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Nicki (Toxicshock)

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Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki swings at the largest of the critters, and manages to hit it with a massive squish. She notes that after squashing the "leader" one of the other critters retreats off into the darkness.

(Crit Hit)

Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Critters HP: 1

Flee N/S/E/W (87%)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(I like how crit hit on multiple attackers works haha)

Seeing one last creature to deal with, assuming one was obviously scared from her killing their 'alpha'. Nicki attempts to crush the last remaining creature.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki strikes out at the remaining creature, hoping to kill it. She successfully lands her foot on the last creature. She fails to kill it, but it flees away into the darkness, following the last critter.

Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Critters HP: 1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(wait huh? so was that like a block, but then an enemy flee?)

Seeing the creature run, Nicki sighed and promised herself to be more careful as she walked on. She figured it running is as good as not having to deal with it, as she kept her nightstick ready and moved north.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(Flavor hit. You can't kill everything ^_^)

Moving North, Nicki finds herself at the end of the hallway. There is a large pile of debris in front of her, and a door to her west and east. The door t o her east reads "Floor B-4."

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel S/E/W
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(uuhhh, I have no idea what you just said

Finding herself at the end of the hallway, she figures there's no way she could have missed it. If she heads east now, she's bound to run into what she's been looking for. Taking a deep breath, Nicki moves eastward, ignoring the pile beside her.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki enters the stairwell. She begins to travel up the stiars when she hears a sudden clang behind her. Swinging around, she sees that the door has locked behind her. Running up the remainder of the stiars, she reaches the top just in time to see the upper door slam shut. SHe tugs on the door with no luck, it is locked fast. She looks around when she sees a large blob of slime drop right in front of her. She examines it before looking up, just in time to be splattered by the rest of the blob. Trapped in the stairwell, she has little choice but to confront the blob/


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 5

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Oh fuck, I'm trapped! Nicki barely has time to register how she could have fell for something like this before she spots what looks to be a giant pile of goop. Checking to see what it could possibly be, it seemed to be animated as it struck her on the way down. Deciding not to waste any time on this thing, she went to attack it, although obviously unsure of how to do that to an amorphous creature. She tries to keep her distance while swinging her weapon at it, hoping that it's either thin enough that she can splatter away pieces of it, or maybe it's thick enough that it can feel and would be hurt by her nightstick.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki swings, and connects with her nightstick, sending a piece flying against the far wall. The remaining piece retreats before trying to rejoin with the separated piece.


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 4

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki was glad to see that she could take the thing apart, and was even more excited as the thing seemed to flee from her. But that soon turned to fear as it joined back together with its separated piece. Oh no, did I even hurt it? Don't tell me when I just take it apart, it can keep reforming itself back together!" She decided that, no matter what the situation, she was trapped and she had to deal with it. She could only take it on faith that she could hurt it, and if she couldn't.... well she was doomed from the start. She rushes at the now distant blob, arching her arm back to once again bring her nightstick across it's 'body'
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki continues her attack, hoping to knock a larger piece off this time, or at least hurt it enough for it to retreat away. She swings but the blob this time molds around her stick and she fails to connect.


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 4

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Unfazed by the fact her swing hadn't taken anything of the slimy creature, Nicki kept up her assault, pulling her weapon back once more and attempted to swing straight down on it. Maybe if she changes up her angles, the thing won't be able to react fast enough and she can keep tearing away at it until it dies.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki swings a third time, this time connecting with the middle of the blob, splitting it into two different pieces. Each piece retreats to a different portion of the room, one up the stiars and one downward.

(Crit hit)

Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 2

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki steps back a bit, surprised to find the thing almost completely destroyed as it become two different creatures. Although this ability spelled bad news, she figured it's probably the best opportunity to try and kill them separately. She followed the one downstairs, hoping to keep a height advantage (as if that matters, heh) using a bit of gravity to help her speed along at the thing and crash her weapon into it again.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki rapidly approaches the lower fo the two blobs, hoping to continue her combo against the translucent green creature. She leaps at it and swings down, hoping to smash this one like the other. However, the blob from above her leaps downward, catching Nicki in the back and causing her to fall face first into the lower blob. She is now pinned to the floor, surrounded by the green slime.


Nicki DEF: 1
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 2

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Feeling some pressure on her back as she flies down the stairs, it turns out the higher blob wasn't even running. Now it flew down upon her, turning her flight into a forward tumble down the stairs and right into the awaiting goo of the other slime. Finding herself down and unable to move away as the creature stuck to her skin, she tried to worm her weapon arm free of the blob and, in a panic, strike it constantly with small hits, hoping to back it away from her so she could get back up.

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Her flurry of attacks manages to hit a large clump on the small of her back. She feels an almost seismic shock flow through her as the blob on her back recoils backward off of her. Suddenly the blob seems to dissolve all around her, draining into a grate near the bottom of the stairs. After a minute or two, she hears the door above her open.

(Crit Hit)

Nicki DEF: 1
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Blob HP: 0

Rest (No encounter chance)
Leave Stairwell
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Jo felt a powerful surge as the thing began to liquify and run off of her. She laid back in surprise before scooting herself backwards to the wall. Her head shot up at hearing the doors unlock, but decided not to head up just yet. For now, she was going to sit and reflect on what's going on, and just how the hell she got herself into this.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Collecting her thoughts while leaning against the wall, her thoughts drifted to how she had gotten here. Not remembering much, she surmises that she must have been drugged somehow. After a few moments, she feels her strength returning, She stands up and leaves the stairwell. She steps into the end of a hallway that looks like it is straight out of a hospital ward. The walls are lines with pale green tiles. There is a door to her West and the hallway traveling South.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel W/Sl
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(haha, i just used that as an excuse to rest)

Taking note of how different the floor looked, Nicki took note of the different look of this floor. Seeing as how, on the last floor, doors usually meant cells, Nicki decided a hallway would be her best option and the most efficient way of avoiding traps. She clutched at her nightstick and headed south.
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