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Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(Congradulations, you've gotten the first critical in the game (since I started the rule). Unfortunately, it's a critical failure...)

(At 8 HP from this little failure btw, Jamie at 16)

In her rush to fire the grenade, Melissa failed to notice the end of the gun had been warped by hitting the pavement so many times, especially from that last explosion. The grenade hit some blockage, and for some reason the safety failed to trigger, resulting in another explosing right then and there. Amazingly, Melissa was not killed instantly but instead flung back across the road and into a medium sized rock formation. She wasn't even knocked out, but was very much in pain and dazed now. Jamie was still alive too, though the bluenette couldn't see her, she was screaming quite loudly, possibly hurt.

The monster observed this little display with a bit of confusion, but it was not one to ignore good fortune. It took its time and found a stable path down the steep embankment and head towards the devestated women.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

(yay? ;))

Having already been dazed by the first explosion, the second one followed by impacting against the rocks nearly knocks Melissa out. Groaning in pain, she struggles to stand up, slipping a few times. The ringing in her ears is blaring now, though it doesn't clock out Jamie's pained screams. 'Oh god, Jamie' she thinks, the knowledge that whatever happened to the woman is her fault hurting her more than the blast.

Finally, Melissa manages to get back on her feet, though she wobbles unsteadily. With one hand on the rock formation to steady herself, she looks up at the creature, it's strange form now coming right for the women. With no other option now, she pulls the shotgun off her shoulder. She gives it a quick visual inspection, to make sure this weapon hadn't been damaged like the launcher, then starts stepping forward, slowly at first but picking up speed once her footing becomes more stable.

'Not a lot of shells left in this shotgun. Have to make them count,' she thinks, deciding to wait to fire until the creature gets closer. For now, she simply moves forward, trying at least to come between it and Jamie.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa's vision continued to be fuzzy as she started to move, her balence wasn't very good after the hit, maybe a concussion. Still, using some amazing willpower, she managed to get between the downed woman and the monster before the thing even got level with them. It came face to face with her, so to speak, and reared up on its back legs with a mighty roar, upset that the bluenette was back on her feet, but discounting her as a threat.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As the beast rears up and roars in front of her, Melissa staggers back a step, her footing still not perfect after her injury. It doesn't frighten her, however, and she stands up as tall as she can before making her own roar back, trying her best to sound powerful despite being weakened from the attack. Teeth clenched, she aims the shotgun at the creature's underside and fires with both barrels. The strange creature is big, but if the blast at least hurts it, it might not be so eager to continue the attack.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The noise that came out of Melissa's mouth was certainly worthy of being recorded. It wasn't exactly funny, but it was about halfway between that what she was aiming for, due to still being dazed. In fact, the recoil from the shotgun sent her back on the ground from the recoil, being too out of it to brace properly. However, her luck did change a bit in that both shots hit where aimed, more or less, the the beast cried out in terrible pain. Melissa didn't see it, but heard the beast hit the ground with a thud. However, as she herself tried to recover, she heard it cry out again, this time in anger, and it tried to scramble back to its feet.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The ground came up to meet Melissa solidly, driving the already dazed girl further away from lucidity. Her vision spun and her head ached. For a time she had trouble remembering just what was going on, but the sound of the beast scrambling to it's feet convinced her to stop daydreaming and get back to work. Jamie was still hurt, and that thing was still alive. Groaning in pain, Melissa pulled herself up off the ground enough to watch the monster while she fumbled with loading the remaining shells into the shotgun. As soon as the weapon was ready, she braced it against her chest and fired, hopeful that this last blast would finish off the creature.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The beast was still underestimating Melissa. It walked with menace over towards her as she desperately tried to reload. It apparently didn't think she'd get it done in time, as it was heading to stand right over her, the solider could see a large rod that could only have one purpose extend from the monster's underside as it drew closer, ready to use it as if she was already defeated. Fortunately, in the nick of time Melissa got the shotgun reloaded and fired, just as the thing towered over her. The shells ripped through its body as it cried out a horrible shriek. It lost control and fell ontop the wounded woman, spasming slightly as death started to take it. Strange blue liquids leaked out onto Melissa as she got a front row seat to the beast's final seconds.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

As the shotgun went off, Melissa grunted as the recoil drove the butt of the weapon into her chest. The grunt turned into a gasp of pain as the large creature fell on top of her, pinning both her weapon and it's rod between their bodies. Breathing raggedly she slipping out from under the beast, grimacing as she noticed the strange blue fluid staining her fatigues. The shotgun rolled out of her grip as she lay weakly beside the monstrosity.

Melissa only allowed herself a few moments to recover before she began to struggle to move over to where she had last heard Jamie's pained cries. The abuse her body had undergone had sapped so much of her energy that she couldn't even call out to the woman. Still, she fought to keep herself conscious until she could check on her sergeant, her friend.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Jamie was actually in better shape then one might have expected after that scream. From a distance, and as Melissa drew nearer, the higher ranking woman looked fine, if perhaps passed out. Her hands were held over her face, though, and she wasn't moving much. As the solider got right beside her commander, she saw why. The blast had burnt the sarge's face, not all the way through the skin, but quite badly nonetheless. She was still aware of her surroudings, but was sobbing quietly into her hands.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

"Jamie," Melissa says breathlessly when she finds the woman, moving to kneel next to her. "Sorry," she says, putting her hands on the woman's shoulders and trying to comfort her, "I'm so sorry." She stays there for a moment, her mind slowly coming back to clarity as she races to take stock of the situation. With darkness settling in, both of them hurt, and no real weapons to speak of, the women would be in danger if they didn't find shelter soon.

Reaching a hand into her pocket, Melissa pulls out the bottle of pain pills she had found back in the mall and takes a few out. "Here, Jamie, take these," she says, in as soothing a voice as she can muster. The pills might dull the sergeant's mind, but hopefully it would calm the woman enough that they could move. Hurriedly she looks around for some kind of shelter they could hole up in for the night.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The woman took her hands away to swallow the pills, calming down instantly at Melissa's presence. Her face was not as badly hurt as it first appeared, a burn here and there, and some gashes, but she'd heal with only a few scars, probably not enough to make her unattractive and in fact make her look quite tough.

The building Jamie had spotted earlier was easy to make out from where the battle had taken them. It looked to be a small gas station with maybe room for the owner to live. It was down in a depression, so hard to make out from far away, probably bad for business but good for hiding. Even getting the sarge to limp-walk it wouldn't take long to get there.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa is relieved to see Jamie's wounds are not as bad as she feared, though it does little to lessen her guilt over having caused them. Of course, neither of those would mean much if they got caught by another of those creatures in the open. Though exhausted, Melissa struggles to lift Jamie to her feet, hoping that the drugged woman can support herself somewhat as they walk towards the building the sergeant had spotted just before the attack. Melissa briefly looks back at the overturned cart and it's spilled contents, but with her strength leaving her rapidly, she knew she couldn't worry about that now. Her only concern was getting the two of them into that house and, hopefully, safety for the night.

As soon as Melissa reaches the house, she heads for the front door, reaching out to open it immediately without bothering to knock or call out to anyone who might be inside. Once inside, she would look for a room further in past the entrance with someplace she could put Jamie down to rest on, a bed optimally, but a sofa or even a bathtub would do.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Jamie took a moment, but eventually was able to help propel themselves away from the site of the battle. Her calm returned quickly, but she still sniffled from time to time. Her legs were a lot stronger now, but overall she was very tired.

The building was fortunately deserted, though unfortuntely dark. It had not been disturbed by the recent events, though it was kinda beat up already. The first room was a tiny living area, a couch and TV here, followed by a small hallway. The door at the end was open, a king sized bed clearly visible in the fading light. The room looked barely big enough to hold it. Between these two was a small bathroom.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

With the injured woman thankfully able to support herself, Melissa quickly leads the woman into the house. She takes a brief look around, taking stock of their temporary hiding spot. 'Pretty small,' she thinks to herself, though she feels the weight of exhaustion pressing on her mind, 'At least there aren't too many entrances.'

With a grunt, Melissa carries Jamie towards the bedroom, trying feebly to close the door behind them but not succeeding completely before rolling her onto the bed. "Get some rest sarge, we can move in the morning," she says, sinking down to her knees next to the bed. Panting with effort, the tired soldier turns herself around, leaning against the side of the bed and begins to let herself drift off to sleep.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

The higher ranking woman groaned a bit as she was placed on the bed, seemly over her momentary trauma. She could be heard wiggling a bit, but Melissa felt a hand touch her head. "Hey... you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to. There's no shame in getting up here with me." While her words were strong, by her tone of voice, it was pretty clear she wanted Melissa to join her, but was afraid to ask her directly. The attempt to dodge around the issue was almost pathetic on the sarge's part, to the level of being almost funny.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Still a bit shaken from the previous encounter, Melissa jumps when she feels the hand on her head. Her shoulder sink and she lets out a gasp of relief when she realizes it belongs to Jamie. She lets out of a soft laugh at the situation, as well as one at the way her sarge asked for her company, but weakly nodded. That quick little jolt giving her a bit of energy, Melissa grunted as she stood up and turned to the bed. "Thanks for sharing, Jamie, I'll try not to snore," she says as she crawls over the woman before falling down on her stomach beside her. After what had happened the last two days, Melissa can't help but sigh in contentment at how soft the bed is, despite being used to the sometimes harsh living conditions of a soldier. 'Small comforts,' she thinks to herself as her mind begins to drift off to sleep once again.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Melissa was out quickly. Surprisingly, she had good dreams. Jamie wiggled a bit in her sleep, but it didn't disturb the sleeping soldier. In fact, the warm sensation felt pretty nice as Melissa lay there getting some rest.

Unfortuantely, the two were not able to sleep long. In the middle of the night Melissa became aware of a slight scratching sound at the front of their temporary shelter. It wasn't that noise that had caught the sleeping woman's attention, though, as there were voices with it. Melissa couldn't make out what they were saying, even if the bed had been closer to the door the people were deliberately trying to keep their noise level down. Jamie just stirred in her sleep and rolled over as her friend regained her senses.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Groaning as she was awakened from a particularly nice dream, Melissa shifted on the comfortable bed, at first ignoring the sounds outside as she tried desperately to find sleep again. As it continued and the sleep faded from her mind, the events of the past days come rushing back to her at the same time she recognizes the voices nearby. Her eyes flick open and she looks around the small bedroom, wondering what new horror might have found them in the night.

She looked over at Jamie, wondering if the sergeant had noticed the voices as well, though she remembered with dismay that she had given the woman more of the pain pills that disoriented just before they entered the house. Doing her best to slip out of the bed quietly, Melissa looked around the room for something she could use to defend herself. At the same time, she slowly edged towards the door, hoping to find out something about what was outside before she would have to fight it.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

There was hardly enough light to scan the room for anything useful, though Melissa could barely make out some thin, long shapes next to the bed on the night stand. Some large wooden pegs, the kind that are driven into the ground with a large hammer for tents and such. They'd make a decent object to swing at anything hostile, but were by no means a good weapon for anything other then extreme situations.

As Melissa crept slowly towards the front, she caught small snippits of the conversation. At first all she got was a few words in a male voice, specifically "stick","plan", and "alright". She had just gotten close enough when the reply, a female voice, came softly from the other side of the door. "Okay, I got it, let's go."

However, even as the words registered, the man was kicking in the door. It flew open with a loud crash, almost knocking Melissa back if she'd been but a bit closer. From behind, the sound of Jamie waking with a start reached Melissa, but she had more important concerns as a dark figure holding a rifle rushed in, quickly followed by another. They saw her, and stopped, but did not yet say anything.
Re: Not Your Typical Work Day (xivvix)

Grabbing hold of one of the pegs, Melissa mumbles, "Better than nothing." She creeps towards the door, at first becoming relieved as she hears the sound of human speech, but then growing more worried as she remembers Billy. Gripping the peg tightly she inches forward more and more until suddenly the door slams open.

With a startled gasp Melissa jumps back, holding the peg like a baseball bat as she looks at the figures rushing in. The sight of the rifles in their hands quickly sobers her of the idea of simply attacking them. "Hey, hey, we're human," she says, one hand coming forward, palm out to try to forestall any hostile actions. "We're just crashing here for the night, you don't need those guns."