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Nurses Station

Re: Nurses Station

He bows his head slightly. "Indeed, I could go the rest of my life without seeing her, and be quite happy."

He smiles as Sho starts stealing sips of his root beer, chuckling to himself quietly.

Aya blinks at the words. Pizza? And this chocolate was better? "I see, I'm afraid I haven't much idea of anything around here, food or otherwise...."
Re: Nurses Station

"Figured as much, but given that it's liked by just about everyone, thought it would be a safe bet. Don't worry. If Siphon can catch on to things pretty quickly, you'll probably be fine, too." She grins over at him.
Re: Nurses Station

This draws a full out smile from Aya. "Well it definitely is good, and thank you."

Siphon says nothing, he just grins and shakes his head, trying not to laugh.
Re: Nurses Station

Simon sets his book down as more people arrive. He gives a simple nod at the thanks, but says nothing more. He watches the pizza, and when everyone has took a slice and an opening arises, he leans in and grabs one out. He generally remains rather quiet. He found it difficult to talk in a conversation involving more than one or two other people.

Ellisia looks happy to see the familiar faces. The food too. The smell of food is quite appealing to Ellisia now, she had missed lunch after all, among other things. "Siphon, Sho! Oh some pizza would be great right now. Though could I have some water with it perhaps? I'm not sure I could survive any bubbling drinks at the moment."

She was actually a little edgy having noticed Simon was still in the room. She didn't trust him yet.
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle stirs at Sho's comment, then seems to become aware of what's going on around him. After hearing Ellisia's statement, he reaches inside his coat, and pulls out a clearly marked bottle of water, before offering it. "Here, have this. The entire thing."

After handing over the bottle, he'd get some of the pizza himself.
Re: Nurses Station

"Welcome," Sho replies with a smile. Actually hearing Ellisia seems to make her smile more, too. She hops up to get the other girl a couple of pieces, bringing them over on a paper towel. Seeing as how Kyle's got the water covered, she doesn't worry about that. "You look like you're doing a lot better. No more scaring us like that, okay?" Once the pizza's been delivered, she takes her seat by Siphon again, going back to her own slice, though she keeps an eye on Simon, too. Not for lack of trust, but knowing how he felt about crowds. She wanted to make sure he had his space. And pizza.
Re: Nurses Station

Aya said nothing for the moment, not really knowing Elissia at all, and not wanting to interrupt any further than she already had.

Siphon nodded over to Elissia. "Yeah, no more scares like that, ok? I thought we were going to lose you there, probably would have if Kyle hadn't been around."

It might suddenly occur to Elissia that she had no memory of making it to the medical bay on her own, and if she didn't remember him carrying her, that might be a bit confusing as to what had happened.

((Left that open ended for ya. Nothing quite like a, "wait a second, how'd I get here?" kind of moment.))
Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia gratefully accepts the food and water, and takes a good drink. "Ahh, thanks I needed that. Didn't realise how thirsty I was. My sincere thanks to all of you that helped me. I'll do my best not to require it a second time. Though I'm still trying to figure out quite what happened. Last I remember was being bitten by a snake..." She looks at her hand, the two tiny bite marks still clearly visible, "Then I left to come here, though I don't actually remember arriving..." She can be seen trying to think, her memory right now all a bit fuzzy. "And I've been having the strangest dreams too. Could swear it was all real." Her suspicious hand goes up to check her neck, and finds the bandage covering where Mia bit her. So that one at least wasn't a dream then. She wasn't entirely sure whether she'd quite been asleep at times or not, and how much of it her mind had imagined.
Re: Nurses Station

There is a long pause from Siphon's direction and then he slowly says, "well, actually you didn't arrive on your own Elissia. I found you outside one of the buildings when I was on my way to meet and discuss things with you this afternoon, and when I found you, you were pretty bad off, near death. I... well I carried you here and pretty well destroyed the door kicking it in too. As for your dreams... can't really say unless you want to talk over them and I'll try to fill in any gaps if it actually happened while I was around."

Aya said nothing, though her eye did raise some at the mention of the broken door. So he had done that damage to it by just kicking it once? Just how strong was he? She had the feeling that maybe she didn't want to know.
Re: Nurses Station

She thinks back to earlier, remembering blurry recollections of it, "Yes, I remember that now. Just about. Hell did it hurt, and quickly too. I headed to come here almost the instant after the bite, I think my legs just fell out beneath me. I'm extremely glad you came by when you did. This must be the third time I owe my life..." She stops, realising she's opening up her identity for questions in a room with partially unknown persons. "I don't think the dreams are too relevant really. Just the poison messing with me."

Simon quietly nibbles his pizza with one hand, whilst holding up a professionals first aid and medical book to read in the other. The fact that 99% of these procedures required human contact gave him the idea that a doctors career might be beyond him.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon just bows his head slightly. "It's fine, really Elissia. I'm just glad that your alright is all."

Seems he can tell she is a bit uncertain about opening her identity up with this many other people in the room, especially since he knows next to nothing about Aya himself. It would appear to her that perhaps he was trying to take some of that pressure off of her with his statement, something he hoped she would appreciate.

He catches the book out of the corner of his eye that Simon has, and tilts his head a moment. "Hey Simon, when your finished with that medical book, you mind if I borrow that for a bit? That's kind of down the alley I was looking to go, and it's been hard for me to get my hands on stuff like that."

Again, it might seem that he was trying to change the topic to Elissia, however she might be able to see in his eyes that he genuinely was interested in the book. Perhaps her close call had given him some cause to begin aggressively searching now.

Aya said nothing again, not knowing enough about any of them to draw anything more than a small opinion, though she was curious about getting to know all of them better. From the sounds of it, they all knew well what Siphon was, yet seemed to be absolutely fine with it. Perhaps she could find a place here with them where she could just be herself, instead of having to worry.
Re: Nurses Station

"Well, I hope I never get the chance to repay the same favour. Watch out for snakes, ok?"

Simon waits for her to finish and speaks, "This is just the Nurse's handbook, but I know the library stocks some books you could use. There are several human biology books in the sciences sections, and there's a practical medical book something like this one, although it's in the do it yourself section hidden in the corner. I've been trying to recategorise it though the library club seems to be resisting my efforts. Miss woods keeps the library well, but appears to dislike my unofficial improvements."
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon smiles lightly towards Elissia, knowing what she meant. "Will do, though it is highly unlikely it would have the same effect on me, it's better to not try and chance it. Actually, Kyle and I managed to extract some of the venom I believe, I want to run a few tests on it later, perhaps determine the source, maybe even it's potency yield."

He turns and looks at Simon, nodding thankfully. "Alright, I'll have a look later on, thanks bro, that helps a ton."

((I am assuming here that Elissia is well aware of Siphon's dual nature and symbiote, so correct me if I am wrong.))
Re: Nurses Station

"That may be helpful. Ideally there will be no more bites, but if there is it could be very much needed." Ellisia looks down the bed, where she's been gently kicking her feet, building up. She's had enough of lying around. She glances to and from those in the room, and shifts in the bed a bit. "Brace yourselves, I'm getting up."

She sits up straight, readies herself, and swings her legs out of the bed one at a time. Though it appears a lot of effort, it is less real damage than it is fatigue and the paralysis still wearing off. She manages to lift herself from the bed, one hand on the wall for support. As awkward as it was, she doesn't look like she's about to fall over or anything.
Re: Nurses Station

Kyle watched Ellisia carefully as she stood up. "Well, that's something of a good sign. At least it looks like there aren't any major side effects of the antivenin that I worked up."
Re: Nurses Station

Aya slowly nodded, half tempted to get up and help steady the woman, but she didn't want to make any moves that would seem rash, and she didn't know if that was appropriate here or not. She watched the others carefully, to see what they did.

Siphon on the other hand knew Elissia well enough to know that she wouldn't try this unless she felt she could pull it off. Regardless, he was prepared to move if he had to. Only someone who knew him well would note the faintest tenseness in the neck muscle, a sign his body was ready to launch over and steady her IF the need arose. "Ideally no more bites would be sound, however I think we're almost all aware that around here, something like this isn't likely to happen only the once. One can hope that changes though. So what are we all planning for the rest of the night?"
Re: Nurses Station

"Well, I have a feeling I might be walking Ellissia back to the dorms, just in case the legs don't want to fully do what you want them to." She leaves it an open invitation, though, not sounding like she's going to insist but still knowing the other girl's got the help if she wants it.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon nods, fully having expected that.

Aya seems to war with herself a moment, then adds, 'if it's alright with the two of you, I'd like to help there too. From what you told me about there being some psycho, having an extra helper probably isn't a bad idea."

Siphon just shrugs, deferring that to Elissia and Sho, since he can't enter the Girls Dorm himself, otherwise they all, minus Aya, know he would do it himself. "I'll leave the reply there to the ladies for fairly obvious reasons."
Re: Nurses Station

"Well, you're obviously headed that way, so I haven't got a problem with it. Besides, maybe an extra set of eyes would be a good thing." Again, though, the whole notion was Ellisia's call, at least on the help anyway.
Re: Nurses Station

Siphon would remain quiet for now, just listening to things, albeit moving just slightly closer to Sho with a smile on his face.

Aya nodded, visibly pleased to hear that, though it was tempered with the knowledge that it was also up to Elissia as well.