others. The vessel is ... approximately eighteen cubic miles in size."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The star system was cluttered, the area they appeared in one massive asteroid field, the remains of the planets left over when the star went supernova. It had cooled and shrunk again since, a neutron star sitting like a bird in a nest of rock in the center of the system, cool blue light coming from it, casting a pale glow over everything.

"Confirmed, nomad signatures." Alberik followed up, a noticable pause happening after as he considered the other ship.

"God damn, that's a little over four kilometers to any given side." Ariana commented, doing some math in her head.

"A perfect cube as well, ignoring the intricacies of it's equipment. Doesn't match any known ship in Alveran records either, though it does somewhat fit within the Replicator aesthetic." The AI concluded.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Well if an incursion into Klarnell territory is being planned, then I imagine Ellisia would likely insist on being involved in the operation, let alone wait to be invited. Such a mission would be a hugely important undertaking, one likely in the intrests of all races and nations, beyond any additional personal reasons for this expedition. If we have an ability to engage with the Klarnell directly rather than simply waiting at their mercy, we must place our steps wisely." Ayla responds.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Aya nodded slowly.

"Would you pass the message along then please? If she is willing ... have her meet me here then, I'll fill her in and answer whatever questions she may have on the way to the gate."

Draven paused for a moment before replying.

"Pray that it isn't a replicator ship, although ... I've never seen one this massive before. Scanning the interior ..."

There was a pause, and when Draven spoke next, he seemed a bit hesitant.

"I'm reading 130,000 or so bio-signs, but they are erratic. They don't even appear to be of the same species from reading to reading, it's as if that ship is being run by over a hundred different species working together. Beyond that, I'm having a difficult time penetrating their hull to get better readings. They're broadcasting a message on all frequencies, tapping in now."

A moment later, a voice, or rather what sounded like tens of thousands of voices speaking as one filled the audio channel, and what was said definitely wasn't a nice thing.

"We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

A half moment later, the communication cut off, and the massive cube moved in closer to the nomad ships. In moments, the nomads, probably taking exception to the 'invasion', began firing weapons at the cube ship, which took light damage to it's hull. In response, the cube fired off some sort of projectile that slammed into the lead nomad ship, then two more. Draven stared at his console in disbelief.

"Nomad shields are gone. The cube is ... cutting into their hull."

A beam of some sorts had locked onto the unshielded ship, holding it in place, while a second beam, like a cutting laser, was literally cutting out a piece of the hull. Draven continued to watch this, not noticing something else was going on.

Alberik, likely able to multi-task far better than any organic being could ever hope to, might catch another sensor reading, and a disturbing one at that. The damaged areas of the Borg vessel, which moments ago had looked pretty damaged, appeared to be moving. In only a few moments, the damage appeared to be reversing, as if the cube were regenerating it's 'wounds'.
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