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Nicki (Toxicshock)

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Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Taking note that she was heading south, Nicki headed south (^_^). She travels a piece before encountering a turn on the hallway. There is a door to her south and the hallway continuing to her West

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel N/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Taking note that she was heading south, Nicki headed south (^_^). She travels a piece before encountering a turn on the hallway. There is a door to her south and the hallway continuing to her West

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel N/W/S

(I'm going on an hour of flsleep since tuesday, leave me alone :( I noticed there was a few things she should notice but didn't notice how many times I used notice)

Once again, deciding doors would not be to her liking, wanting to keep in sight whatever may attack her in large open spaces, she went down the hall leftward.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(Sorry :( )

Nicki turns and again heads down the hallway. She comes across another door to her south and the hallway continues to her West. There are several boxes stacked on the northern wall.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel N/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Finally finding something of interest in these bland hallways, Nicki figures she shouldn't move ahead just yet. Instead she turns her head towards the boxes and decides to shuffle through them, hoping to find something that can help her.

(Hey, I'm not at all encouraging roll fudges, but I'd just like to say, I'm not looking for more helpful stuff, there's little more she can actually use. I'm kinda looking at a trap)
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki searches through the boxes and is started to discover a folded up... robot? She examines it and discovers that it looks like a 3 foot tall spider but with a large array of devices on it's top. Backing away from the contraption, she jumps in fear when the robot awakes, crawls out of the box, and heads directly for her.

(I SWEAR I didn't fudge that)

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 3

Flee 50% N/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

(A spiderbot?.... FUCK YEAH!)

Backing away from the opening robot, Nicki eyes her possible exits but figures not to take chances running with a mechanical enemy. With all those devices, and everything planned out beforehand against her, who knows what type of trap she'd fall for if she tried to run. Instead, she tightens her fist around the nightstick and tries to bring it down hard on the robot.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki tries to get the upper hand on the robot right off the bat. She swings at the sensitive looking equipment on the top but is countered by a grabber arm that quickly deploys of the top, grabbing her by the forearm. It then pulls Nicki hard towards it, trying to topple her before letting go.


Nicki DEF: 2
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 3

Flee 50% E/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

She was caught by surprise as it not only stopped her, but yanked at her arm and even pulled her closer. Having almost lost her balance and not at all happy with the small distance between the two of them, Nicki startles a bit before trying to push kick it away with her foot, hoping she can push herself away simultaneously.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

She kicks out at the spiderbot, but her bare foot slips off of the cold metal shell and slides under the bot. Losing her balance, she falls backward and lands on her back. She manages to slip her hand out from the grabber though.


Nicki DEF: 1
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 3

Flee 50% E/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Losing her balance, Nicki soon felt a pain in her back as it collided with the ground. Luckily, she was quick enough to regain herself and avoid becoming tangled up in it's extremities. Hoping she can still stay quick enough, she tries to plant her feet under the bot and push upward, hopefully sending it back hard.

Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki uses the floor to her advantage, kicking with both feet upward on the underside of the spiderbot. she succeeds in lifting it airborne, and it lands about 2 feet away. The spiderbot manages to quickly right itself and turns again to Nicki.


Nicki DEF: 1
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 2

Flee 67% E/W/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Having successfully put some distance between her and the bot, Nicki gets up and figures now would be the best time for her escape. She bolts westward, hoping she put enough of a gap between her and the bot to not get caught.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

After pondering her flight for what seems like weeks, she finally turns west and bolts into the darkness. "EEEEEEAAAA!" she screams while running, flailing her arms at the same time. Winded, she stop sand turns, hoping to see nothing but darkness behind her. There is no sign of the robot. Looking around, she notices a door to her north. The hallway continues to the west.


Nicki DEF: 1
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel E/W/N
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

It felt like she had been running for such a long time. Nicki felt tired and out of breath from her screams. The entire encounter had taken a toll on her stamina, leaving her feeling drained and tired. She felt like she needed to rest.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki slumps against the wall and pulls her knees up to her chest. She rests her head forward and quickly drifts off into a light slumber. After a few moments of rest, she begins to feel much better about herself. With a renewed energy, she stands back up and looks around, wondering what to do next.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Search the Area
Travel E/W/N
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Finally feeling rested, she looks around. Nothing had attacked her, but she felt good now. If something had attacked her, it might have been in for a world of hurt. There was a door north of her, but she really didn't like the idea of going through any entrance where she might be surprised in close quarters. She continued down the open hallway to the west.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki makes it to the end of the hallway. There is a door to her north and another hallway that travels to the south. This new hallway looks much different than than other one, with nice wood paneling. She spies a doctor leaning on the wall just to her south, his back to her and he appears to be writing something.

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1
Doctor HP: 2

Flee N/S/E 67%
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

She turned the corner as the hallway ended, keeping to her rule to avoid doors and stay in the hallway when she was face to... well back, with some doctor. At first, she stopped, thinking of speaking with the man, but her luck in that hasn't been too positive. She decided it was best to take advantage of the fact he hasn't seen her yet, and use his distraction with his papers as a way to sneak past him to the south.
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki slowly and quietly sneak down the hallway opposite of the doctor. She hopes that the darkness and the papers the doctor is struggling to read will conceal her movement. She makes it past the doctor and lets out a sigh of relief. Lookign backward after what seems like hours, she notices the doctor is out of sight. The wood covered hallway continues to the south.

(Flee successful)

Nicki DEF: 3
Nicki CONST: 4 + 1

Travel N/S
Re: Nicki (Toxicshock)

Nicki's heart was still beating heavily from her little wanna-be spy adventure. She was feeling fit, but any confrontation was better to skip than to deal with directly. She was faced with little choice to make as she didn't see anymore doors, just back the way she came, or to keep moving forward.
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