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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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In a sea of black, her feet stood on seemingly nothing at all. Before her, a stained glass window materialized, glowing bright as if greeted by the rising sun. Depicted on the glass, was a woman who looked much like her, and a human man who had no recognizable features standing behind her, except for the grand depiction of a griffin on the breastplate of his armor. Only a single step behind her, he seemed to be standing with her, his sword as well as her's, drawn and held high above their heads. Their blades pointed at the sky, were aimed at the dark clouds above them, a blotch on the golden skies everywhere else, where demons flew above them.

"It is with my hand, that you are chosen by fate," spoke the mature voice of a woman as a pair of white wings spread from behind the stained glass. "Find the Griffin, and humble him with your power. It is he who shall lead humanity to stand, and it is you who shall decide where he marches. You must teach the Griffin that not all monsters are evil. You must teach him the true enemy of all. Fate has given you this task. You must accomplish it, Jenna." the angelic, motherly voice commanded her. "All of the good creatures of the world depend on you. You must humble the Griffin!"

From her dream, Jenna would awake in her bed. Within her cave, her breaths echoed loudly. "Sis! Sis, are you in here!?" shouted the familiar voice of Jenna's younger sister Grenberia, followed by the patter of her padded reptilian feet running into the cave. Wearing a green one piece that almost looked like a swimsuit, the outfit was designed both to indicate youth, and to possibly entice a man early on in her years. With her wooden training sword, she already made several attempts at challenging men, but only within the Great Hollow itself, where every man already had a wife. She was scolded often for this.

"There you are!" she cheered, running up to the waking Jenna. "I knew you'd still be sleeping here~" she giggled.

Grenberia is the little sister of Jenna, and the only one who knows where Jenna's secret home is located. When Jenna left her stern mother's presence, Grenberia followed her, and occasionally brings her food and water in the morning. Named after the most powerful member of the lizard race, Grenberia's name comes from the mighty warrior who possessed the power to defeat a dragon, and thusly prove that her's was not an inferior race. In hopes she'll follow in that warrior's footsteps, she was given that name.

"Hey sis, you wouldn't believe it, but humans were spotted nearby!" she announced, laying down a wooden bucket of water next to her for drinking, and holding a raw strip of meat on the end of a stick which was resting on her shoulder. "Mom said not to challenge them, but everyone's talking about how they're all dressed like warriors! I was gonna go out anyway and see if I can't find a really strong guy, wanna come with?" she giggled, ever up to her usual mischief.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Darkness. Standing in an immense darkness, in all directions as far as the eye could see. Suddenly there was light, right in front of Jenna. She squinted and shielded her eyes until she was able to focus properly on what turned out to be a stained glass window depicting a strange scene. There was a woman with much the same features as her, though perhaps a little bit older than she was; her blond hair was longer, and she seemed somehow more mature, though she couldn't quite place how. Standing behind the lizardgirl was a man, or perhaps more appropriately the symbol of a man, for he had no recognizable features besides a suit of armor with an oddly intricate and detailed image of a griffin on the breastplate. Both of them were pointing swords towards the sky, at a patch of black clouds that seemed infested with demons.

The lizardgirl studied the image in glass for a while, fascinated with it, before a voice called out to her from somewhere behind it, a pair of white wings opening out to either side of the window. Fate...? she thought, listening in silence, her attention rapt on the angelic voice. It instructed her to find and humble the armor-clad man standing behind her, the griffin, and to show him the good that could be found in monsters. She nodded wordlessly, accepting her mission. There was no sense fighting it; fate is fate, set in stone and incontrovertible. One might fail to carry out one's fated duty, but to fight against it was childish folly. Vaguely she worried, though. All the good creatures of the world? Depending on her? A startling thought indeed. She most certainly couldn't afford to fail. There was also a little bit of a selfish reason for following through with it, though; she was getting to the age where she needed to start thinking about finding a mate. And it seemed that she was fated to be with a leader of men, and a fantastic warrior. She couldn't help but feel a little bit giddy.

Light. Not from the window anymore, but somewhere else. Vaguely Jenna realized that she was having a dream, which caused her to instantly awake in her cave, lying on her simple bed as the light streamed in through the cave mouth. She blinked a few times and then pulled the covers over her head, wanting a few more moments of rest to think. What a bizarre dream. It almost had to have meaning. And yet, some part of her was skeptical. There were far better candidates for the job she had supposedly been given, of this she was sure. Perhaps someone who hadn't had to teach themselves the sword because of rebellious pride...

Her little sister's voice pulled her away from her thoughts. "Yes, I'm here" she called out, getting up slowly. Grenberia quickly made her way into the cave, carrying a bucket of water and a fresh bit of meat for Jenna to eat. She was a cheerful youngling, braver than most and mischievous as all hell, which her mother surely lost sleep over. Her mother. Jenna frowned, and pushed the thought out of her mind. "I wasn't asleep, just resting my eyes" she protested as she stretched out after a good night's sleep, walking the short distance to her chest of drawers to clothe herself, opening the top drawer. Her spiny ears perked up when her sister mentioned that human warriors had been spotted nearby. "Really? Warriors, you say?" she asked, and she closed the drawer she had just opened, opting instead for the second drawer; here she kept the clothes she used for training, though she had never fought an actual battle against a real human man. She wasn't, after all, so adventurous as her little sister to challenge a married man to a fight. She giggled at that memory, and pulled out a set of bandages and the green dress her mother had made her a few years back, which thankfully still fit her. She laid it on her bed and walked over to Grenberia, giving her a playful little hit on the forehead, and said "you're still too young to go challenging a real warrior. Do you even have a real weapon yet?" she asked, teasing the girl. "Though you might catch a certain kind of man's fancy." All the while, though, she was thinking about the dream. Could it be that the time has already come? Is the man the dream was talking about here? she thought, going back to her bed and picking up the length of bandage, beginning the process of tightly wrapping her breasts; they weren't exactly what one would call large, but her breastplate was certainly not designed for them. "Still, I think I will go. I've been meaning to find a good man to challenge recently. After you get my breakfast ready we'll go and see what we can see" she said with a playful tone and pulling on her dress, her scaly tail slipping through the slit in the back. She hoped it made her look at least a little bit cute, though she was certain that the light armor she would put on before she went out would at best dampen the effect.
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Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Being told she was too young, and had no sort of weapon to be making such challenges to strangers didn't stop the little lizard girl one bit. Simply laughing, Grenberia held her shabby wooden sword high. "You underestimate me, Jenna! Don't forget I am the great Grenberia! I can defeat a dragon with only my claws!" she boasted. And she truly did look like a young Grenberia. Her hair was strawberry red, and shoulder length, parted down the middle to show her forehead, mimicking Grenberia's hairstyle down to the last strand. Taking the meat on the stick, she set up a spitfire, and placed the stick on top of two twigs that held the meat over the fire. "Poor Jenna," Grenberia giggled, "If you don't learn how to cook for yourself, no man will marry you," she stated coldly, even as she seemed highly amused. Though she was picking on Jenna, she still cooked the food well, and gave her a fair share despite that. Munching on the cooked meat, Grenberia moaned happily, "I'm such a good cook!" she complimented herself and her seasonings. Eating her food quickly, she stood up from the fire, and quickly put it out by splashing some of Jenna's water on it. "Come on! I wanna go bag a nice one! There has to be at least one man in the world stronger than the mighty Grenberia!" she announced, ready to head out of the cave at a moment's notice.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna snorted when her little sister compared herself to her namesake, the greatest heroine of their race. "Of course, of course" she said, ruffling the girl's hair, "just don't get carried away. I'd really hate to see you get hurt because you bit off more than you could chew."

Having nothing much better to do, Jenna watched Grenberia set up the spitroast she would use to cook their meal. She stewed at the little girl's mocking, and defensively shouted "I can too!" Sort of... It was true, she had been working on cooking a little bit. The results, however, left something to be desired... She was more or less entirely reliant on her little sister for meals. I'll just have to get a man to marry me before he realizes I can't cook. By the time he finds out he won't be able to do anything about it.

She quickly ate her share of the meat, and though she enjoyed it thoroughly she tried not to show it. Though the girl was bragging and exaggerating for a poke at her big sister, she wasn't exactly wrong. When they were done, Grenberia quickly put out the fire and urged Jenna to hurry, but the older sister still had something to do. "Oh, will you be patient" she said, getting up and making her way back to the chest of drawers, opening up the third, rarely used drawer. Inside was a set of light armor that had been made for her when she was younger. "I'd prefer to go into battle prepared." She strapped on the breastplate and shoulder-guards, which would offer some protection, but were still light enough not to restrict her movement. She then strapped on her thigh guards, and, walking over to her bed, buckled her sword's sheath around her waist. "Alright then. Lead the way, and we'll see what we can do about finding ourselves husbands."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"It was this way, in the open field at the bottom of the mountain!" Gren announced when Jenna finally found herself prepared and ready to go. Running out of the cave with clear excitement, she left a trail of dust behind her padded feet. Quickly making their way out of the cave and into the open air, they traveled down along the mountain path, going back and forth on the face of the mound of upheaved earth in a zigzag formation, slowly making their way down. Eventually, the dry, crusty mountain path turned into a grassy, a slightly rocky one, their path surrounded by trees.

Stopping once reaching the greener, lower land, Grenberia turned to Jenna. "Lots of humans around!" she announced to her, "Let's go through the forest instead of the path, so we don't run right into a dozen of em!"

Making that declaration, sounding off as if she was happily on a grand adventure, Gren turned back around and made a sudden beeline straight into the forest, through the trees. However, she did move much slower once in the midst of the trees and plant life. A slight hand gesture to Jenna gave indication that they were getting closer to their destination, and that stealth was required, even if only slightly.

And just up ahead, they could see a group of human men mingling about near a strange, oddly colored tree...


Each of them looking at it from different angles, all three of them were perplexed as to the nature of the odd, purple tinted tree before them. One stood, staring at it while scratching his head, or rather his helmet, while another had his hands on his hips, his head cocked to the side in wonder. And the last, without a helmet, sporting spiky black hair, had his arms folded in front of himself, frowning at the tree.

"This be corruption, yup..." announced the head scratching, clearly poorly educated soldier.

"There is no other corruption around here to be found, yet this tree suffers from it as if the soil itself is tainted," announced the other soldier, who seemed like a mirror opposite to his counterpart, sporting a considerable intellectual tone.

"Don't touch it, either because it's weird or because you want to study it." announced the black haired man with a youthful, yet hardened face as he seemed to snap at the two men respectively with the specific reasons for why either of them would wish to come into contact with it. "Let's leave it alone until someone with magical know-how can stop by and check this out," he concluded.

Suddenly, there was a rustling from a nearby bush that caught his attention, before a small figure leaped, and swung an object right into the uneducated knight's head, sounding his helmet off like a bell, and sending him, stunned, to the ground...


Watching the three men talk, Grenberia got anxious as she waited. Looking back to Jenna, she was grinning widely, "They're distracted, let's get 'em!" she announced bravely, before turning from Jenna without another word, leaping into the group of three, and sending one of them down with something as simple as her playsword. The other man drew his sword in reaction, the intellectual among the three, looking to the bush expectantly as he managed to catch a glimpse of Jenna, but just like his cohort, Jenna could see through his defense, and would be able to defeat him quickly...

The only exception was the third man, who stood in place, arms folded, as he watched his companion fall in utter silence. He seemed not at all surprised that this was happening.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna followed her little sister down the mountain with a sigh, noting that the girl was far too eager for her own good. Though perhaps it was that she was just too much of a stick in the mud. She had always been more serious than Grenberia, but there had been a time years ago when she vaguely recalled being more excited about life. Perhaps it would do her some good to recover some of that child-like enthusiasm… She pushed the thought out of her mind, as she always did; one can be a child only once, and her time had passed.

As the two sisters got near the bottom of the mountain the path became forested on either side, and Jenna wordlessly followed Grenberia into that forest, thinking it wise to hide for a bit and assess the situation more clearly. It was always better to see before being seen. After a somewhat slower, more quiet trek through the trees the two could see a group of human men gathered around a tree with an odd coloration. Jenna silently evaluated the men as they spoke; there were three in total, the lot of them looking to be soldiers. They didn’t look terribly strong, though the black-haired one in the back who seemed to perhaps be their leader exuded an air of calm competence. None of them looked much like marriage material.

Of course, that didn’t stop Grenberia at all. “Let’s get ‘em!” she said, quickly bounding out of the trees and slamming one of the men in the helmet with her training sword. Jenna was more than a little bit annoyed at this, but had no choice but to go in after the girl. The second soldier had by now noticed her, but she drew her longsword and frowned at his poor defensive stance. In one quick motion she leapt through the trees and with a strong slash knocked his sword to the side, and with an almost graceful twirl brought the blunt part of the blade against his helmet with all the force she could muster, not wanting to cause the man any serious injury, but at the same time not wanting to leave him standing.

"Gren, you must listen to mother even less than I did. There’s no honor in ambushing people this way" Jenna said as she eyed the remaining soldier, who hadn’t moved at all, seemingly unfazed by the whole thing. "Or are you just interested in beating up on a few men?" The lizardgirl kept her eyes firmly on the soldier, taking up one of the few defensive stances she had learned from her mother as she waited for her reaction. She wasn’t certain quite how this challenging business was supposed to go, but she had a good idea that it didn’t normally go this way.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The man's eyes narrowed at Jenna as she toke her posture before him. "... Are you attempting to toy with me? After ambushing my two comrades, you defend against me? And with a sloppy posture no less. I won't attack you, monster. For you see, as in chess, I am always black. I never make the first move. If you want to challenge me, then do so. I will not accept your challenge." he stated.

"Then the mighty Grenberia will challenge you!" Jenna's little sister announced, taking her wooden sword, and aiming it at the man. Without delay after her words, Gren charged at the man, and jumped into the air majestically, the results of her training showing in her movements, before the man moved like an arrow, stepping to the side, evading her strike. "Huwha?" Gren gestured with confusion.

"You've spent a lot more time on your style, but your speed is what's lacking." The man announced. Without drawing his weapon, he sweeped under Gren's legs, knocking her down before she could attack again. "You must be a scouting party of some sort for other monsters of your kind. I suggest you run, and tell your kind that the Griffin shall hunt lizards," he directed at Jenna.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Chess? What are you talking about? It wasn't my intention to toy with you, nor to challenge you. If my sister here hadn't" Jenna started, but she was interrupted by her little sister's challenge to the man. Damn it, why is she so impulsive? she wondered, pushing to the side for the moment his comment on her stance, preferring not to think of her apparent inferiority.

As she watched, Grenberia's attack was easily dodged, and the soldier quickly swept her feet out from under her with his leg, not even bothering to draw his weapon. This guy is good. Way out of her league. I might stand a chance... Jenna thought as she listened to the man, and the last bit made her finned ears perk up. The Griffin? Here? That dream... Carefully she stepped forward, lowering her sword slightly. "We're no one's scouts. Just curious, that's all. And I was saying, you wouldn't have been attacked if not for my silly little sister" she said, casting an annoyed glance at the girl, still on the ground. It would seem she might need to play her cards carefully to avoid a conflict at this point.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Are you trying to convince me of your innocence?" he raised an eyebrow at Jenna. "Whatever point you're trying to make is irrelevant. You attacked my cohorts, though self destructive they may be, your intended plan doesn't change that. Now, you can either flee as I suggested you do, or attempt to finish me last. Which is it going to be, lizard?" he beckoned Jenna for her reply as Gren scurried back to her feet, and stood closer to Jenna.

"We can take him!" Gren announced to her older sister. "I call dibs on him being my husband though!" she giggled, holding her training sword up, pointed at the man.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna sighed as the man seemed not to believe her, or simply not to care. She sighed more heavily at Grenberia, though. "You're too young to take him as a husband regardless" she replied, though she nodded to her little sister to indicate that she should move a little bit away to the soldier's side. "I don't want to fight you, but I won't run from a challenge. Prepare yourself" she said, readying herself to attack the man.

If Grenberia had focused mostly on her style as opposed to speed and body, Jenna was the opposite. Her style was undoubtedly a bit sloppy, but she had worked to make herself physically strong and quick, aided by her natural talents as a monstergirl. Still, she couldn't help but be nervous; she had never fought a real opponent in battle, at least not a good opponent, and she wasn't sure she was up to the task. With a subtle signal to her sister she rushed forward, unleashing a flurry of slashes and stabs at the man in the hopes of giving Grenberia an opening to exploit, while trying not to hurt the soldier too badly.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

With Jenna running in first, while Grenberia ran along the flank, the man drew his sword in an instant to reflect her attack. Without warning, he suddenly brought his sheath up, and hit Jenna's side. The surprisingly heavy hilt was enough to knock her off her feet as she fell to her side. Standing over her, it now appeared as if the man was duel wielding with his blade pointed at her, and his sheath pointing away from her.

With Gren rounding behind him, she leaped elegantly, her weapon overhead in preparation for an overhead cleave as the man turned about-face, raising his sheath as her practice sword clanged against it. Pushing forward, Gren's forward momentum was shifted as she fell to her back on the ground.

Leaping back from the two downed girls, the man held his stance defensively. It seemed he was taking no time at all to attack either of them, forsaking all his focus for defense. Which, perhaps was wise, as he was not out of reach of Jenna a moment ago, despite her prone position.

Her arm merely sore from being hit, Jenna would be allowed to stand by her opponent, as well as Gren, who didn't seem too pleased by that brief exchange. "Change of plans~" she whispered to Jenna, "Let me go in first, and you attack his flank! I'll keep him occupied, since you're faster and maybe can land a blow on him faster than I can!"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

When Jenna lunged at the soldier, he quickly drew his sword to block her, and then knocked her down with an unexpected attack with his sheath. As she fell, she watched the man effortlessly parry Grenberia's blow and send her to the ground as well with the sheath. This guy is good she thought as she jumped back to her feet quickly. He's going completely defensive. Probably his best option, if he had focused too much on Gren just then I could have cut him off at the ankles if my goal was compatible with that. It's going to be hard to penetrate that defense.

That whole bit seemed to have made Gren more serious, as she whispered a new strategy. Jenna didn't make any signal that she had acknowledged the girl's whispering, but she did change her stance from the defensive one she had taken earlier to a looser one she had fiddled around with in the past, which worked more towards her superior speed and reaction time. She would wait for Grenberia to attack, and then would lash out at his left side as quickly as she could.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

The man's eyes narrowed when Grenberia charged first, while Jenna lagged behind. With Grenberia suddenly sliding during her charge, aiming for his feet, the man dug his blade into the ground, her sliding slash blocked, while he raised his sheath, blocking Jenna's attack, effectively deflecting both of their attacks again.

But, Gren wasn't done. Sliding behind him, while he was distracted with Jenna, she jumped up, and tied a strip of cloth around his eyes, blinding him. Throwing his sword arm up to try and knock her off, the man's arm was kicked by Gren's foot, leaving him completely open to Jenna for the sake of finishing the fight.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna watched as the man blocked Grenberia's attack and then parried her own with his sheath, making the whole thing look positively easy. Of course, Gren had a trick up her sleeve that he couldn't have seen coming; she kept on sliding past him, quickly turning and jumping on his back, managing to tie a little piece of cloth over his eyes.

This threw the man completely off his game, and he flailed in an unsuccessful attempt to get the lizardgirl off his back. Jenna saw her opportunity and took it, swiftly slamming the blunt part of her sword against the side of the soldier's head hard enough to knock him unconscious. "Where did you learn that sort of thing?" she asked her sister when she was sure the soldier wasn't in any shape to attack them. "Surely not from mother."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Grenberia landed on her feet in stride after Jenna hit, and knocked the man unconscious, expressing a wide, confident grin to her. "I've actually got a few combats under my belt~" she boasted confidently. "So I'm used to fighting."

Then, she turned to the fallen man, gathering more strips of cloth, and tying his arms together, before using her wooden sword as a stake, and driving it into the ground between his wrists as if to hold his arms prisoner so that they couldn't move. Licking her lips, Grenberia looked up at Jenna, "I already called dibs~" she announced, before slamming her hands down on the man's chest, yelling at him, "Hey! Time to wake up, my new hubby~"

Groaning, he stirred on the ground, fidgeting with his arms quite a bit, while Gren wasted no time reaching downwards, and unbuckling his pants. And once her hands grabbed hold of something precious, his eyes opened wide, expression pained obviously from that whack to the head he took. "W-what the hell are you doing!?" he shouted at her.

"Claiming my spoils of war~" Grenberia announced with a giggle, grinning at him intently.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"That's not what I mean" Jenna replied, frowning. "Such tactics, do you have no sense of honor?" She watched with concern as Grenberia tied the soldier's arms and staked them to the ground, ensuring that he wouldn't get away. "Gren, what are you doing? Let's not antagonize him, I need something from him" she tried to say, but her little sister was in no mood to listen.

Jenna groaned inwardly as Grenberia quickly unbuckled the man's pants, grabbing his penis in a clawed hand as he jolted awake and alert. Of course she would use that terminology... Jenna thought, starting to get angry with her unthinking little sister. "Gods dammit Grenberia, stop that" she said, walking over and squatting next to them.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Gren turned, and frowned angrily at Jenna, "Okay, so I don't fight like mom says. Most of my techniques are self-taught, and I'm training on my own while mom tries to teach me to be honorable. Humans don't fight honorably, so why should I? All that matters is strength and power! And besides you're just as guilty. You helped me fight this guy, didn't you? Where's your self-righteous honor?"

Turning away from her, Gren flipped a leg over, straddling the man's crotch, his manhood right in front of her crotch. "You got a problem with that?" she asked her older sister. "Anyway, I'm going to make this guy my husband. I'll share him with you, since you're my sister, but you've gotta find your own husband too." she lectured her. Grenberia's speaking would horrify their mother if she ever heard it, and their entire race for that matter. Gren had not won fairly, she had not fought fairly. As far as any of the lizard race were concerned, marriage under those conditions would be forbidden.

Not pleased with his condition, the man did stare at Jenna intently, his face red with a flush. The way he was looking at her suggested he saw her as his only means of escaping from the situation without being raped by the young Grenberia.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna frowned darkly, growing more angry the longer her little sister talked. "Are you even listening to yourself? You sound like a demon! Strength and power are everything only to the most wicked of creatures who lurk this world. Besides, when did this man fight against you dishonorably? You can’t just generalize all humans like that." She was a bit taken aback by her assertion that she was just as guilty, and replied "I didn’t expect you to pull that. I wanted to actually fight him, in part because I need something from him, and in part because I didn’t want to see him hurt you."

It seemed that her speech wasn’t doing anything to dissuade Grenberia, as the girl turned her back to her and straddled the man, indicating that she would take the man for a husband. This really made Jenna mad, and she walked up behind her little sister and pulled her off him, throwing her to the ground. "I do have a problem with that. You’re not going to marry this man, it flies in the face of every law and tradition of our race. What the Hell happened to you that made you like this, anyway? You were always a sweet kid, and now you’re acting like some kind of little terror."

She didn’t pay much attention to the man at this point, her anger at and concern for her sister foremost in her mind. Idly she wondered what would happen if the girl didn’t back down; she really didn’t want to have to fight her and then take her back to mother afterwards. That would be tough to explain… I really don’t want to go back to the village right now.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Grenberia was enraged after she'd been thrown. Getting to her feet, she snarled at Jenna, "You want something from him, huh!? You want him all to yourself? Well I don't want to be like you! I don't want to move out of the cave and live alone! Do you know how embarrassing it is to be associated with someone who everyone talks bad about? Once I have a husband, I'll be recognized as an adult, and I won't have to be called 'Jenna the exile's sister'!" she said angrily to Jenna.

"I'm gonna take this man as my husband," she announces, stepping over, and taking his blade into her claw, and pointing it at Jenna. "So don't get in my way!" she shouted at her sister.

"That's quite enough." said the man's voice from behind, as he took the wooden blade in his hand, and threw it at Gren. Although she blocked it, he was now free. Gripping his sheath, he dashed at Gren rose his sheath, and as she went to defend it, slammed the side of his hand against her head, knocking her out cold in the matter of a single moment.

Retrieving his blade, he directed it back at Jenna. "I'm glad you two had a falling out at this moment. With one of you down, I shall defeat the remaining monster easily." he announced to Jenna. "I respect that you have honor. I shall not kill you because of that. But I won't show mercy either." Which was music to a lizard clan's ears. To meet a powerful candidate for marriage, and have him prove worthy enough to breed with.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna frowned deeply at Grenberia's words. The idea that she was the root cause of her sister's abhorrent behavior was deeply troubling, and she didn't quite know how to address it. "I don't want him all to myself, I just need to ask him some important questions, and he won't answer me if he's too busy getting his brains fucked out, or if he hates me and all of my race because of what you do to him! And you don't have to be just like me, you just have to be a decent person!"

As the younger lizardgirl picked up the man's sword and yelled at her, Jenna got into a defensive stance, wondering if her little sister really intended to kill her over this. "Do you really thing that you can take and keep a husband by force!? He'll just run away if you don't keep him locked away, so long as he isn't consenting. Please, put the sword down and act like you've got some sense in your head."

Just as the situation seemed as if it might get out of control, the soldier got free of his binds and threw Gren's wooden practice blade at her; she managed to block it, but once free he rushed at her, distracting her with his sheath and then delivering a powerful blow to the side of her head, knocking her out in one blow. Jenna stood up straighter, surprised; it was rare to find a man who possessed the strength to knock a lizardgirl unconscious so easily with his bare hand, even a juvenile.

"I don't know about 'easily,' such arrogance won't serve you" she said in reply to the man, grinning and taking up an unorthodox stance, hoping he would be less able to counter something he hadn't seen before. "I appreciate the sentiment, it would be a shame if I died before I could set things right with my sister, after all. And I've no need for your mercy, it would only be an insult to my honor."

As she finished, the hairs on the back of her neck began to stand up, and she began to feel the adrenaline pumping through her system as she thought about the situation; here was a real candidate for marriage, a man who seemed to be both strong and relatively upright in his thinking. In the back of her mind was the dream, and her apparently fated marriage to this man's superior officer, but in the moment that seemed remote to her. Quietly she stood in place, reasoning that his style seemed particularly well suited to defense; she would force him to attack, and hopefully counter him effectively with her superior speed. She was less worried with injuring him now, though she would obviously try her best to avoid any serious harm befalling the soldier.