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Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
((This thread serves mostly as an intro, but the Brilliance may be important later on.))

The Space Station Brilliance in the orbit of Parin IV is one of the best guarded in the entire Sector. It's one of the most important outposts of the Directorate, and base of operations for many missions of the Juris Alliance. No less than ten Paladin Battleships of the Directorate float in the space around it, as well as numerous Warhammer Heavy Carriers just waiting to unleash a flurry of fighters and gunships onto any attacker.
As you close in you see a wave-like motion running over the disc-formed Brilliance - the turrets on it's surface have been pointed at you. One wrong move and your ship would be turned to dust. Your ship is guided into the hangar by simple unarmed drones, and once you have landed a group of heavily armed soldiers awaits you, a flickering around them is giving away their Personal Shields. Yes, security is tight on the Brilliance. For a good reason. It's war out there... again.

The soldiers quickly usher you down several corridors, deeper into the bowels of the station. The brightly lit hangar disappears behind a long curve, and your ship along with it. The windows on the corridor show the all-encompassing darkness of space, both promising and frightening. The soldiers come to a halt before a heavy door. One of them raises his hand and enters a lengthy combination to open it up before not really shoving you inside, but looking like he would do if it you don't move on your own.

The ongoing discussion quickly dies down as you enter a round office. A few chairs stand before a big desk which is apparently made out of wood - strange enough. Behind it sits a man whose looks scream "Directorate General." His gestures, his predicting eyes and trimmed physique all demand respect. To his right stands what you quickly identify as a female Garik, clad in a blue hooded robe, her ocular modules glowing green in the hood's shadow. She seems rather interested in a painting on the wall depicting a sun-filled forest. On the other side stand two Telarin, easily recognized by their tall stature and the silvery Grav Suit. One of them turns his (?) head towards you, but the helmet has no visor that would give away the Telarin's face.

After a moment the General stands up and puts on a fake smile. "Aah! Another crusader for the safety of the Sector!"
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Crusader isn't the word I'd use."

Cyrus enters the office, his laser flickering around for a second, looking for any surprises hidden in the room.

"But so long as you can pay, the safety of the sector part was right."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General continues his fake smile. "Oh, not to worry. The Allied Government itself is funding this project. There will be no shortage of money. Please take a seat, we are expecting five more independent contractors."

Meanwhile the Telarin turns to his partner and speaks a few words in their own language, which reminds you of the gargle of water around a stone - one long sound with a wave pattern to it. The second Telarin responds in kind.
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Shortly after, another human is guided into the room. Taking a quick glance around, he yawns, blinks his eyes and then says, Morning, I presume you are the general? Of course morning could be just about any time for this man as he is a spacer and thus almost never deals with day-night cycles. Oh, and your men could use some manners: they keep calling my ship a junk heap. He says bluntly, judging by his own mannerisms he probably hasn't dealt with another person for a couple weeks.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General nods politely. "Indeed I am. General Gregorius Finster, at your service." Judging from the name the man has been born on Terra Prime or a colony near it. As he mentions the ship Finster's fake smile returns. "So you must be Mr. Malgoden then. My men have informed me about your... unique ship. Please, take a seat. I trust the other contractors will arrive soon."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Umbral enters the room next, wearing a technician's coveralls, making more than a few muttered comments about the ancestry of some group of space pirates or another. A quick glance around the room, then he moves over to one side to wait and see what all is going to happen.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Very good, very good. I see that all of you are on time. As soon as the others arrive we can start the briefing." General Finster seems genuinely pleased.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Sanya wandered into the room, grudingly leaving behind her usual weapons that she carried out of habit. She curtsied, before moving to the side. The 'scientist' was adorned in a fairly tight jumpsuit. She stayed silent as she waited for the briefing to start.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Finally, Kars emerged into the room, though at 3' tall not exactly with great presence. He strode over to the large desk and vaulted onto the seat, standing on it and leaning against the rest rather than sitting.

He had even cleaned his suit for the special occasion. Nice and white for once. It wasn't everyday a two timing Kopak drifter managed to land a gig with the Terran military and meet the Directorate General. If he could pull this off he'd be sorted. Might be fun to play hero for once.

"Kars here."

He had a quick look around the room, scanning things with his helmet. 'Nifty, an electric eye. And are those guns in the walls or something else...'
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"Very well, I think that should be all. Welcome, everybody-" "Excuse me." A metallic voice interrupts the General. The Telarin with the visorless helmet has taken a step forward. As it turns out it's his translator unit that speaks. "But I do believe we are missing one more person." The General, initially upset, quickly flashes his fake smile again. "Ah yes, of course. Thank you, Thall." The Telarin nods briefly and steps back next to his kin.
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Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven had silently followed the guards through the station, his unique form seeming to unnerve them just a little bit. And why shouldn't it? He was after all seemingly made up of nothing but mist.

Standing at just under seven feet tall in his natural form, Draven might not seem intimidating physically until you realized that being's what he was seemingly made of, weapons might only just piss him off even more than he already seemed to be. In actuality, he was amused right now, though he was concerned about the rumors he had heard.

Stepping into the General's office, he looked around briefly, gauging everyone in the room. His eyes came to a stop briefly on the Telarin in the room, and he had to control the urge to sigh. It would figure a Telarin would be here, so much for surprises then. He knew the Telarin had heard rumors of his people, so once he identified himself there would surely be some sort of surprise. A smile reached his face, and he finally spoke.

"Draven Naros, of the Ingrali at your service General."

He would say no more just yet, waiting for the others to speak.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The reaction that Draven causes is... profound.

The two Telarin turn towards each other and start to talk in their strange language as the seven feet tall mist enters the room. The General, who has stood up to greet the last contractor, can feel his fake smile dropping off his face like hot wax. "Uuuhh, ahh, hmmm... Welcome", he manages to say after a moment. "Welcome everybody to our meeting. I want to greet you on behalf of the Terra Prime Directorate and the Juris Alliance." His eyes dart over to the two Telarin that still chatter, completely unconcerned by General Finster's words. "Excuse me, If you'd let me-"
The visorless Telarin's head whips around and he starts an unusually sharp retort when the second stops him with a few words. The one that the General addressed as Thall straightens to his own impressive height, but remains quiet.
"As I said, welcome to our meeting. My name is Gregorius Finster, Lieutenant General of the Terra Prime Directorate. My companions are Thall and Mara of the Telarin and Nadia Hrrrthu of the Garikian Imperium." "Just call me Nadia." The female has turned around, revealing that her face is hidden behind a cloth that reaches up to her eyes. The ocular modules, a mixture between glasses and night-vision goggles, glow green in the shadow of her hood.
The slight pause indicates that the four of them are expecting you to introduce yourselves.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

If the walking mist cloud's entrance had any effect on Umbral, he's managed to hide it well. A quick, almost imperceptible glance around the room, then he speaks a single word. "Viper."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Cyrus stands up and glances around, before introducing himself.

"Cyrus Plutarch, Freelance Mercenary and the last survivor of an extinct race."

Not wishing to say any more than necessary, he returns to his seat.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

With each introduction Draven nods his head slightly, though his reaction is more prominent towards Nadia and the two Telarin. When they are introduced, he more bows slightly as a courtesy towards them, although to some the motion might be sickening as it would almost seem the top half of his body was sliding off of him.

"Draven Naros of the Ingrali, as I said before. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. I will guess this is the mercenary crew I heard about?"

Now he does turn to the General and addresses him directly. "I want it to be clear on something. I intercepted your message, it was not delivered out to me as it may have been to the others, and there is a bit of a.... personal reason I have answered myself, and not sent another of my species. Reasons I am not inclined at this time to reveal, but I may do so later."
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

The General blinks. "Well, I respect that." "Not that your reasons would matter to him." "You're being rude. What if he speaks our language?" "I find that many people value the truth." The entire exchange happens in Telarin and takes only a few seconds.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Draven nods, then with a gleeful grin turns to the two Telarans and speaks back in their language, "you should listen to her, some of us know many languages. But I do appreciate your bluntness being in the position I am."

He turns back to the rest of the group, a grin on his misty features.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

"See?", the two Telarin said at the same time. The General looks on curiously, but quite obviously doesn't understand a bit of what they are saying. Instead he turns towards the others in the room, raising his eyebrows and waiting for their introduction.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

A brief flicker of boredom passes over Umbral's face, and he pulls out a small display pad, which he begins studying images on. Anyone close enough to see it would notice that it was displaying oddly listed systems information and badly labeled schematics for a ship, specifically the Dragon's Fang.
Re: Parin IV - Space Station Brilliance

Kars casually looks from person to person arms crossed. Visor hiding whatever expression he might have right now. He wondered if he started speaking in Kopak whether the mist alien would get that one. Compared to Telarin it was easy, but the thing was it was so obscure that no one had any reason to know it. There were Kopak that couldn't speak it, let alone other races.

He noticed Umbral's data pad too, and for a moment watched from the corner of his eye behind his helmet.

"Kars. Of the Kopak."
'I guess...',
"Ready for anything this sector or the next can throw at me."
He didn't feel like giving out his full name. Always the rare chance someone might just know how he got it.
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