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Nicki (Toxicshock)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Nicki wakes up and immediately notices something is awry. She is in a hallway in what appears to be some sort of Lab. Looking around she notices that she has been changed into a sports bra and a pair of cotton shorts. She quickly notices and reads the letter tied to her wrist. Deciding to find her way out, she ponders her first move.

Search the area
Travel South
Travel North
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Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki keeps her eyes on the letter for a while, before crumpling it up and throwing it down. "I'm not someone's fucking pet!" Trying to get the best handle on her situation, she first searches her immediate area followed by the entire room, trying to assess all her options before continuing. She doubted she'd find something helpful, considering she was thrown into this place rather carefully by someone who seems like they'd leave not much to chance.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Rummaging through the few bags in the hallway, Nicki is unable to find anything useful to wear. Most of what she comes across is bills and other financial records. Disgruntled at her situation, she considers what she wants to do next.

Search Again
Travel North
Travel South
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Frustrated but not at all surprised at her lack of options, she decided there was nothing that could help her, and decided to head southward. Even though she had no idea what lay ahead of her, she tried to prepare herself mentally as she started on.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Moving southward down the hallway she dins herself at an intersection of two hallways. One travels north to south while one travels from the east to west. Pondering which hallway to take, she is startled by a blood-curdling shriek to her right. Turning, she is attacked by a small creature that looks like nothing she had seen before, almost a gerbil, but much more angry.

Creature HP: 1

Flee N/S/E/W (85% Success)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki jumped at the sound coming at her, but turned her head in confusion at the size and look of her would-be attacker. Almost giving herself a small chuckle, she decided to act first and attack the small rodent. Sure it didn't look that menacing, but she might as well get it out of the way if it's going to threaten her.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Perhaps Nicki's chuckle clouded her judgment, but when she swings at the rodent, she misses. The rodent scampers around and around her, suprising her with it's speed and agility.

Creature HP: 1

Flee N/S/E/W (85% Success)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Aggravated by her failure, she thinks about attacking it again, but seeing that it seemed to pose little to no threat, she decided to ignore it. It was quite fast, but it wasn't really fighting her. Keeping her eyes on it, she moved towards the western part of the intersection so she could keep going.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Leaving the hyper creature behind, Nicki travels West and runs into the end of the hallway. Nick notices a few bags lying in the corner along with doors on the North and South walls. Both appear to be cells.

Search the Area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Having "escaped" the angry little furball, she looked down and took note of her place now. "Shit. Looks like this won't be leading me anywhere." Before moving on, she decided to scour the area a bit, especially interested in anything that may be in those bags.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Searching through the bags of trash, Nicki doesn't find anything useful. Frustrated, she kicks the bag of trash down the hallway, trailing a stream of paper. Suddenly a piece of paper fluttering out catches her eye. It appears to be a maintenance memo for these facilities. A coffee stain has caused most of the ink to run, but a bulletin referencing a "North Eastern Stairwell light," sticks in Nicki's mind.

Search again
Travel N/S/E
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Looking the paper over, she realized it might be important. She could only think to herself that heading there would either be a really good, or bad, idea. Figuring that her immediate area didn't look to promising, she decided she'd check out what the sheet was talking about. She headed back east, hoping her furry little friend wasn't still there.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

After what seemed like forever, Nicki turns and walks back east into the hallway intersection. This time there is not creature to greet her, just three hallways to traverse.

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

After what seemed like forever...

Though she wasn't afraid of the thing, she sighed a bit knowing that she didn't have to deal with it now. Again in the same hallway, she thought on whether to go north first or east. Remembering that she came from the north first and it was a straight hall, she decided to go east. If there was ever a problem en route, she'd want to be able to avoid it while still heading in the direction of the stairwell.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki continues eastward, noting a cell door to her north. Pausing for a moment, she takes in her surrounding. The hallway appears to travel to the east. There are a few odds and ends scattered throughout the hallway.

Search the area
Travel N/E/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki stopped moving for a second as an option to turn north appeared. Obviously she couldn't go back the way she came, her choices still remained north or east. But considering north didn't seem like it led anywhere she decided she'd head east, but not without checking out her current area first.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki looks around the hallway But does not find anything useful. Saddened, she continues her march to the East. She takes a few steps before coming to the cross roads of two hallways. One travels to the north, while the other continues east. Looking around, she is hit in the back side of the head with some hard, wooden object. Spinning around, she is face to "face" with what looks like a vine. Scanning the area, she sees a mass of vines that appear to be coming out of the wall near the floor.

Nicki DEF: 2
Vine HP: 3

Flee N/E/W (50%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Rubbing her head from the injury, she was surprised to see plants attacking her? FUCKING PLANTS NOW! She didn't know what the hell was going on but she didn't like it. Whatever this was, it wasn't right, and she wanted her way out immediately. Figuring the plants were coming from the direction she didn't want to go, she decided to turn and run, hoping to make a break for it, eastward.

(I realize positioning has nothing to do with it
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki easily outruns the slow moving vines to her east. She quickly comes across a dead end of the hallway. There is a door to her south and a heavy door to her north. There also are piles of bags scattered throught the halway.

Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Taking a deep breath after outrunning her leafy assailants, Nicki saw the bags scattered, and despite having much luck in the past, figures there's got to be something helpful in something here. Sure, this Dr. D may have planned this out, but he could have overthought something somewhere that she may use to her advantage.
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