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OOC Thread

Re: OOC Thread

Not to ask a dumb question: but why is the matriarchal leadership calling themselves a men's club? Also, are we already in a guild or do we need to form one? (And have we even met yet?)

Because it's a place for men to come to be entertained by women.

All player characters have obtained their license to work as a mercenary, however no one is part of any guild.
Re: OOC Thread

So we have our licenses, but just haven't met yet?
Re: OOC Thread

So we have our licenses, but just haven't met yet?

This is correct. You don't have to function as a party, just do whatever comes naturally to your character. I don't have an upper limit on players allowed specifically because of this; all jobs will have a minimum and maximum number of participants and this number will vary greatly. There will be solo jobs as well as ones requiring 6-8 PCs
Re: OOC Thread

A note from the GM:

If you'd like permission to cast any spells within the building, please PM me the name of the spells or magical effects. I will tell you if the staff will approve your request. Do not auto your approval.
Re: OOC Thread

That actually brings up a very important question. Are spells cast outside still in effect inside? I assume so, but I might as well ask :)
Re: OOC Thread

That actually brings up a very important question. Are spells cast outside still in effect inside? I assume so, but I might as well ask :)

Yep. The area isn't protected by anti-magic wardings, so any magical affect cast outside will still be in effect, and not violate the geas.
Re: OOC Thread

Does each individual need to pay the fee or just the whole group as one?
Re: OOC Thread

Apologies on the delays, they will continue.

Been both sick and busy; I'll get things up asap.
Re: OOC Thread

It's finals week, I may be a bit scarce.

Also, double post:D
Re: OOC Thread

Okay, so I've tried almost everything I can think of, and the only solution is carrying a set of dice around in my pocket. My cell refuses to go to half the sites I try dicerolling on, and the ones that do work won't let me grab the links to put here. I'm perfectly willing to allow you to do all the rolling, if you don't trust me, but if I don't hear back in a day or two I'm going to edit in my by-hand rolls for lsiten and spot. Sound fair?
Re: OOC Thread

Hey, yeah, it's me. In case it wasn't obvious, I'm calling this. Between my health, being busy with coursework, and just generally apathy towards the world, I just can't see this continuing. Sorry. :/