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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Hello all :) I can't wait to jump in with everyone.
(If that's still good with Pervy)

Actually jumping you in is a bit tricky if you wanna be an OG adventurer, though you could totally be a rebel npc in the world. Campaign can definitly use another player, so go ahead, hammer out a character backround to your liking.

*peeks* oh you did. Ok, so what we gotta figure out is how to get you jumbled in time, or how you survived/became a rebel, check out a bit of the campaign going ons if you want, but nutshell, heroes lost in time arrive at a point where evil has already won and are confronted with a friendly but dangerous world around them.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Actually jumping you in is a bit tricky if you wanna be an OG adventurer, though you could totally be a rebel npc in the world. Campaign can definitly use another player, so go ahead, hammer out a character backround to your liking.

*peeks* oh you did. Ok, so what we gotta figure out is how to get you jumbled in time, or how you survived/became a rebel, check out a bit of the campaign going ons if you want, but nutshell, heroes lost in time arrive at a point where evil has already won and are confronted with a friendly but dangerous world around them.

*Snip snip, frantically scratches out a new background* Nah :) I was going to ask if there was something I should keep in mind when doing my background, but my character took longer than i expected to make and I was tired. (Monks have so much stuff to consider when planning out and I've never done tetori before) So I can be flexible. I wrote up a new one, I might expand on it as I brainstorm, but what I have is a good enough base, I think.

I tried not to look at TOO much of the campaign so far, its hard to find a balance of picking up the lore and not picking up so much that i start metagaming ;D I'll look back a little bit more so I can integrate myself better ^^

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sounds lovely.

With your backstory it would make most sense to set you up with the rebel scouts, that said, just randomly waking up from brainwashing is a bit Deus ex machinaish. Why would the world seem dystopian to someone living in and growing up in it, is basically the question. I guess I'll keep the encounter for the other players brief, or let you pop in on it. *tips chin*

Your equippment overuses the bag of holding, no.1 in the sheer volume it can hold. I mean geez what are you setting out with and why? :p

You also spent more gold than you have including the 140 gold on the top, you start with 6000.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'll clean up the backstory once i get some inspiration :) I could use the excuse that Sylphs live longer than humans but.. Lena is a young 'un. Just getting lore blocked by the fact that monks are locked into lawful xp i thought going LN might make it easier. I promise I'm still thinking!

And ya. Lena miscounted her lovely Gs. 100 of them ended up being chocolate coins in disguise. Totally wasn't mental math gone wrong..

And i can see nothing wrong with her equipment. I mean, maybe the travel rations are a little extreme, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing rope on an adventure!

The BoH says it can hold 30 cubic feet.. Would my lovely GM allow me to bring one barrel along? I mean, it's mostly empty space, right? Lena can lose the cot, too. She can sleep in the barrel.

She's read the Hobbit, and knows how useful a barrel of awesome can be. Barrel of awesome.. Perhaps, if you let me keep the barrel, it can be an enchanted barrel? Instantly makes anything inside of it twice as awesome?

I'll clean things up tonight :) Thanks for pointing out my goofs.. Totally serious about my barrel though ^^
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Lena can lose the cot, too. She can sleep in the barrel.

And tell people to go out of her sun? If you go full on barrel better go all the way.

You can have the barrel. You can even make it a top quality masterwork barrel but unless you spent gold on it it wont be enchanted.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Do you have a barrel so the villains can bend you over it?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Finished up, fixed, double checked, and kind of polished up. Now I just have to wait for my Que.


Do you have a barrel so the villains can bend you over it?

There's much kinkier things to be bent over than a barrel, though i do like the sound of it. Just another thing to add to a barrels infinite list of amazing uses.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Anyway, yus, our Barrel-enthusiast looking good.

Either way, Zilrax and Blue's up with 'dem rollz and responses, I'll ponder out the best way to.. insert you.

Perhaps I'll just have a barrel dramatically roll down a slope or something. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Why do I suddenly hear Peppy's voice in my head?


I can make this work.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Decided to just say screw it and barrel Lena in. Depending on how you play this fight it may prove dangerous as you didn't have enough recovery time yet, then again, another player to aid you, just a little tied up atm!
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yep.. Lena's kind of in a *dramatic pause* tight spot.

Really though, it's almost cruel. One more level and she would have the break free ability. As it is, she's kind of helpless you cruel cruel GM. Also worth noting that she isn't just helpless, she's also "helpless" and losses her wisdom bonus to her AC.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yep.. Lena's kind of in a *dramatic pause* tight spot.

Really though, it's almost cruel. One more level and she would have the break free ability. As it is, she's kind of helpless you cruel cruel GM. Also worth noting that she isn't just helpless, she's also "helpless" and losses her wisdom bonus to her AC.

Yo dawg
Yo character sheet says you like being helpless
So I made you helpless whilest you are helpless
So you can sub while you sub.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

To be clear, Yan Yenna will be invoking the power of rock and roll constantly. Consider it a touch of the madness that is growing up in Pandemonium that she is so in tune with classic awesome.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

To be clear, Yan Yenna will be invoking the power of rock and roll constantly. Consider it a touch of the madness that is growing up in Pandemonium that she is so in tune with classic awesome.

Without looking IC, if she you're moar awesome in my book than you already are for vampire-booty. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

ok, double post to poke both of you for an initative roll before I can do the responsez.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


That's 12+3 = 15 I think.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


nat 20 so 23.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Gonna switch to Inspire Courage next round, so +2 to attack and damage rolls for all who can hear and aren't 8 legged freaks.

Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

There can only be one cute spider girl! And... It's not her. Not sure who it is, but... Not her. She's going in the barrel. Sekla's not sure how she'll get the drider in the barrel. But it will happen.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

There can only be one cute spider girl! And... It's not her. Not sure who it is, but... Not her. She's going in the barrel. Sekla's not sure how she'll get the drider in the barrel. But it will happen.

hmn. Players bonding over a barrel.

Second time I've seen this one, both times involved rope.