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North Region

Re: North Region

The man looks at Jacob for a moment before letting out a loud, friendly laugh. "Please, call me Ken." He reaches under the counter again and pulls out another key. "And here, second door on the right."
Re: North Region

Miranda flexed her fingers happily before doing the same to her bootclad toes. "Ah, Cynthia..." she said making her way to the other girl, "I'd like to try and get to know the members of our team better... are you planning on heading up to bed anytime soon, or would you mind talking to me for a little while?"
Re: North Region

Upon the drinks being brought out, Cynthia turned to Kenneth, with a "Thank you, sir." Before taking a drink and biscuit. She had made her way to a corner of the table with her drink, and upon reaching it, had pulled out her knife from habit, which was flashing across her fingers as Miranda came up to her, even whilst she ate the biscuit. Turning to face her, Cynthia grinned, before starting to talk.

"I had some sleep on the train, so I'll be fine for a while. You obviously already know, but I'm Cynthia North. Whitten, you're an alchemist aren't you? I gotta say, I don't mind you lot as much as too many other people do."
Re: North Region

Miranda flashed a grin, "It comes down to common prejudice. I've come to find most soldiers aren't as brainless as I first was led to believe." then her voice dropped an octave, "And some are prettier than I'd thought too." and she winked, and then laughed.
Re: North Region

Cynthia giggled a little when Miranda was finished, and replies, mimicking Miranda's low voice. "I hear the 'most' there. And anyhow, likelyhood is, you'll find lookers everywhere, if you look!"
Re: North Region

"Thanks, Ken." Jacob says, taking his key and heading up to his room, then sitting on his bed and beginning to clean his pistol
Re: North Region

Miranda laughed, "To be sure, but sometimes they stare you right in the face. So what made you pick this kind of life?"
Re: North Region

Jin watches the boy walk back down to the village. His father was most likely back in the village and with how low the sun was already trying to come back up here would be pointless. Jin started to think a number of different things that might happened if he tried to climb over the fence.

Could be believed to a thief... or one of the bandits. Could break a few bones if a fall while climbing over. Might even fall to be death if it's icy up on the tower.

Jin shook his head and decided it was not worth the risk for today. He turned to walk down to the village and the inn but took his time to look for anything out of place. Tracks or something to the effect of tracks... at least all the snow would make it easier to see tracks then it would be in a forest to untrained eye.
Re: North Region

Jin wouldn't notice any footprints to suggest anyone who wasn't familiar with this area had been here, and as the sun continued to set he'd soon realise that he was finding it difficult noticing any footprints in the dark.

As he made his way back into the village he'd see the young boy enter the tavern where they were staying.
Re: North Region

After a short time pondering, Cynthia replied to Miranda "I always liked fighting, did it a lot as a kid, and then found I was a good shot. Also, I didn't like the prospect of staying in New Optain as a merchant or something, so I headed to Central to join the army. What about you?"
Re: North Region

Miranda snorted, "My brothers joined as regular soldiers. And I was determined to do better than them, so I started learning the Arrays. When I saw them come home hurt, I wanted to be able to help them." she shrugged.
Re: North Region

With a flash of a grimace, Cynthia replied "I didn't have siblings growing up, I wish I had, but that's not important now. Anyhow, just because you know all the arrays and such doesn't make you better. We're both soldiers. There are ways you're better than me, and vice versa."
Re: North Region

"Oh, I know that now." she grinned again, "But I was a child when I made the decision to become an alchemist, and I've never regretted it. It's very fulfilling."
Re: North Region

"Well, it's always good to be in a job that you can be satisfied with. I must say being in the military was probably a good choice for me as well." Cynthia replies, after a moments thought.
Re: North Region

Miranda leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful look on her face. "This is a strange group though." she mused, mostly to herself, "I mean, look at me, I may have been top of my class in healing, but I'm still fresh out of school. I hate to question our orders, but why send someone fresh out of school into a situation like this." The last part of her statement was nearly whispered at Cynthia so that she wouldn't be overheard by the residents of the room.
Re: North Region

Leaning closer to catch the last statement, Cynthia replied rather quickly, in the same hushed tones. "Well, there aren't many people free, obviously, and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine if you were top of your classes. Besides, you've got a couple of veterans with you to help you along with the practical exam, so it can't be too bad, can it? Sure, this group seems a little rough around the edges, but it's the first day, anything could happen when we all get to know each other a little better."
Re: North Region

Miranda looked thoughtful, and then nodded. "I suppose you're right. And that's why I'm over here. You seemed like a nice enough person and rather approachable... I think this is the start of preforming better as a unit..." then she cringed, "That sounded a little cold didn't it... sorry. I would like to be friends and not just colleagues."
Re: North Region

Leaning back again, Cynthia laughed a little. When she was done, she sat back up, and interlocked her fingers to rest her head on, gazing calmly at Miranda as she spoke "Don't worry about it, I know what you mean. Getting the unit together is good, friends is better, though for that, maybe I should have a first name to log, huh?"
Re: North Region

Miranda curled one side of her mouth into a halfway grin, "I knew that question would come up sooner or later. My name is Miranda, and before you ask the other question, yes, I'm a girl."
Re: North Region

Cynthia was taken aback as Miranda finished, blinking a few times and looking her up and down. "Well, uh, cool! I never would've guessed that. Nice to have another girl around instead of just guys huh?" she said, after she had regained herself.