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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Oh, and this just happened for a particular nasty Pope, def a new event chain.

Re: OOC thread

Oooh, gib me my shiny poky hat I be da king.

So the new pope basically passed damnatio memoriae on the old pope after putting his corpse on trial. I wonder what the new pope would have done if the old one stood up and answered him during the trial.

I actually don't really mind the problems as much after I've played the game for a while. I think it was mostly because I hadn't quite figured out how to do so many things at the time, now they just sort of add another layer of interesting events to the game.

Meanwhile, my devil spawn was saved from damnation by a friendly exorcist. Meaning I'm now more of a bad ass stat-wise, as if I needed to be better. I rule most of Spain, all of Aquitaine, North Africa, Connacht, Ulster, and Scotland. I really wish you could make the Holy Roman Empire in places aside from where it existed in real life. I'm pretty sure the pope would have been willing to crown me as such if this had really happened.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, looks like I picked a good time to check ULMF once more before bed.

It should be noted, ITL people were so appalled that they formed a mob and captured the new pope, and then strangled him in prison. In my game however the new Pope quickly got up to 100% religious authority, compared to ~40 for the old pope. This was actually *bad* for me, as I quickly expanded to cover about 60% of Ireland by "liberating" my fellow Irish tribes from Cathar rebels. Not only did this put a stop to that, but because everyone hated the old Pope my Bishops were paying me taxes, but now they like the new Pope so they pay him the taxes, cutting my income in half.

In other news, my new heir was slowwitted as well, but actually had decent stats when he turned adult, but died at age 18 without children due to illness. I had a spare, thankfully, who is also decent. However, I picked a reaaaaaly bad time to go from tribal to feudal. Was left sitting with exactly 0 army right when a Viking Adventurer wanted to swipe one of my two Duchies. Even marriage alliance with France didn't help, though to be fair they were busy fending off uber-Saxony (has a bit of Poland and also all of Denmark).

As for Empires, you can found your own that's not the HRE. If you've formed a kingdom level title, click the "de jure" checkbox and on the bar near the top you should see the crest of the empire that kingdom de jure belongs to, and clicking on that will take you to a screen where you can possibly form it if you meet the conditions. Also, if you hold three Kingdoms, you can create a custom Empire (like how holding 3 duchies you can form a custom Kingdom).
Re: OOC thread

I don't think I've seen a pope hit that high authority in any of my games, I actually didn't think you could that high without controlling all the holy sites either. I guess you could have Jerusalem in your game though I've yet to see anything even resembling a coherent crusade in my games. Everyone just attacks the giant Muslim army piecemeal rather than joining together.

I might actually get a pope in this game, I have four bishops in the college of cardinals right now. Granted the current pope already loves me, since I just crushed Muslim Spain and Africa and the French antipope. Of course Burgundy just created another one so we all know who's getting corn-holed by armies next.

I know you can create dejure empires but I want to create a none de-jure Holy Roman Empire. I guess I'll just have to take another kingdom to create my own custom HRE, hmm even more reason to cornhole Burgundy. I'm also enjoying watching the massive war take place on the steppes of Russia and the Ukraine between Bulgaria and Bolgharia.
Re: OOC thread

Nah, he just had three. There's actually a lot of factors that influence it, though to be fair "back in the day" it was easier for them to get 100% before the religious wars system was fleshed out (before they took it earlier than 1066 and added pagans basically). The big ones are the piety of the Pope and some of his stats like learning and diplomacy. Winning and losing religious wars and converting leaders has an effect too. In the current state of the game you do need a truly exceptional religious leader to get 100 though, typically with three sites they'll be around 70-85. I will say though during his term a lot of Muslim advances were stunted. They're making big gains again now. Typically if a religion gets under 60 authority is when you really have to worry about heretics. Normally maybe 2-3 provinces in the whole religion will have one at any given time. When the wicked Pope died we were up to around 40 or so.

I suppose I can understand wanting a particular empire though, heh. When I was playing After the End I was very adamant about forming my own Kingdom of Illinois instead of making Chicagoland, heh. In the end it is kind of just a name though. Even more so if you have the DLC that lets you mess with graphics mid-game (I don't), because I guess you can get stuck using the shield of a lower title, though in my case I was fine with that. Do be warned though that forming a custom title removes that land from the de jure of other realms, which can make things a bit wonky. Duke Daley was easily able to form Chicagoland because the de jure area was suddenly reduced after I do my move, for instance. Playing the base game though there's probably a little less reason to be a stickler than in the fantasy mod. You probably have enough to make Hispania right now.
Re: OOC thread

I must have just had bad popes up until this point, because the current one in mine is the first I've seen reach the 70-80 plateau. I have had a ton of anti-popes popping up as well, which probably lowers authority quite a bit. I've also started at the earliest date every time so far, but I've also mostly played as pagan up till now.

I guess I don't really want to create the HRE so much as I actually just want to create my own version of a Roman Empire. I should be able to create Hispania since the only part I'm missing is my ally Asturias, up in the northwest corner. If I actually had to describe my lands, I would say it's basically the Visigothic, and Vandal Empire with some smaller counties, and duchies elsewhere.

Also, I really wish you could play a normal, non-maritime republic in the game. I really wanted to play as the Novgorod Republic but you can't because it's "inland", yes they apparently call that inland. I also wouldn't mind being able to play as a religious state either, such as the pope or a bishop.
Re: OOC thread

Press F12 and you can take a screenshot at any time btw, ease of sharing ;)

It's true that with only 3 sites it takes an exceptional Pope to get above 85 or so, I've only had 2 that good this current game, but if you're only now getting 70-80 it sounds like you've indeed gotten some really crappy ones. Probably not as bad as my guy though because it takes true dedication to drop as far as he did... While the later scenarios are interesting, I have an obsession with having the most play time as I can, so I always start earliest for a base line. That said, for around 10 years 1066 was the start point so I know a lot about it (and indeed, CK2 is my main source of knowledge for the period 1066-1120 or so), and 867 was the start point for while too so familiar with that, but most of metrics in this regard are based off 769

Interestingly enough the Norse almost got far enough to reform in my game, they've taken over the Netherlands, but their authority is stuck around 30 so they can't.

As for republics, the type your thinking of are more an EU4 thing, where Novgorod and whatnot are indeed in the system. That said if a merchant republic loses a sea connection it can become a pseudo normal republic kind of, I think. Regardless, merchant republics can, and indeed do, go on big expansion sprees inland sometimes.
Re: OOC thread

Firetruck, my 2 latest saves got corrupted or some such nonsense. I had another 2 but they set me back about 30 years, so I guess it could be worse. I should probably remember to take screenshots now that you mention it because some of the places just get crazy when you don't watch them constantly.

Yeah I do want to try some of the later dates eventually just for specific scenarios, for now though I've started in 769 every time. I also usually start at county level because I prefer to start small and work my way up.

I've seen the Slavic religion reform once but I've never seen the Norse get anywhere near it.

I realize most didn't exist until EU period but that doesn't mean I don't want to try and create a republic way before anyone else.

Also something cool I discovered today while reading about werewolves. Remember when I said I got that event that turned me into a werewolf, my dynasty name just so happens to be De Gevaudan.
Re: OOC thread

You can turn on autosaves, just in case, and set how often. The constraint is normally how fast the computer is. For me saving is a blink of an eye, so it autosaves every month, and it keeps the past 3. So say I crash on October 23, I'll have an Oct 1, Sept 1, and Aug 1 save ready to go.

I too prefer to start small. Hell, I like to self-insert using ruler designer and see how fast my offspring can unite a land, heh. Slavic do seem most likely to reform, but it's not unheard of for any to do it. Tengri used to do it like 50% of the time, back in the day, but not anymore since later patches. Also, some late game techs do open up new options under laws that can let you start heading towards more esoteric forms of government.
Re: OOC thread

I should probably turn that on then, since I'm very bad at remembering to save games on my own.

I realize why they did it but I find it incredibly odd that some of the pagan religions have holy sites. The Norse and Slavic make sense since they did have a few temples, but a Tengri holy site just sounds weird since they're nomadic and all. And why on earth do the Zunists have a holy site in Egypt, it was only ever worshipped in Afghanistan.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, that's the other thing about Paradox. They're not as bad about it as say Valve is, but a lot of the time a feature is introduced, developed a bit, then forgotten for years until they completely overwrite it later. Back in the day there really weren't too many Pagans to be concerned about, and religion wasn't fleshed out, so everybody just had 5 holy sites "in theory" to promote parity. Since then, there's been several big DLC that exclusively focus on religion... because they tend to only focus on one religion at a time. Base game everyone was a very watered down version of Catholic. Then right away Sword of Islam came along, making them pretty unique. Then Orthodox and Byzantine got fleshed out. Then Pagans got added in earnest. Then they added India, because why not. Then they redid Catholics because the base religion was now very bland compared to the things they added. Each of these were a full DLC in their own right, heh.

That said, it's not *hard coded* that they have to work this way. I'm sure there are mods out there that make Pagans more realistic. In the last few DLC Paradox has started making things more open ended with the express purpose of helping modders, though the mod they cater to is the Game of Thrones mod, because that apparently sells games almost as much as original purchases. The Elder Scrolls mod does well too with it though.
Re: OOC thread

Also for anyone else wanting to join in, GMG has a sale right now 75% off CK2 things.
Re: OOC thread

Blegh, I am so over being sick it isn't funny. Basically I just spent the last week fighting off the worst flu bug I think I've ever had. The best part being that I've caught either a mild case of pneumonia or a cold while my immune system was dead. The fever did at least manage to keep me entertained since I apparently started hallucinating a game of CK2 in my head. One of these days I'm going to have to try and create the joint kingdom of Chrobatia-Alania since it looked pretty entertaining in my mind.

I now leave to take a nap with this parting thought, why is it called Normandy at the earliest start date? What did they call it before it was Normandy? Why does this bother me so much?
Re: OOC thread

Heh, the Tetris Effect ;)

That said, with the latest updates and such, title names actually do change. They used to be pretty static. It depends on the culture of the ruler though. Every single update brings a load more changes with that, but Paradox can only work so fast. Also, IIRC, the term for Normandy before 911 was "Neustria", but it wasn't ever really an official division of anything because it tended to be directly controlled by the ruling Dynasty of Francia, so in terms of organization the region probably wasn't really considered at the Duchy level until that time. Furthermore "Neustria" covered a great deal more than Normandy. Normandy was probably only about 1/3 of it's territory. As you can see, it's not the best fit, but the problem is that's the best alternative name there is. "Normandy" might not be correct, but it's the least incorrect, sort of.
Re: OOC thread

For me, it was DDR arrows, back when I played that for an hour or two three days a week.

In other news, I will be joining a dark ages game as basically Huldah, if she was a gargoyle. Just wanted to share that. \o/
Re: OOC thread

That has me pretty bloody curious.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah, I think the technical term is something like hypnogogia or something along those lines. It was kind of cool until my body would suddenly try to wake up and I wouldn't be able to move. Sleep paralysis is both a funky and incredibly frightening feeling, I can't say I suggest it.

Yeah, when I think of Neustria I picture all of northwestern France so I guess Normandy is a better choice. At least for the game it is since they have to call it something. Today I discovered the interesting fact that you can actually play a game where Normans will never exist. I also love the random Kharijite republic that briefly formed in Morocco.

I can't really picture Huldah as a gargoyle, but I guess it is different. I'm also not sure I would want to play a gargoyle in the dark ages, since they would still be enslaved by the Tremere. You should totally start a gargoyle revolt and eat all of the warlocks.
Re: OOC thread

Eh, pretty similar really. Stand there, look foreboding, be generally uninteresting. I agree on the gargoyle/tremere thing. I wrote out the application that she was an experiment on a more free-willed servant, so I have some leeway. There's also just the one tremere in the game right now.
Re: OOC thread

I don't know if I would call her uninteresting so much as I would call her slow to react to anything. I imagine Huldah as a Gangrel-Tzimisce type gargoyle if I had to pick one and you should still lead a rebellion even if there is only one Tremere.
Re: OOC thread

gangrel-tzimisce sounds like the right type, yup. and as for rebellion, id certainly have fun trying, we'll have to see. XD