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Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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With all intents and purposes of getting on board a ship illegally, Lenneth found her time attempting to do so to be very awkward. First she found that the only way onto the ship was to swim to it from the side where the crew was less likely to look. When she did that, she learned that zombies sink rather quickly in water. After Lenneth's rescue of her sole zombie, an existence that would lead to Lenneth's embarrassment among necromancers abroad, she hoisted the zombie onto the balcony on the rear deck, a rather perfect place to board the ship without being seen. Dripping wet, the zombie landed on her knees once Lenneth's magic had saved her. She turned her head and regarded Lenneth with an absent smile, probably of thanks. With both of them on board Lenneth and her undead companion made their way into the ship and found the cargo hold, which was always a perfect location to stowaway. There was just one problem, every container they opened to find shelter in, Lenneth found other stow aways that were hiding there as well. She found that there was NO place for her to hide, since every location was taken by yet another stowaway.

To Lenneth's dismay, this led to her eventually being found out by the crew, most notably the captain of the ship. A man in his middle ages, the captain told Lenneth that there was no trouble at all with having her aboard if she wanted to venture to the island. "At least if you made yourself known, I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of getting more food!" he announced to her, and allowed her to stay aboard the ship.

Since everyone knew their location, the island of no return, when disaster struck it was no surprise to anyone. The weather grew worse, tornadoes formed in the distance, and a great threat to the ship soon found itself boarding from the sides. Lenneth and the high population of the crew found themselves swarmed by dozens of creatures unheard of in any part of the known world. Monsters with the upper body of a woman, and lower body of an octopus made victims of any passenger they managed to snare. And with the similar threat pressed upon Lenneth, the young necromancer found herself, and even her zombie, snared by the suction cups of the invaders aboard the ship. While the zombie didn't really seem to mind, Lenneth found herself in a situation that called for either traveling with this monster to it's home deep under the sea, or weaving her magic with all her might in order to free herself. With the latter being her only option, Lenneth freed both herself and her companion from the scylla's grasp, and found their way to a lifeboat, leaving the ship behind as monsters swarmed over it, and pulled the entire ship down into the ocean with the help of the rough weather.

She and a few others, including the captain, had found their way to the shores of the mysterious island. Most of the other crew either escaped and ended up somewhere else, or were supposedly eaten by the monsters of unique nature. Led by the captain, with no other options, Lenneth and the crew were forced to focus on the bare essentials of survival on the very likely dangerous island.

It's been a week since then. Lenneth and the other survivors had formed a camp with basic provisions and enough food to survive. Even her zombie was seen helping the camp in the basic ways that she could. Stupid, she held a box given to her for reasons unknown, and rather obviously began pursuit of the man who gave it to her as he led her to where he wanted it to go, all for the intents and purposes of eating his brains, which she never managed to do. But surprisingly, Lenneth found that her zombie had somehow learned how to speak, even if barely. When asked if the zombie would like any food by one of the crew, the zombie actually looked up and said, "... Yes," in a tone that seemed to match what she might've sounded like if she were still human. Taking the meat offered, the zombie seemed to only have cravings for cooked meat after that.

With her zombie seeming to evolve in strange ways, and her original goal still in mind, there came a day when Lenneth felt a calling within her heart that it was time to leave...


Chapter 1: Necrophilia

A shoddy tent was Lenneth's home. Laying in a blanket she wove herself with her magic to help give a good night's rest, the morning sun rose from the sky, aand cast it's rays through the small cracks in the tent's flaps. Shining in her eyes, the sun gave it's own way of saying it was time to get up. Nearby, her sole zombie was doing something curious. With it's finger, it was drawing various spiral shapes along the dirt outside of the tent. As she never seems to sleep, it was obvious she was up to this all night, as it appeared as if some kind of alien or magical runes were decorated over the opening to her tent. Anyone would find the symbols the zombie drew to be dangerous if they were in their right mind; however, no one would suspect that it was the doings of a strange zombie.

Around the camp, various others were waking up as well, the captain always being the first, as he always made sure to organize the camp to ensure their continued survival. And since she'll be departing, Lenneth will need some supplies of her own before she leaves to seek out the secrets of the island and to further indulge in her fancy over the dead. So she will certainly need to talk to him in order to get permission to use such supplies which she and her cohort helped gather.

Before these thoughts came to conclusion in her head, she felt the hands of her zombie on her shoulder. "Wake up..." she said dully, but with the same feminine tone that matched her appearance of a cute girl as she began to shake Lenneth lightly to encourage her to stir.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

The young necromancer dragged her undead creation with her along the docks as she swore loudly, "Dammit! Dammit! We're going to miss the boat!" She smiled as she finally saw the boat at the docks, there it was! She hadn't missed it like she had thought. Having spent much of the day beforehand preparing to sneak onto the boat, but she had somehow forgotten the most important thing to do, pack her bags.

Hiding under a canopy, she crawled towards the boat, looking around in frustration for some way to get onboard, relatively glad that for the most part, the scent of her undead cohort would be hidden by the smelly fish smells as she watched dock workers moving containers onto the boat. She swore she saw some of the them move, but passed it off as excitement and lack of sleep from the night before. Finally seeing no way to reach the boat via the ramp that led up to the bow, she looked around and ran for the edge of the water, stopping just at the edge, still holding onto the zombie, "...And I just washed my clothes too... oh well." Holding her breath, the young girl jumped into the frigid water, swimming, using both of her hands to stroke, before she turned around, realizing that her zombie was pretty much at this point just sinking like a stone, still watching her emotionlessly. Cursing angrily, she grabbed onto one of the rear ladders of the boat, scrambling up herself before tossing a rope overboard, using her magic to try to control the current, and to stop the stupid zombie from sinking. Finally seeing the stupid thing's head bobbing above the water, she instructed it to grab onto the rope, and pulled with all the strength left in her body, letting out a long sigh as the wet corpse finally flopped aboard, "Phew... well, I suppose we're on our way... let's find somewhere to hide..."

Lenneth snuck around the boat, carefully trying to avoid any of the crew, although she did notice that a lot of them were unarmed, which she personally felt was odd. Why did they not go armed towards this island where people supposedly disappeared? Oh well, not her business~. Carefully, she found her way into the cargo hold, looking around the ships for signs and eventually finding it. Eagerly, she began to open up the containers, looking for a suitable home... only to find it was occupied. Staring at the occupant, she quietly closed the lid, then went to the next, then the next, then again, until she had gone through every single container, the zombie still following her stupidly. Letting out a loud scream of frustration, Lenneth was quickly reminded about her reason for being onboard, and tried to shut herself up, watching in horror as she heard people coming down the stairs...

Several days later, Lenneth now technically working for the ship, she sighed, watching boredly from the prow as the zombie swabbed the deck behind her, moving her only briefly to allow the zombie to clean, before she continued to stare forward. The day had been turning bad, and it was no longer sunny, like the previous days of the journal. She blinked as rain started to fall, which annoyed her, she hated getting wet so much... turning to her zombie, she directed the thing to follow her inside, and to put the bucket of dirty water away. As the zombie complied, the necromancer gave a suddenly cry of surprise as the entire ship rocked. Looking out the window, she saw the day had suddenly turned for the worse, clutching her undead friend in panic, she looked around, frowning as she realized everyone was calm. After being told that this was expected, she screamed even louder.

The attack came quickly and ended quickly, Lenneth was pulled off the boat along with her zombie as the ship rocked violently, under attack by the sea creatures, yelling incoherently as she instructed her zombie to bite down on the Scylla (which proved to be a moot point, as the zombie chose to ignore her), herself swinging wildly with the broom she had grabbed before she had gone over. Concentrating, she threw several spells at the beast, although they weren't incredibly strong, it was enough for the thing to release her and her zombie, and to go after an easier target. Quickly tying herself to her zombie, she drifted away from the wreckage of the boat, until she found herself a lifeboat. Clamoring in, she was surprised to see the captain, and some of survivors of the attack. Tired from the exertion she promptly fell asleep on the boat, despite having only been awake for several hours.

As the boat crashed onto the island, Lenneth originally planned to leave the survivor party right away, but after talking to the group for awhile, she realized that it was pretty silly for her to try to leave right away. Frustrated with her prospects, she stayed around the camp for awhile, eventually actually growing relatively lazy and slightly attached to the place. For the most part she simply sat around, watching her zombie walk around town, and helping whenever one of the sailors managed to find where the necromancer was hiding for the day. Still, it was a big surprise, even to her, the one day her goddamned zombie TALKED. It had never spoken before, other than simple hand signing, mostly because for the most part she was in control of the simpleton. Still, it confirmed her suspicions, something on this island was making her weaving more potent, and she was very eager to find out what it was. Finally after spending a few more days, she decided that the next day she would leave...

Lenneth tries to pull her blanket slightly higher as she looks at her undead companion with a small frown on her face, although it was simply amazing that it had somehow learned to talk, and she took it as a sign of her own abilities getting stronger, there were times when she wished she knew how to reverse the process. She lets out a loud yawn as she moves one hand to brush the zombie's arms away, "Hm..mm.. I'm awake... I'm awake..." She lets out a loud yawn as she stretches one of her arms, followed by the other, as she lifted her blanket off and sat on what she had called her bed for the last little while, before yawning again, "Ugh... well, let's go see the captain, see if he'll be willing to give us our share before we leave." She gives the zombie a small smile before standing up and heading out of her tent, looking for the captain, giving brief notice to the symbols, "Hm...? Did you draw these?"
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Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Satisfied that Lenneth was awake, the zombie drew back, and sat on her knees quietly. Her mouth hung loosely open as she watched Lenneth get to rising from her slumber, and continued to stare at her even as she yawned and made note of their next objective to see the captain. "... Yes," she acknowledged Lenneth's plan. But then, when Lenneth looked to her and smiled, the zombie's blank expression suddenly changed in response, smiling back at her. Her response was quicker than usual, almost on par with that of a humans reaction time. Now by the passing of days alone, the zombie was quickly evolving. Even by the symbols drawn outside their tent, it may not have represented a theme, but the way the spirals were organized seemed very much like a work of art by a strange girl in her spare time, which the zombie certainly had a lot of during the night.

As Lenneth and the zombie observed her drawings, a sailor carrying a box of goods he and others retrieved from the forest walked by, and stepped over the zombie's drawings, ruining it to the point where you couldn't tell anything was written there to begin with. He continued onward, clueless of what he did, while Lenneth's zombie looked distressed over her ruined creation. Letting out a bothered moan, she desperately began trying to redraw it while the captain approached Lenneth from the side.

"Ahoy, silver girl!" he addressed Lenneth by the color of her hair. Even if she revealed her name to him, he'd never remember it. And he addressed the rest of his crew similarly as well, even calling an unshaven man, "Gruff," whenever he desired the man's assistance. "Today's the day you wanted to be off, is it? Well, I didn't put ya through all that extra work yesterday for nothin'! Quite frankly I'm not too sad to see ya go, cuz you're a lazy, worthless girl!" he stated his opinion on her honestly. "But since you've left on a good note, the food you've gotten from your labors is all your's. Should last you a fair while, lest you feed it all to your friend with the empty stomach!" he laughed loudly, before bending over, and picking up a large bag that sounded to be full of fruit. "Long lasting food!" he announced to her, "Should be plenty till you find your own supply out there in that mysterious world."

Having given up trying to remake it, her zombie was now angrily stalking the man who ruined it, her arms stretched out, furiously trying to attack him while he seemed to not even notice the slow monster following him around.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth looks at her zombie with a bit of surprise, that was fast. Much faster than any previous time she had seen, it was slightly worrisome, although she was not about to admit it, after all, she was the going to be the greatest necromancer ever! Well... one day anyway. She carefully looked at the designs the zombie had drawn on the sand, carefully following each of the lines, thinking to herself, "Amazing... simply amazing..." With maybe a little more practice perhaps the zombie could even... no, that wasn't possible... was it...?

She almost let out a surprised shout as the the sailor stepped over the drawings, her hands getting ready to weave, until she relaxed, it was probably not on purpose, likely just an accident, she dusted herself off as she stood up, before looking at her zombie, about to command it to come with her to the captain before she stopped and stared, the zombie was... upset? And it was trying to recreate the damaged images... why...?

She snapped to attention when the captain called out to her, almost protesting as he didn't mention her name, "Well, you know I'm not the strongest around here, and the tasks were so hard... and boring.." Was her muttered responses to being lazy, although she perks up as she hears about the provisions she was going to receive, "Hmph~ I suppose this will be sufficient payment for what me and my servant have done for you around here... speaking of which..." She begins to look around, "Where did she wander off to... oh crap!"

She quickly began to weave, attempting to stop the zombie from attacking, concentrating slightly more than was necessary to quickly power the spell...
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

The captain turned on Lenneth's exclamation, before he'd blink as he'd find the zombie suspended in place, unmoving. Her target well on his way while she let out a frustrated groan at his escape. "Uh..." the captain scratched his head, "Is she all right?" he asked Lenneth, before shaking his head, "Ah, never mind. Just be careful out there on your own. A couple of my men have gone missing, with no signs of em to be found, and others claim to have seen monstrous beauties. Watch yourself for the strange wildlife here." he cautioned her.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth let out an inner sigh of relief as the zombie stopped in it's attacked, although as she stared at it, she was fairly certain that it still seemed... angry? No, that wasn't right, corpses don't have feelings. Was she herself so angry at the man that she projected her own feelings onto the zombie? No, that wasn't right either, she only felt minor annoyance at the man. Staring at her zombie as she continued to let out slow breaths, the necromancer began to slowly loosen her control of the zombie, trying to ensure that it wouldn't chase the man any longer. Satisfied, she turned to the captain.

"Those are just rumors, likely, captain, and little else. The ones that attacked us earlier were pure coincidental." She replied with confidence in her voice, "You don't need to worry about me, or my friend, and yes, she is definately all right, and not trying to attack the crew or anything." She glanced over at her zombie with a hint of nervously as she called out to it, "Right? Anyway, c'mon, we really should head out before we overstay our welcome! We need to set up! I'm thinking we look for a cave... or maybe an abandoned tower! Those are always nice!"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

The captain tipped his hat to Lenneth, "Best of luck to you, silver girl!" he wished her the best, forgetting her name once more. But as he was already busy, he went to take care for the little encampment he made with his men, while leaving Lenneth and her zombie to their own devices. And speaking of the zombie, she had returned to Lenneth with a sour expression, clearly not to pleased with recent events as she stepped over to her.

With her supplies in hand, whether she carried some herself or left it all to her zombie, perhaps a little of both, Lenneth would eventually have no other alternative than to explore the uncharted lands of the island she ended up on. The land outside of the camp was similar, but far less open than the area found by the sailors. The trees all around Lenneth and her companion were a bit intimidating to walk through, but they were as beautiful as they were difficult to walk through. The land went up and down, an uneven terrain. Various fruits grew from some plants seen along her path, none of them she'd recognize as familiar, and too many were taken to the color of pink, something fairly unheard of with the plants back home. No matter her knowledge of plants, pink would be a bit of a wild card. It would seem that it would have to be her food however, as there was little sign of any other options that might possibly be more healthy.

Of course, Lenneth was just wondering without reason. Call it the life of an adventurer, but there was no direction nor purpose in her steps. A location that she could set up her own devices was all she had in mind. Most people would get lost easily, since they'd have no clue where in the world they were. Fate would just carry them, often to places unpleasant. But for some reason, Lenneth would feel a presence unknown to her draw her in like a vacuum. A faint voice in her head, a voice she wasn't sure whether was her own or belonged to another, was telling her the way to go. Her feet would finally pick up; she had more direction than before. Wasn't like there was any other options for where to go. She was just wandering to begin with.

After a while, there was something of interest that came into her view. A girl, about her size, stood before her with her back to her. She wore nothing, save for a black hood connected to long sleeves that covered her arms. The rest of her was bare to the world. Turning her head to Lenneth, her black hair sticking out over her forehead swayed in the wind, while her eyes, glowing a mysterious hue of blue, focused on her, accompanied by a tiny smile.

"This way," the girl said to her. "If you aren't careful, you'll meet with a terrible fate." she warned her, before turning completely to Lenneth, her front completely nude, and began to slowly levitate off of the ground. Slowly, so Lenneth could follow, she began to drift backwards, watching Lenneth with a curious little smile. "Follow me. I can help you find what you seek... The power you want..."
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth nods and waves farewell to the captain as he leaves her, almost calling out again to correct him again on his mistake, but deciding not to. Turning to her zombie, she frowned as she looked it up and down, "What's wrong with you...? You know we'd get torn apart if you tried to attack the sailors. Were you mad...?" Lenneth blinks, then shakes her head, "I'm... pretty sure your emotions are my own, so that wouldn't really make sense, maybe you're just hungry. You should tell me next time if you're hungry." Lenneth considers for several moments, then points to the bag of food, "Regardless, let's get going, you can carry the bag~"

The necromancer walked through the uncharted land almost aimlessly as she poked around the plantlife, examining the pink fruit every once in awhile as she muttered to herself, "Guess it would be okay if it were a peach or something... but I'm fairly sure this isn't a peach." She checked on her zombie every once in awhile, ensuring that it was still following her, and that it hadn't ripped the sack of food open on a hanging branch or a protruding root. Satisfied that it wasn't, she continued to push her way through the jungle, in some cases weaving minor magic to force the trees aside, in others instructing her zombie to attempt to break through, usually failing, and the pair stopping and turning to take another route.

She mused herself for a few moments by thinking herself an adventurer, cutting through the uncharted land, finding ruins, killing monsters, finding treasure... but she smiled a little at those thoughts. What silly thoughts. That would be far too tiring, all she really wanted was a place to set up, and observe the local area, maybe explore some old abandoned structure and see what was there, and maybe even set up a home there... although that did bring up the question of whether or not there was even any life here, or whether it was all tropical... with a little luck, maybe she would find some remains of previous adventurers and be able to use them to make new zombies! Even as she thought these things, her path did not waver, something guiding her along her path, as she thought she heard a voice she nodded confidently in herself, "I must be a genius! I know exactly where to go!" She quickly picked up her pacec as she continued on the direction that she was urged to go towards, only stopping when she reached the unusual sight.

"...A girl...? Is she one of the survivors?" Lenneth muttered to herself as she approached. She blushed a little at the girl's lack of decency, and was about to speak up when the girl told her to follow her, and the promise of power, and began to levitate, looking around and seeing nothing better or more interesting to examine, Lenneth begins to trail the girl, urging her zombie to go slightly faster, "Wait! Don't go so fast! Where are we going? Who are you? I have a lot of questions to ask you!"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Floating along casually, the girl giggled at Lenneth's sense of urgency. Her quickened pace was only matched by the girl, who floated faster as Lenneth quickly drew near, only to slow down when Lenneth's path reached rough terrain. "My name is Aqua," she replied to Lenneth as she led her onwards. "I am a mamono, much like Daisy~" she gestured to the zombie who was some distance behind Lenneth. "But she is not quite like me yet~ She's growing to be something more. If you don't grow with her, she will leave you." she informed Lenneth.

Her posture changed as Aqua leaned to the side, and propped her head up with one hand as if laying down on a bed while floating slowly through the air. Her leg was also propped up in a rather exhibitionist way. "This island in the center of the world holds the key to greater power to all women who seek it. But it's also a commitment," she said, lowering herself down to stand on her own feet again as Lenneth reached a steep hill, and reaching out a hand in offering to help Lenneth up.

"Are you willing to do anything to make your dreams come true?" she asked with a smile.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth paused her catch her breath every once in awhile, putting a hand against a tree, or a rock, or whatever was nearby at the time, even leaning against her zombie for a few moments when she really began to lag behind. Still, eventually she managed to keep up a steady pace, looking at Aqua as she introduced herself, and at 'Daisy', as Aqua introduced her. She nodded slightly as she heard that the zombie was growing, well, obviously, her power was growing, and therefore, so should the zombie... but what? It was going to leave her behind...? This... mamono didn't seem to even understand the basis of zombie control at all! Which was not surprising, only a genius could understand the complex threading methods...

The young necromancer struggles as she reaches the steep hill, scrambling to get up as she continued to listen quietly, something at the center of the Island? Able to grant any woman her wish? With that kind of power, she wouldn't need to always be running around, hiding with her only zombie... she could easily raise an army! And make them tremble in fear at her power! She grinned as she reached up her hand towards the offered one, "Of course I'm willing to do anything to make my dream come true! I came to this island on that stupid boat after all!"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Taking Lenneth's hand, Aqua giggled, "I'm glad to hear that~" she cooed to Lenneth, before suddenly pulling hard on Lenneth's hand to yank her upwards into a sudden kiss which quickly spread a violent, shivering sensation through her body, as if Aqua had just injected a little magic into her. But before Lenneth could react, Aqua pulled back, and floated away again, leaving Lenneth to stand up over the hill, to behold the sight of a rather suspicious looking doorframe of unknown black material, constructed into the side of a large hill, and built into the earth so that, should anyone be anywhere but right in front of it, the ground around it would hide it from view.

Settling down to her feet in front of the large door, Aqua grinned at Lenneth. "My master is inside. As one who fills the souls of the dead with magic, I'm sure she'll be glad to have you along. With her aid, I'm sure you will find the power you desire." Standing aside, Aqua raised an arm of welcome to Lenneth, and raised her other arm to direct her inside.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth almost tries to jerk back from the sudden kiss as she felt the strange sensation, her legs nearly collapsing under herself from the influx of something she could neither identify nor explain. Still, it wasn't altogether too unpleasant but as she tried to get more, the girl pulled away, much to her disappointment, still, she refused to let that show, and continued to follow, fuming quietly and planning on seeing if there was some way she could steal another kiss before the end of the journey to... well... wherever they were going.

Which, again, to her surprise, was relatively close. Looking at the hidden door, she looked up at Aqua, and back at her zombie, was this it? Was this where she could learn and prefect her great potential...? It was, to be honest, slightly disappointing, she had expected towers, keeps... but well, this would do.

Nodding to Aqua, Lenneth finally spoke, "Thank you for leading me here then I suppose. If I find out this is a trap, I will come after you..." Walking forward, Lenneth closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before stepping in.

(I'm assuming the door is opened as Aqua is welcoming and directing her inside?)
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Aqua giggled as she followed Lenneth inside, closing the stone doors behind her. "Don't worry, I'll be coming with you!" she announced with cheer. Moving with Lenneth, they came to a steep staircase that led deep into the earth. Along either side of the staircase were white crystals that emitted a warm white light to show them the way down into the stone underground. "We've been well aware of your arrival, so I've made sure to inform my master to disable all of out traps-"

Aqua was cut short as she and Lenneth both stepped onto the next step, and felt it descend slightly, before a spiked mace swung out from the ceiling above, and slammed right into Aqua's face, splattering her head apart in a mess of blue slime. Rather than collapse from suffering such an injury, Aqua's head reformed as it used to be, only now her expression was locked in an angry frown. "... I'll lead the way in case of any traps," she announced, stepping her way down the stairs, her confident, calm attitude gone in favor of an angry and upset disposition. From that point on, Aqua suffered the rest of the traps that were laid out within this underground hideout. Aqua was burned, zapped, stabbed, squished, and sliced before they'd even see the bottom of the stairs. Aqua's clothes were a mess, torn almost completely apart from all the damage.

Reaching the bottom, Aqua screamed, "VALDIS!!! The damn traps!" into the room.

Following behind her, Lenneth found herself in a laboratory of sorts, a place underground that seemed to belong to an exiled scholar of forbidden arts. Various vials and potions of all sorts of dark colors were both still and boiling over a C shaped counter in the circular corner of the room, an experimental table with all sorts of blood stained, grisly tools, and a strange, well crafted coffin resting against the wall, each rested in individual corners of the room, with a single door leading into another room in the last corner. And it was from that door, that Valdis, who Aqua spoke of, came out.

"What is all this noise? Daiba is sleeping." the cool colored hair girl replied. "Aqua? You've been gone? And what is this live experiment you've brought in for me?" she inquired.

Aqua growled, "The girl that I said was going to come!" she shouted at her 'master.'

Valdis blinked, "Is that so...?" she raised a hand to her chin, "Tell me, girl, how did you manage to get that undead behind you to follow you, without even directly controlling it?" she inquired. The question itself would be a surprise to Lenneth, as the main aspect of controlling the undead is to use your power directly to maintain constant control of the living dead. If what this Valdis said was true, than it'd mean Daisy was moving on her own accord.

As if to give her own answer, the moment Lenneth would look at Daisy, the girl would reply with a hollow smile.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth slowly followed after Aqua as they began to descend the staircase, listening to what the creature had been telling her. Expecting her? Just what exactly was going on? She knew that she may be slightly well known, but this was starting to get a little ridiculous! Were these people spying on her? Still, the assurance that Aqua was going to come with her reassured her slightly, at least this meant that if there was any kind of bad thing that happened, there was as much of it getting Aqua as it did...

She suddenly panicked as she felt the step descend, ducking immediately as she remembered what Aqua had said, and relaxed slightly, almost standing up as the creature next to her suddenly lost it's head, she started to stay something, before it reformed, which worried Lenneth slightly, if Aqua was so durable... her initial thoughts of safety might be a little inaccurate... it might be safer for her to run away after all... as she considered this, Aqua had began to her descent, and the necromancer decided for now to keep moving, lest she find herself lost somehow with all these deadly traps around her!

Still, she couldn't help but smile as she watched the slime take all the abuse of the traps, she eventually learned approximately where to stand to be safe from the range of the traps, and from the flying goo that resulted from some of the more violent traps. Before finally making it to the bottom, let out a small sigh of relief that they had made it there in one piece. She awaited Aqua to open the door before following through, half expecting another trap as she entered the room and took in this very... interesting place she had just been led to.

She nearly jumped as Aqua screamed, and watched with interest as another girl entered the room, was this the master she was suppose to meet? She seemed very... absent minded... Lenneth was snapped out of her silent stupor as she was asked the questions, trying to figure out how to answer the question. She wasn't exactly sure herself, Daisy always had... some sense of self, but before she had come to the island, for the most part, her zombie was little more then a corpse she dragged around via her threads...

"Daisy...? Well, before I came here, she tended not to follow me, and for the most part would only come when I pulled her towards me, whether it be with my physical strength, or with my threads..." She looked over at her zombie, "Ever since we got here though... she's been far more active. I'm not entirely sure why, I figured out could tell me~"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Valdis nodded, "So basically, you're a shitty necromancer, and you came to me to seek aid?" she inquired, before stepping past Lenneth to inspect her zombie. Leaning over, and stepping all around her, she nodded again, "Her flesh is regenerating, and this is not your work. Seems she's taken a natural liking to the magic of this island, and absorbing it into her soul... Which is strange, as zombies should not have souls. She must have been a ghost, and then inhabited this body at some point." Valdis nodded with conclusion.

Daisy's eyes followed Valdis as she walked around her, watching the necromancer curiously as she was observed. Aqua sighed, reaching a hand back to scratch her head. "Really? A worthless necromancer?" she said with irritation. "Not only did you just use threads of magic to move a zombie around like a puppet, but you aren't even a necromancer. You didn't make an artificial soul, a ghost did it for you."

"Yes..." Daisy replied.

"Ho-ho-ho!" Valdis laughed royally, "What an interesting specimen! It even speaks!" Turning her gaze to Lenneth, she frowns at the girl. "Rather than waste my time teaching you, how about dying for me, so I can turn you into a zombie?" she requested.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth's eyes widened was she was called a shitty necromancer, she begins to protest as the girl walked away from her, "H..Hey! I came to you on my own free will, I... I may not be the best out of there, but all I do is try, alright? Necromancy books are forbidden in the mainland, I've been saving up money to try to buy one... but..." She stammered, "But the only one I knew, before I had enough coin someone else bought it! And there was nothing I could do about it!" Her eyes followed the girl, but her gaze shifted to Daisy every once in awhile, she blinks as a ghost was mentioned, "Ghost...? I... I suppose that's possible, Daisy has been much more active since I got here... and that would explain certain things..."

At the instruction to die, Lenneth grits her teeth as she prepares to manipulate the threads within herself, she'd show them... she'd show them all... "Don't throw around such words so lightly! I didn't come this far just to die and become a zombie myself! Daisy! Let's show these two what a shitty necromancer can do!"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

At Lenneth's command, Daisy would be seen standing next to Valdis, smiling with an expression of guiltless betrayal. "It seems your 'zombie' isn't loyal to you at all," Valdis commented. Raising her hand, Valdis summoned magic to herself, "Well, as I said, it's time for you, shitty necromancer, to die. I apologize in advance for being a poor host, but I simply don't have the time to waste on you."

But as Valdis did that, Daisy raised her arm, and gripped Valdis', before pulling with great force, and throwing Valdis into the wall, where she slammed flat against it, and fell to the ground, dazed.

"Double betrayal!?" Aqua exclaimed. "Such a clever zombie..."

Laying on the ground, her face red from Daisy's attack, Valdis pushed herself up to her knees, adjusting her eye patch calmly. "I'll reconsider my decision," she said flatly. "However, there's one thing you have to consider," she announced. "The path to becoming a powerful necromancer in this world..." she let the suspension seep in by going silent for a moment, "... Is paved with sex." Directing her hand at Aqua, she states her example, "I wouldn't be able to possess such a creature as this under my command if I didn't do some embarrassing things. My prison cells are proof of that."
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth gritted her teeth as she saw Daisy walk over to Valdis' side, almost yelling out at her before she saw the zombie's face. Initially she was confused, she had seen that face before, it was the face that Daisy would wear just before playing a trick on someone... she began to smile on the inside, what a clever zombie. She turned to Valdis in pure rage as she called out, playing along, "D..Damn you! I won't let you kill me so easily! I didn't survive that stupid attack on the boat just for you to steal my zombie and try to kill me!" She began to manipulate her own threads, she was waiting, waiting for Daisy to make her move... and praying to anyone out there that she wasn't wrong in her guess.

She almost laughed as Daisy tossed Valdis into the wall, preparing to throw all she had at Valdis, "Move Daisy~ so I can finish this..." Before she was able to do anything though, Valdis spoke up, which caused the wannabe necromancer to frown, "Do you really expect me to believe you that easily? Especially since only a minute ago you were talking about ending me and turning ME into a zombie? How can I even trust you!" She looked at Daisy at the mention of sex though, she had wondered a few times how it would feel, but had mostly been too embarassed to do it, especially since... well, it was a girl, and a girl's corpse.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

"Because you've actually proven yourself interesting, instead of just meat," Valdis replied to Lenneth. "You have a zombie that obeys you, and is capable of amazing things. You might hold information I will find valuable, and the dead tell no tales." she recited a common phrase. "Believe me or not, you came here seeking my help, and now I'm willing to offer it. Turn me down, and I'll take back what I said, and kill you now." she warned her.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth took a few deep breaths then swallowed, the woman was right, she had no idea what was going on, really, and with Daisy over there being more than she expected, she needed all the help she could get. After all, if she left, who knew what other kinds of crazy things she would find out there... she nodded as she looked at Valdis, "Alright, fine fine, you have my attention, I'll be willing to work with you... on the condition that if you ever try to kill me again, either I'll get out of here and leave you, and take Daisy with me, or else I'll instruct Daisy to kill YOU in return!" She held out a hand to Valdis hesitantly, "Agreed?"
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