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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

WOOO! Just 3-starred Castle Retake. Man, that was tough with that Black HA guaranteed every time, haha!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so the MC's max level is 99 right? for 10 cost and his effect and stats being considered. is he an op unit or just good for that cost?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so the MC's max level is 99 right? for 10 cost and his effect and stats being considered. is he an op unit or just good for that cost?

A decent duelist, but is mainly placed due to his increase to other units once he is put out, so worth using.

EX: Phanax2, Sybilla requires 5 hits to kill an armored soldier, but with Prince out, it takes only 4.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so the MC's max level is 99 right? for 10 cost and his effect and stats being considered. is he an op unit or just good for that cost?

He's an alright duelist (unless he has Anna, then he can be a pretty good duelist), quite cheap for the stats he brings and extremely powerful due to his skill+Title.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Even his lvl max at 99 as it shown, his stat will keep increasing.
at least
lvl 99 = 1400hp / 400 atk / 300 def
rank 200 = 1800hp / 440 atk / 340 def

While end game you will see most unit doing 500-600 atk for 10-15 cost.
At least as soon u deploy prince u instantly got that morale buff.

The bad part is probably no active skill :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Even his lvl max at 99 as it shown, his stat will keep increasing.
at least
lvl 99 = 1400hp / 400 atk / 300 def
rank 200 = 1800hp / 440 atk / 340 def

While end game you will see most unit doing 500-600 atk for 10-15 cost.
At least as soon u deploy prince u instantly got that morale buff.

The bad part is probably no active skill :p

If we're nitpicky, he does have one, his "passive" Skill turned out to be an automatically activated skill that lasts 9999 seconds if I remember right, a Japanese player found that out during the Liana Event. :p

If it expires, you can pop it again, I don't remember the cooldown on it though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i have gotten 5 belindas...

my main one is still at -1/ 2/5
=/ this is depresing
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I only got 5 Belinda in total, which is below expected value.

However I did get the full -3 CR, and Level 3/5 for the skill.

Guess I got pretty lucky.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What level should my team be abouts to clear castle retake? I've been farming Tower Overwatch for exp feeding but progress is slow
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Return to ruin have higher unit exp...
Castle retake is situational fight where you need 2 archer to 2 shoot (total 4 shoot) or 1 high archer that can 2 shoot with total cost around 14-15 at begining.
Then you need a mage to nuke the middle part.
either 2 high mage or 3-4 bronze 1
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

2 extra Bellindas from 60-70 runs (burned 3 crystals for stamina)... This event is such a fail :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What level should my team be abouts to clear castle retake? I've been farming Tower Overwatch for exp feeding but progress is slow

I'd say at a minimum, 30cc'ed archer, same for at least 1 duelist and 1 healer.
Prince/player should be lvl 64 or higher. The princes' buff makes a big difference in that fight once you reach that level.

Obviously, the higher your overall team is the easier it will be. If you just reach the minimums listed above but the rest of your team isn't even in their 30's pre CC, you are probably going to fail.

My personal preference for the map is as follows, YMMV:
-Required (imo): 2Witches, 2Soldiers*, 2Archers, 2Mages, 2Healers

-Exchange and/or construct team as desired or based on unit availability and level of said units (These can be debated, but here's my take on the rest of team:):
Have one but no more than 2Valkyrie, 2Princess, 2Thief, 2HA. You will need at least one unit that can tank, not necessarily an HA but they can be used if built up enough. Valk and princess can also be used for def depending on unit. Finally at least one decently leveled duelist to take the lich on, they will also be the last unit you might want to place so the lich targets them first.

*Non-bronze soldiers, you will want the ability to use call reinforcements.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

2 extra Bellindas from 60-70 runs (burned 3 crystals for stamina)... This event is such a fail :(

make sure you tell that to nutakudevs. according to their twitter they are taking note of the feedback from the event. whether that means they will make adjustments for future events though, i wouldn't know.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

make sure you tell that to nutakudevs. according to their twitter they are taking note of the feedback from the event. whether that means they will make adjustments for future events though, i wouldn't know.

Sadly I don't use social media, but thankfully Nutakudev(s) do visit this forum from time to time. I got a total of 4 of her, including the one guaranteed. Only 1 CR worked sadly. She is 3/5 skill though, so I guess I can't complain when compared to others here on the forum.

At any rate just so I can say I posted my feedback here.

My Witch event ranking:
***Challenge: Moderate/High for teams where Prince is below 45. Fair for 64+.
My free account struggled with Map 6, the goats just hit hard vs my low level prince / units team. Free account doesn't have any units over 30 (none cc'ed yet). So the missions were challenging, was only able to 1 star last map on this account. My paid account which has much higher levels was very easy, but I'm also into my 120's level wise at start of event, most units are in their mid 40's after CC or higher. So I found the challenge to be fairly balanced. Good enough for low levels to get the unit, but not so easy to just put on farm and walk away, even my main account couldn't do this until several key high level units were placed. So overall challenge, I think it succeeded.

***Length: Pretty much spot on, those that wished to farm the maps were able to do so for long enough, even those with horrid luck did manage a few combines. Might be another thing entirely on success rates for those skill ups/CR though, but if they spent their resources and were willing to ignore dailies the odds were there to get the drops, even if more were needed in the end due to bad luck on combines. Overall I think length was good, people either quit farming early (or personal goals reached), or they played till the end. A good mixed achieved.

***Drop rate: Simply horrid. And that's not being overly rude or judgmental about the event. As others stated this event would have been much more well received if Stamina consumed was a bit (not astronomical) higher, but chance was much more improved for the event unit due to that higher stamina. An event where the primary event unit was so rare, does not make for a fun event. I might be able to understand that a little more work required to obtain the silvers (or other map units), but the event unit herself should never be this hard. Many players reported getting multiple silvers but didn't see the event unit after the one you couldn't miss. So is this a silver event or was it an event about a witch? The ratios really should match what people are getting. And finally, and I believe others will agree, my personal my BIGGEST gripe for the event, 0/0 drop rates and the amount of times this happens. If an event is going to use not one, but both CHA and STA, I damn well better see SOMETHING drop. I don't care what is dropped but seeing 0/0 repeatedly just somehow pisses me off. Give the player at least some incentive to keep trying to do the map even if its just a bronze/iron unit. Overall, drop rates, somebody needs an ass kicken. (*Hey that hurt! , *It's supposed to hurt, it's why its called an ass kicken)

Event overall: Was fun got some crystals, didn't see much of the event unit, but I did like the maps and the option to farm for other silver units even if they were almost as rare as the event unit herself.

tl:dr: Challenge = Good, Length of Event = Perfect IMO, Drop rate = Yall just trying to piss us off? Overall = Improve the drop rate of the primary event unit, and I wouldn't have a complaint, I'd have said the event went very well.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well the starting farming event is like this i did heard alot same thing on ppl who already experience it....
Belinda event nearly ended lets start praying the next 1 either collecting or star event...
If it another farming event please ppl go RAGE !!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd say at a minimum, 30cc'ed archer, same for at least 1 duelist and 1 healer.
Prince/player should be lvl 64 or higher. The princes' buff makes a big difference in that fight once you reach that level.
I'd have rage-quit if I'd waited for 64 to do retake. 25 cost was already becoming a chore when I finished retake. If a 1-2 star is all they're looking to do then I wouldn't wait that long for it.

I think I was in the 35-45 range when I did retake. Had 1 cc'd Katie--actually a bit unhelpful on retake--and 1 cc'd Alissa. Most of my units were level 20's with a couple 30-40. Surviving the initial rush is the biggest issue and having enough meat at the end to throw at the lich grinder for stalling. I used Cypria to assassinate the heavy armor for my clear. Luck reliant, but I had no other cheap way to deal with the ground and flying at the same time as the heavy.

Also, feel like mentioning I haven't seen an item from the event since the only extra Belinda I've gotten so far. This event hates me.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Altrius and in general:
I will add this, I think it's a good thing for people to post not only the negatives of the event but the positives too. People really need to say what was done right in their opinion as well as what was done wrong.
No ones opinion is better than anyone else, but they will get their consensus and possibly make changes depending on what the player base overall has to say.

As to JP had similar for their event? Just means they had more time to fix it based on JP players feedback. I'd question if what we got was changed based on what was expressed by JP at the end of the event.

@Bill13- Yea, I suppose I should of clarified, my recommendation is for what I feel is needed to 3 star. As stated it is a YMMV though, some will do it with less, some may need more.
Many people want the crystals from every map, so my recommendations do look to try to achieve that when possible.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

No crystals used for stamina in the event but wasted all my stamina so far in it.

Until yesterday i farmed last map for:
-3 bronze units
-3 black fairies
-4 or 5 Somas

Today changed to the previous one to try to get the male priest and got:
-2 Leeannes
-1 bronze unit.

So yeah the only witch i got was the guaranteed one...

Regarding premium roles with the crystals i had i got:
- Deine
- Victoria
- Gellius
- Harissa
- Bernard

Was interested in the treasure hunter (is it good?) but the HA girl is kinda useful for tanking those white bastards at lvl 30 with a CCed healer.

Regarding the maps with Allissa 50->18, Soma 50->24, Katie 50->20 and the rest in the 30s the maps are easy enough.
Between farming the event and the ruins map i got a good boost on level and units although missing monday daily is forcing me to sell like 50% of my unit drops...

Overall if the drop rates weren't so awful this could have been way better.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'd stop rolling after that Deine until the gatcha bonus chance goes away. Its going to feel awful paying 24 for that healer post CC.