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Naturally supernatural

Re: Naturally supernatural

As Melissa returns to Mina, she notices the girl seemed to have been in deep thought, "Um... Miss?" she asks uncertainly, "I... I think... No, I know that I'll need to..." she looks away, "I'll need to do what I did again, I can just feel it."

She looks to Melissa with a saddened face, "If you want, I'll go away..."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa hesitates as she's picking up her clothes, looking over at Mina and the dried stains on her thighs.

"Er... how quickly? Right away? In a few hours, or maybe you could hold off until tomorrow?"

(Dagnabit RJ, don't force Melissa to give away her brand-new fucktoy just 'cuz she can't possibly keep up with it...:p)
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina's face looked uncertain, "I don't know... I'm fine right now, but I just don't want to attack you again..."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa lets out the breath she'd been holding, envisioning a sex-mad Mina jumping her before they'd even finished talking. She then resumes dressing, glad that her clothes hadn't gotten messed up during any of their lovemaking.

"Welll... i-if you don't need to... feed... until, like, tomorrow night... I, um, wouldn't mind another round. You're, um, really good in the sack, even, er, tied down." And if it keeps you from raping somebody else, who couldn't fight back like me...

Melissa turns to her clothes chest, keeping her head down to hide her blush, digging through it for some baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"You should probably take a shower too. I'll dig out some clothes for you."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina blushes, turning her head away in embarrassment at Melissa's suggestion. Her cock began to throb a little, as she replied, "W-well, if i-it's okay with you..." keeping her face turned away, she sought to change the subject by doing as she asked, and heading to the shower.

Coming back, she actually smelled very good, and her cock was extremely hard again, although she made no mention towards it as she slipped the baggy clothes on, her cock still clearly visible, even with the pants on. Apparently, her getting horny in public would be a problem...

Standing with the clothes on, she stood there, unable to think of something to say to Melissa.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa spends the time pulling the dirty sheets off the bed and wadding them into her laundry basket, frowning at the fact the power is still off. Then she flips on the radio, leaving it on while she digs out some candles and matches and lights them for extra light.

Mina coming back, still with a very visible erection, distracts Melissa from scanning the airwaves. A growl from Mel's stomach gets her moving towards the fridge.

"I've gotten hungry - want some food to eat? An apple or maybe a sandwich?" Ew... cold ramen... eh, better eat it, or it'll spoil unless the power comes back on.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina blinks, answering shyly, "Oh... Well... I suppose-" she was inturrupted, as a broadcast came on. A woman speaking into the radio reported that a massive attack was launched on the city, that monsters were everywhere, killing men, and stealing women, and that there was a holdout, called, "Apple Inn" that everyone should head to.

Mina took a second to regard the repeating broadcast, looking to Melissa, "Am I... A monster? Are they talking about me?!?" she said as her voice took on a panic, her breath quickening as she appeared as if she was about to faint.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa listens to the broadcast, getting somber as it finishes and starts to repeat. She takes Mina's hand in her own, massaging it and trying to reassure her. Difficult, that, given the subject matter.

"Um... not just you, I think. Maybe not even including you. You, um, don't really look up to murdering men... unless you think having sex with them would kill 'em. Though you're certainly good at 'stealing hearts'..."

She turns back to the fridge, pulling out food and plopping it on the counter.

"A-anyways, here's an apple, Mina." This won't keep, that's not even edible cold... I guess the power's never coming back on...
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Mina takes the apple, she bites into it, seeming to enjoy the delicious cold juices that flow over her taste buds.

After swallowing her bite, she asked Melissa, "When I was... 'Stealing your heart,' did it... Hurt?" she asks, looking expectantly at Melissa.

Melissa remembers that it simply felt like something inside her was being taken away, that, and she was slightly losing the feeling in her body...
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa chokes a bit at hearing Mina, since she'd been making a joke of sorts. Not talking about her feeding.

"Er, um, no, no it didn't. It... well, it sort of felt like something was going away... and it sort of felt like my body was going numb... but it didn't hurt at all."

She resumes scooping up noodles, pouring out a glass of milk and sipping it as accompaniment.

"Um... if you want something more to eat or drink, let me know... this'll all go bad without the fridge, anyways."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Finishing up the apple, she shakes her head, "No... I'm fine, thank you." she says in a shy whisper. Lowering her head a little, her blushing even apparent in the dark, candle-lit room, she asked in a near whisper, "Um... I would... Like to go again..." she asked shyly, while her erect cock seemed to identify her desires.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa, having finished her ramen and milk, pauses and goes to the window. Her shoulders slump slightly, the fatigue she'd been masking becoming visible as she looks outside.

"I... not just yet, okay? The last round left me... kinda tired. And if there's real monsters around... maybe we should go to this Apple Inn place first. This apartment isn't really built for defense... and other monsters might be able to, um, smell us..."

(So... can she see any "real monsters" out there? Not necessarily ones coming after Mel, no Divine Sight, it's worn off, just plain ol' eyesight.)
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Melissa looks out of the window, all seems quiet, she would never have guessed that monsters were attacking if the radio had not said anything.

Mina clinched a little at Melissa's refusal, then complained, "B-but, what if they see me like this...?" she gestured to her cock, as stiff as ever, "They'll know! And they'll kill me for being a monster, I just know it!" she cries.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa turns back to Mina.

"I think I - WE - can talk them out of that. I've got a car, we'll load some stuff from here in it and drive over, then I'll get out and talk to whatever guards they have while you wait inside. I mean, would a 'monster' wear clothes and talk politely?"

She suits actions to words, going to a closet and pulling a pair of backpacks out, then heading into the bedroom and starting to stuff clothes in them.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina grabbed Melissa's arm, squeezing it, "No!" she shouted, "You can't tell them about me! Please!" she begged.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa reaches down with her other hand, cupping the tent that Mina's erection has formed.

"Mi-na~... I think it's gonna be hard keeping... this... a secret... you know?"

She emphasizes this with a gentle squeeze.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina blinks, "W-we can keep it a secret..." she suggests, "I... Just want a little more... And I think it will go down..." she says as she takes Melissa's hand, stroking it up and down the long shaft.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Having had her hand guided inside Mina's sweatpants, Melissa continues to stroke, slowly, as she tries to convince her.

"If the radio was right, then there's gonna be a lot of women at the inn... are you really sure you wouldn't just end up getting horny again and again? Because then your secret would come out... literally."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina blushes as her cock is stroked, "I-I think that if I have you... I should be fine..." looking to Melissa, she appeared to be undressing the woman with her eyes, "I... I still want to feed a little..." she says, a little bit of drool coming from her mouth as she's stroked.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa tries to concentrate on the bigger picture, rather than the problem at hand...

Aw, screw it. "Come over here..."

Melissa takes back her hand, once again stripping her clothes off as she heads towards the shower stall.

"A handjob'll be less messy if we're already in the shower..."