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Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

They each looked to one another, as if taking that statement into consideration, before responding, "Use your hips!" they all shouted at once in unison. The next thing Niko knew after that, the goblins started for his pants, pulling them down just enough so that his cock was freed. Then it was a mad rush to see who could get to his cock first, the goblins fighting over each other a little as they each tried a different maneuver to get at his member. Then, a number of them seemed to get a hold at the same time, and actually seemed to have a silent agreement to work together, as they all leaned in, and began licking, kissing, and sucking on his cock together. One of them took the head into her mouth, using her tongue to swirl around it, and the others used their tongues to trail along the base, one of them planting her mouth on the shaft, and sucking on it, while the last took his balls into her hand, and began massaging them gently...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko would have laughed at them fighting over him if he had been in any position to do so. As is, he just grunted and let them have at it. The longer they toyed with him, the more time he'd have to figure out how he could get out of here. He didn't fight the little creatures as they started sucking on him, relaxing and cooperating to keep them occupied. It wasn't so bad, at least not yet.

"And you said I was bad, there are four of you! I'm sure you can do better than that." he quips, egging them on.
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Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

At Niko's taunt, he heard one of the small monsters shout from his side, "Shut up!" she told him, and the originator of the voice stepped forward, a club in hand, and no clothes on her slim body. She lifted her leg over his body, and slammed her crotch against his face, before warning him, "If you bite me, I'll smash your head in!" she gestured with her club, before moving her hips a little along his lips, before using her free hand to grab a handful of his hair, "Lick me!" she commanded him, blushing, and smiling maliciously, while she quickly started to get wet, some of her honey trailing down the side of his cheek...

Meanwhile, Niko's body spoke louder than his mouth, and his cock was quickly erect thanks to the efforts of the four goblins playing with his manhood. Then, the one taking the head of his cock into her mouth pushed the other goblins out of the way, "Get out of my way! I'm the one who took him down, so I get first!" she announced, before quickly taking her loose clothes off, and adjusting herself over him, and slamming down her hips, hard. Niko felt an extremely tight sensation, unlike any he ever felt, even with other women, around his cock. Her pussy squeezed him greatly, and that didn't stop her from humping him with zeal, sliding her tight pussy along his shaft, and working her hips just right, as if she had a good amount of experience doing this, bending his cock unbearably, and squeezing it still, making him feel like he wanted to cum, just by how tight she felt...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Shrugging, Niko complies, his tongue running across the small creatures folds once or twice before searching for her clit. He makes it good, but doesn't make it good enough for her to cum, at least having that tiny barb to throw at his captors. There isn't much he can do about the one on his cock, so he simply slides his hips forward, making it easier for her. He makes sure to keep his orgasm down, not wanting the little things to tire of him and eat him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The goblin on top of his face made slow humping motions with her hips, thoroughly enjoying Niko's tongue along her pussy, and it wasn't long before he had nothing but the taste of her pussy in his mouth as she unexpectedly climaxed, apparently a lot more sensitive than normal women, these goblins were...

In the meantime, the goblin riding his cock fucked him mercilessly, riding his cock wildly, and with zeal, cumming several times as she fucked him. And no matter how much he held back, Niko soon found himself on the brink of cumming inside the little goblin's pussy...
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

He slows his tongue-work slightly as he approaches his peak, biting his tongue to stave it off with the pain, before realizing that the multiple painful bruises from his earlier beating still ached enough to do the job. He held himself off for as long as possible, but eventually he stopped licking entirely, and leaned into the girls humping, feeling his release coming. He let out a grunt just before he started cumming, filling the girls pussy with his sperm.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The goblin let out a moan of pleasure as Niko filled her tight monster cunt with his sperm, letting out a sigh of relief after he stopped pumping his seed into her pussy. "That was fast!" she announced, giggling childishly. However, her laughter was short lived when another Goblin, who had been masturbating while she watched Niko getting raped, pushed her off of his cock, quickly adjusting herself over him next. "Get out of my way! It's my turn! I want him to cum inside me to!" she said, before slamming her hips down, just like the other, as Niko felt a familiar tight sensation wrap around his cock, before she began to fuck him just as roughly as the first one did.

And what made it all worse, was that in Niko's side vision, he saw the rest of the good dozen of horny Goblins, all wanting their turn with him...

Niko suddenly felt the hand of the angry goblin on top of his face gripping his head, feeling like she was going to crush his skull just with her grip as she threatened him, "If you don't use that tongue, I'll cut it off, and cook it!" she told him, very angry that he hadn't made her cum yet.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

and it wasn't long before he had nothing but the taste of her pussy in his mouth as she unexpectedly climaxed, apparently a lot more sensitive than normal women, these goblins were...

:)mad: Angry that I didn't make her cum yet is she?)
(Don't take the above too seriously. :D)

Niko can't help but quip; "Sorry if it tastes a little fishy!" Before returning to licking her, his concentration regained after his orgasm. The line of goblins was distressing, but worrying about it really wouldn't get him anywhere, and maybe if he took care of enough of them they'd let him live long enough for him to escape. He tries harder now to make the goblin orgasm, licking around her clit.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

The goblin on his face moaned with pleasure as Niko started to try and make her cum, and with the goblin riding her tight folds along with cock quickly cumming herself, it wasn't long before Niko got a mouthful of her love juices spraying into his mouth. And meanwhile, he quickly felt himself not far from cumming again, into the new goblin riding his cock.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko holds himself back again, though this time around it's much easier to do that and concentrate on eating the other one out, using the distraction to largely ignore the pleasure from his newest rapist.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Despite the illusion he put over himself that he could ignore the unbearably tight pussy around his cock, he eventually was given a wake-up call when he tensed up with pleasure once more, and creamed the insides of the goblin riding his cock with his seed. And not longer after that, once again, now with his cock starting to throb with pain from cumming too much too soon, the next pair of goblins mounted his face and cock, raping him once again...

"Look at him!" one of the waiting goblins laughed, "He's already starting to get worn out! What a weenie!" she mocked him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

'Oh, for the voids sake!' Niko thinks to himself, as he is raped once more, and beginning to tire. He keeps his tongue working, however, and thrusts back into his newest partner, trying to last long enough for them to bore of him.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Being raped mercilessly, Niko heard vague sounds coming from a direction he could not look due to a goblin aggressively assaulting his face. Through the moans from the two goblins, he did manage to pick off a few words from the at first, quiet conversation. "Well, you can forgot it! If you guys won't sell us your men, why should we sell them back!" asked what sounded like one of the childish, obnoxious goblins.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

'Great. Now someone's trying to buy me. Still, slavery's probably wasier to escape from than a camp of horny monsters when you're nailed to the ground.' Niko thinks, as he continues his tongue-work. He tries to get the goblin on his face off as quickly as possible, hoping that perhaps he might be able to shout something out.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

After a moment more of sex, or rather, rape, Niko suddenly felt the goblin riding up and down his cock stop, as well as noticed that the one on his face stopped moving her hips. They, as well as the other goblins who were waiting their turn, were all looking in one general direction, before one of them shouted, "Penny!" and ran towards a direction that Niko could not see, due to a naked goblin sitting on his face.

The two goblins on his face then got up, and off of him, letting his worn cock get a break from all the squeezing. "She's in bad shape..." Niko heard one whisper loud enough for him to hear. And as if by some stroke of luck, a straggler to the situation was running by, and bumped the stake holding his arm in place, her supiriour strength causing it to nudge, and actually get loose enough for Niko, hopefully discreetly, to free his hand.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko slowly turns to see what all the commotion is about while quietly freeing his hand, glad for the breather and the opportunity to escape.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Looking down from his current perspective, Niko could barely see what the commotion was about, as all of the goblins surrounded whatever they found was interesting. However, a break in the crowd led him to spotting a pale looking goblin, barely similar to the one called 'Penny' who he killed earlier, likely due to all the blood on her body...

If that was the one he supposedly killed, that little goblin had a lot of durability to make it so far in her condition. Then, he heard random shouts concerning how they'd heal her, and get her better again, right before he'd managed to get the stake out of the ground, allowing his left arm freedom of movement... Although the stake was still tied to it.
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

Niko quickly and quietly tries to free his arm from the rope tied around it, and then tries to free his other hand.

(Are my legs still bound too?)
Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

(Yeah, they didn't magically get unbound. :p)

After Niko had unbound his left hand, he suddenly heard a woman announce, "He's trying to get away!" in a subtle voice, likely not heard by the goblins gathered some distance away, causing a commotion. If he looked, he'd see that the source of the announcement was an elf, similar to the two that he'd met before, except she was different in appearance, having gold blond hair, and clear blue eyes. She only looked at him for a moment, before looking off into the forest at something he could not see...

Then, what she was apparently looking at emerged from the bushes, a woman, with the lower body of a horse, and the upper body of a woman came stepping out into the open at an easy pace, trotting slowly towards Niko. She was wearing what appeared to be a hunter's garb, complete with a bow and spear for hunting. She was about the size of a pony, with her upper body being that of a normal human woman. Her hair was dark red, almost seemingly tinted brown, and tied back in a pony tail.

She thumped the butt of her spear against the ground to get Niko's attention. She starts to speak, in a stern tone of voice. "Eh-hem. While it might be fun to let you pull yourself free, and then see how fast you might be able to run, it's almost time for my afternoon nap, and I don't feel like running your fat human legs down afterwards. So why don't you just sit tight there, and we'll talk things over with the goblins, and then you can walk back with us instead of being dragged?" she told him simply, as if offering him a peaceful way out of his situation.
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Re: Niko, shipwrecked (Niko)

"Funny. Is everyone living on this island a hostile, insulting, arrogant asshole? Because I've got to say, I'm running out of one liners to spit back when you people spew this crap. You know what, sure. I'll play along." Niko says back to the centaur. He stops trying to escape, not moving except to scratch an insistent itch on his leg and pull his pants back up.