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OOC thread


Nov 10, 2008
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All right Nunu was kind enough to get us a sub-forum for my Dark Ages: Vampire game, so we can get started on creating your characters. Sign-ups are still open to anyone who wishes to play.

Setting: London. 1110 (roughly around the end of the first Crusade). Characters don't have to be English just so long as they fit the time period. I should have no problem in getting the characters to London in their prologues. If you need help with names, countries, etc. just ask and I'll help to the best of my abilities.

Character creation: To create a character all you have to do is make a normal person as follows. Once the character is fully approved we can begin your prologue, which is basically a one on one game to introduce you to the world of the kindred.

Name: Self-explanatory.
Apparent age: Your age at the time of your embrace, over 18 as per forum rules.
Physical description: Self-explanatory
Backstory: Very important as I can't really work you into the story without it. The more information you put here the more I can work you into the story.
Aptitude: Indicate your character's general aptitudes. There are three categories: Physical, Mental, and Social. Place them 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, by how good your character is generally at them. This isn't the be-all end-all, you could have mental last and still be intelligent, it just might take you a bit longer to think through a problem.
Preferred clan: If you have a preference put it here. Though it's not necessary. Or if you don't care so long as you don't get a certain clan that's fine too. I'll try to get a quick clan synopsis up as soon as possible.

I may think up more after we start bandying ideas about but that's enough to get us started. As always any questions just ask.
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Re: OOC thread

Question...are we freshly minted or can we have been around for a while? Looking at the age category, it might be appropriate to have an "actual age" and "apparent age" unless we're new, then it would likely be one in the same.
Re: Clans and Disciplines

A description of disciplines would be nice. I can't tell what half of these are.
Re: Clans and Disciplines

For the time being, you can find a description of the disciplines in the laws of the night forum. though depending on the system (there are two for vtm games), you may just be able to use the fluff from there, not any mentioned mechanics. Should give you the just of it, though.
Re: Clans and Disciplines

That should be enough. Thanks, Shrike.
@Copper Good question. No you don't have to be freshly embraced though if you aren't freshly embraced you'll be at the point of just being released from your sire so you still won't be of too great an age. So I'll say roughly no more than 40 years as a vampire depending on the clan at least right now. We can work on that individually once people start putting ideas up since some of the clans don't really have a fledgling period so much. Basically you'll be a neonate some of you just might be older neonates.

EDIT: Actually scratch that. You'll be starting as fresh embraces for now at least for the prologue. Depending on your clan though you may actually be older when the coterie actually gets together.

@Cross Yeah sorry I was going to add a quick synopsis of them earlier today but I accidentally slept in. They should be up shortly however. The mechanics aren't really all that important right now for the players but I'll be adding them in soon when I get the chance.
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Re: OOC thread

Will come up with the final character later on, but currently thinking of playing a female Scot who pretended to be a man to fight in the Crusade, and is just returning and looking for a way to get home.
Re: OOC thread

Fair enough for a start, but I think I know you too well because I figured your character would be a Scot.

At the time the King of Scotland would have been Alexander I, though he most likely would have ascended after the death of Edgar will you were gone. Also may want to keep in mind that the far north of Scotland as well as the Isle of Man, Hebrides, and Orkneys would have still been under Norwegian rulers (vikings).
Re: OOC thread

Hmm. That'll require a little bit of tweaking on the character's part, maybe. I'll have to think even further back than when he was originally created, heheh. Actually, I might have his background written up somewhere, but I'll have to go digging through my notes. Right now, I'm looking at a Brujah with the slightly more scholarly bent to him. Might've even been looking at priesthood or leaning toward knighthood before something got in the way of that, like the fact that he can't go out in the sun any longer, heh.
Re: OOC thread

Well I'm not going to be too big a stickler on it so it may not need much tweaking. I just didn't want to confuse the ones who've never made a character too much. As long as he would still be considered a neonate I'll probably be okay with it.
Re: OOC thread

Fair enough for a start, but I think I know you too well because I figured your character would be a Scot.

At the time the King of Scotland would have been Alexander I, though he most likely would have ascended after the death of Edgar will you were gone. Also may want to keep in mind that the far north of Scotland as well as the Isle of Man, Hebrides, and Orkneys would have still been under Norwegian rulers (vikings).

Ha, yeah I can be rather predictable some days.

And okay. I forgot about the Norwegians, knew about them just forgot. Still, a common highlander would work, especially if little more than a peasant.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it would still work perfectly as there was still a Scotland, well actually it was called Alba at the time, it's still Scotland though. I was just pointing out the Norwegians as a heads up. Did you have a preferred clan in mind, though I probably don't have to ask?
Re: OOC thread

I do... and you probably don't.
Re: OOC thread

Check Ventrue it is...er wait that's not right, Nagaraja...no don't tell me I'lll get it eventually, Wu Zao.

Also just to make sure everyone's on the same page, you don't have to be freshly embraced. You just have to be a neonate, which means you could have been embraced anywhere from 1060 to 1110 (the start of the game), of course the older you are the longer the background you have to write so it's up to you.
Re: OOC thread

Noted. Still hunting down that old character sheet. That, and I'm still a little scatterbrained at the moment, so we'll see how well I manage here.
Re: OOC thread

So I take it most people just forgot about this or there wasn't as much interest as I thought. Oh well.
Re: OOC thread

I think it's more people are working on their character sheets.
Re: OOC thread

Oh, there's interest. I just A. Keep forgetting to dig up that vampire of mine and B. Real life has got me very busy right now (Mom's starting radiation treatment, so I'm a wee bit distracted.)
Re: OOC thread

Yeah I know I'm sorry, maybe it's just really poor timing to start a game up. A lot of people seem busy IRL right now. There was originally a lot more interest than just the three of you too.

Your sheet doesn't have to be perfect to put it up, it's pretty easy to change things if needed.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, been bloody busy for me as well. Apart from that Mechwarrior game i mentioned elsewhere, people started up a Star Wars game in about three hours one day, and we've played that twice in the last three days.

Thinking about a Malkavian, but my usual craziness only works in a modern setting, so I'm stuck there as well. So yeah, not much of a sheet to put down right now.