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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sooo whats fluffing Breckole?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sooo whats fluffing Breckole?

Hmm.. I was going to ask today about that ;D I thought I was supposed to wait for you before i responded due to the turn order. But then I waited and waited... and realized I might of goofed there. I'll pound it out real quick :)
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Ah, gotcha, misunderstanding. If at all possible I'd like you to post ahead of time, I'll try to be generous in your combat actions, if all fails, can always change 'em.

p.s. getting the subtle impression from pc dialogue you wouldn't mind losing to the drider temporarily all that much. :p
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sekla would on some level like to conquer the drider instead :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sekla would on some level like to conquer the drider instead :p

What level?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Second basement, where she stores her cock.

That or level 8 where she stores charm monster.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

And typical switch, Yenna is up for either type of fun.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Switches 'r best, first you fuck 'em, then they fuck you. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well thats my 1st levels. Just have 2nd levels left now. And scrolls and alchemical stuff. Still, Sekla seems to be making use of the punishing flames of bad spider, bad.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Anyway, bad blue, spelljammer is not canon in this campaign, or any of my campaigns, unless you pay me money or drugs to do that shite. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Pew pew, look out for the Scro!
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Whelp. Lena already done goofed. I was just going along with it ;D No worries I can fix this. I think.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Whelp. Lena already done goofed. I was just going along with it ;D No worries I can fix this. I think.

No sweat on forehead. Just rpying characters.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

So anyway... if everyone is good with it, I suggest we let Sekla play along with the DICK plan.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Feel free to have Sekla go ahead if ready.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sekla does not think thats a good plan given how little we know about how anything in the world works. Pretending to be an enemy agent with very little understanding of their inner workings is not generally a good idea if it's prolonged. And this strikes me as a prolonged thing. Plus Sekla's CG and is not going to be able to pretend to be LE for too long before she does something risky in the name of good.

Plus any plan that relies on fooling multiple rebel hunters in close quarters seems like it'd be better handled by someone with more than one rank in Bluff.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Being CG doesn't preclude the ability to act like another alignment. Apples and oranges.

Yenna isn't *equipped* like Sekla. I don't think Corgana or Lena are either.

So if we're gonna go all character sheet meta reasons, I'd say that the DC for convincing the guards that we're dickless DICKS would be higher by far than the DC for Sekla doing it.

And that's assuming it'll even come down to a roll. My guess is that it'd be an autofail if anyone other than Sekla did it.

With great cock comes great responsibility. You didn't choose the Futa life. The Futa life chose you.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Plus Sekla's CG and is not going to be able to pretend to be LE for too long before she does something risky in the name of good.

Being CG doesn't preclude the ability to act like another alignment. Apples and oranges.

You're both right.

With great cock comes great responsibility. You didn't choose the Futa life. The Futa life chose you

But hard to counter that quote.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I'm sure Sekla can find another way to cock for freedom.

But yeah, not saying one can't act against alignment. But you do that too much you stop being that alignment. Sekla is CG for a reason. While she can accept a certain amount of authority, tyranny rubs her wrong rapidly, and she respects life and freedom too much to be able to be a tyrant for too long, even for pretend. She's domineering in bed and she does have an easy time snapping to certain mindsets but as things stand personality wise she just doesn't have it in her to mistreat others too much or to go full authoritarian for long.

So any pretending to be a DICK will have to be used sparingly and with short time frames involved cus Sekla's not going to be able to resist doing something well meaning but foolish like steal some magic doodad to try and free everyone or something.

And probably after someone get's her a circlet of persuasion or something cus bluff is not a class skill for her so she's not that great at it, especially with just one rank.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Frankly, it depends on the mental scores of the character for me. An experienced CG character could pose as and endure evil, imagine serving under an evil warlord to have a chance to destroy an artifact of evil. As long as they don't lose sight for that goal and are morally conflicted when doing evil.. they are not paladins bound by a code.

CG is a very utilitarian kind of alignment, screw morals, lets make people happy. If you got to make your three companions suffer a bit to prevent their capture which would make them suffer a lot, thats A-ok.

gets trickier when suffering itself is moar lewdities galore. :p