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Nurses Station

Re: Nurses Station

Kyle moved in far enough to see the speaker. "Ah, greetings..."

It would seem that he may be trying to place Aya.
Re: Nurses Station

It took her a moment to realize why he was staring and blinking at her, and she smiled slightly. "Sorry, I'm new around here I guess you could say. Aya Morioka is my name, yours?"
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle nodded, then spoke. "Kyle Atreus."
Re: Nurses Station

"Good to meet you then Kyle. I'm guessing then that you might know Siphon?"

It was readable in her eyes, she hoped he did.
Re: Nurses Station

"He of two voices? Yes, I am aware of him." Kyle proceeded to pull out his phone, and show that Siphon was in his contact list.
Re: Nurses Station

"Two voices? He didn't say anything about that to me..."

She stops, looking at the device Kyle was holding. "Uh, forgive me, what the heck is that thing?"

This would probably raise his suspicions some, though the clothing she was wearing should have to begin with, assuming he had looked at it.
Re: Nurses Station

"Ah...I'll explain it later, if he doesn't. It's a small joke of mine. And this is a communications device."
Re: Nurses Station

She nodded in reply to his first comment then spoke with regards to his second one. "Oh, I see. Strangely large for one though."
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle shrugged. "Not everywhere has the technology available to Siphon, and his people."
Re: Nurses Station

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that to sound offensive..."

She shakes her head for a moment then adds, "I'm not even sure if he and I are of the same species, which I am betting by now you have guessed that I must not be from here originally?"
Re: Nurses Station

"I was beginning to guess that. And don't worry, I've been offended by professionals. The tech thing was more just a statement."
Re: Nurses Station

"Ah I see, very well then."

The reply covered both comments easily.
Re: Nurses Station

Eyes on the page, ears on the conversation, simon sits quietly. He was about to answer Kyle, when Ellisia does so for him. "I'm still alive. Though I still feel like I'm on fire too." She says with closed eyes. She opens them some and peers around the room from her pillow.
Re: Nurses Station

Aya shot a worried look over to the woman, almost as if she were checking to make certain the other woman WASN'T truly on fire, and from the expression on her face, if they caught it, it wasn't because she had misunderstood the statement. After calming herself, she spots an unused pillow elsewhere, unsure if it is the same one the other woman is looking for or not, and retrieves it, handing it to her.

"Hey, at least you are alive though, from what I was told, you got bitten by a poisonous snake? Anyway, name is Aya Morioka, if you didn't hear me before."
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle nodded at Ellisia's statement, before sitting down in a nearby chair. His posture, including his distant stare seemed to indicate he was thinking about something.
Re: Nurses Station

There's a tap on the door and it opens slowly, revealing Sho peeking her head in and the scent of pepperoni and cheese wafting into the room. "Anybody still awake in here? We brought sustinance." She glances around the room, looking to see who all is present, doing a quick head-count as she slips in through the door, looking especially happy to see Ellisia is awake.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon isn't far behind her, carrying an assortment of drinks for all in there, taking note that Elissia is finally awake. "It's good to see you up Elissia, you gave us one hell of a scare there."

Aya looks up as they enter, and nods over to them, her eyes lighting up when she smells the food. She may not know what pizza is, but she knows a good smell when it comes her way, and whatever Sho was carrying smelled like good food. "Hey again, hope the two of you were able to relax after I left. Sorry again for disturbing you."

Seems she isn't going to forget it or forgive herself, at least not yet anyway.
Re: Nurses Station

Sho's actually got two boxes of pizza in her hand, taking them over to a counter and setting them down for folks to get at them. "Kyle, food," she calls softly, noting that he's in a reverie. "Help yourselves, guys. If you don't want the pepperoni, just pass it over here." She grins, stealing a slice before moving out of the way, though keeping a good few steps away from Simon. "You're welcome to it, too. Thanks for keeping an eye on things here, Simon. The break really helped, even if it was interrupted." She's smiling as she says that, though, so she doesn't look as upset as she could. "Nothing like a nice long, relaxing soak to help you forget the psychos."
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon sets the drinks down on the counter, taking a slice himself as well as a drink before moving backward. "Indeed, though I have to admit, I'm surprised that she hasn't returned yet. Here's to hoping the other guy I saw earlier fixed things for us."

Aya frowns slightly, obviously still feeling bad about interrupting them earlier, but notices Sho's light grin, and inwardly shrugs. If she wasn't mad at her for it from before, then she supposed she shouldn't beat herself up over it. She'd try later though to patch things up with the other woman, hoping that she could. At the mention that the pizza is open to all, she hesitates for a moment before heading over and taking a slice of it herself, as well as a drink. She sits back down, then cautiously takes a small bite of her food, eyes closing at the taste. "What is this? It's good."
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Re: Nurses Station

"Surprised and delighted," Sho amends. "The less we see of her the better." She gets up and moves to sit next to Siphon so she can steal drinks from his root beer. "Pizza," she tells Aya. "Only the best food to ever be invented, outside of chocolate, of course."