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Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Valdis stared down at Lenneth's hand for a moment, before walking past her, ignoring the hand. "Agreed," she stated, but didn't touch her hand. "If there's a ghost inside this girl, and it's managing to give it intelligent instructions despite it's current state, then it must be frustrating for it. The zombie must be revitalized if she's going to express herself properly," Valdis stated, stepping up to, and taking the zombie by the arm, "Come, into my lab," she stated, before the zombie lifted her where she gripped her arm, and threw her across the room again.

Once Valdis landed against the wall again, Daisy moved up to Lenneth, and hid her face against Lenneth's chest, hugging her around the waist. Upside down, with her skirt falling over her face and revealing her black panties with a white skull designed on them, Valdis grumbled slightly, "How annoying..."
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth blinked as listened to the other woman talk, she wasn't too sure what she was going on about, revitalizing? Like turning her body back to one of the living? That seemed highly impractical and counter intuitive! This woman seemed to not even understand the hard work she had put into Daisy to ensure that she stayed at that state! All that work she had put into it while on the mainland!

Before she could voice her complaint though, she saw the woman fly through the air, and land on her head, and Daisy coming over to her and giving her a hug, and burying her face in her chest, she blushed slightly, this felt... weird. She was certain that if there was a ghost possessing Daisy's body, then obviously it owed her little to no alliance, and while she had indeed put a lot of work into taking care of Daisy's body, there was no guarantee of loyalty... so why did it insist on staying at her side...? And why did it make her feel so happy? Still, this wasn't the time to get sappy! She needed to quickly assert her position to Valdis, while the woman was still recovering! "Don't try to take Daisy away without consulting me! What exactly do you mean by revitalizing her?"
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Valdis flipped herself over, and pushed herself up to her feet. "Her body is a train wreck. This would be suitable if you wanted to start an invasion, but this is only one zombie. And since it's soul is a real one, it can use a body more effectively than how a body like this would be enough for a simple artificial soul. More, it can even sustain it's own body. So we need to repair her body so that she can move freely in it. If she would stop throwing me around in my own lair, I could fix her," Valdis complained, adjusting her eye patch.
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Lenneth looks over at Daisy, then at the upside down scientist. Invasion? Body? Soul? These concepts were easily flying over her head, after all, even if she wouldn't admit it, she wasn't exactly the most powerful or skilled caster, and even now, it was probably easier for her to simply nod and pretend that what she was being told was things that didn't faze her at all, repair her so that she would stop throwing the other girl around? Well, she supposed that was okay.

"Fine, fine, do as you wish. I will remind you though that if I think you're up to anything fishy I'll be leaving immediately with Daisy."
Re: Necrophilia (Lenneth)

Allowing Valdis, Daisy actually brought herself over to Valdis on her own. She was clearly annoyed at how she was throwing her around before, and now she was completely compliant, with only Lenneth's permission in hand. Stepping towards a separate archway in her underground lair, she simply walked through her underground home while Daisy followed her. As Lenneth would likely try to follow, Aqua came up to her side, and took her arm, "Let Valdis work in solitude. She can't stand distractions. Instead, while you wait, would you like to come to my room? Since you're new here, there's a lot I can teach you about our land~" she giggled intently.