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North Region

Re: North Region

"Right, I'll remember that for next time," Max replies as he performs a mock-salute to Jin before heading towards the tavern. Once the group makes their way inside they'd notice that the place was pretty full already, most of the tables were surrounded by what would most likely be the townsfolk drinking and talking merrily. At the back end of the building is the bar, and behind it is a rather large man serving drinks and food to the customers and with him was a strikingly attractive women, most likely his wife who was whipping back and forth from the counter to what was most likely the kitchens bringing in the food that was ordered. The stairs leading up to the next floor was along the left wall.

All activity stopped for a moment as the group entered as all heads turned to gaze at the new arrivals.

"A military group?" The bartender grumbled as he recognised their uniforms, though a moment later his face lit up with realisation. "Oh, you must be the ones who are going to put a stop to the bandits. Please, come in and make yourselves at home. The names Kenneth, but everyone just calls me Ken, and this is my wife Marlene."


As Jin makes his way to the water tower he'd notice that it was fenced in, to be precise it was surrounded by a ten foot steel wired fence which was probably put up to dissuade thieves from breaking in there. He'd also notice that the warehouse was locked behind the fence along with the water tower, however the water tower did seem to have a view of the entire village.
Re: North Region

Jin looks at fence and sighs. Climbing over would be a very big problem.... However being seen and any worker thinking he a thief would be a major problem. Best bet would to see if anyone was close by to open the gate for him.

"HELLO!" He called out trying to say it loud enough that anyone in the warehouse could hear. With luck a guard might answer him. It would just take a little talking to let him know he was here with a group to stop the "bandits". As he waits he pulls out his gloves and places them once to help warm his hands. He didn't want to get frostbite after all. He dose balls his fists up to cover the transmutation circles.
Re: North Region

For a couple of minutes Jin would hear nothing until at least the sound of crunching snow would signal the arrival of someone.

"Watcha' doing out here?" A young boy asks Jin, scowling at him as he does so. "You're not a villager so you have no reason to try and get into the storage area." The boy stands about about four foot tall with scruffy dirty-blonde hair and bright green eyes. He is wearing what you would expect someone who lived up north to wear; thick winter jacket with wellington boots as well as gloves and a scarf.
Re: North Region

Jacob merely follows the group, ready to act at a moment's notice. Upon entering the bar and noticing the pause in conversation, his right hand shifts slightly, as he looks about the tavern, scanning it for places to take cover in the event of a gunfight, before the bartender begins to speak "Thank you. People tend to resent the military these days." he says in his usual deep voice, walking towards the bar.
Re: North Region

Miranda let out a happy sigh of relief, heading for the closest heat source.
Re: North Region

Jonathan entered the inn, watching people with a faint smile and an expression of polite interest on his face. He was relieved to hear that the people were aware of their identities (to a degree) and that there was at least one person willing to give them a warm welcome. He followed Jacob, bowing with gratitude at the man named Kenneth.
Re: North Region

"Thank you, sir. I am Cynthia North, and you are correct in thinking we are the ones sent to stop these bandits, but our leader is outside for now." Cynthia says, pulling her hands out from under her arms to stand straight while talking. "If you don't mind sir, I think our colleague here might need a hot drink or some such." She finishes, indicated Miranda with a wave of her hand.
Re: North Region

Jin had started to look about trying to see if anyone was really coming or not. He was about to climb the fence until he heard the sound of crunching snow.

At least it will be hard to sneak about with all this snow.. He thought to himself as he heard the sounds. As the boy comes in to view, Jin is caught off guard with the kid's hair and eyes. He looked a lot like that when he lived in far south in the slums of some town.

" I was sent by the military with others to deal with the bandits. I wanted to get a view of the whole town from up top of that water tower. That is if it's not too much trouble. JIn answered the boy's question trying to not sound forceful.
Re: North Region

Miranda looked up from her hands and nodded, "Whitten, and a hot drink would be appreciated. Thank you Cynthia." she said with a small smile.
Re: North Region

"Right, right, one hot drink comin' up!" The bear-like man walks into the kitchen area and a couple of minutes later he comes back out with a tray laden with hot cocoa and some chocolate biscuits. "There you are, this is on the house for the work you'll be doing for us."

Max walks up to the counter and sits down on the opposite side of Jacob and takes his cup of hot chocolate. He takes a sip before putting it back down and slides his coat off, he folds it up and puts it on the stool next to him. "Oh hapless leader should be here soon and there's no doubt he'll have questions to ask you." Max says to Kenneth with a sigh. "I'd ask them myself, but well, I wanna see how good a leader he really is."


The boy folds his arms across his chest and scowls at Jin. "We don't need you here, we've already got the Briggs men nearby. You'll only screw up. And even if I wanted to I couldn't let you in there, I don't have the key for the lock. You'd have to see my old man about that but I doubt he'd let you inside." With that the young man makes his way back down into the village.
Re: North Region

Jacob merely sits at the bar, waving his hand slightly "The offer is tempting. But I'll have to refuse." he says, then crosses his arms across his chest "So, Max, you ever wonder why you were gifted with the powers you were given? The power to destroy and then rebuild?" he asks, low enough that no one but Max could hear him
Re: North Region

Max takes another sip from his drink before replying to Jacob, him too speaking in a low tone. "To destroy and rebuild? I think you may be confusing me with someone else, I only blow stuff up. Hence the title 'Mad Bomber Alchemist'."
Re: North Region

Miranda takes the cup eagerly, and sips on it, letting the heat pool in her stomach. She slipped off the bulky coat and sighed in relief when she noticed her outer clothing was still dry. "Thank goodness for waterproof clothing." she murmured.
Re: North Region

"So you and I are a lot alike, then. We both know how to destroy, yet have no idea how to rebuild." Jacob says, his voice still low as he looks around at the bar "How many of these people do you think would survive a bandit attack? four? five? It'll be hell, when they do attack, to protect these people." he says, then centers his head to look straight forward
Re: North Region

"Alike? Well, I guess soldier's are mainly trained how to kill, but I doubt you cause explosions to do what you do. And besides, rebuilding stuff is too much of a hassle." Max then empties his mug of cocoa before talking again. "Hrm...I'd say most if not all of them will survive if we all do our jobs properly. It just means we'll need to find a place for them to hide while we take care of the bandits. And if you don't want this, I'll have it." Max says, reaching over he grabs Jacob's cocoa and begins drinking it himself.
Re: North Region

Jacob simply sighs, looking over at Max "Something tells me you're going to have fun when those bandits show up." Jacob says, returning to his normal volume, still not loud enough for anyone but the barkeep to hear "They should prey they don't get close to me."
Re: North Region

"Well, I know the Fuhrer said not to kill them, but he didn't say not to bring them back with third degree burns," Max says with a mischievous smile before downing his second mug of cocoa. "No kidding. You seem to be the only one here I wouldn't actively look for a fight with."
Re: North Region

"That he didn't." Jacob says to Max, his head turning to look at the bartender, then back to Max "Let's just say the Fuhrer chose me for more than the intimidation factor. You don't want to see me when I get angry." he says, then smiles, a rare occurrence for him.
Re: North Region

"Heh, you don't just have to have muscles to intimidate people. Speaking of," Max reaches into his satchel and frowns. "Hrm...looks like I'm low. Oh well, gonna retire to my room and get to work. See you all in the morning." Max calls out as he picks up his coat. "Uh, which room am I in?" Max asks Kenneth.

"Oh yeah, sorry 'bout that," He ducks under the counter and comes back up with a key. "Room furthest down the corridor and the door to your left. Good night."

"Thanks," Max then heads to his room to work on some gunpowder capsules before heading to bed.
Re: North Region

"That is true, Max." Jacob says, sighing as he stands up "I believe I shall retire for the night. Where might my room be, Mr. Kenneth?" he asks, rolling his right shoulder back with a grunt